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Worksheet 22: Technology and AI

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Date / / Teacher

Read a text about artificial intelligence and choose a word in the box to complete each Revise:
Student’s Book, p. 170
blank. Workbook, pp. 84, 90
Study Guide, pp. 12-13
experts (2x) * chips * smarter * computers * human * assistants technology * thinking *
future * intelligent machines * robot * artificial intelligence

One never knows what the a. holds. Even those scientists who were in the midst of
inventing cutting edge technology back in 1943 were unable to predict the future as they honestly
thought that there would be a global market for about five computers. A few decades later in the
1970s, many b. continued to defend that people would be against having computers in their
homes. However, nowadays, things have changed significantly. Dr Rodney Brooks, the current
director of MIT’s Computer Science and c. _____ (AI) Laboratory says: “We already have
several d. in our kitchens,” pointing to the computer e. in our coffee
makers, fridges, washing machines and ovens. It’s really difficult to imagine a world without all this f.
_ that we take for granted, isn’t it just? He stresses that robotics is making
computers more essential in our lives and that these machines are simultaneously becoming g. .
Did you know that they’re already fairly capable of h. , looking and acting like us humans, as the
i. called Hal clearly proves? Anat Treister-Goren, a renowned child expert, is
in the process of teaching Hal to speak. Consequently, his language level is improving by the day
and if things continue moving in this direction, one will come to think that he’s almost as
j. as you and I are! AI k.
are optimistic. They dream of the day when these
l. will be our personal m.
. They will certainly be one of a kind as
they will make our every wish come true and regardless
of the many whims we may have. How awesome is that?
Adapted from:

Read the text again and choose the correct option.

a. Scientists were working on technology for the time in 1943.

1. outdated 2. modern 3. advanced
b. In the 70s said no one would want computers.
1. experts 2. ordinary people 3. robots
c. There are several in our home appliances.
1. gadgets 2. chips 3. machines
d. Dr Brooks is very about the future of robotics.
1. pessimistic 2. neutral 3. optimistic
e. Robots like Hal will offer possibilities to help us on a daily basis.
1. several 2. a few 3. no
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f. We will be able to depend more on robots than on humans as they are .

1. very efficient 2. weak 3. superheroes

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