Affidavit of Complaint 10-26-22

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UNIFORM ARREST REPORT-AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT 2 pUNORM ARREST REFORT-AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLANT Bie PE] HER [PEP [al ee an Leer ere MSCOLo RD [BERESTING a Hawn Rane | Aeatng ORT — eg pe Na STANT Wa Eveaing NAMES HATTANOOGAPOLICE DE | TH 0290100 2-110100 TevoRTine feParing Sgeney Wane | Repaving OFT ING AGS TB Dscameni= | Reporing Cama Ram AGENCY ouarranoooa Pouce o& | 0220900 2 “ARRESTEE | (076M) Last ame Fat Nene —— Rio Waa TEAMS “THOMPSON JR, MAURICE DEWTT rae Fret Rane Wii ae Pig sex Rec] Ca OTST Sy | Rance Sistas [dar age THOMPSON, MAURICE DEWTTIR esfmfor | srsiow | | Resident or San, Taos Pane ae ea sit_| +90_[eux foro arsarses | 16190567 ™ oa aa Home Rare Zp Paras namerccreme ow sae ap Sec aoe Are Seen RTE TF TENNESSEE LS Se la a a ey [eoce: ato to rena S| TT ae Paes Sa NT aero © z mapas oea TIES Eainaedoy_Penurenent 1 Toute Clee Fenner TDE_CCampian Vem Wences PPERE C-Guarian Obtain inTomaTON Tom ware aaTabE™ de Last Mame Ft nae ‘wa 005 Age Sex Race Home orBusiness Address Phone Numba ‘YERICTES VE Teaet aye oo Tamas Sa Year Tie ——— G bo [AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Inthe GeneriSessions CourtctHamiton Stale of Tennessee vs THOMPSON, MAURICE DEMTTJR ‘hearse gnesafiantsterbeing cul sworn anorsngtstelo THOMPSON, MAURICE DEWITT J hoeenaneisahewseuninain's ‘neetan commrectneoseneedt CRNA. HONIDE intheabovecount (Lacan) ‘502 ANOCOLD RO onoratout 92022 Further alan males xtnnatne xsenal tics constnng toscana cnupp amined aoteatlactmeaiy agri neceender x preeanarened athena gem Sng naceron overienshon fchererova|andceriuenon ol pubic records reingthecseveh cos Re nda a a Sear arene 20/25/2022 E 1234 | tose eee ‘aranoponr spate | Badoel a soning oher sf or ne PPV Co CenibepinySiee JUDGMENT voorerna, 1861058 10F2) PROBATION ACTIONS eR OF PLAY AINE "WoMPSON, MAURCE DEWITT prttonRoe We Dae, 2M CAMDEN AVENE prnang gone Biarrawwoae Ties acne Danan Sonar ‘Complaint 090188 2022 CH Further Orders: —GemeretndcmenStalluyeeneietcs eng crabua sctnons i na TORSTA sh as ‘Offiea BULKLEY, STEPHEN #251 251 “Jusge Signatue Beene usasate by meDsmeracomey erro oe sage Sinatee Detene ‘nage, Gene Sst Cow Date State of Tennessee AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT Docket 1891058 IN THE GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON COUNTY STATE OF TENNESSEE VS. THOMPSON, MAURICE DEWITT JR 2110 CAMDENAVENUE. CHATTANOOGA, TN 37406 ‘The undersignedaffiant after being duly sworn according tothe law. statethat THOMPSON, MAURICE DEWITT JR whesenameis otherwise unknown tothe affiant, committed the offense of CRIMINAL HOMICIDE Inthe above county onorabout 9/6202 Further, afiantmakes oath thatthe essentialfacts constituting said offense, tie sources of affiant’ information, and thereasons why his /her informationis believable concerring saidfactsare as follows: (Qn 918222 approximately 2087 hours, Hamilton County Dispatch began ceceiving calls regarding a shooting at 1809 Rubio Street CPD ofces responded andlocatad Victim #1) Shayonna Walker sufering from at east one gunshct woundto eneck Medics proncunced Ms. Wake deceased or ‘scene. Aaisablea silver Nissan altima located close ty was occupied by (Vicim#2) Devin Austin, who was being criven trom 1609 RubO Sto tne nosoe ‘when the carbecame disabled. Mr Ausin was feund to be suffering fon multple gunshot wounds te the thigh antorse. Me Austins wounds we ‘reportedly non life (On 9822 1, Detect ve Bulkley 2261, respondedto investigate alongwith ether menbers oftheCFD Violent Crimes Buresu During thecatrse ofthe investigation, |obiained numerous surveillance video andaudiorecordings pertainingto the events ofthe shootings of Shayenna Viaker anc Devin ash Ialso obtained statements fom witnesses otheshocting. The evidence Inaveotiained and corroborated indicates he blown: (1918/22, 2 party commemorating 96 Main StreetCrips "Hood Day" wastaking place outside 1@09Rubic Steet Therewete dozens ofadulis and ‘several yaung children in attendance atths party. Adisarder ensued justafter Defendant, EarlHines I arrived on scene at 1609Rubio Steet ‘ilinesses sited (V1) Devin Austin challenged Mi Hines to ight.then aggressively approachecHines, whereupon Mii Hines fred Wo shais tom a 46 ‘caliber handgun striking Devin Austin wo ties, Thereis no evidence!o suggest Mr. Austin possessed aweapon al vetime he approached Me Hines.N Hines thea fad ihescons, running west toward Sheridan Avorus.Follevingins shots fred bj Earl Hines Il, atlaasttwo other shoots fred in fe Girestion afEariHines Ill Alluitnesses and evidencel haveto dateindicates Shayonna Welker wasnt an intended target butwas itty eneathe ‘shooters fring atEariHines I Whileinvestigating he crime scene, lotserved ¢ 380 caliber Taurus TCP handgun undemestha parke¢ carin rontof 1809 Rubio Street | aso ‘observed(6)spen! Smmand (1) spent 380 caliber casings on the groundin ‘rontof 1811 Rubio Steet. Multiple tems were alse found on the erime soz linking Hines ito the scene including wallet with his bith certificate and banking cards. Duringa subsequentinterview, Devin Ausin acknowledge hehadtriedio nghtamave subjectknown o himas E", whereupon = shot him. The area where his intial contontalon/snooting occured was in very ‘lose proxinity{o other ahysicalevidence linked o EatFinesi During the course ofmy investigation, intercepted numerous communioations indicating the handgun ound on scene bonged oN Bangin’. wa a tepostively dently Nl Bangin’ te Maurice Dewitt Thampean Jr Defendant#2) whois 4 known ae iain Streetgang member and canvick son, On 928/22, Mr Thompson came voluntarily to the CPD Service Cente for an interview | advised hr Thompson of his Miranda Rights whereupon he seed ‘newas wiling to speek with me. He tatedhewas aware nels aconvicted felon and could notlawilly possess ahandqun. Mr Thonipson subsexueney ‘convessed to being at 1609RUaio St fnngthe 280 Taurus TCP hancgun anc putting {underneath acar where twas later found oy Polce. Nr. ‘Thompson stated ne as fing atari Hines il Ouring thisrecorded interview, Mr. hompson steted numercustimes he could notremenoeroersin ‘cetails of events because nenad been arinkingneaviy dunng he party and was intoxicstea. Basegon We. Thompson's on aamssons ne possessed anddischarged afrearm inan areaful ofpeopie, ncluding enildren, whleungerthe infuence efalechal. Healse acmitedb doing 50 wih knowledge ofhis convicted felon ste “The 360 Taurus TCP frearm and spentcasings found an seenetty investigators were collected and submitted for NIEINtesting. NIEIN esting indicat correlation between tne single 380 calcasina andthe 320handaun found atthe scene The sincleprojestile removed fom Staion Wakes neck ‘during auropsy was then submitted o TEI Forensic Grime Lab slongwith fhespentcasings and firearm collected fromthe crime scene. | aso confmes withthe HC Mecical Examinerthst Stayonns Walkers deain asthe resut of single gunshot woundio theneck (01n 10/1422,lrecaivedan off cial treerms report‘rom TBI CrimeLao. Télforensicexamnations of submitted evidence showed thatthe single proscte secoverea romSnayonna Walkersneck was.s60cailber. This same projectie was aso determines tonaveveen red inrcugn inearcelarne 380 “Taurus TCP handgun Maurice Thompson had corfessed to possessing ane feng he nightof 3022. Based oningaforementionodfacts and circumstances, thereis probable causoto charga Defondant#t) Ear Hines Il with Aggravated Acsaut ortho ‘Shooting of Devin Austin. Theres also probable causes charge (Defendant #2) Maurice Dewitt Thompson Jr with Criminal Homicide Recess Endangermentand Unlawful Possession of aFirearm (by aconvicted felon), NOTE. THE ORIGINAL CHATTANOOGAPOL ICE CASE NUMBER DOCUMENTING ALL OF THESE EVENTS IS 22.098169 A SEPARATE COMPLAINT NUMBER HAS BEEN GENERATED ONLY DUE TO CURRENT REFORTING SYSTEM ISSUES DOCUMENTING CO-DEFENDANTS IN THE SAME ARREST REPORT, Ifthe defendants chargeis dismissed, ano tuebillisreturnedby agrandjury. the defendantis arrested andeleased without being charged wih ‘an offense, or the court enters a nolle prosecul in ne defendants case, the defendantis enitied, upon petition by hedefendatt he cout ‘havingjurisdicion overtne action, fo meremovaland cesiructon ofall pubic records relating i he case winoutcostto Me deencant Affiant-Name and Address ‘Swom to and subscribed before me this Officer BULKLEY, S 40/19/2022 A EMASH Dre CTE, Judge -Court of General Sessions Vince Dean, Clerk, Criminal Division General Sessions Court By Deputy Clerk ARRESTWARRANT. ‘STATE OF TENNESSEE ‘STATE OF TENNESSEE \s. HAMILTON COUNTY DOCKET NO. 1891058 “THOMPSON, MAURICE DEWITT UR Race 8 Sex M ‘Address: 2110 CAMDEN AVENUE CHATTANOOGA TH 37406 DOB 9151997 Wat 170 SSN 415818535 Hot: 600 Byes: BRO Hairs BLK DLE: TN 116190507 TO ANY LAWFUL OFFICER OF THE STATE: Based upon the affidavit of complaint made and swom to before me by BULKLEY, STEPHEN #251 ‘There is probable cause to believe that the offensa(s) of CRIMINAL HOMICIDE TCA: 39130201 has been committed in Harriton County, Tennessee, and charging THOMPSON, MAURICE DEWITT JR thereof, you are therefore commanded in the name of the state of Tennessee forthwith to arrest and bring the said accused person before the court of General Sessions of Hamilton County, Tennessee, to answer the said charges. Fee Judge, Court of General sessions Issued. 10/1 Vince Dean, Clerk, Criminal Division Received: Court of General Sessions AM, LA 42H, By. ‘Authorized Officer BULKLEY, STEPHEN #251 Deputy Clerk SUBPOENA: You are further commanded to summon the following witnesses to personally be and appear at the Courts Building, andtestify in behalf of the State of Tennessee, aforesaid, on the day of 20 at Name Address Phone # WALKER (DECEASED), SHAYONNA D 1204 POPLAR STREET APT F Return of Service Thereby certify and return that on the date below | executed this warrant by the arrest of: THOMPSON, MAURICE DEWITT JR (_ ) lalso executed the within subpoena in full except as to Witness No. and No, the same not found in my County aftar diligent search, James W.Hammond Ill, Sheriff a LA 1094 95 ComplaintNo: — 22-098169 Authorized Officer BISSELL, RANDALL #1034 This 25th Day of October, 2022

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