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Job Vacancy

Temporada primavera-verano. Aurland (Noruega)
Gudvangen Fjordtell. www.gudvangen.com Vikingstle hotel situated by the
Nærøyfjord, a UNESCO-site in Norway

Gudvangen Fjordtell is a modern Viking style hotel with 39 rooms, + a budget hotel 25
rooms, restaurant seating 250, lunchrestaurant 200 seats, cafeteria, outdoor seafood
restaurant, vikingshop, souvenir shop, Viking shotsbar, cruise and ferry harbour, magic
White Caves, and a Viking Village 100 meters away. It is situated at the Nærøyfjord, a natural
UNESCO World heritage site. 45 km from Voss 2 hours from Bergen by the main road E16.
Gudvangen is very busy during the season with visitors from all over the world, therefore we
also have staff from many different countries, and English as working language. Regulated
working conditions and contracts.

Job requirements
 Good english skills
 good with numbers,mental arithmetic
 teamworker
 stresstolerant
The job also incl communication with the kitchen, lunch booking, a lot of tourist information
and taking care of some bar orders. Working language is English but other languages are
apreciated as Spanish and French. You must be able to work fast, under stress, but still be
service minded and a good teamworker! Working hours are 5 days a week, 7,5 hours a day +
lunchbreak, shiftplan. Contract and contitions according to Norwegian regulations.

Staff is needed for the season between May and September, but also between June and
August, so remember to inform us about what periode you can work.

Application with CV IN ENGLISH and Photo to: fjordtel@online.no att: Torill. Copy to
eures.nordicos@sepe.es REF. RECEPCIONIST GUDVANGEN
Send application AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Deadline: 20/4/2019

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