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It all started one
evening when I
was cleaning and Newest Stories
fixing my room, I
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had just moved to my
sisters house. I finished Spirits Don’t Like Change
fixing my new room and Central Valley Paranormal At
decided it was time for me Virginia City
to take a break and relax. What Did it Take From Me?
So I decided to lay down in The Man In Black Tries To Get You
bed. The Lady in the Cottage
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I was My Encounters With Shadow
laying down but I was laying down on the side where you put your feet, Beings
my head was on that side, I had the TV on and was watching it side Ghost Encounter in Rural Maine
way’s. All of a sudden I saw one of my jeans from the closet move. I Cold Shivers in My Bedroom
didn’t put any importance to it, when all of a sudden I felt someone was Just Some Things I’ve Encountered
on the side of my bed looking at me.

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When I turned my head, all I saw
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was a huge black shadow standing right on my left side. I tried to move
but I couldn’t, all I could move was my eye’s and I clearly saw it move
on top of the bed and sat on top of me. I could clearly see his long Are Mirrors Portals?
fingers grab a hold of my face. It opened my mouth and drew itself What Experiences Have You had
close to my mouth. I felt as it started breathing something out of me. with Shadow Beings?
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I remember hearing my self screaming for my sister, but no one came Dreams?
to help me, then he got close to my ears and started mumbling Is it Possible for a Person to be the
something that was hard to understand what he was saying. All of a Devil’s Child?
sudden I felt my mouth moving and I heard my self trying to say Why Am I Having Sleep Paralysis
something, but it sounded so ugly like a moaning ugly talk I don’t even Only in that House?

All I remember is I started saying dear Lord please don’t leave my side Friends
don’t leave me all alone, get me out of this. Whatever it is let it go Alien UFO Truth
away. I believe in one God and that is your Jesus Christ. All of a sudden
Ama Nazra
it just jumped out of the bed.
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I remember getting out of my bed so fast, and opened the door and
walked to my sisters bedroom door and started knocking. She said she’s Shop
tired to go to sleep, she has to be up early morning for work, so I went
to the restroom that was close to my room and started washing my face Cool Jewelry
with cold water. The Paranormal Store

When I turned the light on, I was shocked and scared to see what I saw
on the mirror. I saw myself looking all pale and my eyes were open wide
and black glowing. I turned the light off and went to the other room. I Contact Us
didn’t sleep the whole night. I was so scared. Ghost Story Index
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In the morning I told my sister. I believe it was not a dream because I
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had to knock on the door and my sister remembered me washing my
face so I know this was no dream. Submit Your True Paranormal Story
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I had so many many other things happen to me with the same situation
– this same thing. If anyone knows what this is and why something like Recent Comments
this has happened please post a comment and tell me what to do.
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Shadow Creature
Tags: Shadow Creatures
Comments (18)

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18 Responses to “Terrifying Shadow Creature”

1. Cindy says:
December 28, 2007 at 5:21 pm
I had a similar experience laying in bed on my side watching TV.
I turned off the television to fall asleep. When I went to roll on my
side the tv remote fell on the floor, I had hardwood floors in my
bedroom so it was loud. The moon was extremely bright that night
and I never closed my blinds. When I opened by eyes to reach down
and pick up the remote there was a shadow person, creature or
whatever you want to call it staring right in my face. I was paralyzed
with fear.

2. The Caretaker says:

December 29, 2007 at 10:55 pm
My sister has told me about a shadow creature that she sees
quite often in her home. The odd thing there is that the shadow
always goes out of the kitchen and up the stair case. That is the only
place where she has seen this shadow thing
Highly Blessed says:
January 1, 2008 at 8:16 pm
I have seen the creature before, it came at a time where my
soul wasn’t rested. I had alot of hate in my heart and I left my soul,
mind, and body open to these demonic sprits. To get rid of them or to
keep them at bay, you have to pray before bed and leave an open
Bible in your room to keep you blessed at all time.

Robert says:
April 9, 2011 at 12:43 pm
I”ve had this encounter on many occasions, when I was half
asleep It floated over me but it kept my mouth and eyes shut, so I
couldn”t scream, or see it and I think they need your energy for
them to survive so they suck it out of you so the next morning you
will feel drained. Perhaps that”s why it came over to your mouth.

4. Cilif says:
January 3, 2008 at 10:42 am
Do not worry. The shadow you saw was real. But believe it or
not it was telling you something about your afterlife in either heaven
or summerland. Perhaps going to a phsycic would help you
understand whats truly going on. This has happened to me before but
there is no such thing as evil. There is only God and if you think
about it there truly is no evil. I know I sound like im telling you not to
be scared but you shouldn’t, the phsycic will tell you everything.

5. George says:
January 7, 2008 at 9:21 pm
I believe there is such thing as evil and if you do something
terribly wrong then you might attract something like that. But pray
about it and ask God to take it away. It will haelp.
My mother has told me that when I was young in the baby bed she
walked in and their would be black forms or sometimes blankets
floating over my body and on one occasion there were red lights
coming out of my air vent on the floor

6. Duske says:
January 9, 2008 at 6:25 am
There is a God and there is evil. It’s in the Bible. (To the person
claiming there is no evil. The Bible will warn you of that, my dear.)
Pray, ask for help in God’s name, and He will help you.

7. drexl says:
January 31, 2008 at 9:09 pm
I’ve had an experience with one of these shadow things and i
got rid of it myself so please stop with this god and bible nonsense.
you dont understand the unknown so naturally you are afraid but why
is it people’s first instinct to get all holy and religious? That’s why you
will never advance…

8. Overmind says:
March 4, 2008 at 10:13 am
I can offer a degree of explanation as to what you experienced.
I can be contacted via the caretaker of
on a side-note, it’s pretty na�ve to believe there is no such thing as
9. The Caretaker says:
March 5, 2008 at 10:12 am
Hello Overmind
Note to Author:
If you are Hazel Vega, the author of this story and would like to make
contact with Overmind contact me via the contact form on the

0. C, Burnsey , Ben says:

March 11, 2008 at 1:23 pm
We noticed that with all these people that have seen these
“shadow creatures” they are all people who believe in god alot and
say praying and what not keeps you safe…
but never anyone who understands god is not what most people think
he is, has one of these negative experiences, so maybe, opening
yourself to “god” opens you to other “evil” as well…
is god who you all think he is? or is he something else? you’ll never
know!! [followed by ghostly wails]

1. backwoods explorer says:

July 13, 2008 at 3:50 pm
This one time me and two of my friends were walking in the
back of my street (its a REALLY long street) and when you reach like
towards the end of it all the lightposts are spread out and dim so its
pretty much pitch black. Well, my friend Bric pulls out his flashlight
thing to guide us and then in the distance we saw what we thought
was a person kinda gliding around in the middle of the street under
one of the dim lightposts. Well, we walk up towards him and start
askin him what he’s doin out so late (it was around 1 in the morning).
We didn’t hear a reply, so we walked up closer to him. At this time
we’re like 2 feet away from him and we asked him if he was alright.
Bric then shinned the light at his face to see who he was and we were
horrified to see that he had no face! He then started to almost like
“vaporize” into this fog type thing. Then, the fog grows around us
and creates this awful stentch. Bric’s light goes out and we all start
trippin out. The other guy, Bubba, took off up the street. The fog then
just disapeared. Me and bric just stared at each other, shocked. Two
weeks after that, Bubba calls me up early in the morning and starts
yellin at me to get to his house. When i got there he was on the floor
covered in blood with a knife in his hand. I asked him what
happened, and he said that the shadow person we saw that night had
appeared in his house while he was in the kitchen cutting up some
watermelon and when he tried to run away from it he tripped and fell
and the knife cut his arm. We then spent everyweek end at his house
sleeping over since then and we all keep lighters with us at all times,
because apparently it doesn’t like lighters because bubba told us he
burnt it one time and it left him alone for a good while. But it still
occasionaly visits him.

2. vicci says:
October 8, 2008 at 4:00 pm
Erm i dnt believe in any God and im pretty sure Evil exists , as
it is found within people and life. Anyway i just dnt understand the
connexion .. however i saw one of these Shadows ,, it was very tall
with a hood and it was pointing .. but i dont know what it was
pointing at. also wen my uncle died he appeard at my bed side in the
form of a see through shaddow and my grandmother shouted at me
to put my daughter to bed before my uncle appeared,, has anyone
experianced this at all? a relative appearing to u wen they are dying
or just died? and wat are these pointed hooded figures?

3. ANNA says:
January 23, 2009 at 12:46 am

4. Amanda says:
March 19, 2009 at 8:24 pm
I am a Clairvoyant and I have had through out my whole life
many of every type of haunting but one. and I know that I’m not only
just a Clairvoyant there’s more to me than just that. There are about
five very distinct experiences that I have had in my memory for the
longest time period. but ill tell you the one similar to yours.
My room is in the attic of our house that is over 100 years old. in the
summer times when I first had my room before I had my air
conditioner I would sleep in either my sisters room or down stairs on
the couch. This night I wanted to sleep in her room. I slept on the
floor next to her bed. an the way that our house is the first thing that
you see comming up our stairs is her room that has no door. For
some reason I slept directly in front of her door way faces the steps.
I was drifting off into slept, when something woke me up. the second
that I open my eyes i look directly down the steps and saw wat
seemed to be like a tall dark man with a hate on top of his head. he
was just standing there like he was looking at me with no face. but
behind him was a very bright light, it was a yellowish redish color.. I
rubbed my eyes to see if it would go away. when I moved my hands
from eyes. The man was still standing there just there. he
wasn’tmoving but like I said he was extremely tall. I gt scared so I
put my cover over my face a forced myself to sleep. The next moring
I bring it to my moms attention because although her scences aren’t
as strong as mine. she experiences lighter activity than me.. she said
she was up all night because of noises and something appeared to
keep going across her floor.
I have had many of different interactions like this in mylife and has
continued through this day. i’m only 16

5. Rachel says:
March 21, 2009
at 1:22 am
Me and my friend were
heading out to the lake
late one night out of
boredom. We were
about halfway there
when a huge owl flew
right in front of us and
flew over the car, a few
mintutes later we saw
this shadow thing
begin to cross the
road. It was like a
blob, then you could see legs and arms, it walked almost like an ape,
but then shifted and would get taller. No it was not bigfoot,
something very evil. We turned the car around and never traveled
that road after dark again.

6. Alex says:
June 10, 2009 at 4:08 am
This was fairly eerie for me to read because I JUST had an
experiance not even an hour ago, and i’m Still in chills. womewhere
around 9:00 I had just awoke from a dream, i felt like there was
something in the room”my room” i thaught it was a dream i i was
about to go too asleep, as son as i put the blanket over my head i felt
something touching me. i moved the covers and Grabbed it!!! it
wasn’t a ghost, it was physically there!! i had grabbed its arm and
pulled it toward the door, i didn’t want to waste time trying to open it
so i reached for my light switch where to my surprise it did not turn
on, i tried to get a good look at it”i can usually see in the dark but
this thing was completely Black i couldn’t see a face nor any features,
so i felt atop its head to feel any hair, but it felt like shaven stubble,
thats when i opened my eyes realizing i’m back on my bed, this
wasn’t a dream because dreams do not give me the chills i’m still
feeling even an hour later”now”.
what ever it was, it was there to some physical extent.
I’m scared to go back to my room :(
someone please tolk to me about this

7. Edward Black says:

November 26, 2010 at 10:27 pm
Nobody knows yet what the Shadow People are, not even the
wisest can tell. However, there are myths about what they can be,
they can be the dark creature so called Nightmare which comes at
night at times, we don’t know why either.

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