Testing Your Idea: Surveys: Professor Ethan Mollick Twitter: @emollick

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Professor Ethan Mollick

Twitter: @emollick

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Conducting Surveys
•  Surveys should be done after interviews
•  Surveys can be used to convince or to analyze

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Finding a sample
Sample  Size:                                                                for  large  popula5ons,  95%  CL,  +/-­‐10%  96,  +/-­‐6%  267,  +/-­‐5%  384  

•  Convenience •  Purchased samples }  Targeted ads

Samples –  Mechanical Turk ($.25-$. }  LinkedIn
75 per survey)
–  School }  Facebook
–  Google Surveys (good for
–  Friends US, short questions) }  Adwords
–  Facebook –  Professional panels

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

General notes on question types

•  Consider demographic questions at top

•  Only use Yes/No to qualify
•  Be careful with open-ended questions

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Question types: Multiple Choice - Bad

Q: Given the state of the economy, where do you buy

a.  Amazon
b.  Mass merchandisers
c.  Clothing stores
d.  Other online sites

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Question types: Multiple Choice - Better

Q: Where have you bought the most sweaters from in the

past 12 months?
a.  Amazon
b.  Other online sites
c.  Physical mass merchandisers (such as Costco, Walmart,
d.  Physical clothing stores (such as GAP, Lands End, etc.)
e.  I have not bought sweaters in the last 12 months
f.  Other [please specify]

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Question types: Rating Scales -Bad

•  It is hard to find the right sweater, rate how much you

comparison shop before buying a sweater:
–  1
–  2
–  3
–  4
–  5
–  6
–  7
–  8
–  9
–  10

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Question types: Rating Scales -Better

•  How often do you comparison shop before buying a

–  1. Never
–  2. Rarely
–  3. Sometimes
–  4. Most of the time
–  5. All the time

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Questions on pricing/features - Bad

•  How much would you pay for a great new sweater

delivered to you every month?
–  $5
–  $10
–  $50
–  $200

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Questions on pricing/features – Better (Monadic)

•  How willing would you be to subscribe to a service for $20/

month that sends you a sweater every month like one of
the ones below?
•  Randomize the question someone gets
•  Don’t do: pricing ladder, Von Westendorp, open-ended
•  Best approach is conjoint analysis

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

How do you know if you have good questions?

•  Pretest!
–  Initially face-to-face
–  Then, small sample
•  Looking for:
–  Variance (surprise!)
–  Comfort and understanding questions
–  Missing options, frustrated choices
–  Annoyance and bias
–  Timing

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

Analyzing results

•  Response rates
•  Under 20% a problem
•  Use comparisons to the overall population to identify bias
(census questions)

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

WHARTON ONLINE Entrepreneurship  

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