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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 108, NO. D3, 8220, doi:10.1029/2001JD000839, 2003

Annual carbon flux from woody debris for a boreal black spruce fire
B. Bond-Lamberty, C. Wang, and S. T. Gower
Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Received 17 May 2001; revised 7 September 2001; accepted 28 September 2001; published 25 October 2002.
[1] This study examined the distribution and respiration dynamics of woody debris (WD)
in a black spruce-dominated fire chronosequence in northern Manitoba, Canada. The
chronosequence included seven stands that burned between 1870 and 1998; each stand
contained separate well-drained and poorly drained areas. The objectives of this study were
to (1) quantify the distribution of WD, by diameter and decay class, in well-drained and
poorly drained stands across the chronosequence, (2) measure the evolution of CO2 from
WD samples and model the effects of moisture, size and decay on respiration, and (3)
model annual WD respiration and compute decay constants for each site. Coarse woody
debris biomass ranged from 1.4 Mg ha1 to 177.6 Mg ha1, generally declining in the older
stands of the chronosequence. More decayed WD had significantly (a = 0.05) higher
moisture, lower density, and higher respiration rates than less decayed WD. Moisture and
decay class were significant predictors of respiration when moisture was below 43%.
Above this level, moisture was not significant, but stand soil drainage was significant, with
drier sites having higher WD respiration. Year of burn was not significant in the respiration
models. Modeled annual carbon emissions from WD ranged from 0.11 to 1.92 Mg C ha1
yr1. Modeled annual decay rates, between k = 0.01 and k = 0.06, changed across the age
sequence. Thus a single-exponential decay model may not be appropriate for the age
sequence. Calculating k directly from wood respiration measurements, as done here, may
be useful in allowing examination of year-to-year changes in k. INDEX TERMS: 4806
Oceanography: Biological and Chemical: Carbon cycling; 4815 Oceanography: Biological and Chemical:
Ecosystems, structure and dynamics; 4845 Oceanography: Biological and Chemical: Nutrients and nutrient
cycling; 3322 Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Land/atmosphere interactions; KEYWORDS: woody
debris, CO2 flux, boreal forest, carbon cycling, black spruce

Citation: Bond-Lamberty, B., C. Wang, and S. T. Gower, Annual carbon flux from woody debris for a boreal black spruce fire
chronosequence, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 8220, doi:10.1029/2001JD000839, 2003. [printed 108(D3), 2003]

1. Introduction studies [Krankina and Harmon, 1995; Stone et al., 1998].

One way around this difficulty is to substitute space for time
[2] Coarse woody debris (CWD) is a conspicuous and by employing a chronosequence. A number of studies have
important characteristic of all forest ecosystems from the used age sequences to examine CWD distribution in the
boreal to the tropical. Coarse woody debris influences boreal forest [Krankina and Harmon, 1995; Lee et al.,
nutrient cycling, humus formation, carbon storage, fire 1997; Næsset, 1999; Siitonen et al., 2000; Sturtevant et
frequency, and water cycling, and serves as a habitat for al., 1997], and a few have measured respiration rates of
both heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms [Harmon et CWD [Chambers et al., 2001; Marra and Edmonds, 1996;
al., 1986; Rayner and Boddy, 1988]. Dead trees and CWD Progar et al., 2000]. We are unaware of any study that has
have generally not been included in global carbon budgets attempted to use respiration measurements from CWD to
[Houghton and Woodwell, 1989; Post et al., 1990], although project yearly carbon emissions and decay rates in the
their importance as boreal carbon stores have recently boreal forest, although at least one study has done so for
gained attention [Harden et al., 2000; Krankina et al., tropical forests [Chambers et al., 2001].
2002; Krankina and Harmon, 1995]. [4] As CWD is simultaneously a carbon repository, a
[3] While CWD inventories are relatively straightforward source of CO2 emissions, and a wildfire fuel, understanding
to perform, measuring decay rates of CWD is difficult due its dynamics in boreal forests is particularly important. This
to physical fragmentation and the slow nature of the decay is particularly true for the Canadian boreal forest, where
process. For these reasons, there are few true long-term relatively little research has been done on CWD. More
accurate estimates of CWD respiration and decay rates
Copyright 2002 by the American Geophysical Union. should help improve long-term boreal carbon cycling mod-
0148-0227/02/2001JD000839 els that depend on these data [Harden et al., 2000; Harmon

WFX 1-1
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et al., 1990]. Many climate change scenarios predict a rise with a zenith angle < 45 degrees were considered standing
in temperature and fire frequency in the boreal forest [Clark, dead wood (SDW). The term total woody debris (WD),
1988; Flannigan and Van Wagner, 1991]. defined as DDW + SDW, was used to avoid confusion
[5] The objectives of this study were to (1) quantify the with the more standard coarse woody debris (CWD),
distribution of woody debris (WD), by size and decay state, which is usually defined as woody debris 10 cm. This
in well-drained and poorly drained black spruce stands nomenclature is similar to that employed by Idol et al.
across the chronosequence, (2) measure the evolution of [2001].
CO2 from WD samples and model the effects of moisture, [8] Surveys were performed at each burn site between
size and decay on respiration, and (3) model annual WD early June and mid-August 2000. Nine 10 m  1 m
respiration (RWD) and compute decay constants for each transects were established in each of the wildfire areas, four
site. We hypothesized that (1) WD levels would be higher in in well-drained stands and five in poorly drained stands,
well drained areas than in poorly drained ones because of respectively. Transects were located at least 200 m from the
larger tree sizes in drier areas, and would decrease in the edge of a burn to minimize edge effects. The transects in the
older stands in the age sequence before rising again with the well-drained stands were randomly located, and the trans-
increasing contribution of natural tree mortality, (2) more ects in the poorly drained stands were oriented end to end
decayed WD would have higher respiration rates than less (due to the design considerations of a concurrent study). All
decayed WD, and this respiration would be strongly DDW that occurred in the marked transect was collected
dependent on WD moisture content, and (3) when modeled and separated by size and decay state in the field; samples
over the year, WD would be a significant source of CO2 crossing the edge of a transect were cut at the boundary.
emissions compared to soil respiration. Because the study sites had been expressly located in black
spruce stands, most SDW and DDW was black spruce,
although some highly decayed samples were unidentifiable.
2. Materials and Methods Size classes were 1 – 2, 2 –5, 5 – 10, 10– 20, and >20 cm in
2.1. Site Descriptions diameter. Three decay classes, modeled on Lambert et al.
[6] The study was conducted in summer 2000 on forest [1980], were used to classify the WD. These were defined
stands between Thompson and Leaf Rapids, Manitoba, as follows: class I, a knife could not penetrate into the
near the BOREAS Northern Study Area (55 530N, 98 sample; class II, a knife could slightly (<0.5 cm) penetrate
200W). Mean January, July, and annual air temperatures in the sample, with great resistance; class III, a knife could
Thompson are 25.0, 15.7, and 3.4 C respectively, and fully and with little resistance penetrate the sample. In each
mean annual precipitation is 536 mm; year 2000 was transect, the total DDW in each size/decay class combina-
slightly warmer and drier than these historical averages. tion was weighed using a field scale with an accuracy of
The stands are even-aged and originated from stand-killing 50 g. Subsamples were then randomly collected from a few
wildfires in 1998, 1995, 1989, 1981, 1964, 1930, and 1870. pieces of DDW and stored in airtight bags for laboratory
The time since burn was 2, 5, 11, 19, 36, 70, and 130 analysis. Subsamples collected were as large as possible but
years, res-pectively, at the time of sampling. Separate limited by the 33-cm size of the respiration measurement
poorly drained (wet) and well drained (dry) areas were chamber.
identified at each wildfire area; ‘‘wet’’ areas were consid- [9] Laboratory analyses were performed within 48
ered to be those sites having saturated or poorly aerated hours. Samples were brought to room temperature (20C)
soil and supporting plants adapted specifically to such soil and WD respiration was measured with a Li-Cor 6200
conditions [Lugo et al., 1990]. Site names used here infrared gas analyzer (Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, NE). The
accordingly begin with a ‘‘D’’ (dry) or ‘‘W’’ (wet), fol- analyzer was calibrated daily using 400 ppm CO2 (Scott
lowed by year of burn (e.g., D1998). Most of these stands Specialty Gases, ±5%, balance N2). Respiration measure-
were dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) ments were made in a 33-cm clear acrylic chamber (flow
BSP), although the younger stands also contained jack pine rate 1100 cm3 s1, 1 mea-surement every 30 seconds, five
(Pinus banksiana Lamb.), trembling aspen (Populus trem- measurements total). This allowed for rapid, accurate
uloides Michx.), white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), determination of CO2 evolution [Norman et al., 1997].
and tamarack (Larix laricina (Du Roi) Koch.). Younger Wet weight and sample dimensions were recorded, and the
stands had been black spruce-dominated forests before sample was then dried in a forced-air oven at 70C to a
burning; the pre-fire forest composition of the two oldest constant weight. Sample moisture (percentage moisture on
sites was unknown. The dry sites were on upland, moder- a dry mass basis), density (g cm3), volume, surface area,
ately drained clay soils, although the 1995 burn occurred and respiration rate (mmol kg1 s1) were computed from
on kame deposits of sand and gravel. This was the best site the collected data. Volume and surface area were calcu-
that could be found, given time and logistical constraints. lated assuming samples were cylinders, using two diameter
The wet sites were located on poorly drained clay soils measurements and length.
underlain by discontinuous permafrost.
2.3. Statistical Analyses
2.2. Experimental Methods [10] Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used to
[7] Downed dead wood (DDW) was defined as woody examine the effects of soil drainage and burn year on WD
debris either lying on the forest floor or standing with a biomass and partitioning of biomass among size and
zenith angle 45 degrees. Because of the small dimensions decay classes. The effects of size and decay class on
of trees (and the woody debris) in the boreal forest, we density, moisture content, and DDW respiration were also
collected all DDW 1 cm in diameter. Standing dead trees tested.
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[11] To develop models for predicting WD respiration, an Table 1. Downed Dead Wood (DDW) and Standing Dead Wood
ANOVA test was used to evaluate the effects of site, soil (SDW) Biomass by Burn Year and Soil Drainage Conditiona
drainage, decay class, size class, and volume to surface area DDW, Mg ha1 SDW, Mg ha1
ratio on DDW respiration rates. Because of heteroschedastic Well Poorly Well Poorly
variance, respiration and moisture data were transformed Year of Burn Drained Drained Drained Drained
using natural logarithms. In addition, the respiration-to- 1870 10.5 (8.6) 1.9 (2.4) 0.3 (0.3) 0.5 (0.6)
moisture relationship exhibited an obvious break point, 1930 4.4 (2.5) 1.6 (1.6) 0.6 (0.3) 0.1 (0.1)
related to the fiber saturation point and described below, 1964 13.1 (7.7) 3.6 (1.7) 0.2 (0.3) 0.0 (0.0)
where the linear model changed both slope and intercept. 1981 58.2 (21.6) 14.5 (16.3) 1.3 (1.4) 0.5 (0.2)
An iterative nonlinear model [Chappell, 1989] was used to 1989 177.5 (48.1) 92.0 (23.5) 0.1 (0.3) 2.1 (1.1)
1995 4.1 (2.0) 2.3 (2.3) 3.1 (1.1) 1.0 (0.3)
find the optimum inflection point, minimizing the sum of 1998 19.1 (20.7) 0.4 (0.3) 1.7 (1.1) 1.0 (0.2)
squares error of the two linear models (one above the a
Numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation.
inflection point, and one below). Such a segmented model
allowed us to examine the significance of different effects
above and below the break point, with little loss of fit from a
nonlinear model.
no WD respiration took place. Similarly, in spring, the
[12] Possible independent variable tested in the model-
modeled WD thawed after four weeks of above-zero air
building process included sample moisture, size class, decay
class, wood density, burn year, and soil drainage condition.
[15] The model was iterated on a weekly time step. For
A stepwise elimination procedure was used to remove
each site and decay class, one of two different models could
insignificant terms (at a = 0.05) from the respiration
be used on any specific iteration, depending on WD
models. SAS software version 8.0 [SAS Institute, 1999]
moisture. The default was a ‘‘high-moisture’’ model in
was used for all analyses.
which respiration was only weakly affected by moisture
content. If WD moisture fell below the inflection point at
2.4. Annual Carbon Emission Models
which measurements had shown respiration to be strongly
[13] Annual WD carbon (C) fluxes were computed for the limited by water availability, the low-moisture model was
wet and dry stands at each burn site using models derived used. The respiration rate produced from each model was
from respiration measurements in the lab. Each model scaled using an assumed Q10 of 2.0 (with Q10 = 20.0 below
depended on WD decay class, temperature and moisture 10C). Weekly respiration and C emissions were summed to
throughout the year. Air and soil temperature data were give yearly amounts. The annual decay rate k was calculated
recorded for the entire year using Campbell dataloggers for each burn site as total modeled C respired divided by
installed at each site. Coarse woody debris was assumed to total C present. A C to dry biomass ratio of 0.5 was assumed
follow air temperature on the weekly time step of the model. based on previous studies of Picea and other conifers in
This assumption seems fully justified under the closed Canada [Laiho and Prescott, 1999].
canopies of the older burn sites (1870, 1930, and 1964).
Its validity at the younger burn sites (1981, 1989, 1995, and
1998) is elaborated on in the discussion. Finally, we also did 3. Results
not attempt to model any WD-temperature hysteresis cycle, 3.1. Coarse Woody Debris Distribution
assuming that there was no significant lag for a weekly time [16] Both downed dead wood (DDW) and standing dead
step. wood (SDW) exhibited high variance. Dry mass of DDW
[14] Coarse woody debris moisture data were modeled as ranged from 4.1 to 177.5 Mg ha1 in the well drained stands,
follows. For each decay class, a separate polynomial model and from 0.4 to 92.0 Mg ha1 in the poorly drained stands
was fitted to the moisture data observed for the 2000 field (Table 1). Dry mass of SDW in the well and poorly drained
season at all sites. These observed data extended from early black spruce age sequences ranged from 0.1 to 3.1 and 0.0 to
June to mid-August, with time point as the only independ- 2.1 Mg ha1, respectively. Year of burn (DF = 6/49, F =
ent variable. For all decay classes, these models showed a 76.67, p < 0.0001), drainage class (DF = 1/49, F = 35.62, p <
consistent drying period from week 22 to week 28, followed 0.0001) and their interaction (DF = 6/49, F = 35.62, p <
by an increase in WD moisture until week 33. This pattern 0.0001) had highly significant effects on woody debris (WD)
agreed with the general trend of summer fire danger for mass. Drier stands consistently had more DDW, SDW, and
northern Canada [Stocks and Lynham, 1996], with the WD than wetter ones ( p values for different burn years were
summer 2000 ‘‘Fine Fuel Moisture’’ codes of the Canadian between 0.01 and 0.08). The one exception to this was the
Forest Fire Weather Index (B. Lee, personal communica- 1995 burn site, where WD biomass did not differ signifi-
tion, 2001), and with soil moisture data continuously cantly between the well-drained and poorly drained sites
recorded at all burn sites. It was also much simpler than ( p = 0.27).
precisely modeling the environmental factors controlling [17] In general, decay class I comprised the highest
WD moisture [Brackebusch, 1975; Fosberg, 1971; Harmon percentage of WD (Figure 1). Year of burn had a significant
and Sexton, 1995]. Because of limited WD moisture obser- effect on WD partitioning among decay classes sites
vations in the field, however, we used a single moisture (Table 2). Soil drainage was not a significant term by itself,
model for all sites. Early spring (weeks 18 –21) and fall although the interaction between year of burn and drainage
(weeks 34– 40) were assumed to have high (nonlimiting) class was highly significant. Soil drainage class had no
WD moistures. After the air temperature was <0C for four effect on the partitioning of WD biomass by decay class in
consecutive weeks, WD was assumed to have frozen, and the four oldest (1870, 1930, 1964, and 1981) burn sites. The
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Figure 1. Relative distribution (%) of woody debris (WD) mass into size and decay classes by soil
drainage class and year of burn.

1995 and 1964 well drained stands had a significantly because the 1989 burn had much larger amounts of size class 4
smaller percentage of decay class I material ( p < 0.001) WD, and the only class 5, than any other year (Figure 1).
than other aged stands; the 1995 well drained stand had a
significantly higher percentage of decay class III material 3.2. Factors Affecting DDW Respiration, Density,
( p < 0.001) than any other stand. and Moisture Content
[18] The distribution of WD among size classes was [19] Sample density and moisture content were strongly
inconsistent among the different-aged stands for both the affected by decay class. Density of the DDW differed
wet and dry areas of the chronosequence (ANOVA table not significantly among the decay classes ( p < 0.001) at each
shown). Neither year of burn nor soil drainage affected the individual burn site and when data were pooled across the
size class distribution for size classes 1, 2, or 3. Year of burn, entire age sequence (Table 3). In addition, DDW moisture
soil drainage, and their interaction were highly significant content was significantly lower for decay class I samples
( p < 0.03 for all three effects) for size classes 4 and 5. This was than for decay classes II and III ( p < 0.001). The moisture
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Table 2. ANOVA Tables Summarizing the Effects of Burn Year and Soil Drainage on the PARTITION of Woody Debris Biomass Into
Decay Classesa
Decay Class I Decay Class II Decay Class III
Effect DF F p DF F p DF F p
Burn year 6/49 3.18 0.010 6/49 1.86 0.107 6/49 3.19 0.010
Drainage 1/49 1.67 0.203 1/49 3.51 0.067 1/49 0.08 0.785
Burn year  drainage 6/49 4.34 0.001 6/49 4.55 0.001 6/49 2.65 0.026
I, least decayed; III, most decayed. For each decay class, the model tested was (percent of biomass in decay class) = burn year + drainage + burn year 
drainage. Degrees of freedom (DF), F, and p values are given.

difference between decay classes II and III was weakly 0.022), the interaction of decay class and moisture (DF =
significant ( p = 0.08). 2/241, F = 3.73, p = 0.025), and soil drainage (DF = 1/241,
[20] Sample decay class strongly influenced the measured F = 20.40, p < 0.001) were significant. A contrast test
respiration rate. The effect of decay class was highly showed that the well drained 1998 stand (D1998) had a
significant ( p < 0.001), and decay classes I, II, and III significantly different intercept, and lower respiration, than
had respiration rates (RWD), averages of 0.16, 0.37, and 0.44 all other burn sites ( p = 0.001). While this difference may
mmol CO2 kg1 s1 respectively (Table 3). For samples have been due to an initial lag in the decay process [Harmon
from well-drained stands, RWD of decay class I was differ- et al., 1986], this model is not presented separately due to its
ent than decay classes II and III ( p < 0.0001 in each case), small size (N = 10), and was instead kept in the more general
but RWD of decay classes II and III were not different ( p = high-moisture model. Low-moisture models had higher
0.75). For samples from poorly drained stands, RWD of adjusted R2 values, and more significant moisture terms,
decay class III was different than decay classes I and II ( p < than high-moisture models (Table 4). High-moisture models
0.01 in each case), but RWD of decay classes I and II was for poorly drained sites, and for decay classes II and III WD
only weakly different ( p = 0.06). from well-drained sites, had R2 ffi 0, i.e., moisture ceased to
[21] Sample size class had no effect on DDW density ( p = be a significant term in the model. This implies that there
0.283), moisture ( p = 0.538), or respiration ( p = 0.143). was no respiration response to extra moisture for most
When the data were examined by soil drainage class, dry-site samples.
samples still showed no size effect ( p = 0.949), but the wet
site data did show a size effect ( p = 0.003), because the 3.4. Annual Carbon Emissions and Decay Rates
measured respiration rates for size classes 1 and 2 differed [25] The annual model results for a single burn site (1989)
significantly ( p < 0.001) from size classes 3, 4, and 5. and soil drainage class (well drained) showed the constrain-
ing effects of midsummer drying of WD (Figure 3). Mod-
3.3. Woody Debris Respiration Models eled RWD remains roughly constant between weeks 24 and
[22] Respiration of WD was strongly correlated with 30, even though average temperature increased by over
sample moisture content when moisture was below about 10C during this period. Only when WD moisture rises is
40% (Figure 2). However, at 40– 45% moisture the relation- the maximum flux (2.82 mmol m2 s1 for this stand)
ship changed significantly ( p < 0.001 for both slope and reached. Most other burn sites showed similar moisture
intercept). Optimal model fits resulted from a transition limitations of RWD in midsummer. Modeled carbon emis-
point at 43.1%. As a result, separate models were developed sions at the well drained stands varied between 0.11 and
for these low-and high-moisture conditions. 1.92 Mg C ha1 yr1 (Table 5). Carbon emissions from WD
[23] Under low (< 43.1%) moisture WD conditions, mois- in the poorly drained stands ranged from 0.02 to 1.07 Mg
ture (DF = 1/95, F = 61.46, p < 0.001) and the interaction of ha1 yr1.
decay class and moisture (DF = 2/95, F = 4.76, p = 0.011) [26] Modeled WD respiration was often significant rela-
were the only significant effects. Burn year, soil drainage, tive to the more frequently measured soil respiration. At
size, and volume to surface area ratio were not significant. D1870 and D1998, RWD comprised 5– 7% of soil respira-
This model explained only about half of the observed tion (RSOIL) on an annual basis; at the W1870 and W1998
variation (N = 99, R2 = 0.46, MSE = 0.833). Few decay poorly drained sites, the corresponding figure was 1 –2%.
class III samples were available at this low moisture level At intermediate-aged burns, however, RWD climbed as high
(Table 4). as 36% of RSOIL in the wet sites, and 54% in dry sites.
[24] The high-moisture model (N = 248, R2 = 0.19, MSE = [27] Decay rates for WD were calculated to be between
0.440) had more significant terms. Moisture (DF = 1/241. 0.016 and 0.045 yr1 across the well-drained age sequence,
F = 8.33, p = 0.004), decay class (DF = 2/241, F = 3.88, p = and between 0.022 and 0.032 yr1 in the poorly drained

Table 3. Average Downed Dead Wood (DDW) Density, Moisture, and CO2 Flux, by Decay and Size Classa
Decay Class Size Class
I II III 1 2 3 4 5
Density, g cm3 0.44 (0.01) 0.29 (0.02) 0.20 (0.01) 0.36 (0.02) 0.37 (0.02) 0.38 (0.02) 0.39 (0.03) 0.30 (0.04)
Moisture, g g1 0.44 (0.04) 1.09 (0.09) 1.42 (0.12) 0.75 (0.09) 0.68 (0.07) 0.85 (0.10) 0.63 (0.15) 0.39 (0.07)
CO2 flux, mmol kg1 s1 0.16 (0.03) 0.37 (0.04) 0.44 (0.05) 0.22 (0.04) 0.21 (0.03) 0.29 (0.04) 0.35 (0.08) 0.32 (0.12)
Numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation.
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Figure 2. Woody debris (WD) moisture versus measured CO2 flux, by decay class of CWD sample (I,
least decayed, III, most decayed). The dashed line at 43.1% moisture represents the transition point
between low-and high-moisture models.

stands (Figure 4). For both the dry and wet stands in the age burn sites in this study, the standard deviation of WD
sequence, decay rates were low at the 1998 burn (0.016 and biomass is equal to or greater than the mean level of that
0.022 yr1 respectively), spiked high at the 1995 burn (0.063 site. Many studies of CWD have found a ‘‘U-shaped’’
and 0.033 yr1), before rising to a peak at the 36 year-old temporal pattern in debris levels, as initial high levels of
1964 burn (0.045 and 0.032 yr1). Decay rates then declined disturbance debris decline and give way first to gradual
in the 1930 and 1870 burns to about (0.025 yr1). input from the regenerating stand, and ultimately to higher
inputs as the mature stand senesces into an uneven age
structure [Lambert et al., 1980; Lee et al., 1997; Spies et al.,
4. Discussion 1988; Sturtevant et al., 1997; Pedlar et al., 2002]. The mass
4.1. Dynamics of Woody Debris Moisture, Mass, distribution for this age sequence is more variable than this
and Density simple pattern, although there is a minimum at the 1930
[28] The high variability of WD biomass seen here is not burn, i.e., at 70 years. This roughly agrees with Sturtevant et
unusual [Harmon et al., 1986] and reflects the spatial al. [1997], who found a CWD minimum at about 60 years
heterogeneity of WD on the landscape. At a number of for a Abies balsamea-Picea mariana boreal chronosequence

Table 4. Parameter Estimates and Significance for Woody Debris (WD) Respiration Modelsa
Model Parameters for log (RWD) = a + b log (M )
Decay Class N a p b p Adjusted R2 MSE
Low moisture I 77 0.928 0.035 2.641 <0.001 0.50 0.893
Low moisture II 17 0.021 0.969 1.626 0.001 0.52 0.518
Low moisture III 5 0.667 0.659 0.22 0.834
High moisture (well drained) I 25 0.838 0.001 1.300 0.008 0.27 0.724
High moisture (well drained) II 56 0.801 <0.001 0.01 0.455
High moisture (well drained) III 41 0.699 <0.001 0.00 0.270
High moisture (well drained)
High moisture (poorly drained) I 30 1.446 <0.001 0.01 0.552
High moisture (poorly drained) II 59 1.326 <0.001 0.01 0.496
High moisture (poorly drained) III 37 0.879 <0.001 0.00 0.206
Models are presented by low (<43.1%) and high (43.1%) WD moisture conditions and by decay class (I, least decayed; III, most decayed). The
dependent variable, WD respiration, is RWD (mmol kg1 s1). High-moisture models are further subdivided by soil drainage (well and poorly drained).
Insignificant terms (a = 0.05) are not shown.
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Figure 3. Temperature, modeled woody debris (WD) moisture, and modeled WD CO2 flux for D1989
(1989 burn, well-drained stand).

in Newfoundland, Canada. But the greater variability seen volatiles other than water in the WD could have distorted the
here, in particular, the high WD biomass levels at the 1989 moisture data, since moisture was computed from the differ-
burn, suggests that the sites in this chronosequence have ence between sample field and dry weights (assuming only
more varied stand and burn histories than expected. water had been volatilized during drying). Previous studies,
[29] It is common for CWD density to decrease as decay however, have found no evidence of gases other than CO2
progresses, and for average moisture to increase [Sollins et released from WD [Boddy, 1983a]. Anaerobic respiration
al., 1987]. Many studies have shown that as CWD moisture occurs at localized sites in decaying wood, and possibly
content falls below about 30%, the fiber saturation point, could have a significant impact in highly saturated WD.
microbes cannot gain access to the remaining water in wood Given the overall modest moisture levels of WD observed in
[Griffin, 1977; Kaarik, 1974; Rayner and Boddy, 1988].
Some researchers have seen a higher level of moisture Table 5. Modeled Maximum Summer Respiration (RWD) From
limitation [Boddy, 1983a; Chambers et al., 2001; Kling- Woody Debris (WD) and Annual Carbon (C) Emissions, by Burn
strom, 1965], and our results also show a relatively high Sitea
transition point, at 43.1% moisture content. This result
assumes a common transition point for all decay classes, Site Maximum Summer C Emissions, Proportion of
RWD, mmol CO2 m2 s1 Mg C ha1 yr1 Soil C Flux
an assumption that may be unrealistic [Dix and Webster,
D1870 0.18 0.14 5.8
1995]. Respiration can also be depressed at very high levels D1930 0.12 0.11 4.1
of CWD moisture and concomitant oxygen deficiency D1964 0.38 0.30 8.5
[Harmon et al., 1986; Kaarik, 1974]. This has been seen D1981 0.77 0.71 17.3
in the laboratory [Boddy, 1983a; Yoneda, 1980], as well as in D1989 2.82 1.92 53.8
high-rainfall forests, e.g., in the Pacific Northwest [Progar et D1995 0.24 0.22 5.5
D1998 0.22 0.16 7.2
al., 2000]. No such decline was observed in the current W1870 0.04 0.03 1.1
study. Only a few samples were collected with extremely W1930 0.03 0.03 1.1
high moisture levels, however, and the statistical power for W1964 0.07 0.06 2.3
detecting a respiration decline was correspondingly weak. W1981 0.18 0.17 5.7
W1989 1.55 1.07 35.8
4.2. Potential Sources of Error W1995 0.06 0.06 1.5
W1998 0.02 0.02 1.1
[30] Modeling WD respiration flux over the course of a a
Woody debris C flux as a percentage of soil C flux, equal to RWD/RSOIL 
year involved a number of assumptions and potential sources 100, was calculated using data from Wang et al. [2002a]. Sites names
of error. The following errors were probably relatively beginning with ‘‘D’’ are dry (well drained), and those beginning with ‘‘W’’
minor, not greatly affecting the results. The presence of are wet (poorly drained). The ‘‘D’’ or ‘‘W’’ is followed by year of burn.
21562202d, 2002, D23, Downloaded from by Maynooth University Library, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Figure 4. Modeled annual decay rates (k) by years since burn and soil drainage class.

this study, and the much lower rate of anaerobic respiration [Harmon et al., 1986; Marra and Edmonds, 1996]. In
in general, we doubt that this effect was significant. In addition, many larger-size samples had to be cut to fit into
addition, different species do exhibit different respiration the measurement chamber. These cut ends could potentially
rates [Kaarik, 1974; Rayner and Boddy, 1988]. But the burn raise the measured respiration rate by (1) increasing the
sites described here are overwhelmingly composed of black available surface area, (2) exposing different-quality sub-
spruce, and almost all identifiable WD was black spruce. strate to microbial action, (3) increasing gas diffusion in the
[31] This study was not designed to examine RWD temper- interior of the sample, and (4) releasing trapped CO2 in the
ature response, and assumed, for all decay classes, a Q10 interior of the sample. For these reasons, scaling the respi-
response to temperature of 2.0 above 10C. This is standard ration rates of small cut DDW samples to annual field
in many biological systems and is close to values previously estimates could overestimate these annual estimates. Sam-
reported for CWD [Boddy, 1983a; Yoneda, 1975]. Raising ples were processed within 48 hours, minimizing the first
the assumed Q10 value by 50%, to 3.0, resulted in an average three of these effects, but not within six hours, minimizing
decline of 14% in the modeled decay rate; lowering the the problem of CO2 equilibration [Chambers et al., 2001].
assumed Q10 by 25%, to 1.5, resulted in a decay rate increase Thus we doubt that these effects were highly significant.
of 13% (figures are averages computed from the site-specific [33] The modeling results also depended on our assump-
model results). These changes were small because the few tions of WD moisture and temperature regimes. The
weeks during which temperatures are within 5 of 20C (the assumption that woody debris temperature followed air
temperature at which sample respiration was measured in the temperature seems fully justified under the closed canopies
lab) account for approximately 75% of yearly respiration at of the older burn sites (1870, 1930, and 1964), particularly
most sites. Thus the model was only moderately sensitive to on the weekly time step employed here. At younger burn
Q10 temperature response. A more detailed study of black sites, however, sunlight can dramatically heat the upper
spruce WD has found, however, that Q10 does in fact change surface of WD, even while the lower surface and interior
substantially as temperature changes [Wang et al., 2002b]. remain close to air temperature [Graham, 1925; Marra and
[32] There are a number of other, potentially more serious, Edmonds, 1996]. Because respiration is nonlinear with
sources of error. Respiration measurements were made in a temperature, this effect may have led to an underestimate
33-cm diameter chamber. This put an upper limit on the of WD respiration rates when respiration was not con-
sample size that could be measured, restricting our ability to strained by low moisture. Wang et al. [2002b] found that
observe any respiration decline linked to increasing WD temperature hysteresis in WD was inversely related to stand
size. The negative correlation between size and decay rate leaf area and that this lag between air and WD temperatures
has sound theoretical underpinnings [Rayner and Boddy, could have substantial effects on the modeling of WD
1988], although it is not always observed in field studies respiration.
21562202d, 2002, D23, Downloaded from by Maynooth University Library, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

[34] Moisture levels in WD were assumed to follow a This corresponds well with previous studies on Picea abies
model based on field observations, with a midsummer dry in Norway [Næsset, 1999] and Russia [Krankina and Har-
period limiting respiration. As noted above, this assumption mon, 1995], which found decay rates of 0.033 and 0.034
agreed generally with long-term trends, the 2000 Fire respectively. It is important to note, however, that the rates
Weather Index, and soil moisture data continuously re-corded presented here are based only on modeled WD respiration
at each stand. For the older closed-canopy sites, in which WD and ignore fragmentation. As such they are underestimates
experiences little direct solar radiation and moderated evap- in comparison to more traditionally determined k values.
orative demand, this model may have overestimated summer [39] The ‘‘dry’’ stands exhibited higher k values and
drying and thus underestimated RWD. At a minimum, the higher midsummer respiration rates than the ‘‘wet’’ stands.
smooth moisture curves used here underestimate the consid- Significance tests are not appropriate on model results with
erable temporal variability seen in WD moisture [Boddy, so many unknown sources of error, but these k values were
1983b] and constitute an unknown source of error. Finally, quite close for most burn sites. The modeled decay rate did
the simple freeze-thaw regime employed in the model seem to change appreciably with stand age. This may imply
undoubtedly masks tremendous variation due to weather, that a multiple-exponential decay model is appropriate for
exposure, etc; but annual respiration was so dominated by modeling decay of Picea mariana WD, consistent with the
warm-weather production that this effect was probably minor. fact that WD is not homogeneous but rather composed of
different substrates decaying at different rates. The inad-
4.3. Carbon Emissions and Decay Rates equacies of a single-exponential model have been noted
[35] The annual CO2 flux rates computed here are the before [Laiho and Prescott, 1999; Mattson et al., 1987;
products of a rate term (mmol CO2 kg1 s1) and a mass Minderman, 1968; Schowalter, 1992], and such a model
term (Mg WD ha1). Because our results showed burn year seems inappropriate for this black spruce age sequence,
having no significant effect on respiration, differences in particularly as not all WD in a stand may originate from the
site fluxes resulted either from different amounts of WD same disturbance event. If a multiple-exponential model is
biomass (e.g., the biomass peak at the 1989 stand) or indeed needed to adequately estimate WD carbon emissions
different allocations between decay classes (e.g., the peak at large scales, calculating k directly from wood respiration
at the 1995 stand, due to high amounts of decay class III measurements, as performed here, may be very useful in
WD). The peak RWD flux occurred 10 –20 years after the allowing examination of year-to-year changes in k. More
stand-killing fires in both well and poorly drained stands traditional methods do not allow for such a ‘‘snapshot’’ of k
(Table 5). Additional studies are needed to determine if during succession [Harmon et al., 1986].
these results are an artifact of the exceptionally high WD [40] In conclusion, woody debris was an important car-
biomass levels at the 1989 burn site. However, the pattern is bon pool and source of landscape CO2 flux and annual
consistent with reported time required for fire-killed trees to carbon emissions, and its decay rate was influenced by both
fall over [Harmon et al., 1986]. Such trees then begin soil drainage and temporal changes. Ecosystem models and
decomposing at much higher rates [Brackebusch, 1975]. carbon budgets that ignore woody debris may miss a large
[36] We are aware of only a few studies that have made component of landscape and regional carbon fluxes, partic-
concurrent estimates of RSOIL and RWD [Marra and ularly in regions such as the boreal forest where stand-
Edmonds, 1994, 1996], and none that have done so for a killing wildfire is a regular occurrence. An improvement in
forest chronosequence. Results from this study and Wang et our understanding of woody debris distribution and decay
al. [2002] demonstrate that RWD flux, as a fraction of RSOIL, dynamics will allow for better predictions of nutrient and
varies during succession and can, over the course of the carbon fluxes from woody debris.
year, contribute 50% as much CO2 to the atmosphere as
does the soil. If the effects of Q10 and temperature hysteresis [41] Acknowledgments. This research was supported by grants from
are fully accounted for, the flux may be even higher [Wang the National Science Foundation (DEB-0077881) and NASA (NAG5-8069)
to S. T. Gower. Ben Bond-Lamberty was supported by an NSF Doctoral
et al., 2002b]. Since soil surface flux is the second-largest Fellowship. Bryan Lee of Natural Resources Canada generously provided
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1992], RWD patterns affect a significant component of
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