Class 1 18 19 Unit 2

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Shardein School Unit-II 2018-19

Subject - Art
Class - Ist M.M. : 15

Q1- Draw and colour the scene. (9)

"Smiley Flower"

Q2- Colour the given picture. (6)

Shardein School Unit-II 2018-19
Subject - E.V.S
Class - Ist M.M. : 25

Q1- Name them : (6)

a) Rooms of house - _______________ , _______________

b) Helpers at school - _______________ , _______________

c) Junk food - _______________ , _______________

d) Helpers at hospital - _______________ , _______________

e) Water transport - _______________ , _______________

f) Neighbourhood places - _______________ , _______________

Q2- Fill in the blanks : (3)

a) The ____________________ keep our neighbourhood safe.

b) Eating food gives us ____________________.

c) The ____________________ drives us to school.

Q3- Circle the odd one. (1)

a) Park Car Mall Bank

b) Pulse Pizza Fruits Vegetables

Q4- Match the following. (2)

a) Aeroplane Helper

b) Milkman Morning meal

c) Breakfast Made of ice blocks

d) Igloo Takes off at airport

Q5- Answer the following questions. (4)

a) Why do we need home?





b) Mention four milk products.





c) Who sells sugar in the market?





d) Why do we need vehicals?




Q6- Re-arrange the jumble letters. (2)

a) ankb - ____________________

b) oshlpita - ____________________

Q7- Name the following pictures. (2)

_________________ _________________

Q8- Draw, name and colour 2 water transports.

Shardein School Unit-II 2018-19
Subject - Maths
Class - Ist M.M. : 25

Q1- Draw the beads. (1)

a) 45

Q2- Count the beads. (1)

___________ T O

Q3- Write number and number name. (2)

a) 0 tens 5 ones = _____________


b) 6 tens 8 ones = _____________


Q4- Write in ascending order. (1)

a) 30 , 23 , 44 , 50 - _________________________________

Q5- Complete the counting. (2)

a) 398 , __________ , __________ , __________ , __________

b) 447 , __________ , __________ , __________ , __________

Q6- Write number name. (1)

a) 55 = ________________________________________________

b) 43 = ________________________________________________

Q7- Complete the table. (2)

a) 4 x 8 = ____________ b) 6 x 6 = ____________

c) 5 x 7 = ____________ d) 6 x 9 = ____________

Q8- Write skip counting. (1)

a) 6 , 9 , __________ , __________ , __________ , __________

Q9- Solve the sums. (4)

2 8 2 4 6 0 7 4
+ 1 3 + 3 4 - 1 9 - 2

Q10- Balance the boat. (1)

10 8 8

Q11- Fill ups. (2)

a) 68 = ____________ tens + ____________ ones

b) 7 + 5 = ____________

c) 2 + 3 + 4 = ____________

d) 80 = ____________ tens + ____________ ones

Q12- What comes before, between and after. (1)

a) 73 __________ 75

b) __________ 100

Q13- Put the sign > , < or = (1)

a) 67 __________ 76

b) 2 tens + 8 ones __________ 8 tens + 2 ones

c) 1 tens __________ 10 ones

d) 58 __________ 92

Q14- Make a group of 6 objects and write how many are left. (1)

Q15- Circle the greatest number and cross the smallest. (1)

a) 24 16 78 84

Q16- Write in descending order. (1)

a) 29 , 49 , 19 , 9

Q17- Solve the word problems. (2)

a) 12 birds were sitting on the fence. 17 more birds came to join them. How
many birds are sitting on the fence.


b) You have 45 cookies and you ate 17 of them. How many cookies do you
have left?

Shardein School Unit-II 2018-19
Subject - G.K
Class - Ist M.M. : 15

Q1- Name them. (4)

a) 2 Cleaning verbs - ________________ , ________________

b) 2 Things in kitchen - ________________ , ________________

c) 2 Yoga poses - ________________ , ________________

d) 2 Funny rhymes - ________________ , ________________

Q2- Fill in the blanks. (4)

a) Monica is drawing a straight line with a __________________.

b) We celebrate International Yoga day on __________________.

c) It is a cloudy day. The __________________ is about to come.

d) __________________ is the story of a wooden boy.

Q3- Write True or False. (4)

a) Ankita is sharpening her pencil with a comb. ( ____________ )

b) Television is found in kitchen. ( ____________ )

c) Ant and the grasshopper is the story of two insects. ( ____________ )

d) Dusting is a cleaning activity. ( ____________ )

Q4- Matching. (2)

a) Wind Shining

b) Sun Blowing

c) Cooler Tooth brush

d) Teeth Home

Q5- Write the moral of the story "The Hare and the Lion". (1)




Shardein School Unit-II 2018-19
Subject - Hindi
Class - Ist M.M. : 25

izŒ1- lIrkg ds fnu iwjs djksA ¼2½

d½ lkseokj ] _______________ ] cq/kokj ] _______________

izŒ2- pkj _rqvksa ds uke crkvksA ¼2½

d½ __________________ [k½ __________________

x½ __________________ ?k½ __________________

izŒ3- leku vFkZ okys 'kCn fy[kksA ¼1½

d½ ikuh & __________________

[k½ i'kq & __________________

izŒ4- laKk NkaVksA ¼1½
d½ jke fnYyh ds ckn vkxjk vkSj eFkqjk tk,xkA
izŒ5- ek=k,aA ¼2½

d½ ¡ dh ek=k ds 'kCn & _____________ ] _____________

[k½ W dh ek=k ds 'kCn & _____________ ] _____________

izŒ6- opu cnyksA ¼2½

d½ rkjk & __________________

[k½ f[kM+dh & __________________

x½ iqLrd & __________________

?k½ njokt+k & __________________

izŒ7- loZuke Nk¡VksA ¼2½
d½ esjk uke vk'kk gSA
[k½ eSa d{kk ,d esa i<+rh gw¡A
izŒ8- fyax cnyksA ¼2½

d½ jktk & __________________

[k½ HkkbZ & __________________

x½ ekrk & __________________

?k½ nwYgk & __________________

izŒ9- iz'u&mÙkjA ¼4½
d½ isM+ ij dkSu p<+ x;k\
[k½ ?kj esa cuk Hkkstu dSlk gksrk gS\
izŒ10- fjDr LFkku HkjksA ¼2½

d½ dkSvk _______________ ykus nwj mM+ x;kA

[k½ ?kj esa cuk Hkkstu gesa _______________ nsrk gSA

izŒ11- yaxwj ij fuca/k fy[kksA ¼5½
Shardein School Unit-II 2018-19
Subject - English
Class - Ist M.M. : 25

Q1- Answer the following questions. (4)

a) What is the dog's name? Why?





b) Who likes the police officer?





c) Does Bingo like milk? Why?





d) Who has a big shop?



Q2- Fill in the blanks. (2)

a) Mr. Ali is ____________________.

b) Naughty is a ____________________.

c) Teacher is to ____________________ as doctor is to hospital.

d) Bingo has ____________________ for breakfast.

Q3- Underline the noun. (2)

a) Navya has a beautiful doll.

b) Monkeys are jumping on the tree.

Q4- Use 'What' or 'Who' and complete the sentence. (1)

a) ______________ is she?

She is a nurse.

b) ______________ is he?

He is Ansh.

Q5- Matching. (1)

a) Cat Jam

b) Afternoon Bark

c) Dog Purr

d) Bread Lunch

Q6- Fill missing letters. (1)

a) B a k ______ r b) P ______ l i c e
Q7- Write the opposite. (2)

a) Wet - ___________________

b) Long - ___________________

c) Full - ___________________

d) Fat - ___________________

Q8- Change the genders. (2)

a) Horse - ___________________

b) King - ___________________

c) Nephew - ___________________

d) Father - ___________________

Q9- Write the plurals of (2)

a) Mouse - ___________________

b) Fox - ___________________

c) Cloth - ___________________

d) Foot - ___________________

Q10- Use 'I can' or 'I can't'. (1)

a) ________________ drive a car.

b) ________________ speak in English.

Q11- Use has / have. (1)

a) We ________________ pizza for party.

b) He ________________ a pet.
Q12- Re-arrange the words. (1)

a) mummy love I my


Q13- Write the composition on 'Camel' or 'Bear'. (5)


















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