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I am a young dreamer, who lives in a so-called place: Like the

best kept treasure in the Caribbean, a country with a woman's name

"Venezuela". I like to help people, through philanthropy, I think
that we should offer a helping hand to those most in need, it
draws my attention to learn from the unknown, those things that
are still studied by science, I am a free and adventurous spirit
that he likes to take on new challenges, I love to feel the
adrenaline of extreme activities. I am very passionate about
writing. For me writing is the art where the writer puts his
imagination to fly, giving life to his texts through stories,
poetry and music. It is a hobby that I use when I have some free
time or simply when an inspiration strikes me. Through my lyrics I
bring a message of reflection to humanity and thus I contribute to
leaving a mark in the hearts of the people who read my writings.

DearMoon, es la gran oportunidad que necesito para terminar de

desarrollar esa inspiracion interna que poseo, el estar en el
espacio solo con 12 personas seria una experiencia unica, ya que
para mi seria el detonante para terminar de desarrollar mi
imaginacion, le demostrare al mundo que la simplicidad del
espacio, la oscuridad y el vacio que hay en el, si lo observas con
el corazon podras observar, como desde la oscuridad nace la luz.
Quiero utilizar esta gran experiencia para escribir un libro y a
traves de cada parrafo, de cada linea y de cada texto, contar a la
humanidad como fue nuestra travesia en el espacio. Por otgro lado
quiero esribir un libro de consejos y de superacion personal para
todas aquellas personas que esten pasando alguna situacion critica
en sus vidas, convertirme en un coach motivacional, e ir por el
mundo dando conferencias y dando a conocer que mas alla del cielo
no existen fronteras que nos separen, los fondo que reacaude
serian destinados para la educacion yh combatir la desnutricion de
los niños pobres de venezuela y el mundo.

DearMoon, it is the great opportunity I need to finish

developing that internal inspiration that I have, being in
space with only twelve people would be a unique
experience, since for me it would be the trigger to finish
developing my imagination, I will show the world that
the simplicity of the space, the darkness and the
emptiness that is in it, if you observe it with your heart
you will be able to observe, how light is born from the
darkness. I want to use this great experience to write a
book and through each paragraph, each line and each
text, tell humanity how was our journey in space. On the
other hand, I want to write a book of advice and self-
improvement for all those people who are going through
a critical situation in their lives, become a motivational
coach, and go around the world giving conferences and
making it known that beyond heaven there is no There
are borders that separate us, the funds raised would be
destined for education and to combat malnutrition of
poor children in Venezuela and the world.

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