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Preparation Activity 5: Project Vision & Timeline

1. Driving question:
How can I educate the public and myself about new issues arising with new
sources of energy?

2. My General Project Plan (in 1-2 sentences) is to:

Create a short 4-video series explaining different issues that we will start to face
as we transition to new and clean energies. I will then create a simple and clean
website to showcase these videos. When the videos and website are complete,
they will be linked to the County of Maui EP&S page. I also plan to contact some
lower-level teachers to find out if they’d be interested in showing my videos
during class.

3. What will I do in my project? List all components & steps. This can be
combined with #7 if that is easier for you. Just make sure to address all aspects
of both questions.
● Contact lower division teachers
● Contact County administrator
● Contact Engineering Professor Dr.Chen at UH Manoa (AKA my STEM camp
● Research main topics
● Research on video making and editing
● Research each topic in detail
● Make a script for the pilot video
● Create story-boards for the pilot video
● Make scripts and storyboards for the other videos
● Film the pilot
● Edit the pilot
● Revise and finalize the pilot
● Film other videos
● Edit other videos
● Revise and finalize other videos
● Make a compilation of all of the videos
● Sketch out an idea for a website
● Make a draft website
● Edit the website
● Make final adjustments to the website
● Add information on the topics to the website
● Upload videos to the website
● Give the link to the website to county and lower division teachers

4. What kind of research do I need to do before I start?

There is a lot of research that needs to be done for my project; most of my project is
research. My project is based on the issues arising from new forms of energy, so I need
to research new forms of energy heavily. I’ll specifically do research on electric car
batteries, solar panels, car batteries in general, and windmills. I’ll do broad research on
these topics and also research them individually as time goes on to get all the
information I could ever want. My research will also include asking direct questions to
mentors and people in the industry. As well as researching topics for the videos, I also
need to do research on how to create videos and how to edit them well.

5. To whom should I talk for connections or ideas?

For connections, I can talk to Dr. Roger Chen at UH Manoa and Tamara Farnsworth at
EP&S in the County of Maui. They can help me make connections so I can get more
information and perspectives on the topics.

6. Who could mentor me? And what, specifically, will they help me with?
To be perfectly honest, I don’t really know who could mentor me. I know people who
might be able to help me but to be my direct mentor. So far, I have Tamara Farnsworth
as a possible mentor, but I’d also like to ask Dr. Chen and Cecile Powell.

7. My final project is due the week of November 29th. What’s a general timeline of
what needs to be done by when?
Display this in whatever way makes sense to you. Use a calendar, make a list with
dates, create a visual timeline, etc. Just make sure that you have due dates assigned to
each step.
*I often find it helps to work backward from the last step–the Final Project
Presentation–to the first.

Your timeline should be specific and include ALL of the major steps in your project, which
may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Dates to make appointments to meet with mentors
- Actual meetings with mentors
- Deadlines for pre- and post-surveys and/or assessments
- Completion dates for hands-on, building projects
- Dates to acquire materials
- Deadlines for developing classroom lessons and deadlines for delivering classroom lessons
- Publishing dates for YouTube episodes
- Dates to reach out to community organizations
-progress presentations (week of 9/19 and week of 11/14)

General Timeline:
Aug 22, 2022 : Send out emails to Dr.Chen and Cecile Powell about Mentorship I
would contact the lower grade leads here as well

Aug 26, 2022 : Review email status. If they have responded, set up a date for a
virtual meeting; if they haven’t, send out another email

Aug 27, 2022 : Complete One-Pager if not already completed, set up a meeting
and create questions to ask

Sep 5, 2022 - Sep 10, 2022: Prepare for the first progress presentation

Sep 5, 2022 - Sep 12, 2022 : Research broad topics and collect data

Sep 12, 2022 - Sep 19, 2022: Research video making and editing

Sep 19, 2022 - Sep 26, 2022 : Create a script for the first 2 videos

Sep 26, 2022 - Oct 3, 2022 : Create a script for the last 2 videos

Oct 1, 2022 - Oct 10, 2022:

-Fall break, finish scripts for videos, and try to film as much as possible
-Try to get footage into editing software and try to start editing
-Start on the website

Oct 3, 2022 - Oct 10, 2022 : Create storyboards for all the videos

Oct 10, 2022 - Oct 17, 2022 : Film and edit the first video

Oct 17, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022: Film and edit the second video.

Oct 24, 2022 - Oct 31, 2022: Film and edit the third video, Work on website
Oct 31, 2022 - Nov 7, 2022: Film and edit the fourth video, work on the website

Nov 7, 2022 - Nov 14, 2022: Publish and release the videos to youtube and work
on the final progress presentation, Finish website links
Nov 14, 2022 - Nov 21, 2022: Edit and finalize the video website, upload videos to
the website, share the website with the lower-level teachers and county mentor

Nov 21, 2022- Nov 27, 2022: The project should be done. Make any final
adjustments or changes to the website

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