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Diabetologia (1997) 40: S 141–S 144

 Springer-Verlag 1997

Insulin resistance due to hyperglycaemia:

an adaptation protecting insulin-sensitive tissues
H. Yki-Järvinen, S. Mäkimattila
Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Chronic hyperglycaemia is a cause of diabetic compli- Glucose uptake is increased basally but normal
cations in non-insulin-dependent tissues such as the postprandially in IDDM and NIDDM
retina, nervous tissue and the kidney [1]. Epidemio-
logical studies have also established an independent Fasting glycaemia. Direct measurements of glucose
relationship between hyperglycaemia and atheroscle- uptake across limb tissues have shown that the rate
rosis in coronary and cerebral blood vessels [2, 3]. An of glucose uptake is linearly related to the fasting
increased flux of glucose via non-insulin-dependent plasma glucose concentration [5]. It follows that nor-
mechanisms into the latter tissues, especially endo- malization, i. e. a decrease in basal glucose utilization,
thelial cells, is considered to underlie the adverse con- is an expected effect of a therapeutic intervention,
sequences of hyperglycaemia [4]. The only tissues which lowers the blood glucose concentration. This
which are apparently spared from hyperglycaemia- seems to happen since rates of glucose utilization de-
dependent complications are the brain, where glu- crease in patients with NIDDM after treatment with
cose flux is not increased by hyperglycaemia, and in- insulin, sulfonylureas, and weight loss (see [6] for re-
sulin-sensitive tissues such as skeletal muscle. The en- view).
suing discussion will present the reasoning underlying
the idea that lack of glucose-dependent complica- Postprandial glycaemia. After ingestion of a mixed
tions in skeletal muscle is the consequence of normal meal [7, 8], or oral glucose [9], a similar [9] or even in-
glucose flux in this tissue, and that this normality can creased [8] fraction of glucose is taken up by the
only be achieved at the expense of limiting insulin- splanchnic bed in patients with NIDDM compared
stimulated glucose uptake under hyperglycaemic to normal subjects [7, 8, 10]. Exogenous glucose ap-
conditions. We will discuss the following arguments: pears in the systemic circulation at comparable rates
1) glucose uptake is increased basally but normal af- in patients with NIDDM and in normal subjects [9].
ter food in insulin-dependent (IDDM) and non-insu- The various hormonal and other signals elicited by
lin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM); 2) chron- the meal (hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, sup-
ic hyperglycaemia is an important determinant of in- pression of glucagon secretion, neural signals) [11]
sulin resistance in IDDM and NIDDM; 3) hypergly- act in concert to suppress endogenous glucose pro-
caemia-induced insulin resistance is the consequence duction efficiently in normal subjects. This suppres-
of overactivity of the hexosamine pathway. sion is markedly impaired in NIDDM [9] and the pre-
dominant cause of postprandial hyperglycaemia [9].
Postprandially, the rate of glucose uptake, in absolute
terms, is, however, unaltered in NIDDM, because hy-
perglycaemia itself is a potent stimulator of glucose
uptake [7-9]. Any excess glucose produced by the
Corresponding author: Professor H. Yki-Järvinen, M. D., Uni- splanchnic bed is excreted in the urine [9].
versity of Helsinki, Department of Medicine, Division of En-
docrinology and Diabetology, Haartmaninkatu 4, FIN-00 290
Helsinki, Finland
Abbreviations: IDDM, Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; CFA, glu-
tamine: fructose 6-phosphate amidotransferase.
S 142 H. Yki-Järvinen, S. Mäkimattila: Insulin resistance due to hyperglycaemia

Fig. 1. An overview of glucose metabolism via the hexosamine acetyl-glucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc), which can then either be
pathway in skeletal muscle. Under hyperglycaemic conditions, incorporated to serine and threonine residues on intracellular
glucose (G) is transported in excessive amounts (thick arrow) proteins in a reaction catalysed by a uridine diphospho-N-
[5] via the non-insulin-sensitive glucose transporter (GLUT1), acetylglucosamine:polypeptide b-N-acetylglucosaminyltrans-
phosphorylated via the non-insulin-sensitive hexokinase iso- ferase (TRANS) [31] (O-linked glycosylation), or linked to as-
form (HKI). This results in increased glucose flux via the hex- paragine residues on secretory and membrane glycoproteins
osamine pathway. GFA catalyses the first and rate-limiting re- by other transferases [28] (N-linked glycosylation). Under hy-
action of the hexosamine pathway, the reaction of fructose 6- perglycaemic normo- or hyperinsulinaemic conditions, levels
phosphate (F6P) with glutamine to form glutamate and glu- of hexosamine metabolites [24] and GFA [26, 32] are increased
cosamine 6-phosphate (GlcN6P). GlcN6P is converted via a implying increased flux through the pathway
series of non-rate-limiting reactions to uridine-diphospho-N-

Fasting hyperglycaemia is an important determinant observed both in patients with NIDDM [16] and
of insulin resistance in IDDM and NIDDM IDDM [14, 17, 18], when glucose uptake is measured
under normoglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic conditions
In patients with IDDM, insulin sensitivity is normal if using physiological insulin concentrations [14, 19]. If,
glycaemic control is normalized [12]. The degree of however, glucose uptake is measured under hypergly-
peripheral insulin resistance in both IDDM [12] and caemic hyperinsulinaemic conditions, i. e. simulating
NIDDM [13] is inversely related to the magnitude of everyday life, glucose uptake is normal in both pa-
fasting hyperglycaemia and the glycated haemoglobin tients with IDDM [18] and NIDDM [9]. This normal-
concentration. Even in populations such as the Pima ity is consistent with the observed normal absolute
Indians [13] and Mexican Americans (unpublished glucose fluxes postprandially in such patients (see
data), in which insulin resistance is severe and possibly above) and has even been demonstrated in muscle
genetic, fasting glycaemia is the most important deter- strips isolated from patients with NIDDM [20].
minant of insulin sensitivity in patients with NIDDM.
The ability of hyperglycaemia to induce insulin resis-
tance has been shown directly in patients with Hyperglycaemia-induced insulin resistance is the
IDDM. Elevation of plasma glucose concentrations consequence of overactivity of the hexosamine
for 24 h, to pathophysiologically relevant glucose con- pathway
centrations (14–20 mmol/l) significantly decreases
glucose uptake [14, 15]. The glucose-induced insulin Hexosamine metabolism as a glucose sensor. The re-
resistance is localized in skeletal muscle, where de- markable ability of insulin-sensitive tissues to main-
fects in glucose extraction rather than delivery limit tain their rate of glucose uptake similar to that in nor-
cellular glucose availability. This extraction defect is mal individuals, despite a hyperglycaemic milieu, sug-
H. Yki-Järvinen, S. Mäkimattila: Insulin resistance due to hyperglycaemia S 143

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