Life of Pi

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It’s an American film based on Yann Martel’s novel of the same name. it’s an adventure
drama film directed by Ang Lee and written by David Magee. It stars Suraj Sharma as
young “Pi”, Irrfan Khan as “main character, Older Pi”. It was nominated for 11 Oscars in
2012. It won 4 Oscars. This film is released on September 28th 2012 with a budget of
$$120 Mill.

The film is set in the ocean and a lost island. It was filmed in the UK, USA, Taiwan,
France and finally India. The film has a duration of 127 minutes.

This films starts with Pi Patel telling his story about how he survived to a shipwreck with

a tiguer, their parents had a zoo and in this place he met to Richard Parker who is a tiguer

of bengala. Someday their parents decided to sell the animals of the zoo so the have to

travel in a ship to Canada, during the trip there was a big storm and it made the ship broke

down, and Pi ended up in a little boat with some animals such as a hyena, zebra,

orangutan, and Richard Parker, during the shipwreck the hiena killed the zebra and the

oraguntan, after that Richard Parker killed the hyena, since that moment in the boat just

there were Richard Parker and Pi, in the begining Pi was afraid of the tiguer, but as time
passed they started to become friends and they sailed during 6 months, finally they arrived

to land , and Richard Parker just cotinue his way and Pi is rescued for some persons.

We would recomend it because, in a first instance it has a very fantastic trama, a very

beautiful soundtrack, and excellent performances, but that is not all, the film teach us that

we never have to lose the faith without important the circumstances, we have to keep

fighting and never give up because in some moment things will work out.

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