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SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves transformation of diploid sporophytic cells into haploid gametnphytic cells. This occurs through meiosis and subsequent fusion of haploid (1) gametes from opposite sex to form a zygote (2n). This zygote then develops into an embryo which tukimately forme a diploid plant body. In flowering plants, all these steps occur within a specialised reproductive organ, i. flower. In this chapter, we will study about sexual reproduction in flowering plants which includes the following events-miczosporogenesis, megasporogenesis, pollination, fertilisation, embryogenesis and sced formation. ITOPIC 1] Flower and Pre-Fertilisation Events ‘The events which occur before the fertilisation are called pre-fetlisation events, During this process several hormonal and structural changes occur which lead co che differentiation and development of floral organ or flower. FLOWER leis a modified condensed shoot arsing on the axil of small leaFlike seucnare called bract and consists of four whorls or floral appendages, attached on the receptacle. OF these, the ewo lower whorls, ic calyx and corolla are sicile and considered as non-essential/accessory/helping whorls and the two upper whorl, i.e. androecium and gymoecium ate fertle and considered as essential or reproductive whorls N FLOWERING PLANTS &Y CHAPTER CHECKLIST + Flower and Pre-Fertilisation Events + Flower + Pre-Festilisutions Structures and Events + Pollination + Artificial Hybridisation + Double Fenilsation + Post-Fertilisation Structures and Events + Development ofan Endosperm + Development ofan Embryo + Development ofa Seed Seed Dispersal + Formation ofa Fruit + Some Special Mechanisms of Reproduction ‘The differene parts of a flower are discussed below in brief Calyx Icis che outermost prosective whorl of fora appendages. An individual appendage of calyx i called sepal. These are essensaly green in colour. Corolla ‘This is the second whor! of feral appendages that arises inner 1 the calyx. Individual appendages of corolla are called petals, which are brightly coloured and feagrane, making Rower areactve, to help in pollination Androecium It is the male whorl consisting of stamens. Fach stamen consiss of an anther, filament and a connective. It helps in the production of microspores, ie, pollen grains contal male gametes within the anther labes. Gynoecium Teis the female reproductive whorl. An individual appendage is called exepel or pis. le contains thee pars, i. stigma, style and ovary. it heips in production of megaspores, fries and seeds, Finis Pea orl ot [42 eanosti Jsunn eeu For Colour Fig. Scan Fig. 2.1. Diagrammatic representation ef LS ef = tawer PRE-FERTILISATION: STRUCTURES AND EVENTS Several hormonal and structural changes in plans ed co the Aifeceaiation and fyetber developmen: af the ora primordium, Inflorescences are formed which bear the floral buds and chen the flowers. In the flower, the andeoecium (ovale reproductive par) and gynoccium (female seproducsive part) diferenite and develop co form male and female gamerophyee Different events and structures involved in pre-fertilistion are discussed below Development of Male Gametophyte Development of male gametophyte involves the study of the following Stamen Ieis the male reproductive unit of angiosperm. Ie consises of two parts (@) The long and slender stalk called the filament: Gi) The eerminal, generally bilobed scructure called the anther. ‘The proximal end of the filament is attached to the thalamus or the petal (ic. epipetalous) ofthe flower. The number and length ofthe stamens ate vaiable in flowers ‘of diferent species. Structure of an Anther A rppical angiospermic anther isa bilohed structure with cach lobe having evo theca (dichecous) and separated by a longitudinal groove running lengevis. xo bet Poton yrins ofertner ote Palen sacs Fionere @ o Fig. 2.2 (1A typica stamen () Three-dimansional cut eection of an archer In a aos seation, the anther is four-sided (exagoral) seracture consttng of four microsporangja located at the ‘zomers, ovo in each lobe, Late, the miczosporangia develop and become pollen sacs, which are packed with the pollen ins Structure of Microsporangium A gpical microsporangium is surrounded by four wal layers, ve, che epidermis, endothecium, midale layers and the tapetum. The outer three wall layer are protective in Function and help in dchiscenee of anther to retease pollen Tapetum (innermost layer) nourishes the developing. microspores of pollen grains and the cells of rapetum possess dense cyraplasm and generally have more than one sucleus. For Colour ides: Fig, Sean aor Bae Microspor g ee ‘ a les ig © Fig, 2.8 (0 Tronaverse section of @ young anther (6) Enlarged view of @ microsporargium showing ur wl ayers When the anther is young, @ group of compactly arranged homogenous calls called the sporogenous tissue occupies the centre of each microsporangium Microsporogenesis + Each call of the sporogenous tissie is a potential Pollen Mother Cell (PMC) or microspore mother cel and can give rise to microspore tetrad. This process of formation of microspore ftom a pollen mother cel through the proves of meiosis. is called imierosporogenesis. + As the anthers mature and dehydrate, the microspores an inflorescence like in tases ofcorn cob (ie. stigma and syle) + The anchers are well-expased for the easy dispersal of pollen grains + Pollen grains are small light, dry, dusty, nor and sometimes even winged. + The stigmas are large, hairy and feathery or branched to catch che air-bome pollen grains. + Common examples of wind pollinated flowers are grasses, sugarcane, bamboo, coconut, ete. Adaptations for Water Pollination Water pollination is also termed as hydrophily. Ie is gquite rare in lowering plants and is limiced +0 about 30 genera, mostly monocotyledons, The adaptations of water pollinated flowers are as follows + Iris very common in lower plant groups such as algae, bryophytes and. pteridophytes. lowers are small, cofourless, inconspicuous, odourless and nectalss. + The stigmas are long and sticky, eg, Vallimeria, Hdrile ind Zostera (se2-grases). + Tn. most of the water pollinaced species pollen grains are protected ftom gewing wet by mucilaginous + Norall aquatic plants use water for pollination. In & majority of aquatic plans, che flowers emerge above the level of water and are pollinated by inseces or wind asin land plants, e.g. ater hyacinth and water lily. + In Vallimeria, the female flowers teach the surface of vwarer by the long stalk and male flowers or pollen ‘rains ate released on to the surface of water, They ate thon earred passively by water curcents, + In plants like sea gases, female flowers remain submerged in water and the pollen grains are released inside che water. In such species, pollen grains are long, ribbon-like and are catsied passively inside the water to cach stigma and achieve pollination, icky Adaptations for Insect Pollination Insect pollinaion is also termed as entomophily. ‘The adapiations of insect pollinated flowers are as follows + Insect pollinated flowers ave large, colourful, fagranc and sich in nectar. + A number of flowers are clustered into an inflorescence ro ‘make them conspicuous, when the flowers are small + Flowers have nectar glands and ate highly fragrant to atract + The surface of pollen grains is sticky due to exine layer and stigna is sticky due to mucitaginous layer. + To sustain animal visits, flowers have to provide rewards Nectar and pollen grains are floral rewards for the insect pollinators + In some species, Roral ewards ate co provide sae place for laying engs, ex Amoyphophallus (the tallest flower about 6 feec in height). + Inplaat Yeeze, moth and the planc cannot complete their life cycles without each other. The mots deposit its eggs in che locale of the ovary and the flower, in tuen, ges pollinated by ‘he moth. The larvae ofthe moth come out ofthe eggs as che seeds star developing. + Many inseces may consume pollen or the nectar without bringing about polliacion, These floral visitors ae referred to as pollen/nectar robbers Pollen-Pistil Interaction The events ftom the deposition of pollen on the stigma rill che cnrty of pollen-tube into the ovule ate collectively called pollen-pistl interaction. Ic isan essential sep in fertilisation of angiosperms and determines compatibility nd incompatibility of pollen and pistil. [ is a dynamic process involving, pollen recognition followed by inhibition or promorion of pollen. It includes following steps Recognition of Compatible Pollen ‘The pistil has the ability to recognise and accept the right (compatible) pollen ofthe same species and to reject the pollen pains thar are incompatible cither of the same species or of other species. I isthe result of continuous dialogue mediated by chemical components ofthe pollen interacting with these of the pit, After recognition of the correct pollen, pis promotes post-pollination events that lead to fextilisation. Growth of a Pollen Tube ‘The pollen grains reach the receptive stigena of the carpel by the ct of pollination. Pollen grains after gercing artached to the stigme absorb water and sll. After compatible pollination, the pollen grain germinate on the stigma to produce a pollen tube through one ofthe germ pores. The contents ofthe pollen grain then move into this tube. ‘The pollen tube grows through the tissues of stigma and style by secreting the enzymes that digest chem. In some plancs that, shed pollen at 2-celled condition, the generative cell divides, and forms the cwo male gametes during the growth of pollen, tube in the stigma, cwealeat OL etasne a9. Taree uci | Sak Film apparatas Male garetes (oy) nizeus se, ‘sce © Fig 2.41 (a) LS ofa pati shawing growth of ellen tbe (el Eriargoe view of an ogg apparatus showing enzry ot pelen tube no nsyrerge fe! Dssharge of male gore Ino a synargia ana the movemonts of tre gametes. one Inte the egg and the otha mex the cortral eet In plants, which shed pollens inthe 3-celled condition, pollen carries the two male gametes from the beginning. Entry of Pollen Tube into the Ovule After reaching the ovary. the pollen cube can enter the ovale either chrough che micropylar end (porogemy) oF through chalaza (chalazogamy) or through funicle or integument (mesogamy). lethen enters one of the synergids through the filiform apparatus present at_micropylar end. ‘The filiform apparatus direcs the growth of polien subs by secreting some chemical substances. Al these events mentioned above together are refered to as pollen-pistil interaction and the knowledge gaincd in this area helps plant breeders in manipulating this interaction, even in incompatibe pollination, co get desited hybrids, Artificial Hybridisation Ici the crossing of differen species and often genera to ‘combine desirable characters to produce commescally superios varieties. Jt has been used by the plant breeders for crop improvement programme. Ics achieved by the following mechods (@ Emasculation ‘The anther is removed from the bua before ie dehisces using a pair of forceps. Iris mainly done when the female parent hears bisexual flowers (Gi) Bagging ‘The emasculated flower is covered by a tag of suitable size generally made up of bute paper, 0 asto prevent contamination ofthe sigma by uawwanted pollen grains. ‘When the stigma of bagged flower becomes receptive, the collected pollen grains are dusted ‘onto the stigma, the flower is vebagged and the fivits are allowed to develop. I the female parent is unisexual, emasculation is not necessary. In this eas, the female bud is diectly bagged and when the stigma curns receptive, suitable pollen ‘gains are dusted oto it £0 a tallow germination and the flowers are rehagged. Double Fertilisation ‘The process war demonstrated for the first time by Nawaschin in 1898 in Lilium and Friillria, The most important and unique characterinie feature of angiosperms is the participation of both male gametes in the act of fertilisation. The pollen cube releascs the ewo ‘male gametes into the cyzoplasm of one of the synergids, then the penetrated synergid starts degenerating. One ‘male gamete fuses wich the ogg cell 0 form a diploid Qn) ‘ygore. This proces is called syngamy or _generative fertilisation. ‘The diploid zygote finally develops into the embryo. “The second male gamete fuses with the ovo polar nuclei ‘or secondary nucleus in the ccnctal cell to form the triploid Primary Endosperm Nucleus (PEN). ‘This process is called triple fusion as three haploid nuclei are involved in the fasion. [Ace ipl fusion, che central ell becomes the Primary Endosperm Cell (PEC) which gives rise to the candoxperm, while the zygote develops into the embryo. ‘Asboth the fusions ayngamay and triple fusion, occurin an embryo sac, the phenomenon is termed as double fertilisation. TOPIC PRACTICE 1 | YERY SHORT ANSWER Type Questions 1 Mark} 1. Angiosperms beating unlsexual flowers are said to ‘be either monoecious or dioecious. Explain with the help of one example each, ‘llindla 2016 2. Ananther with malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce viable male gametophytes, ive any cone reason. Dein 2013 3. Givean example ofa plant which came into India asa contaminant and isa cause of polen allergy ‘alindia 2014 4. Give the name of the parts of an angiosperm in ‘which the development of male and female gametophyte takes place. NCERT 5. Why do we call embryo sae monosporic? ‘What is meant by monosporic development of female gametophyte? CERT Name the part of the flower which the tassels of corn cob represent. Allndia 2014 SHORT ANSWER Type I Questions |2 Marks| 7. Gynoecium of a flower may be apocarpous or syncarpous, Pxplain with the help of an example each, ‘Delhi 2016 Arrange the following terms in a correct, developmental sequence, Pollen grain, sporogenous tissue, microspore tetrad, pollen mother cell, male gametes. NCERT {Ina flowering plant, a microspore mother cell produces four male gametophytes while a megaspore mother cell forms only one female gametophyte. Explain. Delhi 2017 Apollen grain in angiosperm at the time of dehiscence from an anther could be 2-celled or S-celled. Explain, how are the cells placed within the pollen grain when shed at a2-celled stage. ‘AUlIndla2017 the type of process 10. 11, Fill in the following labels. ‘occurring at each step. 0'O0"@ Niclas roel anctope 2. B. 4 15. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20, 1. Amature embryo sac in a flowering plant may possess T-cells, but S-nuclei. Explain with the help of adiagram only. Delhi2017 Name all the haploid cells present in an unfertilised mature embryo sac of a flowering plant. Write the total number of celisinit, Alltndia 2013 List the different types of pollination depending upon the source of pollen grain, Delhi 2016 ‘What are chasmogamous flowers? Can cross-pollination occur cleistogamous flowers? Give reasons for your answer, NCERT ‘Why do some plants have both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers? Why is geitonogamy also referred to as genetical autogamy? ‘AlLIndla 2010 Explain the process of pollination in Valtisnaria, Delhi 2016¢ In angiosperms, zygote is diploid while primary endosperm cell is triploid. Explain. ‘Allindia 2013, ‘What is self-incompatibility? Way does self-pollination not lead to seed formation in self-incompatible species? NCERT ‘What is meant by emaseulation? When and ‘why does a plant breeder employ this technique? NCERT SHORT ANSWER Type 11 Questions | Marks} 22. 23. Why are angiosperm anthers called dithecous? Describe the structure ofits microsporangium. Al Indi 2014 ) Name the organic material exine of the pollen grain is made up of. How is this. ‘material advantageous to pollen grain? (Gi) Stl itis observed that it does not forma ‘continuous layer around the pollen grain. Give reason. (ii) How are'polten banks’ useful? Al India 2016 24, Explain the role of tapetum in the formation of pollen grain wall. ‘NCERT 25. 26. 7. 28. 29. 30. 3. 32. ‘What is microsporogenesis? Where does it ‘occur in angiosperms? What is its significance? Write the differences between male and female gametophyte. ( Do alt polten grains remain viable for the same length of time? Support your answer with two suitable examples. (i) How are pollen grains stored in pollen ‘banks? State the purpose of storing pollen grains in these banks. eth 2017 © () Can aplant flowering in Mumbai be pollinated by pollen grains of the same species growing in New Delhi? Provide explanation to your answer. (i) Draw the diagram ofa pistil where pollination has successfully occurred. Label the parts involved in reaching the ‘male gametes to its desired destination, Allindia 2017 {As a senior biology student youhave been asked to demonstrate to the students of secondary level in your school, the procedure(s) that shall ensure ‘cross-pollination in a hermaphrodite flower. List the different steps that you ‘Would suggest and provide reasons for ‘each one of ther. ‘All indla 2016 Flowering plants have developed many devices to discourage self-pollination and to encourage cross-pollination. Explain three such devices. Delhi 2016¢, ‘What does an interaction between pollen grains and its compatible stigma result in after pollination? List two steps in sequence that follow after the pracess. Delhi 2016C () Draw a diagram of pistil showing pollen tube growth in angiosperm and label (2) stigma, () male gametes, (c) micropyle and (¢) ovule (3) Write the function of micropye. AllIndia 2017 ¢ ‘What is bagging technique? How is it ‘useful in a plant breeding programme? NCERE LONG ANSWER ‘Type Questions [5 Marks| 34. Draw the diagram of a mierosporanglum and label sts walt layers. Write briefly about the wal ayers. [NOERT Exemplar 35. (0) Drawa labelled schematic diagram of the transverse section of amature anther of an angiospermic plant. (i) Describe the characteristic features of an insect pollinated flower. Allindla 2013 36. A.flower of tomato plant following the process of ‘sexual reproduction produces 240 viable seeds. “Answer the following questions giving reasons (@) Whats te minimum number of pollen grains that must have been involved in the pollination of its pistil? (W) What would have been the minimum number of ovules present in the ovary? (ti) How many megaspore mother cells were involved? (iv) Whats the minimum number of microspore ‘mother cells involved in the above case? (©) How many male gametes were involved in this ease? Delhi 2015 37. Differentiate between microsporogenesis and megasporogencsis. Which type of eell division dceurs during there events? Name the structures formed at the end of these two events NCERE 38. () Explain the post-pollination events leading t0 seed production in angiosperms. i) Lise the diferent types of pollination depending upon the source of pollen grain. Delhi 2016 39. ()) Plan an experiment and prepare a low chart of the steps that you would follow to easure that the seeds are formed only trom the desired sets of pollen grains, Name the type of experiment that you carried out (i) Witte the importance of such experiments. AllndiaZ015 40. (0 state one difference and one similarity between gettonogamy and xenogamy. (4) Explain any tree devices developed in flowering plants to discourage self pottination and encourage crose-polination. Allindia 2017 AN. Explain the phenomenon of double fertlisation (i) Draw a labelled diagram of atypical anatropous ovule Detht2014 10. | EXPLANATIONS| Plant bearing Nowers of both sexe, i, staminste and Plsilate ower sed snonossious, Zea (msi) When both sexes, ie. staminate snd pstlate lowers are present ot iferent planes thexe plants are celled Gloecious. eg Carles papaya (papaya). ‘uaet2) Aan anther seth malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce vable male wumetophyter ve to lack of teens Pollen grains of Parienium came into India as & ligament eontarsinant abd na cause of pollen alee. ‘The parts of a mngiosperm flower in which. the development of male and Female gamtopiye takes place Se pollen sac ofantber and nucle of ovale respectively ‘An embryo mi sealed monosporie because st develops from one ofthe for megsapaes formed fom he division of mepaspore ether cll. “Tassele are stigma and syle (parts of synoectum) of corn flowers Gynec of Dower i ale as spcarpous when the pels ae free, apoenrpous ss Ramnou ‘Whereas it i called synearpous when the carpels are fused. eg, syncarpoas in Perna. 2) “The correct developmental sequence i as follows Sporogenous tise Pollen mother cell >» Micompore tetad"> Polen grain—> Male geictes @ Jp flowering plants, microspore mother celle undergo meiosis and form mlevospore tetrad. After attaining tmatwiy, thexe microspores separate fom each other ar ‘ash mcoopore develop late & male gametophyte. On the other hand, megorpore mother cll vides by meiale Alvision to produce four mepaspores, Prom thesn, tree degenerate while, the one undergoes further development fut mito divisions o produce female gnetophy. (2) Incbout 60% of angiosperms, pollen grains ae shed atthe Zeeled stage. However in about 405 fowezing plans, the generative cell may’ fucier divide micotealy to give “seo two male gametes and pollen grains are hed t this Selled stage, o The placement of cells within the palien gran when shed st 2elled stage canbe visualised a3 ey Le Dlagrammazicrepresercetion showing placemark of two cals within a pain grainy) X-Melosis (reduction division), A-Muosis B Mitosis, Mitosis, D-Cells reorganised as pslar nucle, antipodals and eg apparatus. 2 12. A typical anglospermie erribrya sac (6 8-aueleated and 1eelled az ene bee enigosas Foe cli ena ost 9 ‘Sree Flor accom mcrpyaron| Embryo sae of an angiogenic plane a 13, an unfertised embryo ac of angiosperm is composed of Ssmuclei and 7 eels. Among 8 nucle, Gare enclosed by cell walls and organised into cell while the remaining 2nclet (Calle polar nucle) are situated above the egg apparatus. ‘Out of 6 colls, 3 are grouped at muicropylar end and ‘constitute the egg apparatus, made up of 2 synergids and ‘egg cell The ather 3 are located al chalszal end and are Emasculation —+ Bagging —> Collection of pollen from other male plant — Dusting of pollen on stigma —+ Rebagging. While, planning for crop improvement Female involving dioecious plants, which of the above ih seaaeperwars’ el seaeaonimlespcelesuneees senioned steps wouldnet berelevant? 9) SO ee sings cll Suggest Ans While planning for an artificial hybridisation sultable explanation for the condition rogeumme far crop improvement involving digetous [CERT Exemplar, (5M) plants, thee is no neod of emaseulation.Dioecious plats have both the male and female reproductive ‘organs borne on separate individuals of the same species. I the female parent produces unisexual lovers, ‘eniasculation isnot required. The female lowe buds are bagged befage the lowers open. When the stigma ‘becomes receptive, pollination ts eats out using the sired pollen andthe flower is rebageed The protects them from contamination by unwanted pollen gral. Ans Replacement ofthe normal sexval reproduction by asenval reproduction without fertilisation is called poms, eg. replacerent of the lower by bulls and replacement of the sed bya plant, Aporictically produced offsprings are genetically identical tothe parent plant. In lowering plants, apomans is used in a restricted sese to mean angospeem, ic asextal eprodtion through seeds sorve plant species itis common, eg. Axleraceae and Poaceae In rome specie, the diploid egg cell formed withost redaction dicen ‘Double fertilisation is immediately followed by and develops into embryo without fertiisaion 1 isan development of endosperm. Explain the link asenuel reproduction in the sbseace of pllinstors such “pettveear te typo pwoeebese, cM ‘sin exteme envionment, as ln some species ke Citrus, some ofthe nucella els surrounding the embryo se tart dividing ant develop into embryo 1t occurs inthe megespore mother cell aid does not undergo meiosis, thus produces diploid tembrye me through mitoie divisions. Thos it explains that, embryo sae of some apomictc species appear Ans. Asthe nance suggests. double fertilisation involves twa Iypesof ferliisation-syngamy and tripe fasion. The release af two male gametes into the cytoplasm of one of the eynergid eavaests degeneration, (One male gamete fuses with the egg cello form a diploid syente hich ater forms eyo). Ts process Ppasneah oe wo Stel woerar garetts laeohoe anaes zr gamete fares wi the tw pol ale in the 15. of polyemibryony,ifone embryo entra colby proses elle triple fasion, which develops from the synergid and another from sult the formation ofa tepid a the nucelias, which one is haploid and whieh is ‘Primary Endospetm Nucleus (PEN) andthe central cell diploid? Deseribe polyembryony and also Iecomes the Primary Endospecen Col (PEC), Tis PEC ‘mention how can itbe commercially exploited. Alves repeatedly to form tepid endosperm tasue ‘at which further undergoes sueressive free miclear divisions to give rise to free nuclear endespee eee-nuces, i keen ot ghee wa icatet be nga hea iy Srey drape Somthe aucut a lids the isdageticLveny peal Uiaitsciemiy «ane rabeed in hemena deta cellular endosperm. Thos, the events of double ‘Presece of more than one embryo ina seed is called Sriietarimmlnete Maar polyemivyony, elton, grou, ee a en a Polyembryony plays an important roe i plant Arcding and hertcltre The plates obtained rom #4. Vivipary automatically Iimits the number of ‘hese embryos ae viruv-fee and have more gov. offsprings in a iter. How? NCERI Exeaypr (2M) Hybrid warts of several fan and vegetable raps are ‘Anes Visicaryia define th sed yersnaton; whe tse being extensively ciated and these hybrid cular fru i sil attached tothe mother pant. Pans which possess high podnctiviy, e grow ia marshy places are called mangroves In these | VALUE BASED QUESTIONS (VBQs) | 1. Rohan saw Mr. Sharma collecting different plant specimens. He was confused to see hhim doing this collection and approached fhtm asking about it. Mr. Sharma told him that he will cross different plant specimens in bis laboratory for obtaining better varieties of plants. (i) Why is he interested in such experiments? (il) Name this technique. (ii) What precautions he should take while applying this technique? (iv) What values are shown by Rohan? Ans (ji) The crossing of differnt plant species and genera leads to combination of desirable characters t0 produce commercially ‘superior’ varieties. (1) Atifictal hybedication. a 1m artificial hybridisation, only desired pollen ins should be used for pollination. The stigma Should be protected from unwanted pollen. This can be achieved by emasculation and bagging techniques. a (iv) Rahan is attentive, observant, ioquistive and watts to gain knowledge oy 2. Kanchan went to a garden and saw some flowers which were closed. She assumed that those flowers must be buds. But she was astonished to see that all the flowers of that plant were closed and none of them was open. She was confused and asked her querles to her teacher. () What do you think, are there any plants with closed flowers? Give an example (i) Are such plants get pollinated? Explain. (ii) Whatare such flowers/plants called? (iv) What values are shovn by Kanchan? Ans (i) Yes, there are some plants with closed flowers, eg Oral. ww (i) Yes, suck Dowers undergo sef-polination “The pollen from the anthers of samme flower are transfered fo the stigma ofthe same fower o i Such lowers ate called cleistogamous flowers. (1 {Go} Kancian is very curious about asture, active and lovely inher lie » ‘3. Ram saw a farmer spraying some chemicals on flowers. On asking farmer, he came to know that this act will ead to the formation of fruits without fertilisation, Ram thought that fruits developed in this way are not good to eat as chemicals are sprayed on it. [Next day, he asked his biology teacher about it, who explained him everything. () What chemicals were sprayed by the farmer? i) Give difference between such a spray and usual pesticide spray? (ai) What is parthenocarpy? Give tts types. ((v) What values are shown by Ram? Ans () The farmer was spraying ausins or gbberelins in low concentration which have been found to induce parthenocarpy in several plants, eg, tomato, cueurbits, strawberry, fg, ete o (i) This called chemically induced parthenocarpy, whichis not harmful far the consumers. However, pesticide sprays ate harrfal far our heath oo (it) In. panbenocarpy, uit formation occurs withoat fertilisation. Tt can be of three types, Le. genetical, environmental and chemically induced (as done by the farmer) o (iv) Raza is an intelligent, observant, inquisitive Boy who is concerned about the day-to-day activities that happen sound hin. a 4, During a biology lecture in class the teacher called apple seeds as seeds but maize sceds as grains. On hearing this Amit got confused and asks her teacher the reason behind this, The teacher appreciated Amit and cleared all his doubts, () What isthe difference between seed and grain? (i) How are maize grains formed? (ii) Explain along with a labelled diagram of the vertical section of a maize grain (iy) What values are shown by Amit? Ans (9) A seed is defined 4s an embeyonicplent covered ina seed ‘onl cunlaining some food, On the other hané,agrainis a ‘anall edible fruit, usually hard on the outside, harvested Irom grassy crop (8) Maize grains are formed from female Mowers aller the ferilisaion. wo {ii Refer to fig, 2.148) on page no. 29. a (Gs) Amit i allentive, inquisitive and wants to gain knowledge. a SUMMARY * Somual reproduction in towering plats invokes \ansfermaion of aplae sporopryte cel into napa ‘Gameiopryte cels by melasis ard subsequent sion ot Faplod ( paroles of oppose Sexto form a zygote Bn) + Several hormonal an stuc'zal changes end to the Uiferantaion and éevelopmrent of fowes. isa modiian conderised shoot oonesing of four were. Cut of ese xe lower hors, Le. calc ane covala ure accessory wots whi androseiun ae gyoectan ‘omn Fepreduelive whorl * Androecium isthe mele what conssting of stamens Each stamon consists of anavther. Haren’ and 2 carnccive + Gynootium ise orale reproductive who An ndidual appendage sealed compel > pisth wren eotains tres alts, Le sixyna, sive ant ovary + nthe sa ttragonal stucrue consisting o four rmicrosporangia, Each microsporeng ur is suroundec by ve, epidermis, endatrecim, mace laycrs ard + Centte of each miceasnorang unis occupied by Sporogenavs Issue is ch ool isa polaris microspore smother cel when gies tse four mietspates Oy + Pollan grain (nie garretopiye Is hap, uniruceat ‘rine spore consisting o! we layers, exe eid itine Each mali poten gran nara aeparm has to cals generale cll andvegetatne cel, tis sec al this stage * The owse's an rtegurverted megasporangum with ini the magaspere formation lakes pleco. Magaspere rather call rms four magespores iy mesos arrong them. an one remains funcional while res ofthe Pes degenerate + Functional magasoore erms embryo eae which «a Zenelat denuoleatesmuctute ts meropyla exgnas m9 synergies ana are 299 ot whe chaz ano Nas oe aniporil coils, The certral cel cortan two polar nucle The poten gras ae ranstared tom the stent the reeaivesigmatyvarcus ebods is called potination Poliaton cl hee 288 ge-polntion or aviozamy ipolen on he sigmad)the save tone), getonogamy (solen anne sigma ot cient Hower a he eae Pla, ‘rose polination ov enogamy (pain fom the ainerto trasigra of annie tove) Parts showmany adaplaions pense cicss-ponaton tke ichogamy, Petros se incompatity, clry, erage Palinaton cus tough several bio (wind. wate) andl (eg bra, aoc, factors On oashing ho sigma of suioba part, poten gre gare Botan ube ents to ha orb sac Trough mice. charac riegumers- ne male gamete fuses wrth eag cel (oyna) wile second garnet fuses wth secondary nucleus (ine fasion} fra forms Primary Endosperm ell (PEC). As son occurs tho Uma, fe cated double frlisation, _Altrfrlisation, zygote develogs nto embryo, ovale changes into seed and ovary et tr Sees aro wo types, vz alburninuous seeds (2g ‘ehest maze, elo) ans non-albuminous seeds (2.9, beens, peaete) Wen fu develops from ovary, hey ara calles se fruits Tre tats denved rom avery along wih ober accessory Nore pans ha thalamus ae cata fale tule, eg. app, ssranbary, eo Parthenocarplc trultsdevelon werou fetsation, 9 bana, Apomixs an polyembryony are specia mechan sms of repreducticn Apomixs ruaves production a see0s vatheut fetizaton. Paiyeminyany sine cocutrenee ot ‘mere than one embryein seed, 2 orange, iron, et. CHAPTER PRACTICE VERY SHORT ANSWER Type Questions ju Mark| 1. wich layer of microsporangial wal helps in the formation of sporopolienin? ‘Write down the ploidy of the cell of microspore tetrad. v What isthe stalk of evule called? Name the largest cell of the embryo sac. Which is triploid tissue ina fertilised ovule? anak ‘Mention the reason of difference in ploidy of nygote 7 Name the homologous structures of embryos of typical dicot embryo and a grass embryo. 8 Name two plants where remnants of nucellus can be found in seeds. 9 Whatis seed dormancy? What isits significance? 10 Givethename of any two non-slbuminuows sends. {1 Mention any one significance of fruit formation. SHORT ANSWER Type I Questions '2 Marks| 12 What isthe importance of mierospore mother cell undergoing meiosis? 13. Write the location and function of synergl (4 Whatis the role of filiform apparatus? 15 What are the commercial uses of pollen grains? 16 Wino are called pollen robbers? (7 vow many cellular nuclei does the pollen tube of angiosperm have? What is the ploidy of each of the nuclei? 18 Ditterentiate between () Hypocoty! and coleoptile (i) Prorandry and protogyny. 19. Give one wordto the following statements (0) Embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons. (i) Embryonal axis below the level of cotyledons. {i The leshy whitish structure present on rmleropylar end of seed. 20. Draw a diagram of LS of a pistil showing growth of pollen tube. SHORT ANSWER Type IT Questions |3 Marks} 21 Differentiate between clestogamous ower and chasmogamous flower. 22 Both male and female gametes are non-motile in flowering plants, so they have to be brourhe together for fertilisation to occur Write the ‘various was how this s achieved 23 How do flowers reward their insect pollinators? Explain. 24. Inthe majority of anglosperms, the zygote divides by an asymmetric mitotic division and generates two cell Discuss the fates ofthese cell 25 scwellum isthe single cotyledon found in the monocot embryo only. Explain 26. Micropyle is the single cotyledon found on the seed coat. Do you agree? Also state its Function, LONG ANSWER Type Questions |p Marks! ‘27 ‘Trace the events taking place in a flower from the time of pollen grain entry upto the completion of fertiision 28 () Name the nucle that fuse to form PEN, ) Wat isthe ploidy of PEN? (Gi) Explain the development of endosperm from PEN. 29 Describe the difference between the structures of a dicot embryo and monocot embryo. Also raw LS of monocot and dicot seeds. one os L 10. 2 4 | EXPLANATIONS | ‘Tapeta cells of misrosporangial wall help inthe formation of eporapellenin. Cells of microspore tetrad ate formed by meiosis. Therefore, they are haploid (9 in nature. Te stalk of ovules knoven a funiele Central cell is the Ingest cell f the embryo sae. Primary Endosperm Cell (PEC) is the triploid cell which, ives rise to endosperm, a tiploid tisue in a fertilised cule. “Zygote (20 is formed by the sion of one male gamete (9) and an egg cell (0). Therefore, ts ploidy level is diferent fom the other cells ofthe embryo sa CCotyledons of atypical dicot embryo and scutellum of a trass embryo are homologous structures. Tnvblack pepper and beet, remnants of macelus are Found in seeds “The sate of temporory inactivity of embryo is known a8 seed dormasicy. Te helps the seeds to. survive it ‘unfavourable conditions and germinate in suitable conalitions Pea and groundout ‘ruite protect the seed from mechanleal injury Refer ta text om page no. 27 Refer to text on page na, 82 (entry of pollen tube into the ovale) Refer to text on page no, 32 (entry of pollen tube into the ove) ans 15. Refer to text on page no. 27 (male gametophyte 16, iefer to text om page n0. 31 (adaptations for insect pollination) LAT, Pollen ae shed at either 2-celled or 3-celld stage Cells ae formed mitotically from haploid cells. 18. (i) Roles to text on page no. 38(Gtructure of dict exbxy0}. (a) Refer to text on page mo. 30 (Aichogaeny) 19. () Epicotyle (i) Hypocoty! (li) Coryledons Refer to fig. 2.11 on page no. 32 Refer to text on page no, 29-50 (wotogamy). Refer to text on page a. 30 (agente of pllination) Refer to text on page no. 31 adaptations for insect pollination). efor to text on page no. 38 (development of an embryo). Refer to text on page no. 38 (structure of monocot embryo). ‘Refer to text on page no. 59 (structare of seed). Fofer othe text on page no. 32 (entry of plea tube into the ovale and double fertilisation), 6 (@) Polar nuclei and second male gamete. @ (i) Teploid a (ii) Refer to text on page no. 38 ® 129, Refer to ext on page 20,38 and fig 2.13. B NB OB RB BRES | CBSE EXAMINATIONS ARCHIVE ‘COMECTION OF QUISTIONS ASKED IN AST? STARS 07-2008 CIN’ CTA AW TRAWINATIONS Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] 1 Angiosperms bearing unisawual flowers are said to be ‘ther monoecious or dioecious. Explan wih ine help ol fone exampe each linda 2016 Fefrto 0.20 t anpage 1.3. 2. Given boiow is a saciion of maize grain Kdentty A and ale is function, Allindia 20160 ¥ ReferIo@ No. on page ro. 41 3 Identity A in the figure showing a stage of embryo deveiopment in dicot plant and mention ite funcon. Alttndia 2016 ¥ Peter0 No.2 an pie ro. 41 4 These pictures show the gynoecium of (el Pagaver anc (©) Monel Homers. Woe ina aitlerance in Ye suc Ire bil their ovaries, tert on ge no. 28 ewiz0i5¢ 5. Nama the part of flower wich the tassels of corn cob represent, Altindia 2014 \w fitorioQ Ne den pageno. 38 6 Give an cxample of a plant, which came into india as a ‘contaminant and is a cause of pollen aleray Filer 00, No, Sen page no. 93 ‘All tna 2014 7 How many microscorangia are present in a typical antler of an angiosperin? Foreign 2013, fates xen page ro 28 8 How do tlowors of Vasneria get palinated? Rr fo exon page. 3 Foreign 2013 8 Hom many pollen grains end ovules aie tkely ‘a be formed in the anther and the ovary of a angiosperm pearing 28 microspore mathar celle and 25 megaspore Mather cells, respectively? Foreign 2013, ose ota cal rocces fou pen gas whe ne magaspore mother eat ues Fee 10 fw mages mang er ony 078 FOAMS Rr ard es fe ee 10. The melocyte of roe has 24 chromosomes. Write the rurnber of chromasomes in its endosperm tnt Eroesper sa moioe (2H Senve —Delbi201C 11. How many micospore mother cells would be required to produce one Funcred pollen grains ina pollen sac? Anauty? Foreign 2013 © Mint Ore icrocpere mater cal gives ro eur mecrpares 412 An antnor nitn mettunetioning tapetum often eile to procluce viable mala gamatophytes, Give reasons AelertoQ No.2 on page no, 9. eth 2013 18 Why is banana considered a good example of parhenocarpy? alltadia 2012 fart xt on page. 4, 14 How do pollen grains of Vatisnena protect themselves? or page ro 3 ‘AllIngia 2012 18 How is it possibie In Gralis and Viols plants to produce assurea seed-sats even in the absence at pollinators? Foreign 2012 / Paleo ent on pager. 28, 16 Normatly one embryo develops in one seed, but when | {an orange seed s squoeznd, trany emoryos of diferent shapes and sizes af soon, Mention how it has. happened? Delhi 2011 afer 2 Ne. 24 fanpage na. 42 ‘17 Mention any one application of a pollen bank. ‘Beth 20116 oon ¢anks ae usc stove pen gainsio viable covers. sca cotens aro usod in bose poaramnes. Short Answer Type | Questions [2 Maris! 48 Ina flowering plant, a rnicrospore mother cell pracuces four mele gametophytes while a megaspare mother cell forms arly ane female garetopiyte. Explan, eter @ hy Sen page 10. eth 2017 1 2 ‘A mature embry 29 ina flonering plant may possess calls, But ruc. Explain withthe help ofa diagram only etn 2017 otertoO No 2207 page 0.33 ‘Apollon grain ranglosporm atthe time of dehiscence from an anther could be 2-caled or 3-cellad, Explain, how are the ces placed within the pollen grain when shed at a 2-celled stage? ‘Ait 2017 oes 190 No. Tonnage 12 53 Diferertiate benween pericarp and perisperm. “Rater '9 No Thon page m6. 1, Delt 20176 22 Explain the process of pollination in Vaisnaria, 26 a 8 2 30 31 ser 19.. Ne 18 ce. 00g@ 8.38 Draw @ diagram of a section of a magasporangum of ‘an angiosparm art label furioulus, micropyle, embryo ‘sac and nucalus ‘Ailtodis 2026 Rete Fig 27 an page ro. 28 List the aitarent types of pottination depending upon the source of pollen gain. Dein 206 Folerto ston page no 20. Gynoecium of @ flower may be apocarpoUs or ssarpous. Explain with ha help ofan example each, ~ Reker ost enpage no. 2 Delhi 2016 ‘Whe the ctterence between the tender coconut water and the thick, white Kernel ct a mature cooonut and their ploidy Alttadia 2015 Des 20160 [Nama the product of ferti'saion that forms the ker of eaconut Hav does the kernel difer from coconut water? Poneign 2012 Rete texto ange 90.38 ‘Name the oryanie materia of which exine and inte of angiosperm pollen grrne are made up of Exalain the role of xine ethiz0r4 1 Reler'0 0 Mo 23 ven pape no. 38 List post-ertiisation events in angiosperms ell 2014 our eaten pagan, Differentiate bawean the ‘wo calls enclosed ina mature male gametoptite of an angiosperm, ‘ila 2013 Peter teat orpage 10.23 In angiosperrs, 2ygote is diploid white primary endosperm coll is tipiowd Explain, AlMNndia 2013, «lero @- Mo. 189 paige na. 88 Name all haplold cells present in an unfetilsed nature embryo sac of a Howssing plat. Write the total umber of cel init ‘Alllndia 2013 Palo an page na. 88 2 7 38 40 Wie the importance of bagaing oF unisorwal flowars in a crop improvement prograrrie. Forcign 2018 1 Per totter page na. 22 Getonagamous flowering parts are genetically aviogamous bul fnctionally crss-poliated Just ~ Rater fo toxt on page. 0, Dent 29 Why is emasculation of a bisexual llower necessary in x0p improvement programme? Farelen 2013 “feo ot on age 32 Wry af some soods of Gaus polyemoxyone? How sre they formed? aferte test on pa no 40, LUst the adgptve features of wa Valisneci Ret tox on page m0 3 ‘te the celular cantons cartiod by the palin tube, How does tho pollen tube gain is nity imo the embryo sac? Porekgn 2012 referred ta as alltnata20140- polinaiea flowors fo ‘llindia20130 Fetero text on page ra 2 Where is sporonclenin present in plants? State its signticance wih reference to ts chemical nature ale ta On page 0. 27 De 2012 State one advantage and one d'sacvantage ot elstogamy. AMNindio 2012 Rates exon page ra 29. Differentiate between albuminous and non-sbbuminous seeds giving one example of each Dethi2011 ~ Rafer eon pags re. 30 Short Answer Type I! Questions (3 Marks) a 43 (Can a plant fawerng in Mumbai be polinated by pollen grains of he Same species growng in Naw Deby? Provide explanation to your ansno" (i) Drave the ciagiam oa pisti hers pollination bas, uccesstuly occurred. Labe' the pars involved in Teaching the male gametes tots desied destination. A toata2017 fate: @ No, 280m pager. 34 (Do all pollen grains remain viable forthe same length of time? Support your answer wilh wo suitable exarnales {) How ere poten grains steras in pollon nanks? State {he purpose of storing pollen gransin these barks, 1 Refer'¢ ON. 27 on page no DanLECS () Drew a diagram of pst! showing pollen tube growth in angiosperm anc label (2) sikgme,(b) ale gametes, () mexopyie and (a) owe. (i) Write the function of micropyle / Reler'0O. Ro, Ben aage ne Allindin 20176 44 45 46 47 49 54 52 83 55 |As a senior biology student you neve bean asked 0 ‘demonstrate to the students of secondary level in your school, the procedure(s) that shall ensure cross-polination ‘in a hermaphvoctto tower. List the different stops that you would suggest and provide reasons for each one of therm allindia 2016, Riera . Ne, 29.on pager. 3 Draw @ labled diagrem ofa section of an enlarged view ‘of microsporangium of an angiosperm, Allindia2016¢ + Rote 2.3 (2) on pag@ 70.27 \Whal does an interaction between pllen grains and iis ‘compatible stigma result in after polinaion? List two ‘1996 in sequance that fotaw after the process. ‘Dei 2016 Rete. Ne. 31 on page ro. 2 (@ Name the organic material eine ofthe polen grain s made up of. How is this material advantageous to ppolon grain? (i Stil tis observed tht it does not form a continuous layer around the pollen grain. Give reason, (i) How are ‘pollon banks” usetul? -AllInaia 2016 Y PotertoQ No. 23.00 F808 2.33. Flowering plants nave developed many devices to scourge self-polinaian and ta encourage erass- polination Explain theee such devices, Delhi 2016 Y Peter to Ao 30.07 page ro. How are parthenocarpc thts produced by some plants ‘and aporictc seeds by some other? Explain Delhi 2016, ¥ feler Qa. 23 on age re $2 State what is apomiss. Comment on its significance How can ite commercially usec? ‘Adin 2015, ¥ o'r 10, Wo. 200% page no. #2. Double fertilisation Is reported in plants of both, castor ‘and groundnut. However, the mature’ seeds of groundnut are non-aburinous and castor are ‘lburinaus. Explain the postfartisation events that ara responsible fo i Deihi2015 Yfke 10. Ne. 17 on page no 4. Draw a labelled diagram of sectional view of a malure embryo eas of an angosperm. Allindia 2016 ~ Rta fo fg. 29 page ro. 28. Explain ary three advantages Inst seeds otter to angiosperms. Det 2014 Refer @ No, 19en page na. Mako a list of any three outbreeding devices that fiowoting plants have daveloped and explain how thoy help to encourage cross-polination —_allindia2014 Rete oe on pag ne Why are angiosperm anthers called dthecous? Describe the structure of ts microspovangiu, 7 aie (0 No. 2207 page re 8 allindia 2014 ‘56. () Describe endosperm development in coconut (i) Why is tender coconut considered a healthy source ‘of nuttion? (i) How are peas diferent from castor seeds with respect to endosperrr?” ‘All india 2013, 12 ~ eterfo@ No 1607 page no. 57 Differentiate between perisoecm and endosperm diving ‘one exarrple of each. ‘Allon 2012 + FalertoO Mo Bon pageno. 58. Ditferentiato between geitonogamy and xenogamy in plants. Which one netween the two wil lead to inbreeding depression and why? Deth2011 ele text on page no 90. 99 Drew a diagram of a male gamotopryte of an ‘angiosperm, Label eny four pans. Wry is sporopolienin ‘considered as the most resistant organic materia? » Relero ext and ig 2.0m page m0. 27. ‘el2011 Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] 60 Read the slatement and answer the questions thet follows, Alowor of bral nas 520 ovves in its ovary However, produces a fut wth only 480 wabie goods, {What could have prevented the rest ofthe 40 ovules ‘tom maturing into vable seeds? Explain ling @ reason. (i) Describe the development of acicat embwyoin a viable seed (i) Wry certain angfospermic seeds are alsuminous, wink oles ae exaloumingus? Sepia Belht2o17 + Pato No 26 ange 42 61. Read the following siatement and answer the questions that flows ‘Aguava fest has 200 viable seeds (What ae viable seeds? (0) Write the total numberof (@) Poten grains (© Gametes are producing 200 vabie guava saeds (i) Prepare tow chart to depict the post-potinalion vents leading to viable seed production in a flowering pian. ‘Delhi2017 Rar to.O.No 2500 page no 42 62 () When a seed of an orange is squeezed, many embryos, instead of one are cbserved. Expiain, how itis possi, (@ Ate these omoryos geneticaly similar or diferent? Comment allindia 2017 Fort. No, 24 on ga no #2 63) Wilh faboled alagrams, depict stages in embryo development in a cientyledenaus plan (i Enaosperm development precenes erbryo evelopment Wy? Delhi2017¢ Aefero 0 No. 22 on page co. «2 64 {i Slate one cilference and ore similarly between [potenogamy and xenogary, (i) Explain any trae devices developed ia towering planis to discouiage sel polination and encourage erass-polination ‘allinda 20176 eter te 0. No. 40 en page. 65 (i) Explan the post.potinstion events leading to seed production in angiosperms (i) List the diferent eyoes of potination copending upon the source af polen grain. Det 2016 Feterto No. an age p02 66 A flower of tomato plant folloning the pracess ol sexual reproduction produces 240 viable sed Answer te folowing questions giving reasons. (9) What isthe minsrum nurrbor of pollen grains that ‘must have been involved in he polination ofits pis? {i] What would have been tre minimum number ot ‘aulog proserd nthe ovary? 4) How mary megassore mother cells were valved? (iy What is the zninmum aunber of microspore moter Cools wolvad in the above casa? (y) How many rrale gametes ware invoved in this case? Delhi2015 eer @G. Na, 6.00 page n0. 38, 67 {) Plarvan experimont and propare a tow char ofthe les ‘nat you would fol to ensure that the seeds fare formed only rom the desired sets of poten grains, Name the type of experiment that you Carried out (i) ita the imperterice of such experiments ‘oo f0 No. 89.0 pag9 ro. 3 ‘Altindis 2015 68 (Describe in sequence tne process of rmierosporogenesis in angiosperms. (i) Oraw 2 labeled diagram of a 2-cellec fina! structure formed Ans 20156 olor toten on pageno 2 69 @Draw a diagram of frtiised ambeyo eae of a dicot flower, Labe! al is celular components, ) Explain the development of a mature emorye from this embryo see. ‘Delhi 21s ‘elor hg 2 12 and ext on page no. 38 70 ” R 7” 74 5 6 (Explain tne phonorgrcn of double tenuisation Gi Draw tabollse ciagram of a typeal anstropous ovale, Dei 2014 Fate 100, No, 41 on page 10,34 ) Explain the dittoront ways epomictic seeds can develop. Give an example of each, (8) Morton one advantage of aporictic seads to farmers, {) Draw a labelled mature slage of a dicotyledonous ambrya. ‘All india 2014 Refer 90. No, Bhan page no. 42 () Drawa labellod schamatic dagram of the twansverse saction of a mature anther of an angiospermic plant Feteri9 fy 23 0npee 9.27, (i) Describe the charactaristc features of an insect polinated ilower, eth 2013 Peterson page x0 31 () Drawa diagram cl a mature embryo sac of an angiosperm and label the following parts in I. (@) Filiform apparatus [) Syneraids (©) Centra cet {] Eggeelt (@ Polar nucte! (f Antinodals| Peter 1919 29.00 pane no. 28 (0 Write me tate of egg cell and poter nucle ater feniicaten. ‘lb 2043 Feria ten page. 32 How doas the megasnore mother cell cevelop into 7-celled and 8-ruciaate embryo sac in an angospexm? (Draw a lapeiac agra of mature embiya sac. Delhi 2012 Fer (otexconpage no 2, Why is letiisation in an angiosperm raferred to as double lertlisaion? Mention the ploidy of whe cals involved allindia 2012 Fearn tox} an page 2 Give reasons, wry”? {i} Most zygotes mn angiosperms chide only ater certain aroun! of endosperm is formed (W) Groundnut spads are exalbuminous and castor ceeds are albumninous. i} Micropyie remains as a small pore in the seed coat ola seed. (i) Integumenis of an owsle hardon and the water Contant is highly teduoad as tha seed matures (&) Apples and cashewnults are not called irse full teria tex! on page no, 3840, aittada 2011

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