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Name: ______________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________________
Grade & Section: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________________

General Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer. B. Arts

___13. The name Impressionism was coined from the title of
A. Music
a work by French painter ____ “Impression Soleil
___1. This style is closely associated with electronic music,
which dealt with the dimensions of sound space. Levant”.
a. Edouard Manet c. Claude Monet
a. Avant-Garde c. Expressionism
b. Chance Music d. Electronic Music b. August Renoir d. Paul Cezanne
___14. He was the key figure in the transition from realism
___2. He was often regarded as the master of
impressionism. to impressionism.
a. Claude Debussy c. Maurice Ravel a. Edouard Manet c. Claude Monet
b. John Cage d. Phillip Glass b. August Renoir d. Paul Cezanne
___3. He was credited with the establishment of the twelve- ___15. He is best known for his landscape paintings,
tone system. particularly those depicting his beloved flower
a. Claude Debussy c. Arnold Schoenberg gardens and water lily ponds.
b. Igor Stravinsky d. Bela Bartok a. August Renoir c. Paul Cezanne
___4. Who composed an experimental Helicopter String b. Edouard Manet d. Claude Monet
Quartet played inside the four different helicopters? ___16. Action painting is one form of abstract
a. Igor Stravinsky c. Karlheinz Stockhausen expressionism where an artist worked on huge
b. John Cage d. Edgard Varese canvasses spread on the floor. Famous of this style
___5. Who was the French composer known as the “Father was:
of Electronic Music? a. Adolf Gottlieb c. Lee Krasner
a. Igor Stravinsky c. Karlheinz Stockhausen b. Jackson Pollock d. Taj Mahal
b. John Cage d. Edgard Varese ___17. Typically, this style of visual art, gives the viewer
___6. The following are the characteristics of electronic the impression of movement,
music; except: a. installation artc. optical art
a. composer record c. can be played in fastest b. visual art d. conceptual art
different sounds mode ___18. The idea of this art behind the work is more
b. music concrete d. use of 12 tone scale important than the finished art object.
___7. He challenged the very idea of music by manipulating a. installation artc. optical art
musical instruments in order to achieve new sounds. b. visual art d. conceptual art
a. Claude Debussy c. Maurice Ravel ___19. It is an art movement that emerged in the USA & one
b. John Cage d. Phillip Glass of its aims is to use images of popular culture in art.
___8. This style seeks to express ideas or images related to a. conceptual art c. popular art
antiquity. b. optical art d. installation art
a. Primitivism c. Neo-classicism ___20. It is a contemporary art form that uses sculptural
b. Avant-garde d. Chance music materials.
a. Installation art c. Conceptual art
___9. It is a technology invented in 1877 which was not
b. Popular art d. Optical art
mass marketed until the mid-1890s.
___21. One of the various styles of expressionism, where in
a. gramophone c. ringing phone
its name derives from the “wild beasts”.
b. sheet music d. phonograph
a. Fauvism c. Dadaism
___10. It is a type of music composition that utilizes
b. Neo-primitivism d. Surrealism
recorded sounds as raw material or composer
___22. It was a style that depicted an illogical subconscious
records different sounds that are heard in
dream world that seemed to exist beyond the logical.
the environment
a. Fauvism c. Dadaism
a. synthesizer c. sheet music
b. Neo-primitivism d. Surrealism
b. amplifier d. music concrete
___23. Guernica was regarded by many art critics as the
___11. The following are the characteristics of Neo-
most moving & powerful anti-war painting. Who is
classicism, except:
the artist of this artwork?
a. Use of whole tone scale.
a. Ben Shahn c. Giorgio De Chirico
b. Partial return to conventional way.
b. Pablo Picasso d. Henri Matisse
c. Use of seven-note diatonic scale.
___24. His works were remarkable for their strong, heavy
d. Use of harmonic dissonances
brush strokes, that appeared with energy.
___12. Musical Impressionism is the name given to a
a. Vincent Van Gogh c. August Renoir
movement in European classical music that arose in
b. Paul Cezanne d. Edouard Manet
the late 19th century and continued into the middle
___25. The Filipino artist of “Mariveles”.
of the 20th century. ___________ is the origin of this
a. Alfonso Ossorio c. Jose Joya
b. Ben Cabrera d. Emmanuel Garibay
a. Italy b. France c. Hungary d. Turkey
C. P.E D. Health

___26. It’s the body can do without undue fatigue and is ___39. The Consumer Act of the Philippines, is the law that
divided into two components. preserves and protects consumers in the country.
a. Coordination c. Flexibility Which of the following R.A. states this law?
b. Physical Fitness d. Body Composition a. R.A. 8750 c. R.A. 7394
___27. Being healthy individual should have the principle b. R.A. 9165 d. R.A. 10354
to help create a workout plan that will be more ___40. It aims to develop a person’s ability to evaluate and
effective in reaching ________ ________. utilize health information, products, and services wisely
a. Fitness Test c. Physical Fitness and effectively.
b. Skill Related d. Fitness Goals. a. Consumer health c. Health products
___28. It is the number of training sessions being b. Health information d. Health services
performed during a given period. ___41. One of the criteria’s in evaluating health
a. Frequency c. Time information, health products & health services,
b. Intensity d. Type which tells about the source & recency of the
___29. It is an individual’s level of effort, which answer the information.
question “How Hard”. a. Content c. Credibility
a. Frequency c. Time b. Disclosure d. Interactivity
b. Intensity d. Type ___42. These are individuals who are licensed to practice
___30. The following are the result of a research which medicine and other allied health programs.
shows that children doing regular physical activity a. Health Insurance c. Health Professionals
can have, except: b. Health Consumer d. Healthcare Facilities
a. improves mental health ___43. It is an insurance that offers payment for long-term
b. improves emotional well-being or chronic diseases such as AIDS or cancer.
c. enhanced social skills a. Medical insurance c. Major medical insurance
d. reduction in social behavior b. Disability insurance d. Surgical insurance
___31. This component focuses on the ability to perform a ___44. A form of quackery which includes cure, treatment
physical task efficiently which is related to sports. & remedies of various health condition that are
drugless or bloodless.
a. Health related c. Skill related a. Nutrition c. Device
b. Physical related d. Emotional related b. Medical d. Quack
___32. Engaging yourself in moderate to vigorous physical ___45. These are forms of non-allopathic, occasionally
activity prepares you to lead physically active lives non-indigenous or imported healing methods,
and can improve _______ and academic outcomes. though not necessarily practiced for centuries
a. physical c. fitness nor handed down from one generation to another.
b. health d. academic a. Device quackery
___33. When you play sports, your body releases chemicals b. Alternative health care modalities
called: c. Medicine act
a. endorphins c. serotonin d. Herbal medicine
b. dopamine d. norepinephrine ___46. It is a form of energy medicine where long thin
___34. The Body Mass Index is defined as the body mass needles are inserted to specific parts of the body to
divided by the square of the body height. Which of affect the energy flow.
the following formula is correct? a. Ventosa c. Acupuncture
a. BMI = kg/m² c. BMI = kg²/m² b. Reflexology d. Acupressure
___47. Similar to acupuncture, reflexology focuses on
treating specific disorders through massaging of the
b. BMI = kg²/m d. BMI = kg/m soles of the feet.
___35. Ligaments are pieces of tissue that connect two a. Ventosa c. Acupuncture
bones to one another in a joint. When ligaments are b. Reflexology d. Acupressure
overstretched or teared, the result is: ___48. This right guarantee survival, adequate food,
a. Pain c. Strain clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, & sanitation.
b. Broken d. Sprain a. Right to Safety
___36. These are activities carried on within leisure time. b. Right to Basic Needs
a. recreational c. hiking c. Right to Information
b. fishing d. listening to music d. Right to Choose
___37. It is the ability of the joints to move beyond their ___49. This is the right to acquire the knowledge and skills
normal range of motion. necessary to be an informed customer.
a. Flexibility c. Speed a. Right to Safety c. Right to Consumer Education
b. Coordination d. Power b. Right to Choose d. Right to Redress
___38. The following are skill related components, except: ___50. An approved herbal plant which can be used for blood
a. Flexibility c. Speed pressure control & lowering cholesterol.
b. Agility d. Reaction time a. Bawang c. Akapulco
b. Lagundi d. Ampalaya

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