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Agile Assignment

Agile Scrum process

The agile workflow is described as a series of steps used to finish complicated projects by
segmenting the production process into smaller, more manageable cycles known as sprints.
Customers and stakeholders offer feedback during each sprint, which is then included at the
conclusion of each sprint. Using this technique, developers can identify issues early on and
address them quickly. Additionally, it increases the project's effectiveness and guarantees that
the final product satisfies the needs of the customers and stakeholders.

Product Owner
The product owner is a role on a product development team responsible for managing the
product backlog in order to achieve the desired outcome that a product development team
seeks to accomplish.
Product backlog
All Agile development methods start with developing a product backlog. A product backlog
contains all the tasks and ideas involved in the development of a product. While backlog
initially starts off as a rough bunch of ideas you’ve brainstormed, it slowly takes shape as
your project moves along.
Sprint Planning:
Sprint planning is an event in the Scrum framework where the team determines the product
backlog items they will work on during that sprint and discusses their initial plan for
completing those product backlog items. Sprint planning is a collaborative effort involving a
ScrumMaster, who facilitates the meeting, a Product Owner, who clarifies the details of the

Nikita Jha (27099)

product backlog items and their respective acceptance criteria, and the Entire Agile Team,
who define the work and effort necessary to meet their sprint commitment.

Sprints are where one can take action on your backlog items. These short development cycles
have a clear set of goals that need to be completed within a given time frame.Usually,sprints
tackle only a few different backlog items to ensure that they’re quickly finished. This way,
one can get customer feedback immediately and any necessary action.
Scrum Master:
The Scrum master is the facilitator of the project, responsible for arranging the daily meetings
and keeping the team on track. The project manager often takes on the role of Scrum master,
but they can give it to anyone on the team who is a Scrum expert. The Scrum master's
primary goal is to help the project team be self-sufficient. They’ll intercept and remove
barriers to progress, acting as a buffer between the group and any stakeholders or outside
forces that might interfere. While the product owner is responsible for the end deliverable, the
Scrum master is in charge of getting the job done.
Scrum is a framework for an agile workflow. It is where the term sprint comes from. Each
sprint is followed by feedback that informs the plan moving forward to keep the target on the
requirements of the end-user, even as they change in mid-project. In scrum, there are daily
scrums, which are short meetings at the beginning of the workday. In them, teams will
discuss what the team did yesterday, what they’re going to do today and if there are any
impediments in the way. This way the team can avoid anything that might be blocking their
progress and have a clear objective for the day. These are ways to stay in conversation with
the end-user and do just-in-time analysis. In short, it’s a high-level requirement. These help
teams know what they’re doing. They’re also a great communicative channel between the
team and end-users, and that type of feedback is instrumental to an agile workflow.
Agile meetings
Holding regular meetings is another essential part of the Agile process. You need to check-in
with your project team regularly to stay updated and keep everyone on the same page. Here
are the two kinds of meetings that need to be part of your development workflow:
A. Daily Standups
These are daily meetings you hold to go over what already happened, what’s happening today
and what you need help with. This is a good way to check-in with your team and ensure that
everything is proceeding smoothly.
B. Sprint retrospectives
These are meetings conducted after a sprint is finished. In these review meetings, you go over
what happened, what went wrong and what went right. It’s a good way to get the data you
need to optimize your sprints (iterations) in the future.

Nikita Jha (27099)

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