Lesson 2 Grade 7-The Human Skeleton

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Lesson 2.

The human skeleton

 Students will learn the parts and

function of the skeleton by learning
the names of the bones and creating
a model of the skeleton.

Big Idea
 Students learn that the skeleton is an essential part of the
human body and that it holds us up and protects major
Introducing …
 Watch the videos and try to answer these WATCH !
 What is skeleton is made of ?
 What hold it together ?

 Why do we need it ?

 How many bones consists the human skeleton

of an adult ?

Bones : The Dr. Binocs Show Learn Videos For Kids

 Support your body and helps &
you to move
 Protects delicate organs (brain,
heart, lungs..)

 The backbone; made up by

vertebrae; holds up the head

 Rib cage: support and protects

heart and lungs.
Joints of the human body

 Joints are the point of contact (articulations)

between two connecting bones. Movement

 The stability and the integrity of joints are

maintained by strands of connective tissue
called ligaments, which hold bones together.
Ball and Socket Joint

Let the legs

move in every
Hinge Joint

Let the arms

swivel around
or bend
 Typical joint injuries occur in the knees, ankles, wrists, shoulders and
elbows. These joints can swell and suffer from inflammation and
redness, making them immobile and limiting their range of motion.

 Joint injuries often occur as a result of bicycle wrecks, falling in contact

sports, and car accidents. They can range from sprains to fractures and

Common joint injuries include:

 Runners Knee
 Plica Syndrome of the Knee
 Rotator Cuff Injury (Shoulder)
 Sprained Ankle
Joint types Description Examples

Fibrous Bound tightly together by The sutures

Joints connective tissue and allow no between the bones
movement. of the skull Classification
The body of one bone connects The intervertebral of Joints
Cartilaginous with the body of another by disks of the (Structure)
Joints means of cartilage.These joints vertebral column &
can absorb shock, and allow Symphysis pubis
slight movement.
Joints that allow the greatest Knee joint
range of motion.
Synovial Bony surfaces are separated by Shoulder joint
Joints a lubricating fluid and by
cartilage.They are also joined by Hip joint
ligaments that enclose the end
of articulating bones and form
the capsule containing the
synovial membrane


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