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Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 427-6 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 5

From: Paxton, Chad G
To: Boyle, Patrick M
Sent: 7/31/2012 12:43:24 AM
Subject: RE: Serviced Exit

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 427-6 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 5

i completely agree based on my past dealings with her although i am
absolutely dine v,1th her owning this as long as like wht you said we get our needs met

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyle, Patrick M
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 07:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Paxton, Chad G
Subject: RE : Serviced Exit

The hard part, too, is that if they are going to "own it" , which w e want them to, we need to be able to get o ur needs covered while making them think they are getting what they want My take is that Jamie totally wants her cake and eat it too, which is
not going to work fo r us,,

Mike Boyle / Vice President Recovery Operati ons / Mortgage Banking / Chase
1820 E. Sky Harbo r Ci rcle S
Pho enix, A ri zona , 85034
602-627-2489 (work)
patrick m-boyle@jpmchase cqm

From: Paxton, Chad G

Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:28 PM
To: Boyle, Patrick M
Subject: RE: Serviced Exit

most of it in my opinion will be Educating these

folks of what can and cant be done and the road blocks in both scenarios.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyle, Patrick M
Sent: Monday, July 30.2012 07:23 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Paxton, Chad G
Subject: FW : Serviced Exit

FYI. We have o ur work cut out for us.


Mike Boyle/ Vice President Recovery Operations / Mortgage Banking / Chase

1820 E. S ky Harbor Circle S
Phoenix, A ri zona , 85034
602-627-2489 (work)
patrick-m -boyle@inmchase com

From: Boyle, Patrick M

Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:23 PM
To: Moy, Jamie

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00040530

Subject: RE: Serviced Exit

Let's work thru it on the call. There are tons of things to consider here, best we lay the groundwork up front..


Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 427-6 Filed 09/30/19 Page 3 of 5

Mike Boyle/ Vice President Recovery Operations/ Mortgage Banking I Chase
1820 E. Sky Harbor Circle S
Phoenix, Arizona, 85034
602-627-2489 (work)
patrick. m . boy

From: Moy, Jamie

Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 11 :55 AM
To: Boyle, Patrick M
Subject: RE: Serviced Exit

I understand that we don't have a system for these loans today. But we don't need a system to do recovery work- but something more like a database. We are and will not be servicing the securitized charged off loans. We simply are preserving
the ability that in the instance some of these borrowers send in payment we can pass it the trust/trustee or inform the borrowers to send the money to the trustee. We don't expect huge activity from this population. I just want to make sure we are
on the same page about this before the call.

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From: Boyle, Patrick M

Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 11 :21 AM
To: Moy, Jamie
Subject: RE: Serviced Exit

Jamie, my concern here is that we have no system today , and no system on any foreseeable future, that is going to allow this. If we are going to tie the success of this initiative on having a recovery-like system that we can build that will allow us to
have single point of view, reporting, et al, then this think will be a lead balloon. Heck, if we had that, we would not be in this position today, we would likely be looking to do this work at a commission to Chase (others do it) and moving it right along.

So, right off the top, a centralized loan management system does not exist today, and I see no scenario where that will be built. Sure, am open to any discussion, but months of looking at systems prioritization is not in our best interest here ...

I only have about½ hour tomorrow for this meeting, even though it is scheduled for an hour I ½ill be represented on that call for the full hour, but wanted to let you know in case you want to consider a reschedule.


Mike Boyle/ Vice President Recovery Operations/ Mortgage Banking/ Chase

1820 E. Sky Harbor Circle S
Phoenix, Ari zo na , 85034
602-627-2489 (work)
patrjck m boyle@jprocbase com

From: Moy, Jamie

Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 12:24 PM
To: Boyle, Patrick M
Subject: RE: Serviced Exit

Hi Mike,
Just wanted to share my thoughts before our call on Tuesday .
Clearly define the objective
1. Have a central database for all charged off/lien released loans for the securitized book with data at time of charge off
2. DB to be able to 'communicate' with the main servicing platform
3. Maintain ability to 'recover' or 'pass' proceeds received to the trust or the new primary servicer
4. Establish a policy and procedure to ' service' the post charged off population
What is the desired end state?

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00040531

1. Have control of this population
2. Have ability to respond to incoming inquiries and requests
3. Have ability and flexibility to resurrect efforts (recovery) if we decide to
Where are we today?
1. We do not have a platform or a central database for these loans

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 427-6 Filed 09/30/19 Page 4 of 5

2. We do not have a policy in place to guide a rep on how to respond/direct incom ing calls relating to these loans
3. We are no longer doing recovery work post charge off (exception - agreements that have been established prior are still maintained)

At this point. I'm not convinced that the actual activities on these post charged off loans will be high. I think the majority of the effort will lie in the setup of the systems and establishing policies.


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From: Boyle, Patrick M

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:35 PM
To: Moy, Jamie
Cc: Gares, Dennis
Subject: Serviced Exit

So here is what I am thinking. Let's schedule an hour early next week (this week is toast). Discussion agenda:

Clearly define the objective

What is the desired end state?
Where are we today?
What is our target date to get to end state?
What resources do we need to deploy in order to get to end state?
Who is the executive sponsor (Rebecca?)?
What is the structure of the team to move this forward?
Formalized PM structure?

If we can spend our time building base structure on the effort, that gives us a jumping off point we can all agree to. LMK what you think.

LM Kif you will run po int on setting up a meeting next week. Would like to keep this to a small group. From my team, Chad Paxton and myseW. Dennis, let us know if you are solo or if you are bringing a guest.


Mike Boyle/ Vice President Recovery Operations/ Mortgage Banking/ Chase

1820 E. Sky Harbor Circle S
Phoenix, Ari zona , 85034
602-627-2489 (work)
patrick m-boyle@jpmchase com

From: Moy, Jamie

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 2:30 PM
To: Boyle, Patrick M
Cc: Gares, Dennis
Subject: RE:

Hi There! I figured it would be you. But since we haven't specifically talked about this tentacle in awhile and we (Rebecca and I) hadn't formally checked with Steve - we wanted to do that first.

I agree we do need to discuss. Would we need participation from another area? Do you have some time this Thursday or Friday?

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Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00040532

From: Boyle, Patrick M
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 5:22 PM
To: Moy, Jamie
Cc: Gares, Dennis

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 427-6 Filed 09/30/19 Page 5 of 5

Subject: FW:

Jamie, surprise! It's me! !

Seriously, this is go ing to be a big deal, so we might want to spend some time in a small group setting to talk. I told Steve that between Dennis and I this is probably something that we are both most knowledgeable of, so we should sit down and
high level map the objective. From that can come the housing issues.

LM K if you agree.


Mike Boyle/ Vice President Recovery Operatio ns / Mortgage Banking / Chase

1820 E. Sky Harbo r Ci rcle S
Phoenix, Arizona. 85034
602-627-2489 (work)
patrick m. boyle@jpmchase com

From: Hemperly, Steven D

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 2:18 PM
To: Boyle, Patrick M
Cc: Davis, Mark W
Subject: FW:

Mike - I think you? let me know

From: Moy, Jamie

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 4:16 PM
To: Hemperly, Steven D
Cc: Desrosiers, Denise; Mairone, Rebecca S; Green, Vickie D; Roberts, Chanel

Hi Steve,

We are moving along on the post charged off loan lien release effort on the securitized book. Fortunately we are able to leverage resources and combine processes from the DoJ mandate on lien releases. But of course there are still some
separate processes unique to the nori-GSE securitized loans. Our expectation is that the trustees will be silent and we will be releasing the liens on these loans.

However we will not be forgiving the debt because we need to preserve the ability to be able to pass any proceeds received back to the trust in the event (it's an unlikely event) the borrower sends in payment We had discussed that this function
should sit in the default area. Who should we reach out to in your team to start teeing up this process?

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

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Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00040533

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