Adeboye Et Al. 2022

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Cleaner Waste Systems 2 (2022) 100020

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Characterization and energy potential of municipal solid waste in Osogbo

metropolis ]]

B.S. Adeboyea, , M.O. Idrisa, W.O. Adedejia, A.A. Adefajoa, T.F. Oyewusib, A. Adelekunc

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osun State University, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke, Osun State, Nigeria


Keywords: The emission of methane from dumpsites remains a significant source of global environmental pollution concern.
Characterization This study investigated the physical composition and volume of municipal solid waste at the central dumpsite,
Waste Egbedi, Osogbo metropolis. The volume of landfill gas and concentration of methane gas that will be produced
Energy content via anaerobic digestion over a specified period towards the possibility of energy recovery were also estimated.
Osogbo metropolis
Results from the characterization of the municipal solid waste revealed that organic materials constitute the
highest fraction (35.71 %). The energy content of the organic material was determined to be 21,582.8 kJ/kg. The
methane generation potential from 2017 to 2025 was estimated to be around 41,125 tonnes by employing the
method proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Methane gas emitted can be
harvested and utilized as a renewable source of energy thereby mitigating pollution environmental occasioned
by the release of methane into the atmosphere from dumpsites most especially from developing countries to-
wards ensuring a sustainable city.

1. Introduction growth, economic development and industrialization, which has put

pressure on the existing waste management facilities. Cities in most
Rapid population growth and industrialization has resulted in a developing countries most especially in sub-Saharan Africa are plagued
daily surge in energy requirement across the globe. The energy re- with issues related to disposal, collection and management of municipal
quirements to satisfy basic human needs such as welfare and health are solid waste (MSW) due to increasing population and lack of infra-
on the increase (Owusu and Sarkodie, 2016). The utilization of fossil structural development (Achankeng, 2003; Henry et al., 2006,). This
fuel in meeting these energy demands has negatively imparted the poor waste management practice being experienced in developing
environment. However, it is also very important to have access to en- countries is not sustainable and has grave consequences most especially
ergy to improve the quality of life as well as encourage economic de- in relation to the health and environmental challenges of uncollected
velopment. Recently, there has been concerted effort to explore other wastes and improper management of waste collected (Scarlat et al.,
energy sources and improve the technology available for energy con- 2015) Therefore the management of solid waste requires an integrated
version and the urge to mitigate the impact of energy exploration and approach which will involve the reduction of the volume of waste
utilization on climate change is also on the increase (Gielen et al., generated, collection of waste generated, recovery of materials for re-
2019). Renewable energy resources have been identified as important cycling and the generation of energy from wastes.
stakeholders that can shift focus from the petroleum resources thereby Although, there have been several efforts geared towards the re-
mitigating the effect of its exploration and utilization on the environ- duction, reuse and recycling of waste materials, huge volume of wastes
ment. are still required to be disposed in landfills/dumpsites. Different tech-
Globally, it has been established that waste materials negatively nologies can be employed in the disposal of waste and conversion of
affect the environment and the health of man. The management of same to energy. However, the choice of an appropriate option is de-
waste fractions is a very complex and cost intensive service usually pendent on the local specific condition (UNEP, 2013). In order to de-
provided by the government (Scarlat et al., 2015). There is a rapid rise velop and implement effective strategies for the management of MSW,
in the volume of waste in urban centers of the world due to population information regarding the nature and composition of the different parts

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (BS. Adeboye).
Received 24 May 2022; Received in revised form 15 July 2022; Accepted 20 July 2022
2772-9125/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd. CC_BY_4.0
B.S. Adeboye, M.O. Idris, W.O. Adedeji et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 2 (2022) 100020

of MSW stream is required (Burnleya et al., 2007). This will assist in the of Statistics, 2017). The rapidly increasing population of Osogbo makes
planning, formulation of policies and making appropriate decision as it this city appropriate for this study since growth in population also leads
relates to the sizing of infrastructure for various aspect of an integrated to a corresponding increase in waste generation. The study was con-
waste management solution (Gidarakos et al., 2005; Stanley and Barlaz, ducted at the Osun central dumpsite, Egbedi in Ido Osun, located in
2009). Egbedore local government being part of Osun Capital Territory De-
Incineration of waste is an option for the disposal of waste with the velopment area. The dumpsite is accessible via the Iwo-Ibadan Federal
possibility of energy recovery. However, technical and economic con- road and is the main dumpsite servicing Osogbo metropolis.
siderations limit the use of this technology developing economies
around the world most especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Landfill 2.2. Materials and methods
method of waste disposal is a very common practice employed in waste
disposal which entails the direct disposal of wastes into landfill or open Method for determining the composition of unprocessed MSW
dumps. It is a very common technology which is deployed in developing waste, ASTM D523 was employed for the characterizing the sample
economies due to its simplicity and low cost of setting up and main- (ASTMD 5231-92). Representative samples of MSW were collected and
tenance when compared with other methods (Bexultan et al., 2019; then homogenized over a period of three weeks. The homogenization
Stanley and Barlaz, 2009). The disposal of MSW in landfill presents a was carried out by separating the collected MSW samples into four
viable option for waste management and an opportunity for energy equal portions, two portions was discarded and the process repeated
recovery via the capture of landfill gas (LFG), most especially in until a significant portion of MSW weighing about 1 kg was left. The
countries with inadequate access to energy. LFG is a renewable energy waste sample was then manually separated into different fractions such
resource derived from the release of methane and some other gases as plastics, paper, metal, ceramic, organic/food waste, sand, fabric
from landfill sites. The LFG released from the dumpsites can be col- (clothing materials produced from weaving or knitting of fibers) and so
lected and used as a source of renewable energy since several million on. This procedure was done at three different locations on the
tons of wastes are daily dumped on landfill/dumpsites. MSW contain a dumpsite, the individual weight of each fraction from each location
high proportion of organic matter which undergoes biological de- determined and the average value of from the three locations taken.
gradation under anaerobic conditions leading to the production of these The organic portion of the waste sample is then subjected to further
gases collectively termed LFG (Renou et al., 2008). The methane experimental investigations. A scheme of the methodology employed is
component of LFG can be collected and used as a valuable source of shown in Fig. 1 below.
renewable energy while simultaneously reducing the emission of me-
thane gas which is a significant component of greenhouse gases which 2.3. Physicochemical characterization of the organic content of MSW
are known to cause global warming resulting in a reduction in the effect
of climate change (Akintayo and Olonisakin, 2014). The percentage volatile matter, fixed carbon and ash contents were
This study aims to investigate the composition of MSW in Osogbo determined by employing the American Standard Test Methods
metropolis with a view to integrating landfill option of MSW manage- (Adeboye et al., 2021; Titiladunayo et al., 2018). Elemental composi-
ment toward energy recovery for a sustainable city. The release of tion (ultimate analysis) was carried out with the aid of an elemental
methane gas from unmanaged landfill sites into the atmosphere has analyser (Flash EA (1112)).
serious impact on the environment and it represents a significant con- Moisture content: 5 g of the organic sample was measured and
tributor to the problem of global warming; therefore, estimating the placed on a crucible. The crucible was then placed into an oven with the
amount of methane gas liberated into the atmosphere from landfill sites temperature maintained at 105 °C for one hour based on ASTM D1348.
is very important as it will provide baseline data which will assist in This procedure was replicated two more times and the average value of
formulating appropriate counter measures involving energy recovery. difference in weight represents the moisture content.
This will lead to the reduction in the concentration of methane gas in Percentage volatile matter: test samples employed in the moisture
the atmosphere. The reduction in the concentration of methane gas content determination was employed in determining the percentage
released into the atmosphere via its capturing and utilization as an volatile matter in the samples. These samples were heated at 950 °C for
energy resource has both economic and environmental benefits. This seven minutes in a furnace. The samples were cooled in a desiccator and
technology need to be brought to the attention of major stakeholders in the average loss in weight taken as the volatile matter content.
Nigeria since most urban centers are grappling with energy crisis and Ash content: this was determined by employing the samples re-
environmental pollution arising from improper waste management maining in the crucible after volatile matter content determination.
practices. Therefore, the potential of methane emission from the major These samples were ignited at 750 °C for 30 min according to the pro-
dumpsite in Osogbo metropolis was investigated in this study. cedure specified by ASTM D5468-02. The average weight of residues
left after cooling represent the percentage of ash contained in the
2. Methodology samples.
Fixed carbon: according to ASTM D3172-07a, it refers to the re-
2.1. Study area maining sample after removing the sum of the percentage moisture,
percentage amount of volatile, percentage amount of ash from the
The investigation was executed in Osogbo which is the capital of 100 % representing percentage initial weight of sample.
Osun State, Nigeria. Osogbo metropolis is the local government head-
quarters of Olorunda and Osogbo Local Government area. It is also the 2.4. Energy content
capital of Osun State in the southwestern part of Nigeria. Having a total
geographic land mass of about 47 km2, it is bounded with other LGAs The higher heating value of the organic fraction of the MSW was
such as Ede North, Ifelodun, Atakunmosa West, Egbedore, Ibokun and determined by employing the modified form of Dulong formula
Boripe (Osun State Government, 2016). Osogbo metropolis exists be- (Klingshrin and Albrechi, 1981) as shown in Eq. (1) below.
tween Latitudes 7°42′ and 7°49′ N and Longitudes 4°30′ and 4°38′ E in
the southwestern part of Nigeria. Based on the report of the National Qh = 337C + 1428 H + 95S
8 (1)
Population Commission (NPC), the population of the inhabitants of
Osogbo was estimated to be 381, 405 based on 2006 census. Using this Where Qh represents the higher heating value (kJ/kg), C represents the
data as baseline and employing an annual growth rate of 3 %, Osogbo carbon content (%), H represents the hydrogen content (%), O is the
was estimated to have 527,953 inhabitants as at 2017 (National Bureau oxygen content (%) and S is the sulfur content (%). The lower heating

B.S. Adeboye, M.O. Idris, W.O. Adedeji et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 2 (2022) 100020

Fig. 1. Landfill gas estimation and production at Egbedi dumpsite.

value (LHV) gives a better measure of heat released during actual op- waste in MSW represented by K, fraction of wood/leave is represented
erating condition and is determined from Eq. (2) below as by W while the waste generation rate per population is represented by
LHV = HHV 0.0244(M + 9H) (2)
The total Municipal Solid Waste (MSWT) was determined from the
where M represents the moisture content on dry basis and H the per- product of the rate of generation of solid waste within Osogbo me-
centage of hydrogen. tropolis and the population in Osogbo metropolis while employing the
average waste generation rate for urban centers in Nigeria which has
2.5. Determination of the population generating waste been estimated to be 0.66 kg/capital/day (Tsai, 2007). The population
figure was based on the 2006 censors by employing an annual growth
The population generating wastes was predicted by employing po- rate of 3.0 % (National Bureau of Statistics, 2017) 0.74 was assumed as
pulation data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (2017) which the MSW factor because an approximate value of about 74 % of waste
was based on the 2006 censors. These population data was then used as generated in developing countries eventually gets to the dumpsites/
basis for the adopting of the models presented in Eq. (3) (Ibikunle et al., landfills (Ogunjuyigbe et al., 2017) Default values of used for MCF,
2019). DOCF and F were 0.6, 0.77 and 0.5 respectively as specified by Johari
et al. (2012).
Projected Population
= (Population Growth Rate × Present Population) 2.7. Production of landfill gas and determination of concentration of
methane under anaerobic conditions
+ Present Population (3)
Samples of biodegradable wastes were employed in the production
2.6. Methane gas estimation of landfill gas via digestion under anaerobic condition. About 30 g of
each biodegradable waste sample was transferred into a 250 ml digester
Methane production potential was determined by employing the and 50 ml of distilled water gradually added into the digester and then
method of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as tightly sealed using a rubber cork to prevent air from entering. The set
presented in Eq. (4) below up was left for about 10 day under ambient conditions. Gas sample was
then taken out using a 10 ml syringe and subsequently transferred into a
16 gas chromatography analyser to determine the composition of the gas
12 (4)
(Johari et al., 2012). The gas produced under anaerobic gas was then
ECH4 represents the methane emission( tonnes), MSWT represents analyzed for methane gas using a Varian 3800/4000 gas chromato-
the total MSW generated (tonnes), MSWF represents the fraction of graph mass spectrometer (GC-MS) equipped with a capillary column
MSW received at the landfill sites while MCF is known as the methane DB5ms (30.0 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm film thickness). Under optimum
correction factor which is dependent on the type of landfill practices GC conditions, an aliquot of extract (0.5 µL) was injected into the GC
employed on site. The default range of value for MCF is between 0.4 inlet operating split mode (5:1, split flow 10 ml min−1) at an initial
and 1.0, a value of 0.6 usually adopted for an unmanaged landfill (Tsai, pressure of 2.6 bar and temperature of 200 °C. Helium was used as a
2007). DOC is the portion of degradable organic carbon which is de- carrier gas at a constant flow rate of 1 ml min−1.
pendent on the composition of the MSW and can be determined from
the Eq. (7) below as 3. Results and discussion

DOC = 0.4P + 0.15K + 0.3W (7)

3.1. Solid waste composition
DOCF represents the portion of the all degradable organic content
which actually decomposes and subsequently becomes landfill gas. The composition of municipal solid waste at the dumpsite is shown
Usually, a value of 0.77 as specified by IPCC is employed. F represents in Table 1 below. The average percentage composition of each fraction
the fraction of methane contained in landfill gas. In the Eq. (7) above, of waste from the site was 35.71% organic matter, 21.6 % plastic,
the fraction of paper/cardboard is represented by P, fraction of kitchen 12.03 % paper, 2.75% metal, 6.47 % fabric and 12.52 % miscellaneous

B.S. Adeboye, M.O. Idris, W.O. Adedeji et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 2 (2022) 100020

Table 1
Composition of MSW at the central dumpsite in Egbedi, Osogbo metropolis.

Component Weight (%) Week 1 Weight (%) Week 2 Weight (%) Week 3 Average %

Plastic 21.76 20.13 22.9 21.60

Paper/cardboard 15.20 16.38 4.5 12.03
Metals 0.54 0.00 7.7 2.75
Ceramic/glass 6.61 1.78 18.4 8.93
Organic 35.53 33.20 38.4 35.71
Fabric 9.31 10.1 0.0 6.47
Miscellaneous (sand/ash etc) 11.05 18.41 8.1 12.52
Total 100. 100.0 100.0 100.0

waste (mostly sand). The composition of MSW reveals the socio eco- indicate lower quantity of salt, heavy metal and chlorine and other
nomic and sociocultural lifestyle of the inhabitants of a location and the organic pollutants thereby making the management of the MSW easier
volume of MSW has been identified to be directly affected by the fi- and also advantageous to the environment (Durogbitan, 2019; Lam
nancial status of the households in any location (Kamran et al., 2015). et al., 2010). The fixed carbon content of MSW was determined to be
From Table 1, organic materials have the highest percentage followed 10.01 %. Fixed carbon content refers to the residue left after the per-
by plastics while metal has the least percentage. People earning more centage moisture content, volatile matter content and ash content have
income tend to consume product that are well packaged with inorganic been removed from a solid fuel. With increases in the amount of
materials such as plastic product and other non-biodegradable products charcoal generated from MSW, there is a corresponding increase in the
(Mboowa et al., 2017). Most semi urban and rural household generates energy content for such waste which is a function of the fixed carbon
a high percentage of biodegradables substances as waste. This reveals content. (Durogbitan, 2019; FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation),
that Osogbo metropolis is a blend of rural dwellers, semi-urban dwellers 1995).
and urban dwellers. The high percentage of waste products such as The percentage elemental composition which is employed in the
plastic, paper and other recyclable materials is an indication that re- determination of composition, volume of air needed for combustion and
using and recycling of materials is poorly implemented in the area volume of combustible gases (Raju et al., 2014) of the organic fraction
(Letshwenyo and Kgetseyamore, 2020). Only metallic materials are is also presented in Table 2 and shows that the carbon content is
currently being recycled and usually carried out by scavengers collect 50.09 %. The high percentage of carbon enhances the heating value of
these metallic materials for recycling before getting to the dumpsite the fuel thereby making it a good energy resource. Hydrogen content
which accounts for the low percentage composition of metals on the was determined to be 6.98 % which is slightly beyond the range of
dumpsite. 2.31–4.37 % specified by Durogbitan (2019) for MSW. Nitrogen and
sulphur contents were determined to be 1.56% and 1.23 % respectively
3.2. Physicochemical characterization of the organic content of MSW which are both within acceptable limits indicating that the effect of air
pollution as a result of the emission of oxides of these elements will be
Results of proximate and ultimate analyses of the component from reduced. Oxygen content of 30.15 % is within the range of 30–40 %
the dumpsite are presented in Table 2. Moisture content was de- specified by Chaney (2010).
termined to be 48.74 % this was due to the fact that the study was
carried out during the wet season coupled with the fact that the organic
fraction majorly consist of agricultural and food wastes. High moisture 3.3. Energy content
content has been determined to have a positive effect in the production
of methane on landfill sites (Gurijala and Suflita, 1993; Kazuyuki and The calorific value represents the energy content of a solid fuel.
Katsuyuki, 2012). Therefore, the high moisture content of the biode- Different terms are usually employed in describing the energy content
gradable fraction favors the production of methane. Volatile matter of a solid fuel such as Gross Heating Value (GHV), Higher Heating Value
content of the organic fraction of the MSW was 34.39 %, volatile matter (HHV), Lower Heating Value (LHV), Net Heating Value (NEV). Usually
content influences the rate at which a solid fuel burnout and a high for a developing country like Nigeria, the calorific values of MSW waste
percentage of volatile matter indicates that a solid fuel contains large fractions are usually lower than for industrialized countries because of
amount of useful gases such as methane which can be released easily the higher percentage of moisture, organic and mineral contents in the
when such material is subjected to a heating regime (Durogbitan, waste (Novita and Damanhuri, 2010). Heating value of MSW is de-
2019). The ash content of the MSW was determined to be 6.86 % which pendent on the elemental composition and proximate analysis. The
is relatively low and is within the range 0.49–12.58 %, which is said to higher heating value and lower heating value of the organic fraction of
municipal solid waste were determined to be 21,582.8 kJ/kg and
Table 2 21,580.1 kJ/kg respectively with the difference representing the energy
Proximate and ultimate analyses of organic fraction from MSW at content of water vapor in the organic material. For solid wastes a ca-
the central dumpsite in Egbedi, Osogbo metropolis. lorific value of 7.5–17 MJ/kg is prescribed before they can be said to be
a fuel source (Lee et al., 2013; Whiting, 2002). The relatively higher
Parameters Organic fraction of MSW
value of calorific value for the organic fraction of MSW makes it very
Proximate analysis (wt%) suitable to be used as fuel. However, it has a lower calorific value
Fixed carbon 10.01 compared with that of coal having a range of 37–40 MJ/kg (Fetene
Volatile matter 34.39
et al., 2018; Heylighen, 2001). Practically, it means that the energy
Ash content 6.86
Moisture content 48.74 produced by a kilogram of coal is approximately two times the energy
Ultimate analysis (wt%) produced by the same quantity of organic fraction of MSW. Though the
Hydrogen 6.98 heating value of this fraction is low indicating lower power output per
Nitrogen 1.56 unit mass when compared with coal, the utilization is regarded as a
Carbon 50.09
Sulfur 1.23
source of renewable energy which is free and has the added advantage
Oxygen 30.15 of waste utilization.

B.S. Adeboye, M.O. Idris, W.O. Adedeji et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 2 (2022) 100020

Table 3
Expected methane generation in at the central dumpsite in Egbedi, Osogbo metropolis between 2017 and 2025.

Year MSWt (tonnes) MSWf MCF DOC DOCf F 16/12 Methane (tonnes)

2017 127,184 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4048

2018 130,999 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4170
2019 134,930 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4295
2020 138,977 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4424
2021 143,147 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4556
2022 147,441 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4693
2023 151,864 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4834
2024 156,420 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 4979
2025 161,112 0.74 0.6 0.14 0.77 0.5 1.33 5128

3.4. Methane gas estimation

Estimates and projections of the methane produced from the MSW

from the dumpsite during the years 2017–2025 are presented in
Table 3. Methane emission from Egbedi dumpsite was increasing stea-
dily until a maximum of 5128 tonnes by the year 2025 which was in
agreement with the submission of Daura et al. (2014) who also reported
increase in methane emission until the 10th year for some of the
dumpsites considered. A total of 41,125 tonnes of methane will be
produced during the period under consideration. This value is depen-
dent on the volume and composition of the waste generated which is
also a function of the rate of development of the city.

3.5. Concentration of methane in the landfill gas produced under anaerobic

condition from organic fraction

Fig. 2. GC-MS of the landfill gas under optimum condition.

A breakdown of the composition of the landfill as produced under
anaerobic condition is shown in Table 4 and the GC-MS of landfill gas
yield at optimum condition is shown in Fig. 2. The concentration of
oxygen, ethane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen in the value and lower heating value of the organic component of the MSW
landfill sites are 0.18 %, 4.17 %, 2.30 %, 18.62 %, 58.49 % and 0.03. were evaluated to be 21,582.8 kJ/kg and 21,580.1 kJ/kg which con-
Methane has the highest concentration of 58.49 % which is close to the firms its suitability for energy recovery. A total of 41,125 tonnes of
value of 61.1 % reported by Nagamori et al. (2013) indicating that methane will be produced between 2017 and 2025 and further in-
methane is a very substantial part of landfill gas. This gas can be de- vestigations reveal from anaerobic digestion of organic fraction re-
plored in the production of electricity via combustion processes uti- vealed that a high percentage of the landfill gas is methane which re-
lizing Organic Rankine cycle or through the use of biogas generator presents significant contributor to the challenge of global warming. To
(Lee et al., 2013). ensure a sustainable city, actions must be taken to mitigate the negative
consequence of the release of this gas by trapping the gas and deploring
4. Conclusion it as a source of renewable energy through the production of electricity
via combustion processes utilizing Organic Rankine Cycle or by em-
Physical characterization of MSW at the central dumpsite in Egbedi, ploying a biogas generator for powering small and medium scale in-
Osogbo metropolis revealed that the MSW is composed predominantly dustries and commercial enterprises. A robust approach must be de-
of organic fraction (35.71 %) and other high combustible materials like veloped for solid waste management for Osogbo metropolis in order to
plastic (21.60 %), paper/cardboard (12.03 %), and fabric (6.47 %) re- harness energy from solid wastes to compliment the inadequate energy
presenting 76.08 % of the total wastes of Osogbo metropolis, suggesting supply from the national grid thereby reducing the over-dependence on
that these waste fractions can be deplored for energy generation and conventional fuel from fossil sources and also increase the production of
ultimately environmental pollution mitigation. The higher heating cleaner energy which is more beneficial to the environment.

Table 4
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of landfill gas from central dumpsite, Egbedi, Osogbo metropolis.

Peak Retention time Gas Molecular formula Molecular mass Peak area (%) % Composition

1 9.48 Helium He 4 5.97 0.02

2 10.31 Nitrogen N2 28 9.03 2.30
3 13.48 Ethane C2H6 30 7.48 4.17
4 14.00 Methane CH4 16 20.05 58.49
5 IS Standard STD STD IS STD
6 23.00 Hydrogen H2 2 6.62 0.03
7 26.25 Carbon dioxide CO2 44 13.05 18.62
8 28.75 Oxygen O2 32 4.01 0.18
9 31.25 Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 34 5.01 0.12
10 34.50 Argon/Oxygen composite- Ar/O2 18/32 3.72 0.09
11 43.50 Carbon monoxide CO 28 3.01 0.06

B.S. Adeboye, M.O. Idris, W.O. Adedeji et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 2 (2022) 100020

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