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Good morning everyone!

I was assigned to discuss the Executive Development

Program. Before anything else, I would like to explain it to you what is Executive
Development Program and why is it important specially on the aspiring business
owners. An executive development program is a type of program that is designed to
broaden the business and leadership skills of executives and business leaders. The
primary goal of an executive education program is to serve as a source of advanced
education for professionals that are in leadership positions - allowing them to bolster
their knowledge on specific, executive-relevant topics and stay up to date on all of the
fast-moving developments that take place in today’s dynamic business world. It also
provide an opportunity to meet and interact with their industry peers and can exchange
ideas. Hence, this program is important specially to train and develop professional
managers and to face cut throat competition.


Symposium is a meeting of people who shared interest that result in a discussion,
debate. It’s a compilation of different people’s papers. Basically, Symposium is
essentially a gathering of people interested in a given topic.
Conference bring individuals together who have a common interest in a subject, but
they aren’t only for professionals. Anybody may host a conference with a shared
interest in a topic, and practically anyone can attend .
Workshop is a brief training course attended by a group of individuals. It is an interactive
atmosphere where you may learn about a topic. It is an excellent way to learn about
different facets of a subject.


The case method is a learning methodology built on learning by doing and which aims
to prepare students for strategic decision-making in companies through the practice of
real situations. Individual study and analysis of the case Small group discussion of the
case. Case study method in management education allow a different kind of learning. It
is close to the learn by doing’ approach. Cases are intended to stimulate the reality of
the manager’s job. The material in the case provides data for analysis and decision-

Learning should be enjoyable and listening to a person talk is one of many methods of
learning. However, it is less suitable for people who prefer a more practical, active
approach. Management games help make learning interactive, enjoyable and realistic
with key learning points to take back to the workplace.
Games should not be played for the sake of it, or for making the life of a facilitator
easier. However, there are many reasons for running management games including:
A game simulates 'real life' conditions of what the training is trying to communicate
It generates interest in the subject and is rich in experiential learning
The game allows participants to easily interact, socialise, and network with others
It provides much evidence for the facilitator and participants to debrief and learn from.
Interpersonal skills are key skills for managers and it is possible to read about these in a
book. But you can learn more about them from a practical activity, where you get
feedback from others on the affect you had on them. Once the behaviour has been
experienced, the manager is on the way to a change in behaviour.

(basa sa ppt)
Anything we do well in life has come from practicing it, and that’s where role play
becomes a powerful teaching tool for anything related to communications. It gives
participants a chance to practice with their new communication tools and it becomes a
vital part of the learning experience. In fact, I would say that any communications
course, be it sales, presentation or interpersonal, without a role-play element, is a waste
of time. It is kind of like attending a seminar on tennis, without hitting a ball, and
expecting the participants to walk away as better tennis players.

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