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MARK 2020 Market research



This assignment is testing your understanding of many of the key principles covered in this course. In particular, sub-activity 2
focuses on your understanding of broad research approaches, target respondents, and alternative research method, all
discussed within the context of an industry and brand. These are all elements needed for writing a good market research brief.
Writing market research briefs is one of the major inputs marketing managers have in the market research process and one of
the key skills this course seeks to build.


Case Scenario:
You are the marketing manager for Haigh’s Chocolates. You have recently introduced a new chocolate range in its Adelaide
stores using native ingredients, in partnership with an indigenous-owned company, 'Warndu'. Warndu is a co-culture lifestyle
brand aiming to regenerate culture, traditions, community, health and soil using
Australian native food and botanicals. 'Warndu' means 'good' in the Adnyamathanha language, native to the Flinders Ranges
country in South Australia. The new Haigh's Warndu range showcases the diversity of flavours found in Australian native
ingredients. Haigh's have introduced Milk Chocolate with Finger Lime and Dark Chocolate with Davidson Plum in-store (Adelaide
only) and online (nationally) as part of this new range. You are now looking to evaluate market reaction to the range and also
look at ways to extend it.
You need to brief a research agency to undertake market research to help in this work.

Sub activity 2 (1300 words approx)

Submit your response to sub activity 2 on Sunday, May 8th by 11.59 pm.

At the START of your assignment include your three research objectives (not the discussion of them) from your Sub
activity 1, so that the marker has this required prior information easily available for context when marking sub-activity 2.
You may also prefer to use the three market research objectives that will be supplied by the course co-ordinator as part of
the feedback on Sub-activity 1. These will be made available after the return of sub activity 1.

1. Discuss what broad type of research (qualitative, quantitative or both) you think is needed to meet each of the three
research objectives you specified in Sub activity 1, question 1. Justify and explain your decisions.

This question tests that you know the difference between qualitative and quantitative research approaches and what sort
of situations they are best suited to.

2. For each of the three market research objectives you have, identify the target respondents who should be included in the
research in order to address that market research objectives. What will you use as a sampling frame for the respondent
groups? What approximate sample size do you recommend?

This part of the discussion is testing if you know who needs to be included in research to meet the research objectives. Be
sure to address the last part of the question as to how these respondents could be found/identified and how many you
would like to include.

3. What data collection method/s would you recommend in order to meet each research objective? Explain and justify your

The answers here will depend on what your research objectives are. This question is testing that you know the differences
between the research methods and the different strengths and weaknesses of each. You can recommend more than one
method. Be sure to link discussion specifically to the respondents and the objectives.

Further information
MARK 2020 Market research
• Word limits: Headings and dot points are encouraged. A key objective of this assignment is expressing yourself clearly
and concisely so please stay within the word limit (plus or minus 10%). Penalties will apply if you exceed the word limit
too much.
• Focus on answering the assignment questions and demonstrating understanding of the concepts and use your ability to
APPLY them to the scenario. You do not need to contact the organisations directly to complete this assignment, but you
will need to show you have done some basic research on the organisation and thought about the industry the company
is in.
• Structure your discussion by assignment question. Start a new paragraph for each new idea.
• Make sure you address all parts of the task in your answer. Each has some weight allocated to it (see the rubric).
• You are expected to use the Harvard reference system. In your answer make sure you reference all sources of
information by including an in-text reference whenever you use the ideas from sources and list the full information for
each in-text reference in a reference list at the end.
• You should submit your assignments via the Leanonline link on the course web site. You will need to do this before the
due date, otherwise the system will be closed and won’t let you in. If this happens – email your tutor immediately with
your assignment attached as late assignments are penalised and may not be marked (contact details are in the Course
Information Booklet). Please cc me into this email.
• Put your name and ID as a header or footer.

Please note that sub-activity 2 assignment examples from last year have been posted to also assist you in understanding what
we are looking for in your work and what a highly graded assignment looks like. The task was not the same, but was similar
enough that it should be of help to you in your task this year.
If you have any further questions, please post them on the discussion board.

Anne 2022
MARK 2020 Market research

Criteria Below expectations Marginally meeting Meeting expectations Slightly above Outstanding,
(F2-F1) expectations (P2) (P1) expectations (C) significantly beyond
expectations (D-HD)

Ability to apply Discussion is not Some attempt made Discussion is applied to Discussion is applied to Discussion is applied to
question to the applied to the to apply the the industry and the industry and /or the industry and the
organisation and industry or discussion to the organisation to some organisation to a large organisation and
industry (20%) organisation but organisation and/or extent. Some generic extent but is still missing reflects a clear
rather is either industry. Discussion and/or unapplied in some areas. Discussion understanding of them.
missing or generic in is still superficial or discussion remains. shows good
nature. lacking in detail in understanding of the
GQ1, GQ3, GQ6, GQ7 areas. industry/company.

Sub-points 0 5 10 15 20

Approach and Submission fails to Submission identifies Submission identifies Submission identifies Submission identifies
justification (20%) identify appropriate some appropriate appropriate research appropriate research appropriate research
research approaches research approaches approaches for most of approaches for the approaches for all of
for the objectives. The for the research the research objectives. research objectives. the research objectives.
approaches that are objectives. Some Good efforts are made Justification for the Justification for
GQ1, GQ3, GQ6 identified are not efforts are made to to justify selections but selections are almost all selections is complete
justified. justify selections, but are incomplete or complete and correct. and shows a clear
are incomplete incorrect in places. understanding of what
/incorrect in places methods are suited to
what approaches.

Sub points 0 5 10 15 20

Identification and Submission does not Submission identifies Submission identifies Submission identifies Submission identifies all
discussion of clearly identify some respondent most respondent respondent groups and respondent groups and
respondent groups, respondent groups for groups but some are groups. they are mostly linked to links them to each
sample frame and size each objective. missing. each research objective. research objective.
(20%) Sample frame is stated
Sample frame is Sample frame is not but missing some Sample frame is stated Sample frame is stated
missing or complete or details. and appropriate. and appropriate.
inappropriate. inappropriate.
GQ1, GQ3, GQ5 Sample size is specified. Sample size is specified. Sample size is specified.
Sample size is not Sample size is
specified or is very specified but is
unrealistic. unrealistic.

Sub points 0 5 10 15 20

Identification of data Submission does not Submission does not Submission identifies Submission identifies all Submission identifies all
collection method/s clearly identify data clearly identify data some data collection data collection methods data collection
(20%) collection methods collection methods methods but does not but does not link to each methods and links
and/or for each objective link to each objective objective. them to each objective.
and/or and/or
methods are not Methods are justified for Methods are justified
GQ1, GQ3, GQ5 justified. methods are not methods are not fully each objective. Shows a for each objective.
justified for each justified for each good grasp of research Discussion shows
Shows confusion over objective. objective. Shows some methods. insight and
research methods. confusion over understanding of
Does not show research methods. research methods.
understanding of
research methods.
MARK 2020 Market research
Sub points 0 5 10 15 20

Presentation, clarity & Many typographical or Arguments are Arguments are mostly Submission is almost free Submission has no
correct grammar and grammar / expression logical to a fair logical, points made are of typographical or typographical or
referencing (Harvard errors. Somewhat extent, some points generally convincing & grammar / expression grammar / expression
system) of academic understandable. Style made are convincing well supported, errors. Easy to errors. Highly engaging
and industry sources not appropriate for and supported. Some reasonably good understand and tailored discussion, very easy to
(20%) the audience. limited insight. insight. Submission has to the audience. understand and
Referencing errors. few typographical or Submission is almost all tailored to the
GQ3, GQ6 Has a number of grammar / expression original content, uses audience. Submission
typographical or errors. Reasonably easy past studies or sources includes all original
grammar/expression to understand and only to build the content, uses past
errors. appropriate to the argument or to verify studies or sources only
audience. Referencing empirical claims. to build the argument
Moderately easy to is almost all correct. Referencing is correct or to verify empirical
understand and throughout. claims. Referencing is
appropriate to the correct throughout.
audience. Some
referencing errors.

Sub points 0 5 10 15 20

Overall Strengths:

Overall areas requiring development:

Assignment grade

Student name

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