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France before Napoleon's rise to power was in acute socio-economic and political crisis. Most of the
achievements of the French Revolution had disappeared during the reign of terror and the Directory
Government. Napoleon therefore inherited a demoralized nation characterized by inflation, unemployment,
financial and religious crisis, power struggle, anarchy and a very desperate socio-economic condition. His first
political agenda was therefore to create order out of chaos. These made him to come with a comprehensive
socio-economic and political program through which he put things right. This is why it's said that Napoleon
corrected the wrongs in the French society.

On top of re-organizing France, Napoleon preserved the achievements/gains of the French revolution and
completed the reforms that the revolution had started: He upheld revolutionary ideas and principles and even
exported them to Europe through his aggressive war policy. It's this that partly explains why Napoleon p is
known as a true child of the French revolution

Generally, Napoleon's achievements in France and Europe were so great that he is popularly known as
“Napoleon the Great''. Although Napoleon was so successful and dominant in French as well a European affairs,
he nevertheless had his weaknesses and failures as we shall analyze in his policies

1. The concordat (1801)

This was an agreement that Napoleon signed with the Pope in 1801. Before Napoleon came to power
revolutionary reforms like the civil constitution of the clergy and nationalization of land had turned the Catholic
Church into an enemy of the French revolution. Napoleon was however determined to bring reconciliation and
gain political support. He was convinced that religion was "a Cement of social order" and that's why he
remarked that; a state without religion is like a Vessel without a compass. With these ideas in mind, Napoleon
signed the concordat with the pope in 1801, which not only guaranteed freedom of worship but also recognized
the catholic religion as a state religion. The church influence on state affairs was brought to an end and the
Pope's authority was restricted to spiritual and church related affairs.

The clergy became civil servants who were appointed and paid by the government. The role of the Pope was
just to ordain the appointed clergy. By bringing the church under state control leave alone trimming its powers,
Napoleon fulfilled the aims of the French revolutionaries who had revolted against the Catholic Church
dominance in French affairs. Thus, the concordat strengthened Napoleon's popularity and made him to realize
his dream of creating a great French empire. This is proof of Napoleon's greatness and true statesmanship.

2. Ownership of land and property

Free ownership of land and other property was enjoyed by the Frenchmen during the reign of Napoleon. During
the course of the French revolution, land and other property that were confiscated from the nobles and clergy
were sold to the peasants at a fair price. However, the clergy and nobles started to reclaim their land and
property but Napoleon nullified their claims. This made peasants to retain land and other property that they had
acquired during the course of the revolution. It avoided the re-emergence of feudalism and, serfdom through
which the Clergy and nobles had exploited the peasants. It also increased the productivity of peasants and
reduced the problem of famine, and starvation in France.

3. Administration

Napoleon re-organized the administrative structure of France. This brought an end to administrative confusion
and weaknesses that used to encourage corruption, embezzlement and inefficiency. He centralized the
administration and created Departments headed by prefects, Arrondisement ruled by sub prefects and
communes governed by mayors. All these officers were appointed by him and therefore loyal and answerable to
him. Local councils continued to be elected by the people and their role was to advise prefects and sub-prefects.
All these maintained law, order and created efficiency in service delivery. It would be emphasized that the
centralized government of modem France was adopted from that of Napoleon. It was also used by France in her
colonies like Algeria and Tunisia.

4. Education

Before Napoleon, France had poor education system of very low standards. But Napoleon through his reforms
laid foundation for the modem French education. He encouraged secondary education by setting up secondary
schools that were run by the communes. His government also introduced semi-military, secondary schools
called Lycees, which were run by the government. In the Lycees, military science, political science and
mathematics were emphasized to strengthen the spirit of nationalism and improve the performance of the army.
He also founded the university of France in 1805 (the first university) with 17 branches throughout France.
University education was brought under state control and this ended the disagreement between the church and
state over education. The schools were non-segregative and nondenominational and produced very bright and
innovative students who served the nation with distinctions.

5. Commerce and industry

Napoleon transformed and improved the industrial and commercial sectors of France. Before Napoleon came to
power, these two sectors were referred to as the Laughing stocks of Europe. They were completely run down by
unnecessary trade restrictions, numerous taxes, corruption, lack of government support and accountability.
However Napoleon reversed this situation. For instance, he created the central Bank of France in 1800 to give
loans to traders and manufacturers. Taxation was made very realistic and hence friendly. Napoleon created the
chamber of commerce, commercial exchanges and advisory boards for manufacturers. By 1815 there were
2000 mills employing 40,000 people and linen production was boosted and was employing about 58,000 people.
He also embarked on a policy of protectionism, which sheltered home industries from foreign competition. Thus,
Industrial development, opened more employment opportunities and improved on the socio-economic welfare of
the Frenchmen.

6. Agriculture

Napoleon's regime greatly improved the agricultural sector. He restored peace and stability, which created a
conducive atmosphere for Agriculture. Government expenditure on agriculture was increased to boost
production. He embarked on Land reclamation and drainage of swamps to increase cultivatable Land. Farmer's
Co-operative societies and the use of better farming methods and techniques were promoted.

Awards were given for successful innovations in the field of agriculture. Consequently, these measures
increased the production of food crops such as grains, wheat, potatoes, beat, etc. This solved the problem of
famine and starvation that Napoleon had inherited from the Directory government.

7. Finance

Napoleon's reforms improved the French financial situation. By 1799, France had experienced financial crisis
and chronic inflation, which was worst during the Directory government. However, Napoleon stabilized the
currency on gold standard system. He established the Bank of France in 1800 with the Task of giving Loans and
regulating the circulation of money in the Economy. Tax collectors were to deposit tax proceeds to the Bank and
it was controlled by very strict and competent men. Defeated and conquered states were forced to pay
indemnity to support the French economy and finance Napoleon's military campaigns. Corrupt officials were
severely punished. These reduced financial discouragement, corruption and feuds that had caused financial
crisis by 1799.
NB     One should however note that, the financial stability that Napoleon restored disappeared when he started
the continental system. It  made the French and European businessmen who could not do without the British
(cheap and superior) goods to close their business and industries. This was because the substitutes to British
goods were very expensive and yet of very poor quality. This led to inflation, unemployment and the eventual
financial crisis.

8. Tax reforms

Taxation that had been referred to as "the cancer of the ancient regime" was reformed and made fair; a
centralized administration led by Gaud in was set up to handle assessment and collection of taxes'. Unlike the
previous regimes where taxation was regressive, taxation during Napoleon's regime was' progressive. People
were fairly assessed according to their ability and there was no fax exemption for the nobles arid clergy. In 1803,
Napoleon enacted the tariff law to limit imports in order to safeguard the French infant industries from
competition with British goods. He reduced the burden of taxation on the French men over taxing the conquered
states such as Italians, Germans, and Belgians etc. Corruption and embezzlement of tax proceeds/revenue
were heavily punished. By 1810, tax reforms had made France to have a balanced, budget, something that was
a dream in the previous regimes.

9. Provision of a new constitution

From 1800-1810, Napoleon ruled as a constitutional ruler. He distinguished himself by issuing a new constitution
in the aftermath of his rise to power. The constitution created an executive of three consuls (Napoleon, Abbey
Sieyes and Duccas), A parliament of 300 legislatures and a senate with powers to veto decisions of the 3
consuls. The constitution clearly separated the powers of the executive, legislature and judiciary. It was made
public and people were asked to vote in a referendum in favour or against it. It was eventually endorsed by the
people and became a working -document for the republic of France. The constitution also provided for human
rights and freedom such as freedom of worship, press, association, etc. This not only gained him support from
the liberals but also gave him a lot of powers that enabled him to have firm control over France.

10. Legal reforms/Code Napoleon. (1804 -1810)

The most memorable achievement of Napoleon was the codification of French laws that is popularity known as
code Napoleon. Before Napoleon, France, had no clear Law and Frenchmen were ruled by trial and error
method and sometimes decrees. Napoleon realized the need for a unified legal system. He appointed a
committee of Lawyers who under his guidance, came out with a clear and systematic uniform Law that promoted
equality of all by nature. The Laws were simplified and reduced to only five codes i.e. the criminal code, the civil
code, the commercial code, the military code and the penal code these codes are clear evidences of Napoleon's
attempt to right the wrongs in the French society and according to a historian Leo Gershoy; it was at once the
summary and correction of the French revolution. These codes made Napoleon very popular and were adopted
by countries of Europe, America and Africa. The codes have hitherto remained the, most convenient and
enlightened set of Laws in. the world, It marked France as a modern state in Europe and to this effect Napoleon
said; I shall go dawn to posterity with my code in my hand.

11. Public works

Through public works scheme, Napoleon permanently beautified and enriched France. Roads, Railways, canals
and bridges were constructed, marshes were drained, and sea ports enlarged and fortified, several museums
and places were founded and filled with priceless treasures looted from Italy during the 1796 Italian campaign.
Streets were enlarged and street pavements were built as well. All these improved the agricultural, industrial,
commercial and tourism sectors. These were sources of employment and provided Paris with its modem beauty.
This was amazing to Europe and no wonder that all roads and eyes were leading towards Paris. In short, Paris
became the political nerve center of Europe during reign of Napoleon.

12. Career open to talents (equality)

Career open to talents was a patriotic policy that promoted the revolutionary principle of equality. It delivered the
last blow to the remains of the segregative social class system that existed in France prior to 1799. Napoleon
opposed this injustice and royal blood connection in determining appointment and promotion to public offices.
He instead used ability and performances as criterion for ones rise to any position of responsibility. This explains
why Murat rose to the rank of a General in spite of being a son of a mere innkeeper. The policy therefore
created a new set of nobility called nobility of ability that replaced the ancient nobility of birth. It made Napoleon
to exploit talents that had been discriminated and wasted due to segregation. This explains why his government
was strong and more efficient than those of the revolutionary period.

13. The Legion of honour (love of honour) 1802

This was a form of awards given to men who rendered distinguished services to the state such as in the civil
service, commerce, army etc. This was to recognize and encourage people to be more patriotic and nationalistic
in serving their nation. It instilled in the Frenchmen the spirit of competition, dedication and self-sacrifice for their
Motherland. For the success of this policy, Napoleon said "men are led by toys".

The legion of Honour portrays Napoleon as a true child of the French revolution since he fulfilled the
revolutionary ideas of equality, liberty and fraternity.

14. The army

Napoleon scores highest in the military sector. He modernized and perfected the French army and France had
the best infantry in the whole Europe. The army was used to maintain Law and order and deal with political
opponents and saboteurs. It was used to expand the French territory and consolidate French rule in the
conquered states. The army was also used to collect war indemnity, tributes and suppress resistance in the
conquered states. All these improved French Economy that became second to Britain.

NB Exportation of the French revolution

Napoleon made the French revolution an international affair. His greatness was witnessed in the Italian
campaign of 1796, the second coalition that he defeated in 1802 and the creation of the French Empire over
Europe by 1815. In these areas, he exported the French revolutionary ideas of Equality, liberty and fraternity.
This is what sowed seeds for nationalism in Europe such as in Italy and Germany by 1870.

Generally, Napoleon's reforms and re-organization of France laid foundation for modem France. He lifted
France from a very low level and carried it to a very high level and this is why he is referred to as Napoleon the
Great. More importantly, his achievements were within a very short time in a country that had experienced 10
years of violence and mismanagement.

Although Napoleon died in 1821, nevertheless his achievements have survived his physical death. This is
supported by the following evidences; the local government has remained as he had initiated, the education
system is still his and his codes of laws are still laws of France although with some amendments, the concordat
harmonized the relationship between the church and the state until the 20th century, the principle of equality
which he saved from anarchy is still cherished and practiced in France. The fact that Napoleon's reform has
survived up to now is a clear testimony that he is a true statesman and Great.

Napoleon 1 is therefore credited for reviving French lost glory at home and over Europe through his expansionist
military campaigns.

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