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To: Nancy Myers

From: Robert Andrew “Andy” Schlosser

Date: October 10, 2022
Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 14 Summary


Define Technical Descriptions – Technical descriptions are critically important in technical

communication because they are part-by-part analyses of a mechanism’s individual components.

Types of Technical Descriptions

 Operations Manuals – Operations manuals are a set of instructions to the consumer on how to
use the accompanying equipment properly.
 Product Demand Specifications – Product demand specifications are used by companies that
need a custom-made piece of equipment. The maker of the equipment needs to know as much
as possible to properly satisfy the demand.
 Study Reports Provided by Consulting Firms – When something goes wrong, it often takes a
consulting firm to analyze and thoroughly explain why and to offer any possible solutions.
 Construction Design – Before construction work begins, companies need to make sure
everything is in order. This includes having detailed descriptions of what is being built and what
it takes to do it, which is where drafting comes in.
 Sales Literature – Companies want more money, so marketing a product to them requires
thoroughly describing what said product is/does, as well as any public appeal.

Definition of Process Analysis – A process analysis is a step-by-step explanation of how a process


Examples of Process Analyses – An engineering company using presentations on the different kinds of
bridges to determine which one best suits their client’s needs, a car salesman explaining how hybrid cars
work to a potential customer, and a team of scientists requesting funding to research a specific kind of
organ transplant are all process analyses, with situational context.

Criteria for Writing Technical Descriptions and Process Analyses

 Title – A title specifies the topic of the presentation.

 Overall Organization – Begin with an introduction, which specifies and defines the topic’s
functions. Follow it with a discussion, which describes the topic in more detail. The conclusion
wraps everything up with a summary. Specific details vary, but this is a general guideline.
 Highlighting Techniques – Not everybody can properly understand a description consisting of
words alone. It’s often necessary to add graphics (which include but aren’t limited to CAD
drawings) to help low-tech or lay audiences visualize the topic.

The Writing Process at Work

 Prewriting – In order to write something coherent, you need to know what you are writing
about. An effective way to do this is to brainstorm ideas that are directly related to the main
topic and if you’re trying to convey an objective, list concrete steps towards it.
 Writing – Once you have your ideas, you will need to elaborate on them. This is where the
actual work of putting words on paper comes in.
 Rewriting – Once you have a finished draft, it’s necessary to proofread and edit it as necessary
to refine your work and make it presentable in a workplace setting.

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