Chi-Square Tests

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Chi-Square Tests

Significance (2-
Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 38.571a 25 .041
Likelihood Ratio 41.054 25 .023
Linear-by-Linear Association .457 1 .499
N of Valid Cases 30
a. 36 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is .17.

At 95% of significance level = Maximum confidence level

But result is significance on 41%


So not associated, reject the null hypothesis.

Directional Measures
Standard Approximat Appro
Value Error a
eT b
Nominal by Nominal Lambda Symmetric .417 .106 3.397
Age_code Dependent .360 .106 3.124
Brand_code .478 .137 2.843
Goodman and Kruskal tau Age_code .257 .047
Brand_code .292 .087
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on chi-square approximation

There is moderate association

Symmetric Measures
Value Significance
Nominal by Nominal Phi 1.134 .041
Cramer's V .507 .041
Contingency Coefficient .750 .041
N of Valid Cases 30

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