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I.Name of Business and Brief Biography

My business has a prouduct ( Olivia’s H20 Hub) this is inspired by essential

use water for everyone we use printing machine to label our products. To help
our environment to reduce using plastic in labeling. My business is for
everyone, an essential product we use everyday. I chose this business to stay
away from different diseases that may occur in contaminated water. I want to
help them by doing this because ill make sure that this store has a proper

II.Name of Proponents and Brief Biography

• Olivia Doctor (Owner)
• Kittychicha Amatayakul (Manager)
• Bright Vachiwarit Chivaaree (Manager)
• Nanon Korapat Kirdpan (Frontliner)
• Chimonac Wachiwarit (Frontliner)
• Pawat Chittsawangdee (Frontliner)
• Eli Mizuhara (Delivery Personnel)
• Lapat Ngamchaweng (Delivery Personnel)

The importance of discussing and assigning of these employees is to

know their occupancy and responsibilities of every workers.
The owner is responsible for establishing budgets and sales forecasts —
and making sure the company meets them. Manager- a person
responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or
similar organization.Frontliner - receives and refills the water
containers from the customers.Delivery personnel\ assistant
Description- delivers and carry galloon\s to serve in our customers.

Overview of the business

1 Name of Business
Olivia’s H20 Hub
II Description of Business Model
Sole Proprietorship ; my business is own and managed by only one person
which is me. So this is sole protprietorship that owns by one person
III. Statement of Mission,Vision,and Values
Our mission is to serve y’all a high quality bottled water in a cheap price but
not in cheap quality. We want them to give the best because they deserve
them to have a satisfaction with our products.

Our vision is to reduce illness in our place about drinking contaminated water.
And to help them to save money in a form of buying our products. So I think a
proper hygiene and our products can save someone’s life.

Our value is give the best product to decrease their dehydration, and to serve
a product with a cheap price but a high quality product.
Statement of Mission,Vision and Values
A. Vision Statement
Our mission is to help customer to prevent water contaminated
disesases,and to save money from buying our product with the cheap price
but not in the quality.

B.Mission Statement
Our mission is to give you a clean drinking water with a cheap price. We
also want to help you to save money and to educate about environmental
issues like proper waste management to save our lives.

C. Values Statement
We value every people,so we value cleanliness to every bottle


A. Research and Analysis
1 Description of target Market
Our targert market is to find a place that has a clean surroundment and has a
lot of house near in this place, because my business really neds a people who
are responsible to buy products. I want to establish this in a wide surface that
contains family to persue what sales that I want.

2 Market Size
6,000 people that tally up the kids,teenager, and a lot of adult at our own
water refilling station.

3.Competition Market Store

Some store in our surrondings that sells a bottled water,softdrinks and juices.
These products indicated can destroy our sales because of competitors like
these. Some of products can buy in a store are proven via expert that has a lot
of sales and also tested by many people. But Andrea’s H20 Hub really wants to
be one of the most best of bottled water so we really pay attention and hard
work for it.
4. Market Trends
in my own observation the most buy product nowadays are milktea,
shake,Juice and Softdrinks. That’s why we are here to serve you a essential
product that can buy by anyone. Because water is the most important even
though some of them wants to be in a trendy products.

5. Marketing Strategies

Our water refilling station is desire to show how great product we have. We
promote this by selling and offering delivery around in our place. You can
have this product in a cheap price but not in its quality. We can assure you
that this bottled water is pure clean. I also want to negotiate with some store
in our place so they can sell our products. We also make posters that indicates
our products around our place.

Name Suppliers Transportation Price
1.Bottles Online shop Delivery 250
2. ink Online shop Delivery 500
3.galloons Online Shop Delivery 2000
4.faucet seal Online Shop Delivery 200
5 chlorine Online Shop Delivery 500
6.inject printer Abenson 18,000
7.Multi Media Online shop 1000
Sediment Filter
8.Active Carbon Online shop 500
9.Water Online shop 800
Softener Tank
10.Reverse Ace hardware 5,000
11.Polishing Ace Hardware 1,000
12.Ultraviolet Ace Hardware 1,000
13. Ozone Ace Hardware 4,000
14.Paper Online shop 200
15. Towels Online shop 2,000
16.wifi Converge 2,000 per
Talavera month
17. refrigerator Abenson 30,000
18 Generator Abenson 20,000
19. Electric bill Necco Talavera 15,000
20. Printer Abenson 12,000

. Organization/ Management Plan

Managing direction Executive director

Department manager General manager

Assistant manager

.Financial Plan

Fixed Cost Amount

Manager 10,000
Manager (2) 10,000
Frontliner 7,000
Frontliner (2) 7,000
Frontliner(3) 7,000
Delivery Personnel 5,000
Delivery Personnel(2) 5,000
Inkjet printer 15,000
Machines 200,000
Total fixed cost 266,000
Variable cost
Raw materials
bottles 5000
Galloons 4000
Chlorine 8000
Faucet seal 2000
Ink 2,500
Towels 1000
Electric bill 15,000
Wifi 2000
Paper 500
Totally monthly cost 67,510

Product(SET) cost dv dr mv mr iv
BOTTLE 1,000 200 100,000 1,200 1,200,00 200,000
GALOONS 1,000 100 50,000 600 300,000 200,000
CHLORINE 5,000 100 500,000 600 3,000,000 300,000
others 5,000 100 500,000 600 3,000,000 500,000
total 12,000 500 500,000
1,150,00 3,000 7,500,000
1 2 3 4 5 500,000
box 500 500 600 1,000 1,000 200,000
machine 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 200,000
design 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 200,000
plastic 2,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 200,000
container 500 500 500 500 500 200,000
electricity 500 700 600 600 600 200,000
others 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
rex cast pnp Cb(b) Ci (NI) CO(fc) CB (E) Quarter
Jan 500,000 1,000 400,000 500,000 100,000 200,000 50,000 First
Feb 500,000 1,000 400,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 40,000 First
March 500,000 1,000 400,000 300,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 First
April 600,000 1,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 100,000 50,000 First
May 600,000 1,000 500,000 300,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 First
June 600,000 1,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 300,000 90,000 First
July 600,000 1,000 500,000 600,000 500,000 300,000 80,000 Second
August 700,000 1,000 600,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 40,000 Second
September 600,000 1,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 30,000 Second
October 600,000 1,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 50,000 Second
November 600,000 1,000 500,000 500,000 300,000 300,000 10,000 Second
December 500,000 1,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 90,000 Second

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