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Law No.

(7) of 2013
on approving the State's general budget for 2013

The General National Congress,

Upon review of:

• The interim Constitutional Declaration issued on 03 August 2011 AD and amendments

• The Law of the Financial System of the State and amendments thereto;
• Law No. (127) of 1970 AD allocating certain resources to the public reserves;
• Law No. (15) of 1986 AD on the public debt to the public treasury;
• Law No. (13) of 2000 AD on planning;
• Law No. (20) of 2012 AD approving the State's general budget for 2012 AD;
• The conclusions of the General National Congress in its meeting held on 19/02/2013 AD;

has issued the following Law:

Article (1)
The amount of sixty-six billion, eight hundred sixty-one million, five hundred fourteen
thousand Libyan LYD (66,861,514,000 LYD) may be spent in accordance with the schedule
below for the purposes contained therein in accordance with the detailed schedules attached to
this Law and approved by the General National Congress for all public ministries, authorities,
bodies and institutions during the 2013 fiscal year.

Part Description Allocated amount (in LYD)

(1) Salaries and equivalents 20,791,302,000

(2) Operating expenses 10,762,362,000

(3) Development and reconstruction projects 19,300,000,000

and programs
(4) Subsidisation and price stabilisation 10,607,850,000
General budget reserve 5,400,000,000
Total 66,681,514,000

Part (3) amounts not spent for which financial authorisations (liquidated and unliquidated)
were issued for fiscal year 2012 AD may also be spent, with the exception of Article (13) of
Law No. (13) of 2000 AD on planning, and shall be deemed part of the Part (3) allocations,
provided the public departments and bodies submit their book and bank balances as at
31/12/2012 AD to the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance supported by a bank
account statement and reconciliation report, in accordance with the forms approved for this
purpose. The Minister of Planning, in coordination with the concerned departments, may

This document constitutes an un-official transcription/translation. DCAF cannot be held responsible for damages that may
arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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carry over the amounts carried over from said year to support allocations for important
projects that meet the basic needs of citizens. In all cases, disbursals shall not be made from
the amounts carried forward from the 2012 financial general budget without issuance of the
necessary financial authorisation.

Article (2)
The expenditures set out in Article (1) of this Law shall be covered from the projected
revenues of the 2013 fiscal year and from a portion of the amounts authorised from Part (3)
allocations for the 2012 fiscal year, as set out in the following schedule:

Budget Funding Sources

No. Description Amount

(in LYD)
1 Net oil resources after general deduction 58,397,355,000

2 Remaining balance of the 2012 general budget 4,363,000,000

3 Sovereign and local revenue 4,101,159,000

a. Taxes on income from economic activities and 900,000,000

stamp tax
b. Customs duties 750,000,000
c. Public service fees 318,565,000
d. Communications 400,000,000

e. Central Bank of Libya dividends 500,000,000

f. Price Stabilisation Fund revenue 259,000,000

g. Domestic market revenue from oil sales 973,594,000

Total 66,861,514,000

Article (3)
Public debt instalments in the amount of 3,073,545,000 LYD shall be covered from oil
revenue, with the exception of Law No. (15) of 1986 AD, in accordance with the following

Description Allocated amount (in LYD)

Total oil resources 61,470,900,000

Deduction of 5% for the public debt 3,073,545,000

Net oil resources 58,397,355,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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The amount allocated to the public debt shall be used to pay existing public treasury liabilities
in accordance with the distribution set out in the schedule below:

No. Description Amount (in LYD)

1 Retirement Fund 627,000,000

2 Loan Guarantee Fund 100,000,000

3 Payment of National Oil Corporation loan 1,000,000,000

4 Man-Made River loan 143,350,000

5 Economic and Social Development Fund 213,470,314

6 Liquidation of dissolved agencies and public companies 150,000,000

7 Compensation for nationalised property, production units and 588,176,914

real estate (Law No. (4))

8 Other liabilities 251,547,772

Total 3,073,545,00[0]

The amount shall be distributed in accordance with the legislation in force pursuant to decrees
issued by the Minister of Finance.

Article (4)
With the exception of Law No. (27) of 1970 AD allocating certain resources to the public
reserve, the Central Bank of Libya shall deposit the amounts collected from the revenues set
out in Article (2) of this Law in the accounts for the expenditures allocated under the
provisions thereof. At the end of every month, the Bank shall also provide the Ministry of
Planning, the Ministry of Finance, the Audit Bureau and the General National Congress with
an account statement showing the general budget’s movement and balance

Article (5)
Any increase in oil and non-oil revenue over the estimated amount shall not be disposed of
until a proposal is submitted by the Cabinet and approved by the General National Congress.

Article (6)
The Ministry of Finance shall account for all book balances of the parts of the general budget
as on 31/12/2012 AD in the general treasury accounts and the accounts of public bodies
funded by the public treasury, including Part (3) balances, and deposit such in the general
reserve account. Such funds may only be disposed of with the approval of the General
National Congress based on a Cabinet submission.

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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Article (7)
The ministries, ministry-affilated bodies and the institutions and bodies implementing the
development budget (Part (3)) shall distribute the allocations approved in this Law to projects
and programs with set (quantative and qualitative) targets, in accordance with the
implementation status of each project and taking into consideration geographical distribution
as well as projects meeting citizens’ urgent needs. This shall take place in coordination with
the Ministry of Planning, provided that the detailed budget of the projects and programs in the
sectors is approved by the Cabinet based on a proposal from the Minister of Planning within a
maximum period of one month from the issuance of the Budget Law.

Article (8)
No measures that would have a negative impact on the amount of revenue or the timing of its
collection may be adopted and no body entrusted with collecting or holding public revenue
may perform any deductions or set-offs or cover the expenditures of any body, including the
bodies funded in full or in part from the public budget, without prejudice to Article (5) of this

Article (9)
The Central Bank of Libya and commercial banks shall open internal and external
documentary credits for the liabilities determined by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry
of Planning respectively, in coordination with the related bodies, to be funded directly from
the general treasury accounts, maintaining consistency between the required cash flows and
the allocations approved in the general budget. The Central Bank of Libya, in coordination
with the competent bank and the beneficiary body, shall prepare monthly reconciliations of
allocation activity. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning shall issue financial
authorisations on monthly reconciliations based on such.

Article (10)
All public bodies shall collect their estimated revenue, and shall adhere to the financial forms
approved by the Law of the Financial System of the State and the regulations issued pursuant

Article (11)
Bodies that collect revenue and fees inside the regions shall provide such to the treasuries,
offices and financial service controls in the regions or the public treasury within ten days from
the end of the month. All bodies funded by the public treasury shall notify the Ministry of
Finance of its accounts opened with banks within a month from the issuance of the Budget
Law. The opening of any bank accounts for public entities without authorisation from the
Ministry of Finance is prohibited.

This document constitutes an un-official transcription/translation. DCAF cannot be held responsible for damages that may
arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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Article (12)
Bodies funded under Article (1) of this Law shall provide the Ministry of Finance with
periodic reports on its expenses and revenue collected as well as a monthly account summary
prior to the end of the second week of the following month. The concerned sectors and bodies
shall implement Part (3) "Development Expenditures" by providing the Ministry of Planning
with (semi-annual and annual) financial and technical follow-up reports as set out in Article
(11) of the implementing regulations of Law No. (13) of 2000 AD on planning. Financial
authorisations shall be issued within the subsequent period for limited periods on condition
that the required reports are submitted. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning
respectively may adopt the appropriate measures to ensure that the aforementioned reports are
submitted by the set deadlines.

Article (13)
The Minister of Finance or person authorised thereby shall issue financial authorisations to
implement Part (1), (2) and (4) allocations of this Law. The Minister of Planning shall issue
the financial authorisations for Part (3) at the request of the concerned body, in accordance
with the forms prepared for such purpose.

Article (14)
All bodies funded by the general budget shall pay for their consumption of public services,
including electricity, water, communications and fuel, from the allocations entered for such
purposes in the budget.

Article (15)
The Central Bank of Libya and the Ministry of Finance shall establish the arrangements to
ensure availability of the necessary financial liquidity within the limits of the allocations
entered in the general budget by the deadlines for such without any delay, provided that the
first stage is reconciled at the end of the third quarter and the second stage is reconciled at the
end of the fiscal year, without prejudice to Article (9) of this Law.

Article (16)
General budget revenue shall be spent within the limits of the allocations approved under the
financial legislation in force. In implementing the budget, priority must be given to providing
security, disbursing salaries, price stabilisation, treatment expenditures, human resources
development and infrastructure projects.
In all cases, the public treasury shall not bear any financial liabilities arising from the
violation of the provisions of this Law by the bodies subject thereto. Full responsibility for
any violation of these provisions shall be born by the party causing the violation.

Article (17)
Transfers from program and project allocations in the sectors shall be made within the limits
approved in the implementing regulations of Law No. (13) of 2000 AD on planning, pursuant
to a decree from the competent minister or chairman of the unit, body or the like. If the
transfer amount is over the approved rate, the transfer shall be made pursuant to a decree from
the Cabinet, based on a submission from the Minister of Planning.

This document constitutes an un-official transcription/translation. DCAF cannot be held responsible for damages that may
arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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When necessary and within the limits of Part (1), the Minister of Finance may authorise any
overage in an allocation for an item against an equivalent surplus in one or more items within
the allocations of the same Part.
The Minister shall also issue decrees to transfer sector allocations to another sector in the
budget, after obtaining the approval of the General National Congress. In all cases, the
legislation in force on transfers must be observed.

Article (18)
Based on a request from the Minister of Finance, the Cabinet may suspend or limit certain
expenses, as the case may be, if it finds that the public interest or the State's financial situation
requires such measure.

Article (19)
The amounts entered into the budget reserve item shall be used to cover any deficit occurring
in the general budget, in accordance with the rules and controls proposed by the Cabinet after
approved by the General National Congress. This shall be distributed as follows:
1. 3 billion LYD to cover any deficit in the general budget.
2. 2.4 billion LYD to pay the child allowance.

Article (20)
The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Local Governance, in
coordination with all ministries and bodies that have allocations in the general budget, shall
redistribute their allocations set out under this Law if executive procedures are adopted on
legislative activities governing local administration, so as to allocate the amounts that the
local administrative units are to implement under the parts of the budget and submit the same
to the Cabinet for approval, in conformity with the legislation in force.

Article (21)
The government shall adopt urgent and rapid measures to activate the national ID system for
all workers at all public sectors affiliated with the State.
As of the end of the month of August, it may not make disbursals from items listed in Part (1)
of the general budget unless based on the national ID system.

Article (22)
The government shall close the previous budgets and submit the final accounts therefor before
31/12/2013 AD.

Article (23)
The government shall submit a comprehensive draft to convert commodity subsidies into
monetary subsidies for all Libyans and a salary structure by 31/8/2013 AD at the latest.

Article (24)
Where no special provision is made in this Law, the legislation in force shall apply.

Article (25)
This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall enter into force from the date of
its issue.

This document constitutes an un-official transcription/translation. DCAF cannot be held responsible for damages that may
arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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General National Congress – Libya
Issued in Tripoli
On: 20 March 2013 AD
Corresponding to: 8 Jumada al-Oula 1434 AD

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 7 of 47
Schedule (A)
General Budget Resources
Revenue at
No. Description
90 USD/barrel
1 Net Oil Revenue 58,397,355,000
2 Sovereign and local revenue 4,101,159,000
3 Portion of the remaining balance of the 2012 general 4,363,000,000
Total 66,861,514,000

Schedule (A.1)
Oil Resources

No. Description Amount in LYD

1 Oil Revenue 61,470,900,000

2 Public debt 3,037,545,000
Net oil resources after deduction of public debt 58,397,355,000

Schedule (A.2)
Sovereign and local revenue

No. Description Amount in LYD

1 Taxes on income from economic activities and stamp 900,000,000

2 Customs duties 750,000,000
3 Public service fees 318,565,000
4 Telecommunications 400,000,000
5 Central Bank of Libya dividends 500,000,000
6 Price Stabilisation Fund revenue 259,000,000
7 Domestic market revenue from oil sales 973,594,000
Total 4,101,159,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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Schedule (B)
General Budget Use

Part Description Amount (in LYD)

(1) Salaries and equivalents
(2) Operating expenses
Development and reconstruction projects and 19,300,000,000
(3) programs
(4) Subsidisation and price stabilisation expenditures 10,607,850,000

General budget reserve 5,400,000,000

Total 66,861,514,000

Schedule (1)
Operating Budget for Part (1) and (2) for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
General National Congress and affiliated 1,650,000 478,300,000 258,100,000
Prime Minister's Office and affiliated 4,500,000 63,810,000 58,650,000
84,000,000 2,653,700,000 220,500,000
Ministry of Interior and affiliated bodies

21,000,000 409,930,000 132,700,000

Ministry of Justice and affiliated bodies

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 8,800,000 297,780,000 377,600,000

International Cooperation and affiliated
25,000,000 375,372,500 1,761,300,000
Ministry of Finance and affiliated bodies

16,090,000 2,139,866,000 1,070,210,000

Ministry of Health and affiliated bodies

Ministry of Education and affiliated 0 5,870,005,000 277,160,000

6,025,000 90,530,000 16,550,000
Ministry of Industry and affiliated bodies

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Ministry of Transport and
Communications and affiliated bodies 100,170,000 184,095,000 34,300,000

Ministry of Agriculture and Animal and

Marine Resources and affiliated bodies 8,140,000 507,506,000 48,007,000

Ministry of Social Affairs and affiliated

bodies 0 204,800,000 541,650,000

Ministry of Endowments and Islamic

Affairs and affiliated bodies 5,000,000 135,750,000 45,300,000

Ministry of Housing and Utilities and

affiliated bodies 1,900,000 175,018,200 14,400,000

Ministry of Economy and affiliated bodies

13,000,000 98,770,000 24,830,000

Ministry of Planning and affiliated bodies

450,000 31,350,000 11,400,000

Ministry of Defence and affiliated bodies

1,000,000 3,533,700,000 1,507,800,000

Ministry for the Assistance of Families of

Martyrs and Missing Persons 0 3,250,000 145,000,000

Ministry of Oil and Gas and affiliated

bodies 0 1,170,500,000 2,411,000,000

Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation and

affiliated bodies 2,100,000 785,080,000 18,135,000

Ministry of Local Governance and

affiliated bodies 5,000,000 218,000,000 529,000,000

Ministry of Communications and

Informatics 0 11,000,000 10,000,000

Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Research and affiliated bodies 9,770,000 1,049,717,000 652,020,000

Ministry of Youth and Sports and

affiliated bodies 0 23,277,500 132,000,000

Ministry of Culture and Civil Society and

affiliated bodies 700,000 138,365,000 22,950,000

Ministry of Information and affiliated

3,120,000 68,300,000 77,500,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Ministry of Electricity and
Renewable Energy and affiliated 0 2,000,000 2,500,000
Ministry of Water Resources and
affiliated bodies 1,000,000 10,100,000 4,800,000

Ministry of State for Wounded

Persons 0 1,500,000 352,000,000

Ministry of Tourism and affiliated

bodies 150,000 59,929,800 5,000,000

Total 318,565,000 20,791,302,000 10,762,362,000

Schedule (1.1)
General National Congress and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
General National Congress 0 63,800,000 73,600,000

Audit Office 1,500,000 75,000,000 28,000,000

Supreme Court 100,000 20,800,000 5,000,000

National Planning Council 0 1,200,000 1,000,000

Planning Council in the regions 0 12,300,000 1,000,000

Libyan Intelligence Service 0 290,000,000 50,000,000

Public Culture Council 50,000 1,200,000 2,500,000

Libyan Fatwa House 0 1,850,000 4,000,000

High Commission for the Application of 0 950,000 1,000,000

Standards of Integrity and Patriotism
National Council for Public Freedoms and 0 1,000,000 4,000,0000
Human Rights
Anti-Corruption Commission 0 8,000,000 7,000,0000

Truth and National Reconciliation 0 2,200,000 1,000,000

High Elections Commission 0 0 80,000,000

Total 1,650,000 478,300,000 258,100,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 11 of 47
Schedule (1.2)
Prime Minister's Office and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Prime Minister's Office 0 5,000,000 8,000,000

General Authority for Information 0 2,200,000 600,000

Atomic Energy Establishment 0 3,750,000 1,000,000

Warriors Affairs Commission 0 3,400,000 10,000,000

Libyan Commission for Aid and 0 1,800,000 1,750,000
Humanitarian Assistance
General Authority for the Environment 3,000,000 5,300,000 3,500,000

Information and Documentation Centre 0 510,000 800,000

Nuclear Research Centre 1,500,000 20,500,000 2,500,000

Centre for Analysis, Radiation 0 950,000 500,000
Measurement and Training
National Council for Economic 0 4,100,000 2,200,000
Visits and Congresses 0 0 10,000,000
Libyan Centre for Archives and Historical 0 2,300,000 3,800,000
National ID Project 0 2,400,000 7,000,000

Urban Planning Authority 0 9,000,000 2,500,000

Medina Multimedia Centre 0 2,600,000 4,500,000

Total 4,500,000 63,810,000 58,650,000

Schedule (1.3)
Ministry of Interior and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Interior 15,000,000 1,273,000,000 101,000,000
Ministry of Interior in the regions 15,000,000 909,000,000 55,000,000
National Safety Authority 1,500,000 127,000,000 12,000,000
Civil Status Authority 2,500,000 154,000,000 28,000,000
Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic 0 49,000,000 8,000,000
Substances Unit
Passport and Nationality Authority 50,000,000 130,000,000 13,000,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Tourist Police and Antiquities Protection 0 11,000,000 2,500,000
Information and Documentation Centre 0 700,000 1,000,000
Total 84,000,000 2,653,700,000 220,500,000

Part (2) allocations for the Ministry of Interior include 15 million LYD for illegal migration.
Part (1) allocations for the Ministry of Interior include 118 million LYD for General Information
Department salaries.

Schedule (1.4)
Ministry of Justice and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Justice 6,000,000 242,000,000 48,700,000

Real Estate Registration Department 15,000,000 23,500,000 10,000,000

State Lawsuits Authority 0 17,000,000 2,000,000

Judicial Expertise and Research Centre 0 5,000,000 3,000,000

Judicial Police Authority 0 120,000,000 50,000,000

Higher Judicial Institute 0 1,480,000 3,000,000

Information and Documentation Centre 0 950,000 1,000,000

Foreign Cases 0 0 15,000,000

Total 21,000,000 409,930,000 132,700,000

Schedule (1.5)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International 800,000 23,000,000 70,000,000
Embassies and consulates abroad 8,000,000 273,000,000 125,000,000

Libyan Fund for Assistance And Development 0 600,000 200,000

National Authority for Monitoring the 0 1,180,000 2,400,000
Implementation of the Chemical Weapons

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 13 of 47
International memberships and contributions 0 0 150,000,000

Political work 0 0 30,000,000

Total 8,800,000 297,780,000 377,600,000

Allocations for embassies and consulates abroad (Part (1) and (2) allocations) include
commercial, labour and health attaches and employees of the Intelligence Agency and the Libya
News Agency.

Schedule (1.6)
Ministry of Finance and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Finance 0 8,200,000 12,000,000
Maintenance contract allocations for the 0 0 48,000,000
Public Company for Administrative Centre
Financial Services Controls in the regions 0 117,522,500 25,000,000

Customs Authority 0 134,000,000 23,000,000

Tax Authority 0 62,000,000 10,000,000

State Property Authority 25,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000

Information and Documentation Centre 0 800,000 1,700,000

Allocations for Financial Controls abroad 0 34,000,000 30,000,000

Liquidation of dissolved agencies and public 0 3,850,000 600,000
companies fund
Judicial rulings 0 0 350,000,000

Miscellaneous 0 0 1,226,000,000
Salaries and loans for limited-income 0 0 25,000,000
individuals and martyrs who died in the line
of duty
Total 25,000,000 375,372,500 1,761,300,000

The miscellaneous item includes 500 million to pay for treatment received by wounded persons
Part (2) allocations for financial services control includes 3 million LYD to equip renovated
controls and offices.

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Allocations for current controllers abroad includes one million LYD to settle the liabilities of
financial controllers abroad from previous years.

Schedule (1.7)
Ministry of Health and Environment and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Health 250,000 4,200,000 42,000,000

[Ministry of] Health in the regions 300,000 1,074,000,000 40,000,000

Medical Procurement Unit 0 8,750,000 11,500,000

Treatment abroad 0 0 354,000,000

Recruitment of medical and ancillary 0 60,000,000 2,000,000
medical personnel
Improvement of health and treatment 0 0 250,000,000
Food and Medicine Oversight Centre 8,000,000 11,000,000 4,000,000

National Centre for Disease Control 3,000,000 18,000,000 4,500,000

National Organ Transplant Program 0 1,700,000 1,000,000

Medical Specialisations Board 120,000 960,000 500,000

Emergency Services Unit 500,000 3,750,000 3,000,000

Medical Workforce Development 0 640,000 1,000,000
Health Information and Documentation 0 380,000 350,000
New bodies in the health sector 0 7,400,000 14,900,000
National Medical Liability Board 0 66,000 570,000
National Cornea Transplant Program 0 240,000 1,200,000
Total 12,170,000 1,191,086,000 730,520,000

Schedule (1.7), cont'd.

Ministry of Health and Environment and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Al-Bitnan Medical Centre 20,000 30,000,000 8,700,000

Al-Bayda (Revolution) Teaching Hospital 125,000 22,000,000 5,000,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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Benghazi Medical Centre 100,000 41,000,000 18,000,000

Al-Jumhuriya Hospital 50,000 21,000,000 7,000,000

Al-Galaa Trauma Hospital, Benghazi 50,000 23,000,000 6,400,000

Benghazi Children's Hospital 50,000 14,000,000 3,500,000

Al-Nahr Hospital for Ophthalmology, 0 5,000,000 1,600,000
7th of October Hospital 10,000 11,000,000 2,800,000

Ibn Sina Hospital 50,000 20,700,000 9,000,000

Sabha Medical Centre 20,000 17,000,000 8,000,000

Gharyan Central Teaching Hospital 50,000 13,200,000 5,000,000

Zawia Central Hospital 50,000 19,000,000 4,000,000

Sabratha Teaching Hospital 25,000 18,500,000 4,000,000

National Oncology Institute, Sabratha 10,000 8,600,000 4,000,000

Al-Zahra Specialised Hospital 20,000 12,000,000 4,250,000
Tripoli Medical Centre 100,000 78,000,000 21,000,000
Tripoli Central Hospital 50,000 54,800,000 19,000,000
Eye Hospital 20,000 7,700,000 2,000,000
Al-Galaa Children's Hospital 0 16,200,000 4,800,000

Al-Galaa Maternity Hospital 20,000 18,300,000 4,000,000

Space and Hyperbaric Medicine Hospital 20,000 5,700,000 3,3000,000
Burns and Plastic Surgery Hospital 0 8,000,000 2,000,000
National Diabetes Centre 30,000 6,200,000 2,500,000
Abu Salim Trauma Hospital 30,000 21,500,000 8,500,000
Abi Sitta Hospital for Respiratory Illnesses 0 3,400,000 2,200,000
Tajura National Heart Centre 10,000 17,800,000 4,300,000
Ali Omar Askar Hospital 20,000 26,800,000 7,200,000
Misrata Central Hospital 200,000 21,000,000 12,000,000
Al-Khums General Hospital 40,000 11,500,000 4,800,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 16 of 47
Zliten Central Hospital 20,000 11,300,000 4,800,000
Al-Khadra Hospital 50,000 18,400,000 8,000,000
Total 1,240,000 602,600,000 201,650,000

Schedule (1.7), cont'd.

Ministry of Health and Environment and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Al-Wahda Hospital, Derna 30,000 13,500,000 2,800,000

Al-Qubbah Hospital 0 2,900,000 550,000

Al-Tamimi Hospital 0 2,000,000 600,000

Bardia Hospital 0 2,350,000 600,00

Omar Mukhtar Hospital 0 3,000,000 500,000

Shahhat Hospital for Tuberculosis and 0 2,300,000 1,700,000
Respiratory Illnesses
Susah Hospital 0 2,800,000 500,000

Al-Marj Hospital 5,000 13,500,000 5,000,000

Tukrah Al-Agouriya Hospital 0 1,800,000 500,000

Al-Abyar Hospital 0 2,750,000 500,000
Al-Kuwayfiyah Hospital for Respiratory 0 6,200,000 2,800,000
Urology and ENT Centre 4,000 6,700,000 3,300,000
Al Hawari General Hospital, Benghazi 10,000 16,000,000 11,000,000
Psychiatric Hospital, Benghazi 0 6,350,000 4,300,000
Benghazi Cardiac Centre 5,000 3,000,000 1,200,000
Benghazi Centre for Diagnostic and 0 1,400,000 300,000
Therapeutic Radiology
Benghazi Dialysis Centre 0 6,400,000 3500,000
Benghazi Centre for Infectious Diseases and 0 3,550,000 11,300,000
Central Dental Clinic, Benghazi 0 2,000,000 600,000
Benghazi Medical Reference Laboratory 250,000 980,000 1,300,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 17 of 47
Benghazi Blood Bank 0 1,700,000 3,000,000
Suluq Hospital 0 2,000,000 650,000
Qaminis Hospital 0 1,650,000 500,000
Jalu General Hospital 20,000 3,900,000 1,400,000
Kufra Hospital 0 4,500,000 1,800,000
Tazerbu Hospital 5,000 2,970,000 900,000
Bin Jawad Hospital 0 2,800,000 500,000
Al-Afia Hospital, Hun 0 5,000,000 1,400,000
Waddan Hospital 0 2,700,000 900,000
Murzuq General Hospital 0 6,900,000 1,650,000
Taraghin Hospital 0 4,950,000 1,300,000
Awbari Hospital 0 7,850,000 2,800,000
Brak Hospital 15,000 9,750,000 1,400,000
Burqin Hospital 6,000 5,700,000 1,400,000
Adiri Hospital 0 5,100,000 1,400,000
Sabha Blood Bank 0 1,500,000 2,000,000
Al-Asaba Hospital 5,000 5,300,000 1,800,000
Total 355,000 173,750,000 77,650,000

Schedule (1.7), cont'd.

Ministry of Health and Environment and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Al-Zintan Hospital 0 7,800,000 1,800,000

Jadu Hospital 0 3,450,000 1,250,000

Nalut Central Hospital 50,000 4,950,000 3,500,000

Al-Haraba Hospital 0 1,680,000 640,000

Tiji Hospital 0 3,380,000 700,000

Kabaw Hospital 0 1,860,000 650,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 18 of 47
Bani Walid General Hospital 50,000 7,350,000 2,000,000

Yefren General Hospital 0 5,520,000 1,600,000

Zuwarah Maritime Hospital 60,000 6,250,000 1,200,000

Al-Jumayl General Hospital 15,000 7,780,000 1,400,000
Al-Ajaylat General Hospital 25,000 7,600,000 1,250,000
Surman Hospital 25,000 8,500,000 1,140,000
Al-Razi Psychiatric Hospital 25,000 6,900,000 5,000,000
Tripoli Centre for Dialysis 0 7,120,000 2,000,000
Tripoli Medical Reference Laboratory 2,000,000 2,170,000 2,000,000
Tripoli Dental Centre 0 3,950,000 1,000,000
Tripoli Blood Bank 0 1,400,000 4,000,000
Tarhuna Hospital 0 6,350,000 2,000,000
Msallata Hospital 5,000 7,300,000 2,800,000
National Oncology Institute, Misrata 0 5,600,000 2,000,000
Misrata Hospital for Tuberculosis and 0 3,660,000 1,280,000
Respiratory Illnesses
Tawergha Hospital 0 2,900,000 800,000
Al-Dawon Hospital 0 1,570,000 500,000
Qara General Hospital, Polli 5,000 5,850,000 1,750,000
Suq Al-Khamis Hospital 0 1,880,000 1,500,000
The Martyr Mohammed Magariaf 20,000 19,400,000 5,000,000
Brega Hospital 10,000 2,400,000 1,000,000
Ghat Hospital 15,000 5,400,000 2,500,000
Ghadamis General Hospital 50,000 3,600,000 1,600,000
Mizda Hospital 10,000 5,580,000 2,000,000
Qaryat Hospital 0 2,200,000 450,000
Al-Shwayrif Hospital 0 1,900,000 500,000
Bir El-Osta Milad Hospital 0 3,100,000 730,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 19 of 47
Misrata Specialised Centre for Diabetes 5,000 1,930,000 1,250,000
and Endocrinology
Al-Jaghbub General Hospital 0 4,150,000 1,600,000
Total 2,325,000 172,430,000 60,390,000
Overall total for the health sector 16,090,000 2,139,866,000 1,070,210,000

Ministry of Health: Part (2) includes 38 million LYD for liabilities from prior years.
[Ministry of] Health in the regions: Part (1) includes 12 million for internship students and 100
million to address salary bottlenecks, after confirming such in coordination with the Ministry of

Schedule (1.8)
Ministry of Education and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Education 0 246,000,000 10,000,000
Allocations for education inspector 0 6,500,000 0
Allocations for exam committee 0 40,000,000 0
Allocations for educational facility 0 19,000,000 0
security guard remunerations
[Ministry of] Education in the regions 0 4,972,000,000 60,000,000
National Authority for Technical and 0 6,150,000 5,000,000
Vocational Education
National Authority for Technical and 0 259,500,000 150,000,000
Vocational Education, technical
institutes and higher institutes
National Authority for Technical and 0 297,500,000 45,000,000
Vocational Education, intermediate
technical institutes
National Teacher Training Centre 0 2,950,000 1,500,000
National Committee for Education, 0 345,000 400,000
Culture and Science
Centre of Excellence, Benghazi 0 1,560,000 260,000
Educational Facility Maintenance and 0 18,500,000 5,000,000
Technology Authority
Total 0 5,870,005,000 277,160,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 20 of 47
Part (1) of the National Authority for Technical and Vocational Education includes 3 million
LYD for exam committee remunerations.

Schedule (1.9)
Ministry of Industry and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Industry 5,000 2,080,000 4,000,000

[Ministry of] Industry in the regions 20,000 80,500,000 8,000,000

General Authority for Industrial Areas 0 1,480,000 2,000,000

National Mining Corporation 4,000,000 980,000 500,000

Industrial Research Centre 2,000,000 4,450,000 700,000

National Industry Promotion Authority 0 645,000 1,000,000

Industry Information and 0 395,000 350,000
Documentation Centre
Total 6,025,000 90,530,000 16,550,000

Schedule (1.10)
Ministry of Transport and Communications and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Transport and 120,000 11,000,000 2,500,000
[Ministry of] Transport and 0 87,200,000 5,000,000
Communications in the regions
Roads and Ground Transport 50,000 4,000,000 1,000,000
National Meteorology Centre 0 18,600,000 1,000,000

Civil Aviation Authority 35,000,000 26,000,000 9,000,000

Ports and Ground Transport 35,000,000 15,000,000 3,000,000
Information and Documentation 0 295,000 800,000
Airports Authority 30,000,000 22,000,000 12,000,000

Total 100,170,000 184,095,000 34,300,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 21 of 47
Schedule (1.11)
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal and Marine Resources and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal and Marine 250,000 25,700,000 4,000,000
Allocations for poultry and cattle production 0 21,100,000 0
[Ministry of] Agriculture and Animal and 500,000 311,000,000 5,000,000
Marine Resources in the regions
Agricultural Police Unit 100,000 64,500,000 2,000,000

Centre for Agricultural and Animal Research 40,000 9,750,000 600,000

General Authority for Marine Resources 2,000,000 11,800,000 2,000,000

Centre for Marine Life Research 0 2,000,000 550,000

National Centre to Control Desert Locusts 0 2,300,000 500,000

Information and Documentation Centre 0 410,000 227,000

Authority for the Development of the Jabal al- 0 3,650,000 400,000
Akhdar Agricultural Area
Grain Production Development Authority 0 246,000 130,000
Authority for the Development of the Fezzan 1,000,000 7,650,000 500,000
Agricultural Area
Authority for the Development of the the Kufra 1,000,000 6,300,000 2,000,000
and Sarir Agricultural Area
National Centre for Animal Health 750,000 4,850,000 2,000,000
National Centre for Agricultural Protection and 0 2,000,000 400,000
Man-made River Investment Agency 0 9,750,000 5,000,000
Man-made River Investment Agency (central 1,500,000 14,500,000 15,200,000
Man-made River Investment Agency (Hasouna) 1,000,000 10,000,000 7,500,000
Total 8,140,000 507,506,000 48,007,000

Schedule (1.12)
Ministry of Social Affairs and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)

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Page 22 of 47
Ministry of Social Affairs 0 9,400,000 70,000,000
[Ministry of] Social Affairs in the regions 0 56,500,000 6,000,000
General Authority for the Social Solidarity Fund 0 104,000,000 446,000,000
Centre for the Habilitation and Rehabilitation of 0 3,750,000 2,600,000
Disabled Persons, Janzur
Centre for the Habilitation and Rehabilitation of 0 3,750,000 1,500,000
Disabled Persons, Benghazi
Al-Marj Council for Social Welfare 0 3,750,000 3,000,000
Dar Al-Wafaa for the Elderly and Disabled 0 2,600,000 1,500,000
Al-Swani Centre for the Habilitation and 0 17,500,000 8,000,000
Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons
Jalu Centre for Physical Therapy Habilitation and 0 250,000 250,000
Social Research Centre 0 1,100,000 1,000,000
Marriage Support Fund 0 1,800,000 1,500,000
Information and Documentation Centre 0 400,000 300,000
Total 0 204,800,000 541,650,000

Part (2) of the General Authority for the Social Solidarity Fund includes 430 million support for
basic pensions and birth grants.

Schedule (1.13)
Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Endowments and Islamic 5,000,000 129,000,000 40,000,000
Imamate and Oratory Institute 0 1,750,000 2,800,000
Zakat Fund 0 5,000,000 2,500,000
Total 5,000,000 135,750,000 45,300,000

Part (1) of the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs includes 100 million LYD in
remunerations for mosque custodians.
Part (2) includes 5 million LYD for Hajj delegations.

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 23 of 47
Schedule (1.14)
Ministry of Housing & Utilities
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Housing & Utilities 1,900,000 7,000,000 8,500,000
[Ministry of] Housing & Utilities in the 0 167,670,200 5,500,000
Information and Documentation Centre 0 348,000 400,000
Total 1,900,000 175,018,200 14,400,000

Schedule (1.15)
Ministry of Economy and affiliated bodies
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Economy 12,000,000 9,750,000 5,000,000
[Ministry of] Economy in the regions 1,000,000 54,000,000 5,000,000
General Authority for Investment Promotion 0 4,750,000 5,000,000
Affairs and Privatization
Price Stabilisation Fund 0 23,000,000 4,500,000
National SME Program 0 3,450,000 1,500,000
Economic Information and Documentation 0 270,000 500,000
Libya Trade Network Project 0 2,200,000 2,500,000
Libyan Lending Fund 0 1,350,000 830,000
Total 13,000,000 98,770,000 24,830,000

Schedule (1.16)
Ministry of Planning
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Office of the Ministry of Planning 50,000 2,150,000 3,000,000
[Ministry of] Planning in the regions 100,000 23,500,000 5,000,000
National Centre for Standardization and 50,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
Survey Authority 100,000 1,250,000 400,000
Statistics and Census Authority 0 2,200,000 500,000
Planning Institute 150,000 750,000 500,000
Total 450,000 31,350,000 11,400,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 24 of 47
Schedule (1.17)
Ministry of Defence
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Defence 0 3,440,000,000 1,500,000,000
Military Industrialisation Unit 0 47,200,000 2,500,000
Applied Research and Development 0 41,000,000 3,000,000
Unit (Research)
Services and Maintenance Centre 1,000,000 5,500,000 2,300,000
Total 1,000,000 3,533,700,000 1,507,800,000

Ministry of Defence allocations include allocations for the Presidential Guard Unit and the
Private Aviation Unit.

Schedule (1.18)
Ministry for the Assistance of Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry for the Assistance of Families 0 3,250,000 35,000,000
of Martyrs and Missing Persons
Aid and assistance for families of 0 0 110,000,000
martyrs and missing persons
Total 0 3,250,000 145,000,000

Part (2) allocations for the Ministry for the Assistance of Families of Martyrs and Missing
Persons includes 30 million of grants for amputees.

Schedule (1.19)
Ministry of Oil and Gas
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Oil and Gas 0 10,500,000 11,000,000
The National Oil Corporation 0 1,160,000,000 2,400,000,000
Total 0 1,170,500,000 2,411,000,000
Ministry of Oil allocations include allocations for the Brega and Ra’s Lanuf Executive Agency
(Part (1) and (2)).
The National Oil Corporation's allocations include allocations for the Oil Facilities Security
Guards Unit (Part (1) and (2)).

Schedule (1.21)
Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation

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Page 25 of 47
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation 500,000 7,000,000 6,000,000
Staffing surplus allocations 0 720,000,000 0
Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation in 1,500,000 50,500,000 9,000,000
the regions
Quality Assurance and Certification 0 940,000 800,000
National Institute of Management 100,000 3,500,000 1,000,000
Information and Documentation Centre 0 840,000 350,000
Ta' Giorni Institute, Malta 0 1,100,000 485,000
Al-Zawia Training Institute 0 1,200,000 500,000
Total 2,100,000 785,080,000 18,135,000

Part (2) of Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation allocations include 700,000 LYD to support the
School of Arts and Crafts.
Part (1) staffing surplus allocations include 4 million LYD for those transferred to the ministries
by individual letters during fiscal year 2012.

Schedule (1.20)
Ministry of Local Governance
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Local Governance 3,000,000 4,000,000 20,000,000
Local Councils in the regions 0 30,000,000 500,000,000
Municipal Guard Unit 1,500,000 181,000,000 8,000,000
Historic Cities Unit 500,000 3,000,000 1,000,000
Total 5,000,000 218,000,000 529,000,000

Schedule (1.22)
Ministry of Communications and Informatics
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Communications and 0 11,000,000 10,000,000
Total 0 11,000,000 10,000,000

Schedule (1.23)
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Higher Education and 20,000 4,500,000 4,000,000
Scientific Research
National Authority for Scientific 200,000 19,300,000 3,500,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 26 of 47
Research and affiliated centres
Economics Research Centre 0 167,000 200,000
Advanced Centre for Technology 0 2,750,000 960,000
Advanced Centre for Welding 0 1,450,000 1,753,000
Plumbing Career Centre 0 1,150,000 1,000,000
Higher Centre for Training and 0 750,000 1,440,000
Plastics Research Centre 0 800,000 1,183,000
Advanced Laboratory for Chemical 0 600,000 1,029,000
Electronic Systems and Software Centre 0 1,050,000 705,000
Solar Energy Research Centre 0 3,000,000 1,250,000
Centre for Quality Control and 0 1,800,000 1,000,000
Accreditation of Higher Education
Postgraduate Studies Academy 1,000,000 11,200,000 3,000,000
Benghazi University 2,000,000 167,000,000 150,000,000
Omar Mukhtar University 400,000 111,000,000 75,000,000
Sirte University 400,000 44,500,000 35,000,000
Sabha University 400,000 78,000,000 48,000,000
Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi University 400,000 66,500,000 41,000,000
Al-Zawia University 700,000 129,000,000 56,000,000
Tripoli University 1,500,000 191,000,000 100,000,000
Al-Zaytuna University 300,000 62,000,000 28,000,000
Misrata University 400,000 57,000,000 31,000,000
Murqub University 500,000 75,000,000 52,000,000
Al-Asmarya University 500,000 13,000,000 10,000,000
Muhammad bin Ali Al-Senussi 50,000 4,500,000 4,000,000
The Open University 1,000,000 2,700,000 1,000,000
Total 9,770,000 1,049,717,000 652,020,000

Schedule (1.24)
Ministry of Youth and Sports
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Youth and Sports 0 23,227,500 132,000,000
Total 0 23,227,500 132,000,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 27 of 47
Part (2) allocations for the Ministry of Youth and Sports include 120 million LYD to support
sports clubs and activities.

Schedule (1.25)
Ministry of Culture and Civil Society
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Culture and Civil Society 200,000 121,000,000 17,000,000
Civil Society Organisations Support 0 580,000 2,500,000
Libyan Centre for Local Cultures 0 245,000 500,000
National Centre for Translation, Derna 0 80,000 450,000
Antiquities Authority 500,000 16,200,000 2,000,000
Centre for African Research 0 260,000 500,000
Total 700,000 138,365,000 22,950,000

Schedule (1.26)
Ministry of Information
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Information 0 350,000 1,000,000
Libya Public Channel 2,000,000 39,000,000 35,000,000
Libya News Agency 100,000 2,600,000 2,000,000
Authority to Support and Encourage the 1,000,000 7,900,000 7,000,000
General Centre for Directed 0 2,150,000 1,000,000
Broadcasting – Radio Libya
New Media Training and Development 20,000 4,800,000 6,500,000
Libya News and Satellite Channel 0 11,500,000 25,000,000
Total 3,120,000 68,300,000 77,500,000

Libya Channel: Part (2) includes 10 million for satellite subscriptions.

Schedule (1.27)
Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Electricity 0 1,000,000 1,500,000
Executive Unit for Renewable Energy 0 1,000,000 1,000,000
Total 0 2,000,000 2,500,000

Schedule (1.28)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 28 of 47
Ministry of Water Resources
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Water 0 1,700,000 3,000,000
Water Authority 1,000,000 8,400,000 1,800,000
Total 1,000,000 10,100,000 4,800,000

Schedule (1.29)
Ministry of State for Wounded Persons Affairs
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of State for Wounded Persons 0 1,500,000 352,000,000
Total 0 1,500,000 352,000,000

Part (2) allocations include 350 million to complete treatment of wounded persons, distributed
under a decree from the Prime Minister.

Schedule (1.30)
Ministry of Tourism
Name of Body Revenue Part (1) Part (2)
Ministry of Tourism 50,000 58,400,000 4,000,000
Park bodies 100,000 1,529,800 1,000,000
Total 150,000 59,929,800 5,000,000

Schedule (2)
Distribution of Part (3) Allocations (distributed by sector)
for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
No. Description Amount (in LYD)
1 General National Congress and affiliated bodies 400,000,000
2 Prime Minister's Office and affiliated bodies 173,000,000
3 Ministry of Interior and affiliated bodies 962,000,000
4 Ministry of Justice and affiliated bodies 385,000,000
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
5 93,155,000
and affiliated bodies
6 Ministry of Finance and affiliated bodies 88,000,000
7 Ministry of Health and affiliated bodies 1,168,000,000
8 Ministry of Education and affiliated bodies 514,000,000
9 Ministry of Industry and affiliated bodies 305,750,000
Ministry of Transport and Communications and affiliated
10 1,176,400,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 29 of 47
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal and Marine Resources
11 406,000,000
and affiliated bodies
12 Ministry of Social Affairs and affiliated bodies 126,695,000
Ministry of Endowment and Islamic Affairs and affiliated
13 26,500,000
14 Ministry of Housing and Utilities and affiliated bodies 4,082,500,000
15 Ministry of Economy and Commerce and affiliated bodies 51,500,000
16 Ministry of Planning and affiliated bodies 118,000,000
17 Ministry of Defence and affiliated bodies 878,000,000
Ministry for the Assistance of Families of Martyrs and
18 18,000,000
Missing Persons
19 Ministry of Oil and Gas and affiliated bodies 1,989,500,000
20 Ministry of Labour and Training and affiliated bodies 1,042,500,000
21 Ministry of Local Governance and affiliated bodies 209,000,000

22 Ministry of Communications and Informatics 230,000,000

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and
23 1,822,350,000
affiliated bodies
24 Ministry of Youth and Sports and affiliated bodies 238,000,000
Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy and affiliated
25 1,889,000,000
26 Ministry of Culture and Civil Society and affiliated bodies 64,150,000
27 Ministry of Water Resources and affiliated bodies 268,000,000
28 Ministry of State for Wounded Persons Affairs 35,000,000
29 Ministry of Tourism and affiliated bodies 40,000,000
30 Lending (real estate/agricultural/industrial) 500,000,000
Overall total 19,300,000,000

Schedule (2.1)
Distribution of Part (3) Allocations (Development Budget)
for Fiscal Year 2013 AD

Cash Flows in LYD

Item Description
2013 AD
I. Development projects
Housing, urban development, public buildings and utilities,
1 3,982,500,000
water, sanitation and gas transportation and distribution projects.
2 Oil and gas projects 1,989,500,000
3 Electricity projects (generation from production, transportation, 1,878,494,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 30 of 47
distribution, renewable energy)
4 Water and desalination projects 263,000,000
5 Industrial projects 247,054,000
Transportation projects (airports, rail roads, roads and bridges,
6 1,159,493,000
ports, civil aviation, meteorological services)
7 Higher education projects (university campuses, new
technology, development and installation of existing technology)
8 Education projects (building and maintenance of schools and
9 Projects to improve and equip hospitals and health facilities 1,014,865,000
10 Cultural, civil society and antiquities projects 20,866,000
11 Sports fields and cities projects 238,000,000
12 Infrastructure projects for agriculture and animal, marine and
water resources
13 Public Welfare Projects 67,915,000
14 Projects to build and maintain courts and prosecutions and
training and property registration centres
15 Local governance projects (historic cities, local councils) 128,201,000
16 Tourism infrastructure projects 1,000,000
17 Labour and rehabilitation projects 3,000,000
18 Economic projects (Price Stabilisation Fund) 10,053,000
19 Assistance of Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons projects 15,531,000
20 Endowments and Islamic Affairs projects 15,783,000
21 Communications and Informatics projects 229,124,000
22 Projects to execute, maintain and purchase Libyan embassy
premises abroad
23 Ministry of Interior projects 348,619,000
24 Defence projects 800,000,000
Total development projects 14,104,763,000

Distribution of Part (3) Allocations (Development Budget)

for Fiscal Year 2013 AD

Cash Flows in LYD

Item Description
2013 AD
II. Installations and Programs
Periodic programs for Agriculture and Animal and Marine
25 66,086,000
Resources and the Agricultural Police
26 Ministry of Interior installations 460,495,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 31 of 47
27 Higher studies and delegations 1,000,000,000
28 Work, rehabilitation and training programs 1,008,550,000
29 Means of transportation 268,802,000
Educational aids and supplies, educational curriculum
30 140,782,000
development (elementary, intermediate) and teacher training
31 Educational aids and supplies, curriculum development for
technical and vocational education
32 Higher educational aids and supplies 137,783,000
33 Higher Education and Scientific Research programs 103,735,000
34 Immunisation and vaccination programs, health sector supplies 127,964,000
35 Cultural and civil society sector installations and programs 31,975,000
36 Justice and real estate registration sector installations 23,000,000
37 Industry and mining sector installations and programs 30,389,000
38 Defence installations and programs 78,000,000
39 Environmental sanitation and municipal guard programs,
municipality installations
40 Urban planning, environment and historical archives programs 109,254,000
41 Sectoral studies, programs and installations 1,031,224,000
42 Lending (real estate/agricultural/industrial) 500,000,000
Total installations and development programs 5,195,237,000
Total projects, installations and development programs 19,300,000,000

Schedule (2.2)
Distribution of Allocations for Housing, Utilities, Urban Development, Public Buildings,
Water, Sanitation, Transport and Distribution Projects
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Ministry of Housing & Utilities projects 3,292,000,000
Executive Unit Housing and Utilities projects
2 60,000,000
(labour and operating expenses)
Administrative Centres Development Unit
3 34,000,000
(labour and operating expenses)
Urban Development Unit (labour and operating
4 10,000,000
1 expenses)
Ghadames Development Unit (labour and
5 3,500,000
operating expenses)
General Authority for Projects (labour and
6 7,340,000
operating expenses)
Highway implementation project (labour and
7 660,000
operating expenses)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 32 of 47
8 Water and sanitation projects 385,000,000
9 Gas transportation and distribution projects 182,400,000
Gas Transportation and Distribution Company
10 7,600,000
(labour and operating expenses)
Total 3,982,500,000

Schedule (2.3)
Distribution of Allocations for Oil and Gas Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
2 1 Oil and gas projects 1,989,500,000
Total 1,989,500,000

Schedule (2.4)
Distribution of Allocations for Electricity Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Electricity projects (generation from production,
3 1 1,878,494,000
transportation, distribution, renewable energy)
Total 1,878,494,000

Schedule (2.5)
Distribution of Allocations for Water Resources Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Water Authority projects 24,000,000
4 2 Man-Made River Agency management projects 161,000,000
3 Water desalination projects 78,000,000
Total 263,000,000

Schedule (2.6)
Distribution of Allocations for Industry Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Industry sector projects 188,350,000
2 Industrial area infrastructure projects 58,704,000
Total 247,054,000

Schedule (2.7)
Distribution of Allocations for Transportation and Communications Projects for Fiscal
Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
6 1 Transport and Communications projects 12,329,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 33 of 47
Airport, roads and bridges, ports projects (executive
2 772,000,000
agency for transportation projects)
3 Airport projects 90,131,000
4 Rail road projects 58,000,000
5 Roads and bridges projects 72,130,000
6 Ports projects 48,905,000
7 Meteorology projects 3,456,000
8 Civil Aviation projects 69,042,000
Labour and operating expenses for the executive
9 6,500,000
agency for transportation projects
Labour and operating expenses for the executive
10 27,000,000
agency for rail road projects
Total 1,159,493,000

Schedule (2.8)
Distribution of Allocations for Higher Education and Scientific Research Projects for
Fiscal Year
2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
New college campuses and development and
1 275,567,000
installations for existing universities
New university campuses and development and
2 installations of existing universities (administrative 220,000,000
centres development unit implementation)
New technology campuses and development and
3 61,847,000
7 installations for existing technical education
Total 557,414,000

Schedule (2.9)
Distribution of Allocations for Education Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Building and maintenance of schools and classrooms 199,759,000
Building and maintenance of schools and classrooms
2 (administrative centres development unit 170,000,000
Total 369,759,000

Schedule (2.10)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 34 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Health Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Projects to build, maintain and manage health
1 664,865,000
9 Projects to maintain and equip health facilities
2 (administrative centres development unit 350,000,000
Total 1,014,865,000

Schedule (2.11)
Distribution of Allocations for Cultural and Civil Society Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Cultural projects 11,309,000
10 2 Antiquities projects 9,557,000
Total 20,866,000

Schedule (2.12)
Distribution of Allocations for Sports Fields and Cities Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
11 1 Sports fields and cities projects 238,000,000
Total 238,000,000

Schedule (2.13)
Distribution of Allocations for Agriculture and Animal and Marine Resources Projects for
Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Infrastructure projects for agriculture and animal and
1 167,891,000
marine resources
Saharan waters investment agency projects in the Jabal
12 2 80,000,000
Hasouna/Jafara system
Saharan waters investment agency projects in the central
3 50,000,000
area system
Saharan waters investment agency projects in the
4 41,000,000
Benghazi plain system
Total 338,891,000

Schedule (2.14)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 35 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Social Welfare Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Social Welfare projects 27,915,000
13 Social Welfare projects (administrative centres
2 40,000,000
development unit implementation)
Total 67,915,000

Schedule (2.15)
Distribution of Allocations for Justice Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Projects to build and maintain courts, prosecutions
1 274,863,000
14 and training centres
2 Real Estate Registration Department projects 59,155,000
Total 334,018,000

Schedule (2.16)
Distribution of Allocations for Local Governance Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Local Governance projects 26,000,000
15 2 Historic Cities projects 21,553,000
3 Local Councils projects 80,648,000
Total 128,201,000

Schedule (2.17)
Distribution of Allocations for Tourism Infrastructure Development Projects for Fiscal
Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
16 1 Tourism infrastructure development projects 1,000,000
Total 1,000,000

Schedule (2.18)
Distribution of Allocations for Labour and Rehabilitation Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
17 1 Labour and rehabilitation projects 3,000,000
Total 3,000,000

Schedule (2.19)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 36 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Economy and Commerce Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
18 1 Price Stabilisation Fund projects 10,035,000
Total 10,035,000

Schedule (2.20)
Distribution of Allocations for Assistance of Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons
Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Assistance of Families of Martyrs and Missing
19 1 15,531,000
Persons projects
Total 15,531,000

Schedule (2.21)
Distribution of Allocations for Endowments and Islamic Affairs Projects for Fiscal Year
2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
20 1 Endowments and Islamic Affairs projects 15,783,000
Total 15,783,000

Schedule (2.22)
Distribution of Allocations for Communications and Informatics Projects for Fiscal Year
2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
21 1 Communications and Informatics projects 229,124,000
Total 229,124,000

Schedule (2.23)
Distribution of Allocations for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Projects for
Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Projects to execute, maintain and purchase Libyan
22 1 91,701,000
embassy premises abroad
Total 91,701,000

Schedule (2.24)
Distribution of Allocations for Interior Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
1 Interior sector projects 298,619,000
2 Interior sector projects (administrative centres 50,000,000

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 37 of 47
development unit implementation)
Total 348,619,000

Schedule (2.25)
Distribution of Allocations for Defence Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
24 1 Defence projects 800,000,000
Total 800,000,000

Schedule (2.26)
Distribution of Allocations for Electricity Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013
Ite Subit Value in
m em LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
1 8,807,000
Electricity and Renewable Energy and affiliated bodies
Programs and installations of the Ministry of Electricity and
2 1,101,000
Renewable Energy and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable
29 1 598,000
Energy and affiliated bodies
Total 10,506,000

Schedule (2.27)
Distribution of Allocations for Water Resources Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year
2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry
1 3,713,000
of Water Resources and affiliated bodies
Programs and Installations of the Ministry of Water
2 916,000
Resources and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Water Resources
29 1 371,000
and affiliated bodies
Total 5,000,000

Schedule (2.28)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 38 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Industry Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry
1 18,189,000
of Industry and affiliated bodies
Programs and Installations of the Ministry of Industry
2 9,445,000
and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Industry and
29 1 673,000
affiliated bodies
37 1 Mining programs 30,389,000
Total 58,696,000

Schedule (2.29)
Distribution of Allocations for Communications and Transportation Programs and
Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Transportation for the Ministry of Communications
29 1 16,907,000
and Transportation and affiliated bodies
Total 16,907,000

Schedule (2.30)
Distribution of Allocations for Higher Education and Scientific Research Programs and
Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
32 1 Higher educational aids and supplies 137,783,000
Educational aids and supplies, curriculum development for
31 1 20,000,000
technical and vocational education
33 1 Higher Education and Scientific Research programs 103,735,000
27 1 Higher studies and delegations 1,000,000,000
Transportation for the Ministry of Higher Education and
29 1 3,418,000
Scientific Research and affiliated bodies
Total 1,264,936,000

Schedule (2.31)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 39 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Education Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Educational aids and supplies, educational curriculum
30 1 development (elementary, intermediate) and teacher 140,782,000
Transportation for the Ministry of Education and affiliated
29 1 3,459,000
Total 144,241,000

Schedule (2.32)
Distribution of Allocations for Health Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
34 1 Emergency unit installations 38,964,000
2 Medical Specialisations Board programs 8,000,000
3 National Centre for Disease Control programs 22,500,000
4 Medical Workforce Development Institute programs 5,000,000
Specialised medical services and programs and national
5 50,000,000
Health system and health information system development
6 3,500,000
Transportation for the Ministry of Health and affiliated
29 1 25,171,000
Total 153,135,000

Schedule (2.33)
Distribution of Allocations for Cultural and Civil Society Projects and Installations for
Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Programs and installations of the Ministry of Culture and
1 26,887,000
Civil Society and affiliated bodies
Programs and installations of the General Authority to
2 5,088,000
Support and Encourage the Press
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
41 1 5,333,000
Culture and Civil Society and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Culture and Civil Society
29 1 5,976,000
and affiliated bodies
Total 43,284,000

Schedule (2.34)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 40 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Agriculture and Animal and Marine Resources Projects and
Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Periodic programs for the Agriculture and Animal and
1 61,086,000
25 Marine Resources sector and affiliated bodies
2 Agricultural Police Unit programs and installations 5,000,000
Transportation for the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal
29 1 1,023,000
and Marine Resources and affiliated bodies
Total 67,109,000

Schedule (2.35)
Distribution of Allocations for Social Welfare Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year
2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
1 12,758,000
Social Affairs and affiliated bodies
Programs and Installations of the Ministry of Social Affairs
2 42,588,000
and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Social Affairs and
29 1 3,434,000
affiliated bodies
Total 58,780,000

Schedule (2.36)
Distribution of Allocations for Justice Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
41 1 19,238,000
Justice and affiliated bodies
Installations of courts, prosecutions and rehabilitation
1 20,000,000
36 centres
2 Real Estate Registration Department installations 3,000,000
Transportation for the Ministry of Justice and affiliated
29 1 8,744,000
Total 50,982,000

Schedule (2.37)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 41 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Local Governance Programs and Installations for Fiscal
Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
1 2,861,000
Local Governance and affiliated bodies
Programs and installations of the Ministry of Local
2 12,000,000
Governance and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Local Governance and
29 1 8,740,000
affiliated bodies
1 Municipal Guard Unit programs and installations 7,561,000
39 2 Environmental sanitation programs 30,000,000
3 Municipality installations and programs 19,637,000
Total 80,799,000

Schedule (2.38)
Distribution of Allocations for Labour and Rehabilitation Programs and Installations for
Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
1 4,000,000
Labour and Rehabilitation and affiliated bodies
Programs and installations for the Ministry of Labour and
2 25,967,000
Rehabilitation and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation
29 1 983,000
and affiliated bodies
National Institute of Management programs and installations
1 8,550,000
Training (sectors, the Warriors Affairs Commission, training
2 1,000,000,000
Total 1,039,500,000

Schedule (2.39)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 42 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Interior Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Transportation for the Ministry of Interior and affiliated
29 1 152,886,000
26 1 Ministry of Interior installations 370,495,000
2 National Safety Authority programs and installations 40,000,000
Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Unit
3 20,000,000
programs and installations
4 Civil Status Authority programs and installations 30,000,000
Total 613,381,000

Schedule (2.40)
Distribution of Allocations for Defence Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Applied Research and Development Unit programs and
1 44,000,000
2 Military Industrialisation Unit programs and installations 24,500,000
38 Executive Air Freight Unit (private aviation) programs and
3 7,500,000
Executive Centre for Services, Maintenance and
4 2,000,000
Construction programs and installations
Total 78,000,000

Schedule (2.41)
Distribution of Allocations for the Prime Minister's Office Programs and Installations for
Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Prime Minister's
1 16,751,000
Office and affiliated bodies
Programs and Installations of the Prime Minister's Office
2 135,788,000
and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Prime Minister's Office and affiliated
29 1 11,207,000
40 Libyan Centre for Archives and Historical Studies programs
1 1,000,000
and installations
2 Urban Planning programs and installations 100,000,000
General Authority for the Environment programs and
3 8,254,000
Total 273,000,000
Schedule (2.42)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 43 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for National Congress Programs and Installations for Fiscal
Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the General National
1 61,651,000
Congress and affiliated bodies
Programs and installations of the General National Congress
2 332,284,000
and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the General National Congress and
29 1 6,065,000
affiliated bodies
Total 400,000,000

Schedule (2.43)
Distribution of Allocations for Economy and Commerce Programs and Installations for
Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
1 18,802,000
Economy and Commerce and affiliated bodies
Programs and installations for the Ministry of Economy and
2 19,756,000
Commerce and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Economy and Commerce
29 1 2,907,000
and affiliated bodies
Total 41,465,000

Schedule (2.44)
Distribution of Allocations for Planning Programs and Installations
for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Programs and installations for the Ministry of Planning and
41 1 112,297,000
affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Planning and affiliated
29 1 5,703,000
Total 118,000,000

Schedule (2.45)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
Page 44 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Finance Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
1 34,000,000
Finance and affiliated bodies
Programs and Installations of the Ministry of Finance and
2 51,889,000
affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Finance and affiliated
29 1 2,111,000
Total 88,000,000

Schedule (2.46)
Distribution of Allocations for Assistance of Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons
Projects and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
41 1 1,000,000
Assistance of Families of Martyrs and Missing Persons
Transportation for the Ministry of Assistance of Families of
29 1 1,469,000
Martyrs and Missing Persons
Total 2,469,000

Schedule (2.47)
Distribution of Allocations for Endowments and Islamic Affairs Projects and Installations
for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of
1 8,393,000
Endowments and Islamic Affairs and affiliated bodies
Programs and installations of the Ministry of Endowment
2 462,000
and Islamic Affairs and affiliated bodies
Transportation for the Ministry of Endowment and Islamic
29 1 1,862,000
Affairs and affiliated bodies
Total 10,717,000

Schedule (2.48)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 45 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Wounded Persons Programs and Installations for Fiscal
Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Purchase of administrative premises for the Ministry of State
1 4,480,000
for Wounded Persons Affairs
Programs and installations for the Ministry of State for
2 29,820,000
Wounded Persons Affairs
Transportation for the Ministry of State for Wounded
29 1 700,000
Persons Affairs
Total 35,000,000

Schedule (2.49)
Distribution of Allocations for Tourism Programs and Installations for Fiscal Year 2013
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
41 1 Ministry of Tourism programs and installations 36,935,000
29 1 Transportation for the Ministry of Tourism 2,065,000
Total 39,000,000

Schedule (2.50)
Distribution of Allocations for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Projects and
Installations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Transportation for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
29 1 1,454,000
International Cooperation and affiliated bodies
Total 1,454,000

Schedule (2.51)
Distribution of Allocations for Communications and Informatics Programs and Installations for
Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
Transportation for the Ministry of Communications and
29 1 876,000
Total 876,000

Schedule (2.52)

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arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
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Page 46 of 47
Distribution of Allocations for Lending Projects for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
Item Subitem Description Value in LYD
42 1 Lending (real estate/agricultural/industrial) 500,000,000
Total 500,000,000

Schedule (3)
Distribution of Part (4) Allocations for Fiscal Year 2013 AD
No. Body Amount
1 Medicines 1,000,000,000
2 [Rationed] goods 1,500,000,000
3 Fuel (petroleum and oil products) 6,600,000,000
4 Public lighting and electricity 1,000,000,000
5 Water and sanitation 200,000,000
6 General hygiene 260,000,000
7 Feed 47,850,000
Total 10,607,850,000

This document constitutes an un-official transcription/translation. DCAF cannot be held responsible for damages that may
arise from its use. For official reference, please refer to the original text as published by the Libyan Authorities.
DCAF’s Libyan Security Sector Legislation project is financed by the DCAF Trust Fund for North Africa.
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