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GROUP 2: HEE111/HEE111.

SOCOR, Hazebah A. SEPTEMBER 19, 2022
ANDAMUN, Aisah P. BTLEd Home Economics
PANDAPATAN, Farhanisa C.

Activity 1. Qualities of a Manager

1. The Ability to Self-Motivate

Managers are responsible for motivating their employees, which means that they
themselves must possess the ability to self-motivate. Self-motivation means that you are
not only able to get yourself going on the project at hand, but that you are also able
to work independently to take on each next step towards completion.

2. Effective Communication Skills

Another critical trait that managers must possess is effective communication skills. In large
part, the main job of a manager is communication. Good managers are able to
communicate with their employees in a way that is clear and conducive to a positive
working relationship.

3. Confidence Without Arrogance

As a manager, it is important for you to be confident. Having confidence shows your

employees that you believe in your own abilities, which will increase their respect for you.
Unfortunately, such confidence is all too often mistaken for arrogance. If your employees
believe that you are arrogant, they will lose respect for you rather than gaining it. To
prevent this, imbue your confidence with personality to make yourself likeable to your

4. Willingness to Share

One ineffective management strategy is withholding information from your employees.

Instead, effective managers share as much information as possible with their employees,
creating an environment of collective intelligence. This creates trust between
management and employees, leading to a more effective relationship.

5. Prowess in Problem Solving

Finally, a great manager is able to problem solve. Problem solving is one of the key
components of a management position, whether you are working out a conflict
between employees or solving a crisis with a client. In addition to being able to solve
problems, a good manager takes responsibility for problems that arise.

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