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Road Rationing and and Verhoef 2007). In such a situation,

the positive aspects of owning a vehicle,

Economic Gains considered a private virtue, turn out to

be a social vice. Expectedly, the adverse
effects are too many. First and foremost,
Assessing Delhi’s Odd–Even Formula it adds to air pollution and global warm-
ing. In the case of Delhi, the contribu-
tion of vehicles to air pollution is quite
Kaustuva Barik high. Certain studies estimate it to be up
to 80% of the total (Gurjar et al 2004).

The Delhi government’s move he recent decision of the Delhi Second, base noise levels in the city have
to allow only alternate use government to permit private exceeded acceptable standards.2 Accord-
vehicles with odd or even regis- ing to Banerjee et al (2008: 165), motor
of cars with odd and even
tration numbers to run on alternate days vehicles are the main source of urban
registration numbers from 1 has created a stir. The policy envisages noise emission:
January 2016 is a step in the reducing the number of vehicles on Delhi The growing vehicle population gives rise to
right direction. However, even roads by about 50%, which is expected unrestrained noise pollution and associated
to reduce the level of air pollution in the health effects and can cause both short term
as such command and control as well as long term psychological and
city. The policy attracted appreciation
measures will be difficult to from quite a few quarters on grounds of
physiological disorders.

sustain, the gains made from improvement in environmental quality. Third, delays due to traffic jams and
these measures will only wane However, many looked at it with dismay uncertainty in reaching destination on
as they did not have an inkling of how time give rise to considerable stress in
over time. Long-term measures
to manage commuting when the new human beings with many instances of
with strong economic incentives policy comes into effect. The magnitude road rage being noticed in recent years.
to ensure favourable outcomes of the problem can be imagined if we Fourth, seen from an economic perspec-
are imperative for better quality visualise a scenario where about 42.4 lakh tive, congestion on roads results in loss
private vehicles will be banned from of man-hours as travel time gets longer.
of air and environment. This
plying on road1 on any given day. People Fifth, slow-moving traffic leads to higher
involves strengthening public commuting in these vehicles needed to fuel expenditure at the household level
transportation systems. be accommodated in existing alternative and larger imports of crude oil at the
modes of transport such as buses and the macro level, which has implications for
metro. The alternative to private vehicles, valuable foreign exchange.
that is, the public transport system in It is discernible that the use of a private
Delhi, is inadequate, irregular, and over- vehicle could have a bearing on the costs
crowded as usual. borne by others, popularly known as
Against this backdrop, this article “negative externalities” in economic ter-
examines the economic gains of the new minology. While costs to the owner/user
policy decision and explores the possi- of the vehicle are limited to expenses on
bility of attaining the policy objective fuel and maintenance, costs to society
through alternative means. are rise in health expenditure and
economic wastages. This results in a
Private Vehicle Externalities divergence between social cost and pri-
Undeniably, commuting in private vehi- vate cost, the former being greater than
cles provides autonomy to people and the latter. Such a scenario gives rise to
enhances their productivity by saving on the classic “free-rider problem,” where
travel time. In addition, it saves them the economic agents causing negative
from jostling with the crowd, provides a externalities do not bear the full cost of
sense of security—more so at odd hours— their action.
and at times enhances their social sta-
Kaustuva Barik ( teaches tus. Excessive number of vehicles, how- Policy Options
Economics at the School of Social Sciences, ever, leads to congestion on roads as In order to deal with the free-rider
Indira Gandhi National Open University, New road space becomes a scarce commodity problem, existing literature suggests three
and adds costs to the economy (Small policy options, namely, moral suasion,
12 JANUARY 9, 2016 vol lI no 2 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

command and control (CAC), and eco- purchasing power allows most house- concession from each car owner—aimed to
nomic incentives. Moral suasion usually holds to buy a vehicle.5 Second, public alleviate congestion and pollution problems.
Others have felt that it is inefficient and un-
means persuading people to carry out transport systems are weak, thereby
fair; inefficient in the way most rationing de-
environment-friendly practices. Through compelling people to fend for them- vices are inefficient, unfair because it will be
several advertisements and awareness selves. As per the Government of Delhi particularly costly to some—easily avoided
campaigns, the government aims at edu- (2015), there are 88,27,431 vehicles as of or accommodated by others. Finally, some
cating people. Campaign for use of public March 2015. Of these, 64.36% are feel that the regulation may be so inefficient
that it is counterproductive—increasing the
transport (Ab Bus Karein—let us take a motorcycles and scooters, while 31.61%
levels of congestion and pollution—because
bus) and creating awareness about car- are cars and jeeps—together they make some have purchased additional cars to
pooling are two prominent examples up 96%. The share of buses is a meagre circumvent the ban, and end up increasing
that fall into this category. A limitation of 0.22%, while taxis and autorickshaws their driving. The authors …find evidence in
this approach is that it leaves decision- comprise nearly 1% each. It is worth support of the latter view.
making to the good sense of individuals; mentioning that there is a consistent The policy of banning odd- and even-
no penalty is imposed for non-compliance. decline in the share of buses in Delhi numbered vehicles on specific days has
The CAC measures are direct regulation over the years. During 1991–92 there prompted households in Beijing to go for
by the government concerning control- were 20,201 buses which increased to a second car with a different registration
ling vehicle speed, traffic movement, fuel- 41,483 by 2000–01, and subsequently number so that they can drive the cars
use, emission levels and safety norms. declined to 19,729 in 2014–15. The decline on alternate days. According to Hao et al
Unlike moral suasion, CAC measures are is not only for private buses; the fleet (2011), about 30% car sales in Beijing is
coercive and invite penalties. The econo- size of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) to satisfy the need for second car with
mic incentives pertain to the use of taxes has also declined. The DTC has always the intention of avoiding the vehicle use
and subsidies to attain the set objectives been running on losses6—to be funded by regulations.
and leave decision-making to economic the state government—and the expansion The odd–even formula has the advan-
rationality of the person concerned. of the corporation’s fleet has not been a tage of reducing the number of vehicles
For reduction of air pollution, several priority. Introduction of metro rail has in a city temporarily. The immediate
CAC-type measures—such as the use of improved public transport systems to an effect of regulating odd–even vehicles in
lead-free fuel, conversion to compressed extent. But the metro has become very Beijing was reduction in vehicle flow by
natural gas (CNG) and tightening of emis- crowded of late. 21% and increase in average fleet speed
sion standards—have been introduced. by 27% (Hao et al 2011). The rebound
In addition, penalties for violation of Odd–Even Logic effect of increase in vehicle ownership,
traffic rules have been hiked manifold. Over the years, the Delhi government however, partly offsets the policy’s effects
Road tax and parking charges, which are has recognised the congestion problem on reduction of total vehicle use.
one-time payments at the time of regis- emanating from an excess number of The odd–even formula is a short-term
tration of vehicles, have been increased vehicles in the city. In order to amelio- measure to reduce the number of vehi-
to make private vehicles costlier and dis- rate the problem, the government has cles immediately. Seen from this per-
courage people from opting for private emphasised expansion of roads, con- spective, the decision of the Delhi gov-
vehicles. Studies show that certain para- struction of flyovers, and streamlining ernment to give it a trial run for 15 days
meters of air pollution witnessed a decline traffic movements. The decision to pro- (1–15 January) is a welcome decision.
after conversion to CNG (Kathuria 2005) hibit private vehicles from running on Some of the nagging issues in this ven-
but the benefits have waned over the alternate days marks a departure from ture, however, are: (i) the large number
years. In a recent noting, the Delhi High the past as it implicitly recognises the of vehicles entering Delhi from neigh-
Court observed that air pollution levels presence of excess vehicles on Delhi’s bouring areas, (ii) concessions given to
in Delhi have reached “alarming propor- roads and plans to cut down their num- emergency situations for Delhi house-
tions” and it is akin to living in a “gas bers substantially. holds, (iii) funding of additional cost to
chamber.”3 The odd–even formula has been implement the policy, and (iv) percep-
The signals given by the policy meas- applied in several metropolitan cities tion of alienation among people. Given
ures, however, have not been strong around the world in various forms and its coercive CAC nature, it does not give
enough to discourage people from buy- its impact has been mixed. A regulation much freedom to people and could be
ing private vehicles. The number of vehi- in 1989 by the city administration of counterproductive.7 Thus the long-term
cles per 1,000 people in Delhi has gone Mexico banned each vehicle from driv- solution to the problem has to be different
up to 487, implying approximately one ing on a specific day of the week. While, and based on economic incentives.
vehicle for every two persons.4 Two fac- reviewing the impact of the policy,
tors appear to have more than offset the Eskeland and Feyzioglu (1995: 1) make Internalising Externalities
gains of the policy measures followed so the following observations: The social cost being higher than private
far. First, Delhi has a very high per capita The regulation has been both popular and cost in the case of private vehicles calls
income—Rs 2,40,849 in 2014–15. Such controversial: some feel it is a reasonable for internalising externalities. This could
Economic & Political Weekly EPW JANUARY 9, 2016 vol lI no 2 13

be achieved by a two-pronged strategy revenue of about Rs 563.12 crore per 5 In fact, there are many households with multi-
ple private vehicles. Moreover, one can notice
of (i) imposition of congestion tax on month or Rs 6,757.44 crore per annum. certain qualitative changes in vehicle compo-
private vehicles, and (ii) subsidy on pub- If we add the tax collected from vehicles sition with the proportion of high-end cars
increasing rapidly.
lic transport. Such a strategy will alter entering Delhi from adjoining areas, this 6 The working loss in 2014–15 is to the tune of
the cost-benefit scenarios of private and figure will go up substantially. One can Rs 1,011.38 crore.
public vehicles and provide economic imagine to what extent public transport 7 According to CSE the congestion level and
associated problems in most localities in Delhi
incentives to people to alter their mode can be improved with such amounts of are alarming (as reported in Hindustan Times,
of transport. An important advantage of funding, and commitment to a cleaner 20 August 2015, http://www.hindustantimes.
economic incentives over CAC measures environment be met. -in-south-delhi-colonies-cse/story-w1YF522kC-
is the “double dividend”—congestion tax nfFR7NLK6pzZM.html). Purchase of multiple
vehicles by households will further aggravate it.
will reduce the number of vehicles and Notes
simultaneously generate revenues which 1 The total number of vehicles in Delhi as of
March 2015 is 88.3 lakh of which 96% are References
can be used for strengthening public private vehicles (Government of Delhi 2015). Banerjee, D, S K Chakraborty, S Bhattacharyya and
transport and smooth flow of vehicles. It Fifty percent of these private vehicles amount A Gangopadhyay (2008): “Evaluation and
could be a win-win situation for stake- to 42.4 lakh. Analysis of Road Traffic Noise in Asansol: An
2 The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Industrial Town of Eastern India,” International
holders. The government will gain addi- has specified norms for noise level for four dif- Journal of Environmental Research and Public
tional revenue by means of congestion tax ferent categories, namely, industrial, commer- Health, Vol 5, No 3, pp 165–71.
cial, residential and silence zones. For residen- CSE (2011): CSE Surveys Noise Pollution in Delhi,
which it can utilise for subsidy on public tial areas acceptable standard is 55 decibels viewed on 11 December 2015, http://www.
transport. Private vehicle users will gain during daytime and 45 decibels during night.
According to Centre for Science and Environ- tion-delhi.
by saving on time and fuel cost, as fleet ment (CSE), noise level in Delhi is in excess of Eskeland, Gunnar S and Tarhan Feyzioglu (1995):
speed will improve with reduction in the 100 decibels in many areas. The adverse health “Rationing Can Backfire: The ‘Day Without a
number of vehicles. The general public effects of high noise pollution could be hearing Car’ in Mexico City,” Policy Research Working
loss, sleep disorder, heart ailments, and gener- Paper 1554, World Bank.
will gain through reduction in health al annoyance (CSE 2011). Gurjar, B R, J A van Aardenne and J Lelieveld (2004):
cost as air pollution levels decline. 3 Reported in Economic Times, 3 December 2015, “Emission Estimates and Trends (1990–2000) for Megacity Delhi and Implications,” Atmos-
The tax imposed on private vehicles 2015–12–03/news/68741891_1_centre-and-city- pheric Environment, Vol 38, No 33, pp 5663–81.
has to be calibrated in such a manner government-delhi-high-court-traffic-police. Government of Delhi (2015): Economic Survey of
4 In fact, one can notice acceleration in growth Delhi, 2014–15.
that it makes people perceive that the
rate since 2001–02. According to Economic Hao, Han, Hewu Wang and Minggao Ouyang (2011):
private cost of using a private vehicle is Survey of Delhi there were 201 vehicles per “Comparison of Policies on Vehicle Ownership
high enough and it is profitable to use 1,000 persons in 1991–92 which increased to and Use between Beijing and Shanghai and Their
244 in 2000–01, considered to be moderate Impacts on Fuel Consumption by Passenger
public transport. The imposition of taxes compared to the growth in the subsequent Vehicles,” Energy Policy, Vol 39, pp 1016–21.
on private vehicles calls for a bold decision period. When we fitted a piece-wise linear Kathuria, Vinish (2005): “Vehicular Pollution Control
regression, we find the trend growth rate in in Delhi,” Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 40,
by the government, but it could be worked the number of vehicles per 1,000 persons to be No 18, 30 April.
into a populist measure since the move 4.8% per annum during 2001–02 to 2014–15 Small, Kenneth A and Erik T Verhoef (2007):
compared to 2.4% per annum during 1990–91 Economics of Urban Transportation, Routledge:
would offer two advantages to the govern- to 2000–01. New York.
ment, namely, (i) it is progressive in
nature in the sense that poorer house-
holds are exempted automatically, and EPW E-books
(ii) public transport is made cheaper, ad-
equate, reliable and safe. The measure Select EPW books are now available as e-books in Kindle and iBook (Apple) formats.
may, in fact, provide adequate funds to The titles are
the government to integrate bus, metro
and local railway services. 1. Village Society (ED. SURINDER JODHKA)
The imposition of congestion tax on ( ;
private vehicles provides justification for
a similar tax on private vehicles entering
Delhi from neighbouring areas. The green 2. Environment, Technology and Development (ED. ROHAN D’SOUZA)
tax imposed on commercial vehicles ( ;
entering Delhi could be seen as a precur-
sor of such a tax. id641419331?mt=11)
A tentative calculation implying that
Delhi is sitting on a goldmine can be 3. Windows of Opportunity: Memoirs of an Economic Adviser (BY K S KRISHNASWAMY)
seen from the following. If we take a ( ;
conservative estimate of congestion tax
of Rs 1,000 per month for cars and
jeeps, and Rs 500 per month for motor- Please visit the respective sites for prices of the e-books. More titles will be added gradually.
cycles and scooters, it would generate a
14 JANUARY 9, 2016 vol lI no 2 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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