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CРС №3

Theme: Modals 1 (ability, possibility, conclusions, willingness, habitual events,

necessity, deduction, obligation)
 Do pre start diagnostic test (p.136)
1. Can be
2. Could
3. May be
4. Might not
5. Must be
6. Will be
7. Must
8. Must
9. Needs
10.Didn't need to show
11.Are supposed
12.Are not allowed
14.He is
16.Would always help us
17.Would not
19.Wont have to
20.Wouldn't be too sure
 Ability (p.138)
 1 managed to/was able to
 2 wasn't able to/couldn't/(didn't manage to)
 3 could
 4 'll be able to
 5 managed to/were able to
 6 could have
 7 can/'ll be able to
 8 be able to
 9 succeeded in
 10 being able to
 11 were unable to/weren't able to
 12 couldn't have been
 1 were only able to
 2 can/are able to
 3 couldn't have
 4 could hardly
 5 are able to (can)
 6 managed
 7 to be able to
 8 won't be able to

 Possibility (p.140)
 1 could have been
 2 could
 3 can
 4 might/could
 5 won't
 6 might
 7 could/might
 8 Do you think they might/Might they
 1 The service in this restaurant can be quite surly.
 2 Ten years ago I could have bought my neighbour's apartment for
 3 We could issue the tickets today if you gave us your credit card
 4 When I was at university, students could generally have a good
 5 Do you think (that) the disparity in the figures could/might be due to a
computer error?
 6 The shuttle bus may/might not be operating at the moment - it is the
low season.
 7 Jim may/might have taken it; he was in the office all day yesterday.
 8 My sister could well become an opera star - she has a lovely voice.
Speculation and expectation (p.142)
1 can't 2 must 3 might/could 4 should 5 Could/Might 6 will 7 be 8 won't 9 may
10 shouldn't
1 She must have missed it.
2 She might be the baby's mother.
3 She can't/couldn't have phoned her parents.
4 It must have been raining.
5 The man must have fallen off his bike.
6 The woman can't be his wife.
7 Someone must have called the ambulance.
8 There might/could have been an explosion.
9 There can't/couldn't have been an earthquake.
10 It must have been terrifying.
1E / 2F/3C/4A/5B/6D
 1 A/B
 2C
 3A
 4B
 5 A/C
 6A
 7B
 8C

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