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Module #1)

This module talks about who am I and what I want to


Soft Skills:
Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate
to how you work. They include how you
interact with colleagues, how you solve
problems, and how you manage your
work.Soft skills include interpersonal
(people) skills, communication skills,
listening skills, time management, and
empathy, among others.
● Whether we realize it or not, often our
choices are based on our values. Values
are the beliefs, attitudes and judgments
we prize.
Responsibility, Collaboration, Self-Regulation,
Organization, the ability to Work Independently,
and the confidence to demonstrate Initiative –
these are all skills that have importance in any
workplace environment. You may notice these

So, where are you?

To get started on your possible career and

educational pathways, you need to know the
following information:

● What skills do you have?

● What tools do you have?
● What strengths do you have?
● And ultimately, where do you think you
want to go?
Learning styles:
1. Auditory:
an auditory-dominant learner prefers
listening to what is being presented. He or
she responds best to voices, for example,
in a lecture or group discussion. Hearing
his own voice repeating something back
to a tutor or trainer is also helpful
2. Kinesthetic:
a kinesthetic-dominant learner prefers a
physical experience. They like a
"hands-on" approach and respond well to
being able to touch or feel an object or
learning prop.
3. Visual:
a visually-dominant learner absorbs and
retains information better when it is
presented in, for example, pictures,
diagrams and charts.

challenging tasks that require good
Intrinsic motivation is the sort of
problem-solving skills
desire that arises from within us.
If you are a writer you may write to
satisfy the need to create stories from Is college for you?
the many ideas swimming around
If you answer YES to the following, consider
inside your head. These drives stem
the college pathway.
from an interest in the activity or job
itself, without any external influence. • You find success in hands-on and practical
Internal motivators often become learning
defining qualities or characteristics of
the person acting on them. • You might consider completing a university
Extrinsic motivation compels you to
act based on some outside force or in the future
outcome. The desire is not one that • You learn best by doing
would arise naturally within you, but
because of someone or some • You enjoy smaller classes and the personal
consequence. You might be motivated approach to instruction
to do some extra credit to keep from • You have specific career goals that require
failing your math class. These external a college education
influences can have a great impact on
why or how people do what they do, UNIVERSITY
sometimes even things that seem out Is university for you?
of character.
If you answer YES to the following, consider
APPRENTICESHIP the university pathway.
Is apprenticeship for you? • You enjoy abstract concepts associated
If you answer YES to the following, consider with course material and
the apprenticeship pathway. academic/theoretical learning

• You enjoy hands-on learning and have good • You are able to complete much of your work
mechanical and spatial abilities independently

• You enjoy fixing things, assembling and • You can achieve a minimum of 70% average
disassembling structures in your best 6 University “U” or
University/College “M” courses in Grade 12
• You are able to solve problems, determine
why something does not work and how it can • You have specific career goals in mind that
be done better require a university education

• You may wish to own your own business WORKPLACE

one day Is on-the-job training for you?
• You enjoy
If you answer YES to the following, consider UNIT 1 TEST)
the on-the-job training and employment 1.Responsibility, Collaboration,
pathway. Self-Regulation, Organization, the
ability to Work Independently, and the
• You have been successful in workplace
confidence to demonstrate Initiative –
pathway courses and wish to explore
are all skills that have importance in
workplace opportunities
any workplace environment.
• You may wish to defer further
post-secondary education until later
Choose one of these skills and discuss its
• You have specific career goals based on importance in the workplace (3 marks). Do
your research of local labour market trends you have this skill? Provide an example. Or,
is this something you need to work on?
Provide a suggestion how (3 marks).
Is community training for you?

If you answer YES to the following, consider Your Answer:

the community training pathway.
Organization is very important in a workplace
• You are on an Individual Education Plan because it keeps everything in place. It helps
(IEP), and are not earning the Ontario reduce and relieve stress and panic from losing
Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) items, due dates, appointments, and more.
When you have so much to do but organize your
• You have a transition plan which identifies time, it helps give you more time in your life for
your goals for transition from School to more activities and for your life. It also creates a
Community framework for companies and businesses.
• Your plan is individualized for you Personally, I think that I need to improve this skill
The IPP is important as it can assist you by: because sometimes I find myself stressed out
before due dates, when losing, or forgetting
● planning your post-secondary about something. I try to improve myself by
pathways (apprenticeship, college, setting myself an agenda, a to do list, and
university or the workplace) and organizing my calendar. I have my mom helping
career pathways; me to manage my time and remind me to review
● organizing and selecting the special my agenda so I won't be stressed out.
pathways programs in secondary
school that support your learning
styles, interests, and needs; 2. Define the difference between external and
● helping you to plan for both short and internal motivators - provide two examples
long term goals along your individual for each kind of motivation (2 marks).
● organizing a list of resources to help
What motivates you - internal, external, or
you achieve those destination goals.
both? Explain using three examples (4
marks for each definition, 4 marks for
Your Answer: showing how each of the skills are essential).

External motivations are motivations that don't

come from someone's natural will. It comes from Your Answer:
convincing qualities such as money, praise, or 1. numeracy
similar. 2. document use
3. writing
Internal motivations are motivations coming from
4. digital technology
a personals original will without any reason
5. reading
coming from the outside.
6. thinking
I am motivated by both. For example, I 7. working with others
sometimes look forward to satisfying myself 8. continuous learning
when I'm in my spare time. I don't really listen to 9. oral communication
any activity suggestions anyone gives me. At the
same time, I like to make people happy and
maybe I don't even care if I like something or Reading is essential in a workplace because it
not. If my sister wants me to play a game I hate, covers over 80% of any job. It is a way to
I play it with her, to make her satisfied. When communicate, remember things, insert data, and
someone tells me that they will give me provide any type of information.
something if I obey or do what they want, I might
as well listen. When looking for jobs in the Thinking)
future, one of my top motivators might be the Thinking is something every human being can
finances and payment that is given to you. do. Without it, no science, math, or anything
Include some examples about the would have improved or even started human
internal motivation. civilization. In a work field, we use it to gather
observations and analyze them, hypothesize,
make theories, and more come up with solutions
to problems and more.
3. According to the Human Resources and
Working with others)
Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), there
are nine essential workplace skills: Working alone doesn't give you much ideas, and
your work takes a longer time to finish. It is the
total opposite when you are working with others.
1) List all nine of them (3 marks)
This gives you an opportunity to criticize, give
feedback, as well as receive it, and get help and
2) Which four of these skills are considered more ideas from others. It is essential because it
soft skills? (2 marks) relieves stress from having to do so many jobs
alone and not learning anything. The
achievement rate for those who work alone is
3) Choose 4 of the 9 skills and define them in obviously lower than that of those who work
your own words. Be sure to discuss what together.
makes these essential workplace skills. (4
Numeracy) I am a visual-kinesthetic learner. I use stress
balls sometimes when working or preparing for
Numeracy helps keep us on track in a
tests, I move around a lot when studying, prefer
workplace. It keeps data, rates, finances and
demonstrations, and reading and using visual
way more under control. It also helps when
graphics to help me along.
making decisions and gives you confidence in it.
Numeracy skills are used in every workplace for
manipulating and understanding data.
You did not answer the second part of the
Ikigai is the japanese concept of “à reason for
question. You also did not really define these
being”. Everyone has an ikigai. Finding it
skills. You did express how the skills are
requires à journey to self discovery, but the
essential in the workplace.
search is worth it. Your Ikigai is the meaning to
There are 4 wheels in Ikigai:
4. There are 3 main learning styles: Kinesthetic, 1. What you love
Visual and Auditory. In your own words, define 2. What you are good at
what each one is. (3 marks) 3. What the world needs
4. What you can be paid for
What you love and what you are good at is your
Which type(s) of learner are you? (1 mark) (You passion
can be more than one). Use real-life examples Loving something and what the world needs is a
to demonstrate your learning style (3 marks = 3 Mission
examples). What you are good at and what you get paid for
is a profession
Your Answer: What you can be paid for and what the world
needs is a vocation.
Kinesthetic learners use their sense of touch to
learn things, finding it easier to do something
then write it down or say it. They prefer
demonstrations and doing something

Visual learners learn easily by seeing things.

They learn by needing or watching others do
something. They also prefer demonstrations and
probably like watching videos or reading texts
with graphics.

Auditory learners prefer listening to instructions

or lessons provided. When explaining
something, they prefer saying it rather than ❖ What you love, you are good at, and what
demonstrating or writing it down. For example, the world needs, (Passion and Mission)=
they like listening to music while working. is something that gives you delight and
fullness, but no wealth.
❖ What you love, what you are good at, and
Emerging Job Market: Green-Collar
what you can be paid for, (Profession and
Passion)= is something that gives you Jobs
Satisfaction, but a feeling of uselessness.
❖ What you are good at, what you can be
paid for, and what the world needs, The United Nations Environment Programme
(Vocation and Profession)= is something (UNEP) defines green jobs or green-collar jobs
that gives you comfort, but also gives you as, “positions in agriculture, manufacturing,
a feeling of emptiness. construction, installation, and maintenance, as
❖ What you love, what is good for the world, well as scientific and technical, administrative,
and what you can be paid for, (Vocation and service-related activities that contribute
and Mission)= is something that gives substantially to preserving or restoring
excitement and complacency, but a environmental quality.”
feeling of uncertainty.

Emerging and Hidden Job Markets

One thing to consider when making your
Advertised jobs are often those that are in
post-secondary plans is to investigate the
high demand but with a low supply of workers,
future prospects of the career that you intend
or in high demand with a high turnover of
on pursuing in order to prepare for possible
workers. You have probably seen advertised
transitions if the job market shifts.
jobs in the classified section of most
newspapers or online at job banks. Advertised
Trends Affecting the Job Market:
jobs are open to everybody and anyone with
the right skills and qualifications can apply. ● Aging baby boomers
However, did you know that advertised jobs ● Healthcare
represent only twenty percent of all job
● Increased Costs of Child Care
● Rapid Technology Growth
● Distributed Work

Explain how in Notebook

Hidden jobs make up approximately 80-85%
of the job market! The hidden job market Possible Opportunities
exists because employers prefer to fill
vacancies by methods other than advertising. ● Job Offers
Employers are always looking for the best ● Moving to a new city
people to fill positions so information about this ● Living on your own
available work is often circulated through the ● Meeting new people
employers' network of co-workers, business ● Enrolling in certification courses and
associates, friends, and acquaintances. or college/university programs
Emerging jobs are those that have yet to ● Being more independence
appear or are in the process of becoming the ● Making money
next big career trend. For example, as ● Gaining new skills
technology and society changes, new jobs that
previously did not exist now exist.
Challenges Rarely will you ever apply for a job without being
asked for a résumé. A résumé (sometime
● Increased financial obligations
spelled without the accents, as in “resume”) is a
● Moving to a new home
short document that tells potential employers
● Moving to a new city
information about you: your work experience,
● Dealing with multiple job offers
your skills, and your education. The amount of
● Losing your job
detail in your résumé will depend on your years
● Taking care of paying bills and other
of work experience and your related
responsibilities of being
● Living with another person, such as
a roommate Power Words
● Loneliness

One of the key things to writing a résumé is

using the right language. Power words help
An inference is the ability to connect what is in demonstrate your strengths as an employee,
the text with what is in the mind to create an and highlight why you are right for the
educated guess. When reading a job ad from particular job.
newspapers, employment centres, or Internet
sites, you should look for the explicit details and Power words are useful for three reasons:
implicit clues so you don't miss vital information
about what the job requirements might really be.
1) Hiring managers quickly skim through all
For example, explicit details, such as the name
the résumé and cover letters they receive, so
of the company, starting dates, descriptive
power words will jump off your page, quickly
details and facts, usually appear directly in the
showing the hiring manager that you have the
text. Implicit details are implied clues in the
skills and other qualifications for the job.
text and these are often based on some prior
knowledge and experience. For example, if a
job ad for a small restaurant says, “wait staff,”
this also might imply that you will be expected to 2) Résumés can get repetitive and boring. If
take on some other duties, such as taking orders your language is the same as everyone else’s,
and reservations over the phone, or opening and it will be hard for you to stand out. Good,
closing the restaurant depending on the time of thoughtful word choice will set you apart from
your shift. the other candidates.

Sometimes you will find that, while you may not

have a particular experience a job ad indicates 3) Power words are useful when a company
in its explicit details, you can make inferences uses an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
about other skills that the job may require – These tracking systems help screen
these may be skills you have to offer! applications so that employers only need to
focus on the top candidates. One way an ATS
The Résumé
works is to eliminate résumés that are missing employment. By highlighting skills rather than
certain keywords. work history, you can emphasize that you are
qualified for the job.
By including these words, you increase your
chances of making it through the ATS, and
having your application read by a human. Combination Résumé

A combination résumé is a mix between a

Chronological Résumé
chronological résumé and a functional résumé.
At the top of the résumé is a list of your skills
A chronological résumé starts by listing your
and qualifications. Below this is your
work history, with the most recent position
chronological work history. However, the work
listed first. Below your most recent job, you list
history is not the focus of the résumé, and
your other jobs in reverse chronological order.
typically does not take up much space.
Employers typically prefer this type of résumé
With this type of résumé, you can highlight the
because it's easy to see what jobs you have
skills you have that are relevant to the job you
held and when you have worked at them. This
are applying for, and also provide your
is the most common resume type.
chronological work history. After all, most
employers want to see your chronological work
This type of résumé works well for job seekers
history, even if that history is not very
with a strong, solid work history. If you are just
starting your career, or if you are changing
career fields, you might consider a different
This kind of résumé helps you highlight what
resume type.
makes you the best fit for the job, while still
giving the employer all the information they
Functional Résumé want.

A functional résumé focuses on your skills and

experience, rather than on your chronological
work history. Instead of having a “work
history” section at the top of your résumé, you
might have a “professional experience” or
“accomplishments” section that lists various
skills that you have developed over the years.

A functional résumé might not include one’s

employment history at all, or might have a
concise list of work history at the bottom of the

A functional résumés is used by people who

are new to the workforce, have limited work
experience, or who have a gap in their
Ask any of your friends and family and they will
The Cover Letter more than likely have stories about their own
interview experiences – most with stories
Traditionally, a cover letter was a concise, about how nervous and stressed they were.
one-page formal letter that acted as your Certainly, there is a level of nervousness
introduction to a potential employer. It was involved – you only have a short period to
your opportunity to make a first impression. convince a stranger that you have the ability to
Therefore, it often decided whether a be a great employee – but as many will also
prospective employer even looked at your tell you, your best defense against that
résumé. nervousness is to be properly prepared!

While there are many businesses that no

Interviewing Tips:
longer require a formal cover letter, you should
➢ Research the company and the position.
know how to write one. This is especially true if ➢ Prepare your answers to the most common
you have never written a formal letter before – interview questions.
something quite common among many young ➢ Prepare a few “success stories” in which you
people who have grown up using only email can refer to
and text messaging as correspondence! ➢ Prepare questions to ask the interviewer
➢ Tailor your entire interview to the company or
organization you are interviewing with
Your goal in the cover letter is to show that you ➢ EES stands for education, employment, and
would be an asset to the company, and perform skills
well in the position. Below, you'll find a list of ➢ A poor answer is one that is general, not
student cover letters, listed by position and relevant and not related to the role.
➢ Read the job description carefully- what skills
experience-level, to help you develop your own
does this job need and/or require
cover letter.
➢ Make sure you get the message across how
you can benefit the employer
➢ Prepare answers using the EES format-
The Interview ensure it is relevant- if the employer requires
communication skills, explain what you have
In many cases, the interview is the final stop of done.
the job search process. An employer will often ➢
interview several qualified applicants for a job
and the face-to-face interview is often what Workplace Safety:
determines whether you get a particular job. According to the Workplace Safety and
An interview can be a simple, informal meeting Insurance Board (WSIB), an average of nearly
between you and your potential employer, or it 50 young workers under the age of 25 are
can be a formal interview between you and a injured on the job, and some lose their lives,
group of people with set questions. every day. That's almost two young workers
injured every hour of every day and every night,
seven days a week - and it's often because of
what they didn't know.
Employment Standards Act (ESA)
The Employment Standards Act
(Links to an external site.)
, 2000 (ESA) sets out the rights and after the other applicants have gone home.
responsibilities of both employees and Often a “thank-you” email the day after an
employers in Ontario workplaces. It includes interview or a phone call a few days later to let
standards on payment of wages, public holidays, the company know you are still interested in the
hours of work, overtime pay, vacation time and job is enough.
pay, statutory leaves, and termination and
severance entitlements. If you are an employee
working in Ontario, you are probably covered by
the ESA. However, some employees are not Workplace Safety and Rights
covered by the ESA and some employees who
are covered by the ESA have special rules · What are the three basic health and
and/or exemptions that may apply to them. safety rights at any workplace?
Who Will the Protections Apply To? The three rights are having the right to know
According to a news release anything that relates to your job, the right to
refuse dangerous jobs and roles, and the
(Links to an external site.) rights to participate in the job that they can.
, the leave will protect workers from termination
· What should you do if you think you
in the following situations:
should have special safety equipment
● The employee is under medical and don't?
investigation, supervision or treatment
You should call the Ministry of Labor Health
for COVID-19.
and Safety Contact Centre to get your items.
● The employee is acting in accordance
with an order under the Health · What is WHMIS training?
Protection and Promotion Act.
● The employee is in isolation or The WHMIS is a Canadian facility designed to
quarantine. place safety signs and safety hazards on
● The employee is acting in accordance equipment and materials. They also provide
with public health information or health and safety information about their
direction. products as a condition of sale, which
● The employer directs the employee includes the Safety data sheets (SDSs).
not to work.
● The employee needs to provide care · What should you do if you get injured
to a person for a reason related to at work?
COVID-19 such as a school or
If an employee gets injured at work, the first
day-care closure.
thing they should do is get some first aid
The Follow-Up Process treatment, which would be provided at the
responsibility of the employer. If an employee
For many, the interview is the final stage of the gets injured badly, then he/she should be
job search process, but with increased referred to a hospital. No matter how small
competition for job positions, the follow-up is a the injury is, it should be reported to the
way to make one final impression on a potential employer.
employer so that your name is remembered long
· As a student/young worker, does the Yes the employer can deduct the cost of a
ESA (Employment Standards Act) company uniform from your pay.
apply to you? Are there exemptions?
· What should you do if you think you
Yes it does apply to me, however, there are are a victim of discrimination in the
exemptions when it comes to things such as workplace?
school and University programs.
You should keep a record of the harassment
· What is the minimum wage in Ontario? and report it to the employer or union.
However, if they ignore you, then you should
The minimum wage in Ontario is 14.25 dollars report it to the Ministry of Labor.
an hour.
· If you feel you have been fired
· After how many hours of work in one unjustly, who should you contact?
(1) week must overtime pay be
provided? They can give a complaint about being fired
unjustly at any Labour Program Office.
For working overtime in a week, the pay must
be 1 and half times the regular. A job ad should include the following items:
● the type of job;
· What is the weekly maximum number ● its location;
of hours an employee can be required ● working hours;
to work without a written agreement? ● pay rate;
● work experience toward future career
They can work up to 8 hours a day, or 48
goals; and/or
hours a week without an agreement.
● personal considerations (such as
· How much should you receive per ethical or environmental concerns).
hour worked in overtime?

Around $18.00 an hour. What to put on your Resume: (in this order)
✔ Contact details
· As a young worker, are you entitled to ✔ Opening statement (objective)
paid statutory holidays? ✔ List of key skills that you have
Yes, I am. ✔ List of technical/software skills (if any)
✔ Personal attributes/career overview
· Are you entitled to lunch and coffee ✔ Educational qualifications
breaks? ✔ Employment history/volunteering/work
placements from co-op at school
According to ESA, you cannot work more than ✔ References/referees (someone who vouches
five hours without a lunch or coffee break. for your abilities)

· Can an employer deduct the cost of a

company uniform from your pay?
● It demonstrates that you have good
The Interview (formative)
manners that would translate well in a
The best way to prepare for an interview is to do workplace environment.
your research – if you know what to expect then
There are several career advice resources to
you can be, feel, and look more confident.
assist you in the follow-up process (even
Before you go to your interview, find out the websites such as ehow and offer
following: interview follow-up advice)

● What is the process? Will it be

one-to-one or be by committee?
● If possible, find out the name of the
person or persons who are conducting The Employment Standards
the interview.
● How long is the interview? Act (ESA) is a law in Ontario that protects
● Are you expected to bring anything workers' rights. This law tells employers how to
with you, such as examples of your treat workers fairly. ESA protects most workers
work or letters of reference? in Ontario. The ESA has rules that employers
● Know what the company or job have to follow and was established in the year
entails. 2000.
● Know what your skills and
qualifications are and how they would According to the WSIB every
benefit the position.
● Know why you want this job and what employee has the right to:
you hope to get from the experience. * safe and well maintained workplace
* a Health and Safety Representative on site
The Follow-Up Process (formative) * be provided with proper health and safety
Follow-up letters, emails, or phone calls are best information about hazardous substances or
delivered a few days after the interview process. working environments
Many people don't engage in the follow-up * immediate first aid treatment
process for fear of looking too needy or
bothersome, but if done correctly the follow-up Workplace Harassment:
process fulfills the following: It occurs when a person engages in a course of
● It shows your appreciation for the vexations, comments, or conduct against a
employer's interest in you. worker in a workplace which is known or ought
● It reminds the potential employer to be known as unwelcome.
about your qualifications for the Termination in the probation
● Many organizations wait a few days
before making call backs – a follow-up ● It is often advisable to follow some degree
letter, email, or phone call reminds of a fair procedure prior to dismissing an
them of your interest in their company. employee in their probationary period
even where there is no contractual
requirement to do so. ... I am not saying
that you can't dismiss an employee during I Statements:
a probation period 'without' any process,
I-Statements consist of a description of how you
of course you can.
feel, an indication of the conditions under which
● Termination ‘without cause’ means being
you feel that way, and why those conditions
fired without the employer giving you a
cause your emotions.

-Statements take this form: * "I feel… (State your

7 Steps for Effective Problem emotion) when you….(describe their behavior or
Solving: under what conditions you feel this way)
because… (explain why their behavior or the
1. Identifying the Problem. Ask yourself
conditions cause you to feel this way). And what
what the problem is
I want you to do is... (describe the action you
2. Brainstorming
need to see, and a promise or commitment that
3. Evaluate the options
it will happen or not happen again.)
4. Rate the options
5. State the Solution
Benefits of I-Statements –
6. Make a plan
1. Avoids blaming others for your emotions
7. Follow up
2. Accurate and less hostile way to express a
feeling or an emotion you’re experiencing
3. Most appropriate way to inform someone that
Fail their behaviour is causing a problem
First.Attempt.In.Learning 4. Minimizes making the other person feel guilty,
We often talk about failure as if it were some put-down, & resentful
absolutely soul-crushing, ego-obliterating abyss
from which one can never recover. The pathway Plan:
Unfortunately, the "fear of failing" all too
frequently becomes a barrier to achievement. Your Post-secondary Plan is a living, “breathing”
For example, have you noticed that the more document. It is meant to be tweaked and
important a project is to a person, the more modified, reviewed and revised. This is not just
pronounced this fear of failure usually becomes something that you create in a high school
– until many of us won't even take a risk or course for marks and then shelve away once the
complete a project out of fear of doing it ‘wrong?' course is over, never to be seen again.
Does not receiving an A+ or 100% somehow
On the contrary, its purpose is to guide you, not
make us less valuable as people? It is for this
only through high school, but also through your
reason that fear of failing may act as a
post-secondary years and into your eventual
roadblock. It stops us from taking a chance. It
career or careers. This plan is a list of your skills
prevents us from taking one step further beyond
and your accomplishments. It is a list of the
our comfort level. It makes us terrified of “what
career options best suited to you. It is a list of
ifs,” and, for many of us, it becomes our excuse
resources – both educational and career-related.
not to follow our dreams.
And those skills and interests and resources will
definitely change over time as you change and
gain experience.
* For example, let's say your goal is to save up a
certain amount of money for retirement. A
financial plan would be your guideline for
reaching that retirement goal. Financial plans
also differ from budgets because they focus
more on income and assets including: bank
accounts, pensions, home equity, etc.. A
financial plan also will estimate how much
money you will make from stocks, bonds, mutual
funds, 401Ks, etc..

Personal finance is about deciding what you

Budgets And Finances want to do and planning how you're going to do
it. Whatever your plans — work, travel, trades
A budget estimates the amount of revenues and training, university, college — making smart
expenses a company may incur over a future decisions about money starting now can help
period. Budgeting represents a business' you get there.
financial position, cash flows and goals.
Companies use financial forecasting to Need: Something you have to have
determine how they should allocate their Want: Something you would like to have
budgets for a future period.
● Need: A necessity, something required,
What's the difference between a budget and something essential for life
a financial plan? ● Want: A desire, something wished for,
* A budget is essentially a guideline to follow something non-essential
with regards to spending. It breaks down As well, needs and wants may change over
expenses into categories (i.e. rent, electric bills, time.
etc..) for a certain time period (usually weekly,
monthly, or yearly). In actuality, You only need a few things to
* Once all expenses are put into the budget,
they're added up to get a total. This figure is - Food
then used to subtract against the total amount of - Water
income made for the same time period. The - Shelter
result is how much money can be saved for that - Clothing
time period. If the goal is to save more money, - Basic health and hygiene
then expenditures can be changed or dropped - Shelter
from the budget (if possible). - Air

* A financial plan is a tool to help you achieve Income

long-term financial objectives. It's kind of like a
budget in that it breaks down your expenses, but Income is a monetary gain through work or
it's much more goal-oriented. investments.
Everyone needs some type of income, whether it Deductions (money subtracted from
comes from a paycheque, an inheritance or your gross income)
investments. You need to know how to keep
track of your income and manage it to cover Income tax - a percentage of gross income sent
your expenses and save for future goals. to the Governments of Canada and the province
or territory to pay for federal, provincial and
For most of us, our main source of income is our territorial government services
job. Most people get paid through a biweekly or
semi-monthly paycheque. But you may get paid • Income tax is not always deducted at source;
irregularly if you do contract, consulting or e.g., if you do occasional or contract work that is
seasonal work, or odd jobs. not regular employment. If you have this kind of
income, you still have to report it and pay tax on
Parts in a paycheck it.

Year to date: The total amount of pay and Employment insurance (EI) - a percentage of
deductions from the beginning of the year gross income paid by employees and employers
through the current pay period. to provide temporary payments if workers
become unemployed
Gross income: The total amount of pay before
any deductions are taken out Canada Pension Plan(CPP) - a percentage of
gross income paid by employees and employers
Employment insurance (EI): A percentage of to provide income when workers retire or
gross income paid by employees and employers become disabled
to provide temporary payments if workers
become unemployed. Other deductions - deductions the employer
makes under an agreement with the employee
Canada Pension Plan (CPP): A percentage of or the employee's union or other agent,
gross income paid by employees and employers including:
to provide income when workers retire or
become disabled, or for survivor benefits. The • private pension plans
employee contribution is 4.95 per cent, and the
• health insurance premiums
combined contribution from both sources is 9.9
per cent of your gross income. • union dues and professional fees

Other: • food and clothing deductions

Other deductions may include private pension • transfers to the employees' Registered
plans, health insurance premiums, union dues Retirement Saving Plan
and professional fees, transfers to your
• purchases of investments like bonds or shares
registered savings plans and charitable
donations. • charitable donations

Net pay: The amount of pay remaining after • *vacation pay

deductions are taken out
Expenses: Budgets
follow these steps to get a true picture of A budget compares expenses with income to
your spending. show whether income will exceed expenses (a
surplus) or expenses will exceed income (a
1. Keep every receipt.
2. Record every expense daily.
3. Review bank and credit card It is also important to note that savings is an
statements to identify additional essential part of your budget. Financial experts
expenses. recommend putting aside 10 percent or more of
4. Make a list of irregular expenses, your net income each month to save for your
such as gifts, donations, taxes, car goals and have funds in reserve in case you lose
or home repairs, etc. your job or face a major unplanned expense.
5. Total your expenses at the end of Build up an emergency fund of three to six
the month. months' income. Then continue to save for your
6. Do this for at least three months. other goals.

• Fixed expenses are expenses that don't Definitions

generally change from month to month, like
● Surplus: the amount by which your
rent, most utilities, transit passes and car
income is greater than your spending
● Deficit: the amount by which your
• Variable expenses are expenses that can spending is greater than your income
easily change, like the amount spent on food,
If you have a surplus, congratulations! Here are
entertainment or clothing.
some ideas for what you can do with the extra

● pay down debt (especially

high-interest debt, like credit card
● boost your emergency fund
● increase your monthly savings
● invest some of the surplus to pay for
future expenses like your children's
When living independently, you also need to education or your retirement.
include irregular expenses: expenses that don't If you have a deficit, you need to make changes
come up regularly or often, like car repairs or to balance your budget and get back to the plus
new appliances. To estimate irregular expenses, side. You can:
you would review your bills or expense records
for the previous year, total the cost of irregular ● take a look at your discretionary
expenses in various categories, and divide by 12 spending and cut back
to arrive at an average monthly cost. ● reduce expenses by negotiating better
plans for your communications,
banking and other services—contact
your service providers to see if you Types of Accounts
can get better rates
➢ Saving Accounts:
● increase your income, possibly by
● Money is usually deposited and left for
getting a different job or an additional
extended periods of time in the account in
order to earn
● Some pay high interest and are income
tax exempt
Savings ● Few withdrawals are usually associated
Step 1: Reduce expenses with this type of account and higher
service charges paid for making
Step 2: Make savings a habit; pay yourself first withdrawals
● Can be linked to a debit card to make
Step 3: Get Your Money Working for You
conducting transactions efficient and
Simple Interest convenient

With simple interest, interest is paid on the

original amount of deposit, year after year. The
➢ Chequing Accounts
formula is:
● A working account
Original Dollar Amount x Interest Rate x ● A place to accept deposits for example
Length of Time (in years) = Amount Earned. from pay cheques
● Make withdrawals to pay bills or make
The Rule of 72
It’s a formula for figuring out how quickly ● Money can be deposited or withdrawn
your money will double if left alone in an frequently for daily, weekly, or monthly
interest bearing account. transactions
● Can be linked to a debit card to make
conducting transactions efficient and
All you have to do is divide 72 by the
interest rate. So if your rate is 6%, divide 72
by 6. At that rate, it will take 12 years to
double your money. Types of Credit:
Single-payment Credit:

Items and services are paid for in a single

payment, within a given time period, after the
purchase. Interest is usually not charged.

• Utility companies, medical services

• Some retail businesses

Installment Credit: ● Open a checking account and don’t
bounce checks.
Merchandise and services are paid for in two or
● Open a savings account and make
more regularly scheduled payments of a set
regular deposits.
amount. Interest is included. A repayment plan
● Apply for a local store credit card and
is drawn up in the form of a conditional sales
make regular monthly payments.
contract based upon fulfilling a number of
● Apply for a small loan using your
conditions of the contract.
savings account as collateral.
• Some retail businesses, such as car and ● Get a co-signer on a loan and pay
appliance dealers back the loan as agreed.

Money may also be loaned for a special Credit Cards

purpose, with the consumer agreeing to repay
Items to consider when selecting a credit card:
the debt in regularly scheduled payments.
● Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) and
• Chartered banks whether rates are fixed or variable
• Consumer finance companies ● Annual, late and over-limit fees
● Credit limit on account
• Credit unions ● Grace periods before interest begins
• Trust companies
● Rewards including airline miles or
Revolving Credit cash back

Many items can be bought using this plan as Once you find a credit card that meet your
long as the total amount does not go over the needs, read and understand the contract
credit user’s assigned dollar limit. Repayment is
● Read the contract carefully
made at regular time intervals for any amount at
● Don’t rush into signing anything
or above the minimum
● Once a contract is signed, get a copy
required amount. Interest is charged on the of it
remaining balance. ● Know the penalties for missed
• Retail stores
Know Your Cost
• Financial institutions that issue credit cards
● Figure out total price when paying
Building A Credit Rating with credit
Your credit history is a financial profile. It lets ● Make the largest payments possible
lenders, landlords and employers know how you ● Know the penalties for missed
have managed money in the past and helps payments
them decide whether or not to do business with ● Buy on installment credit only after
you. you have evaluated all other
● Establish a steady work record. ● Don’t be misled into thinking small
● Pay all bills promptly. payments will be easy
The True Cost of Credit Card Purchases: Debt

Debt is money owed by one party, the borrower

or debtor, to a second party, the lender or
creditor. There are various reasons we
accumulate debt, like paying for unforeseen
emergencies, unemployment, or education.
But most often, debt is a result of bad spending
habits, because unless you're spending cash,
it's costing you money to spend money.

On the plus side:

● You can achieve your goals earlier

● You can take advantage of
opportunities that might not be around
Pros and Cons of Credit Cards later
● Building a positive credit rating by
As with anything there are advantages and
using debt responsibly can make
disadvantages to using credit cards. Your
financing easier in the future
informed use of credit cards begins with
understanding these. On the negative side:
Advantages ● Interest on debt adds to the cost
● You have to budget for regular
• Able to buy needed items now
• Don’t have to carry cash ● Taking on debt limits your future
choices, because you'll have to pay it
• Creates a record of purchases
back, which will reduce the money
• More convenient than writing cheques you have available for other options
● A negative credit rating will limit your
• Consolidates bills into one payment
options in many ways
• Emergencies
Never borrow more than 20% of your yearly
Disadvantages net income

• Interest (higher cost of items) ● If you earn $400 a month after taxes,
then your net income in one year is:
• May require additional fees
12 x $400 = $4,800
• Financial difficulties may arise if one loses
track of how much has ● Calculate 20% of your annual net
income to find your safe debt load.
been spent each month
$4,800 x 20% = $960
• Increased impulse buying may occur
● So, you should never have more than
$960 of debt outstanding.
● Note: Housing debt (i.e., mortgage 5.Balance
payments) should not be counted as
A balance is the amount of money that is
part of the 20%, but other debt should
available to someone.
be included, such as car loans,
student loans and credit cards. 6.Minimum payment

Your Responsibilities: This is the lowest amount of payment customers

pay in order to stay safe on the credit card
1. Not to run up more debt than you can
comfortably repay
2. Not to exceed the credit limit established Customer Credit laws:
by your creditor.
1.What is the purpose of the Fair Credit
3. Not to resell merchandise before
Reporting Act (FCRA)?
completely paying the creditor, if the
creditor has retained the title or has a lien This is a law that helps keep fairness and
against it. accuracy within the information of credit card
4. To notify the creditor immediately if your bureaus.
credit card is lost or stolen.
2.What is the purpose of the Equal Credit
Rule of thumb: Know what the cost will be Opportunity Act (ECOA)?
and how you’ll pay it off before you make the
This law helps prevent racism when it comes to
credit card companies. It prevents any
unfairness towards customers because of
Word that I must know when it comes to religion, colour, race, or similar.
Credit Payment or similar

1.Annual fee
An annual fee is an annual charge by the bank
Insurance helps you manage some of the risks
and other financial institutions.
in your future. Here’s how it works:
2.Annual percentage rate (APR)
● You (the insured) make an
This is the charge you pay yearly to be able to agreement (the policy) with the
borrow money from banks. insurer to pay if certain things happen
(the coverage).
3.Credit line
● You agree to make a payment (the
This is the credit amount that they charged to a premium) in exchange for protection
credit card account. against the risks named in the policy.
The premium you pay for the
4.Cash back/rewards insurance depends on the amount of
This is extra cash that is placed on a credit card. risk – if the risk is high, the premium
will be high. (That’s why young
drivers in some provinces pay higher
car insurance premiums than older
● If you suffer a loss as a result of the you an income if you suffer a
risks named in the policy, the insurer long-term disability.
pays you compensation for the loss. ● Life insurance pays the people you
name (your beneficiaries) a specified
Insurance is a way of transferring risk of an
amount if you die.
economic loss. You make a relatively small
payment, and the insurer takes most of the risk. Where do I get insurance?
You usually have to accept some of the risk by
A variety of insurance companies offer insurance
paying the first part of the loss, called the
policies in Canada under regulations set by the
federal, territorial or provincial governments.
What is covered? Policies are sold through thousands of licensed
insurance agents across the country. Policies
What an insurance contract covers depends on
and premiums will be different from one
what’s in the policy – the written agreement
insurance company to the next.
between the insured and the insurer.

● Basic auto insurance usually covers

only the damage that you cause to Investing:
another person, or to other people’s
Types of Investments
property, in an accident. You can
expand your insurance by adding There are two basic types of investments,
things like collision coverage (for lending and ownership.
damage to your own vehicle) and
When you choose a lending investment, you
comprehensive coverage (for theft,
loan your money to an institution, a company, or
fire, vandalism, etc.).
an individual. In return for the use of your
● Basic home insurance usually covers
money, you'll receive interest payments. And at
losses resulting from fire, storms,
the end of the agreed-upon loan period, you'll
accidents, water damage, vandalism
also get your original investment returned.
and similar acts, but not earthquakes
Lending investments includes:
unless you pay for special coverage.
● Tenant insurance: If you’re living at ● Savings account
your parents' or guardian’s home or in ● Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)
residence, or if you’re travelling, you ● Canada Savings Bonds
may not need home insurance. In ● Guaranteed Investment Certificates
some cases, your valuables will still (GIC)
be covered under your parents' or ● Corporate bonds
guardian’s policy. If it's not, you
should look into tenant insurance to In contrast, an ownership investment means you
make sure your possessions are as become the actual owner — or part-owner — of
safe as possible. your investment. Ownership investments —
● Medical insurance usually pays for also called equity investments — include:
your basic medical care in your home ● Real estate
province or territory. Additional ● Stocks
policies are available to cover medical ● Mutual Funds
expenses while travelling, or to pay
Retirement Plans: ● Be accountable for your actions and
the actions of your group
What they are and how they work:
● Be socially responsible and contribute
● Plans that help individuals set aside to your community
money to be used after they retire
Positive Attitudes and Behaviours
● Federal income tax is not immediately
due on money put into a retirement ● Feel good about yourself and be
account or on the interest it makes confident
● Income tax is paid when money is ● Deal with people, problems and
withdrawn situations with honesty, integrity and
● Penalty charges apply if money is personal ethics
withdrawn before retirement age ● Recognize your own and other
● Income after retirement is usually people's good efforts
lower, so tax rate is lower ● Take care of your personal health
● Show interest, initiative and effort
Types of Retirement Plans

● Employer-sponsored retirement plans

Learn Continuously
● Government pensions
● Your own savings and investments ● Be willing to learn and grow
● Assess personal strengths and areas
Personal Management Skills: for development
● Set your own learning goals
Be Adaptable ● Identify and access learning sources
and opportunities
● Work independently or as part of a
● Plan for and achieve your learning
● Carry out multiple tasks or projects
● Be innovative and resourceful: identify Work Safely
and suggest alternative ways to
achieve goals and get the job done ● Be aware of personal and group health
● Be open and respond constructively to and safety practices and procedures, and
change act in accordance with these.
● Learn from your mistakes and accept
● Cope with uncertainty Below are the 5 styles of

Be Responsible ● Assertive communication style.

● Aggressive communication style.
● Set goals and priorities, balancing
● The Passive-Aggressive
work and personal life
Communication Style.
● Plan and manage time, money, and
● The Submissive Communication Style.
other resources to achieve goals
● The Manipulative Communication Style.
● Assess, weigh, and manage risk

style in which individuals clearly state
their opinions and feelings, and firmly
advocate for their rights and needs
without violating the rights of others.


style in which individuals express their
feelings and opinions and advocate for
their needs in a way that violates the
rights of others. Thus, aggressive
communicators are verbally and/or
physically abusive.

COMMUNICATION is a style in which
individuals appear passive on the surface
but are really acting out anger in a subtle,
indirect, or behind-the-scenes way. ...
Instead, they express their anger by
subtly undermining the object (real or
imagined) of their resentments.

The Submissive Communication Style

This type of people try their best to please

others and avoid conflict. They treat the
needs of other as more important than
theirs. They behave as if the other person
has more rights and more to contribute.

The Manipulative Style

This style is scheming, calculating and

shrewd. Manipulative communicators are
skilled at influencing or controlling others
to their own advantage. Their spoken
words hide an underlying message, of
which the other person may be totally
unaware. Making others feel obliged or
sorry for them.

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