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2019 announced the Covid 19 on December 8 2019 in Wuhan China, In the Philippines

announced on January 30, 2020, Coronavirus is a virus that can be affected respiratory illness,
When The pandemic was change our lives causing humans such as impact their job and
increasing people in anxiety and depression. On March 29 2021 was received the first tranche of
1 million corona vaccines was in the Philippines. According to the report of the World Health
Organization (WHO) the pandemic of coronavirus in 2019 caused by SARS-COV-9,

The ethics of human infections challenge studies, according to the WORLD HEALTH
ORGANIZATION(WHO) That smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria that cause health in the last
50 years
the challenge studies include being performed safely on ten thousand people, why are SARS-
CoV-2 challenge studies being considered, according to global public health that can be a safe,
and effective and treatment, they agreed that the vaccine is important over 100 candidates the
reporter said that should be associated with substantial public health, such as accelerate vaccine
development, increase the likelihood that the most effective vaccines will, challenge studies must
have strong scientific justification, there is the justification of conducting SARS-Cov-2 challenge
studies such as the Criterion 2 assessment of risks and potential benefits, that it must be
reasonable to expect that the potential benefits of SARS-CoV-2 challenge studies outweigh risks,
the justification should situate them in a coherent strategy and other activities aim to improve the
public health of COVID-19. the investigators should aim for the maximum scientific knowledge
for individual participants challenged and should include specification of role in vaccine
development pathways, the potential benefits, and risk of SARS-CoV-2 should be quantified and
those of the relevant study designs, Assessment of risks that should be outweighed risks, the
assessment of their benefits should be especially rigorous.
and risks should be asses by the three groups such as participants, society, and third-party
contacts of participants. The expense of potential benefits and risks of the SARS-CoV-2
challenge studies should be determined, and with this of the relevant study designs, The example
of potential benefits and risks minimization strategies are the society, participants, and third
parties the potential of society is an amount of person who has saved and cases of the disease,
risks of society are the erosion of vaccine and the risk minimization strategies are the public
engagement research design, The potential benefits of participants are the probability of vaccine
if effective, the risks of potential are the experimental of the infection such as illness and death,
the risks minimization strategies of participants is a selection of the low of risks participants and,
the potential benefits of third parties are the benefits of participants that have the infection, the
risks of third parties are the research of the infection into third parties in the community, the risk
minimization strategies is a site o infection control to process tom protect equipment for staff.i
Risk minimization
Should the risk minimization involve a range that the third party should relieve by the use of
protective equipment for the trial of the vaccine, and also the participant of risk should be
carefully controlled and minimized The investigator should the study revise with the risk
minimization strategies, that should be administered to the participant as required.
Criterion 3

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