CHAPTER 3 AND Questionnaire Edited

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The Impact of Mobile Banking on Enhancing Satisfaction of Bank Clients in

Barangay Manggahan, Pasig City During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Research Study

Presented to

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig

In partial fulfillment

of the Requirements for

Accounting Research and Methods


Busaing, Ma. Christina A.

Dela Costa, Lorraine Jane T.

Galam, Marlyn P.

Lazatin, Rose Ann E.

Hernandez, Flowny M.

Submitted to:

Prof. Amor B. Sande



This chapter presents the design and procedures undertaken during the conduct of the

study. It includes the methods of research, population and sample size, description of

respondents, research instrument, data-gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Method of Research Used

In this study, the correlational research design falls under the descriptive method of

research is adopted by the researchers to come up with the result that will be discussed in the

following chapters. As stated by Posinasetti (2015), a descriptive study is one in which

information is collected without changing the environment or nothing is manipulated. It is used

to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe “what exists”

with respect to the variables or conditions in a situation. In addition, descriptive methods can

also identify or rather justify practical conditions. It is capable of making assessments and can

compare factual data depicting relevant phenomena (Kothari, 2017).

Under this method, the correlation research is followed by the researcher in order to

determine the relationship of both the variables in which the researcher decided to focus on,

particularly between the mobile banking services and bank client satisfaction. In this research

design, Creswell (2012) pointed out that the researchers should utilize this to describe, test, and

measure the degree of association between two sets of scores without attempting to control or

manipulate the variables of the study.

Population and Sample Size

The respondents who will participate in this study will be comprised of 384 bank clients

from random area in Manggahan, Pasig City available namely: Napico, Karangalan, and

Manggahan Proper.

With the use of purposive sampling technique, respondents will be intently selected in

accordance to their relevance to the study conducted which are basically employees. According

to Riyanto (2015) this technique solely relies on the researcher’s own judgment when selecting

who among the population will be viable to become a respondent.

The questionnaire checklist will be distributed personally by the researchers to the

respondents in which the results given have drawn forth the level of satisfaction in mobile

banking services in Manggahan, Pasig City during COVID 19 and its relationship in enhancing

customer satisfaction.

Description of Respondents

The distribution of respondents who are bank clients is tabulated as follows:

Table 1

Distribution of Bank Client Respondents per Proper / Area

Proper / Area in Total Population Total Number of Percentage

Manggahan Pasig City Respondents

Napico 30,911 115 30%

Karangalan 41,214 153 40%

Manggahan Proper 30,911 115 30%

Total 103,036 383 100%

As shown in the table above, it depicts that there will be three hundred eighty-three (383) bank
clients who will participate and will be involved in this study which encompasses 100 percent of
the total number of respondents.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire checklist is utilized as the data gathering instrument in this study. In

line with the contents of the questionnaire, there are two parts of the questionnaire in which the

respondents are requested to accomplish.

It also incorporates the questions with regards to the adopted mobile banking features and

attributes of banking institutions in the perspective of their bank clients. In this part, all questions

are required to fill out and must not be left unanswered as this will determine the entirety of the


Validity is also adopted in this study by ensuring that the provided items in the

questionnaires are pre-tested and relevant to that of the proposed objectives of the study as well

as its literature review.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers initially requested permission and approval from the university

administrator of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig to conduct the survey outside the university

premises. Bank clients from different available proper / area in Manggahan, Pasig City will be

taken as respondents regardless of their demographic profiles including their job positions. The
number of respondents for each area is equally divided from the total number of target

respondents to ensure that there is a balance between the surveyed bank clients.

Questionnaires will be personally distributed to the respondents and retrieval of papers

will be made after providing the respondents the adequate time to answer and accomplish the

given questionnaires.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical tools that have been of use in this study are listed and explained as follow:

Mean. This will be used into the study to determine impact of mobile banking during

COVID 19 to the extent of customer satisfaction as perceived by the bank client participants with

respect to the adopted mobile banking services of the respective banking institutions.

Likert scale. This will be used to interpret and measure the level of mobile banking

features and the relationship towards customer satisfaction under two indicators particularly:

mobile banking features and mode of payment transaction attributes. The equivalence was given

as follows:

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.5-5.00 - Strongly Agree (SA)

4 3.5-4.49 - Agree (A
3 2.5-3.49 - Moderately Agree (MA)

2 1.5-2.49 - Disagree (DA)

1 1.0-1.49 - Strongly Disagree (SD)

Percentage. This will be used to find out the level of compliance with mobile banking

services and its relationship to enhancing customer satisfaction.

Pearson correlation coefficient. This will be utilized to determine the significant

relationship between mobile banking services and customer satisfaction

The Impact of Mobile Banking on Enhancing Satisfaction of Bank Clients in Barangay

Manggahan, Pasig City During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Researcher Made Questionnaire Checklist


Directions: Below are the statements that describe the mobile banking features and attributes

provided by the banking institutions. Kindly check the column that coincides with your response

in each item.

Name (Optional) : __________________________________________________

Age : __________________________________________________

Gender : __________________________________________________

Date Signed : __________________________________________________

Signature : __________________________________________________

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.5-5.00 - Strongly Agree (SA)

4 3.5-4.49 - Agree (A)

3 2.5-3.49 - Moderately Agree (MA)

2 1.5-2.49 - Disagree (DA)

1 1.0-1.49 - Strongly Disagree (SD)

5 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (MA) (DA) (SD)

During COVID-19, rate how mobile banking has help to ease the life of bank clients
through mode of payment transactions in terms of the following:

I. Mode of Payment Transaction Attributes

● Accessibility

It can be accessed 24/7 to perform any transaction.

It can be opened and used on different devices,

either mobile phones or desktops.

● Time - Processing

It has real-time processing wherein you can check

your online account activity immediately.

The transaction reflects instantly on the bank client’s

mobile banking applications.

● Time - Saving

There is no long waiting before completing the

necessary transaction in a mobile banking

It is convenient to use when you want to engage in

an online banking transaction anytime and

● Health Safety

The bank clients can do the online bank transaction


It provides a convenient way to transfer funds to

another person without going to a physical bank.

● Cost Efficiency

It does not consume transportation costs to perform

the necessary banking transactions.

It has the capability of transferring funds with

minimal effort or resources.
II. Features of Mobile Banking

● Account Alerts and Notifications

It has a two-factor authenticator before logging in

and performing online banking transactions.
( Security and safety to )

They notify the bank clients' registered email and

mobile phone numbers for every banking transaction
they engage.

● Investment

Allows customers to open investment accounts at a

low minimum starting amount.

Allows customers to buy, manage, and sell

investment products to trusted partners.

● E-loading

Allows customers to buy and send loads to different

mobile banking users.

Allows customers to buy electronic pins for game

cards, Internet cards, phone cards, etc.

● Time-to-date account activity

It has an up-to-date bank client’s information and


Customers can request account history wherein in

and out transactions are recorded.

● Customer Service Support

They address and recognize bank clients' complaints

in a friendly manner.

They are consistently acknowledged to answer bank

clients' concerns and questions.

5 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (MA) (DA) (SD)

Rate how banks managed the service quality of mobile banking they provide to their
clients during COVID-19 based on the following criteria:

● Reliability

Mobile banking can function all the time without


It can provide consistent service.

● Responsiveness

Mobile banking has been willing to help customers.

Mobile banking can provide prompt service.

● Visibility

Mobile banking has features available for use.

It records activities done by clients.

● Security and Trust Safety

Mobile banking has been safe and free from hackers.

It includes features that can strengthen an account's


It has a two-factor authenticator before logging in

and performing online banking transactions that
keeps the account safe and free from hackers. Galing
sa acc alerts eme then inadd ko lang tapos nilagay
ko na here)

● Efficiency

Mobile banking has been valuable and practical.

It saves time and lessens hassle in doing bank

5 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (MA) (DA) (SD)

How do you find the overall performance of services in mobile banking in terms of the

● Confidentiality

The terms and Conditions of the mobile banking

application disclose how users will use the
information collected.

● Reliability

Provides security in authentication as it deals with

the customers' data.

● Availability

Mobile banking is available 24/7; wherein there are

no restrictions to the features, such as limitations to
the amount transacted.

● Functionality

Mobile banks offer complete services with different

functions such as bank transfer, e-loading,
investments, and saving accounts.

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