Characteristics of Living Things

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Why do living things have special characteristic ? What the mean of characteristic of living things?

What do the function of the character they have ?

Charasteristic for living things is the character of living

things have.
The livings things have special character istic for

different / distinguish them from others and adaptation to environment where they live so can be live or the adaptation tool to survive in the environment.

A. Special Characteristic of animals

1. Bat (kelelawar)

- usually live in caves or dark places - not bird but flying mammal - as nocturnal ( nokturnal) animal because search food during the night and sleep during the day - has echolocation system Echolocation system is a system that uses sound reflection to detact the location of a object thus , bat can recognice their food in the dark night.

Echolocation system is a system that uses sound reflection to detact the location of a object thus , bat can recognice their food in the dark night.

2. Gecko(cecak)
-live by clinging(merayap) on wall or ceiling - their food are small animals, such as mosquitoes and

ant-flies (laron) Why does a gecko climb a wall and not fall off? Because they have special toes structure which hooks(guratan-guratan) covered by sticky smooth hairs (bulu-bulu halus lengket).

Such structure function as glue (perekat ) when clinging on the wall

-Has sticky mucus (lendir yg lengket ) on its tongue and autotomy

- The function of sticky mucus tongue used to catch the

prey (mangsa ) and autotomy as self-defense

- Autotomy is an act to sever off ( pemutusan ) geckos

tail in order to deceive (mengelabui ) the enemies when threatened (terancam )

3. Duck( bebek )
-Live in water

- can float ( mengapung )because its feathers are

covered with(berlapiskan) oil. - oil is produced by the feather gland(kelenjar). - can swim because it has webbed feet(Selaput kaki )

- has serrated bill (paruh berbentuk sudu).

Its function for filterring out(penyaring) food from the mud.

4. Camel(unta)

- live in desert(gurun)

- has hump (punuk )

- hump is a structure on camels back that stores

(menyimpan) alot of food reserves (cadangan makanan) as fat (lemak ) - The fat can be as food source when travel long distances. - has the long eye lashes (bulu mata panjang ) and nostril can be closed.its function are to protect camel against the blowing dust/sand(debu/pasir)

has large and thick feet for preventing camels

body from shinking(terbenam) on the sand

5. Penguins
-belong to (kelompok) birds -live in cold area ,temperature under o degree

celcius.Why? Because have thick skin (kulit tebal) and feathers(bulu lebat), and have a layer of fat (lapisan lemak ) under the skin surface so make them able to face the cold.

Find the special characteristic of animals below!

1.landak 2.paus 3.katak 4.angsa 5.cumi-cumi 6.gurita 7.kepiting 8.udang 9.gajah 10.bunglon

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