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Task 4 Life stories.

Angelica Andreina Botello Rondon


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

School of Education- ECEDU
Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages with Emphasis on English
(month) (year)

Task 4 Life stories.

Part 1: Reading

Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb.

Mark the correct letter A, B, C or D. (Do not post the answers in the forum)

Becky was visiting Aunt Agatha at her house at the beach. It was a beautiful
summer day. Becky had built a giant sand castle that morning. Aunt Agatha
11.___A____ pictures of the castle to send to Becky’s parents. It was a great big
sand castle. Later that morning, Becky and Aunt Agatha 12. __B__ swimming in
the ocean. It was fun to jump with the waves. Then, they 13. __C___ back in
the house and 14. ___D_____ sandwiches and strawberries for lunch.
Becky 15. ___D___to play on the beach that afternoon. Aunt Agatha
16.__C____ her it was too hot to go outside without a hat on. Becky 17.
___B___a hat. After some minutes aunt Agatha 18.___A____ to her not to
worry, she 19.___B___ wear one of hers. Finally, Becky 20. ___C_____ one the
four hats.

11. A. took B. taken C. take D. taked

12. A. going B. went C. goed D. goes
13. A. camed B. comed C. came D. comes
14. A. eats B. eaten C. eated D. ate
15. A. wanting B. want C. wont D. wanted
16. A. telled B. tell C. told D. telling
17. A. didn’t had B. didn’t have C. didn’t has D. didn’t haved
18. A. said B. saying C. sayd D. sayed
19. A. canned B. could C. cans D. caned
20. A. choosed B. choosing C. chose D. chosed

Part 2 : Listening

Watch the video and then answer the questions.

(Do not post the answers in the forum)
Top Notch. (2013a, November 13). How was your vacation unit 8 scene 1 top
notch 1. YouTube.

A. Read each question Marie asks Mr.Rashid. Then circle the response
you hear in the video episode.

1. “Was your flight OK?”

a. “It was wonderful.” b. “No, pretty bad, actually.”

2. “Was the hotel room nice?”

a. “The room was fine, but . . .” b. “It was wonderful.”

3. “Did you go shopping at all?”
a. “A little bit . . .” b. “Yes, I did.”

4. “Was the flight home OK?”

a. “It was very scary.” b. “Actually, they canceled my flight.”

B. Circle the adjectives Mr.Rashid uses to talk about his vacation.

1. Mr. Rashid says his vacation was (bad / wonderful).

2. His flight was (terrible / bumpy).
3. The weather was (rainy / sunny).
4. The food was very (salty / bad).
5. The waiters were (great / unfriendly).
6. He met a very (nice / beautiful) person.

Top Notch TV 1, Second Edition Activity Worksheet 7

Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.]

Part 3 : Activity Guide

Step 3.

Positive emotions Negative emotions

1. Ecstatic 1. confused
2. Contented 2. depressed
3. Cheerful 3. discontented
4. Delighted 4. displeased
5. Grateful 5. fed up
6. Pleased 6. sick
7. Hopeful 7. tired
8. Confident 8. frustrated
9. Excited 9. disappointed
10. Enthusiastic 10. miserable

What makes you feel grateful?

I’m grateful for being healthy and having the opportunity to study for a

What makes you feel angry?

I am angry when things do not go as planned and problems occur.
. What makes you feel frustrated?
I am frustrated when I cannot fulfill my dreams or goals and have to
change my plans.

What makes you feel disappointed?

I'm disappointed when people betray me.

What makes you feel irritated?

I am irritated when they are not polite and courteous.

Step 4.

Use of past simple: Finished actions, states or habits in

the past that we have introduced
with the present perfect or another
Affirmative form: Subject + verb in past + object
I went to your house on my bicycle
Negative form: Subject + did + not + verb + object
I didn’t go to your house on my
Question form: Did + subject + verb + object?
Did you remember the correct
answer just before the end of test
The most common time expressions: Yesterday, a week (month,
year)ago, last (month, year,
weekend, Monday) night, the day
before yesterday, two days
(months, years) ago.
Write 10 regular verbs: Write 10 irregular verbs
1. Start - started 1. Be - was / were
2. Visit – visited 2. Begin - began
3. Rent – rented 3. break - broke
4. Repeat – repeated 4. bring - brought
5. Create – created 5. build - built
6. Hate – hated 6. buy - bought
7. Crowd – crowded 7. catch - caught
8. Fold – folded 8. choose – chose
9. Provide – provided 9. Go - Went
10. Decide- decided 10. Have - Had

Step 5. Link to vocaroo:

Regular verbs:
irregular verbs:

Step 6. Link to the padlet:


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