Task - I Sem BSC Ge Cs 3b - 19 Oct

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Task- I Sem BSc GE CS 3B- 19 Oct

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1. Name *

Diya Manwani

2. Register Number/ Roll Number *


3. In the novel My Brilliant Friend, Lenu (the narrator) writes about her friend Lila. For this task
you are required to write about a friend like Lenu who writes about Lila (Keep in mind the
discussion about form and content that we had in class when we read the ten pages from
My Brilliant Friend).
Word limit- Minimum of 250 words
It was the first day of the new session, when I saw Rishabh for the first time. A rugged looking
boy, fighting with another boy, instantly caught my eye. At first glance, I was irritated by his
presence. Just the way he behaved with teachers, his carefree attitude attracted me to him in an
annoying manner.

As soon as the first period starts, our teachers makes him sit next to me. I felt as if my worst
nightmare came true. During that time I was an introvert, a girl who won't talk to anybody who
was suddenly seated next to a boy who won't stop troubling, not only students but teachers as
well. He was everything that I wasn't, hence I always found him intriguing. He took his bag in
haste and threw it near my bench, came and sat next to me and started blabbering about the
teacher. In the middle of his angry monologue, he pauses for a second and hi and keeps on
talking about the teacher.

It was a beautiful sunny day, we were in the middle of our hindi class, when he suddenly decided
to prank me. I was in the middle of a conversation with my friend when he suddenly came and
pulled the bench back as I was about to sit. I fell down, embarrassed because of the continuous
giggles of all my classmates, I got up with tears in my eyes. That was the day when I hated him
the the most.

Sitting on the same bench with him, started as a nightmare but sooner than later, I realised that
he was actually person who could be my friend. Becoming friends with him was frightening as I
was under the direct radar of teachers for punishments but also exciting as now I was a part of
the fun that I always saw from afar.

Teaching him after classes, sharing the classwork was my duty which I followed religiously not
realising that I was just a puppet, he used for getting all the work done on time.

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