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Daedalus And Icarus Script

Narrator: A Long Time Ago There Was A Man Name Daedalus Mean “Skilled Worker” – He Was Famous Architect
Inventor And Master Craftsman And He Have A Beloved Son Name Icarus,..... One Day Daedalus Sister Had Place
Hid Son Perdix Under His Charge To Be Taught Mechanical Arts.
Narrator; Not Long Before Perdix Became Daedalus Apprentice, Perdix Was Apt Scholar And Invented Many Cool
Perdix; This Iron Piece Should Be Perfect (“Making A Saw”)... This Should Be Perfect, I’m Gonna Called This A Saw.
Narrator; After Perdix Invented The Saw Many Peoples Love’s His Invention And Keep Praising Him, Meanwhile
His Mentor Daedalus Was So Envious And That He Seized And Opportunity To Toss Him From The Hill Of The
Daedalus; Hey Nephew Come Here For Sec. I Have Something To Show You
Perdix; Alright Uncle I’m Coming ... “Push”
Perdix; Ahhh.... Uncle Whyy......
Narrator; As Daedalus Was Plunging To His Death, However, The Goddess Athena Turned Perdix Into A Partridge
And Save Him.
Goddess Athena; Don’t Worry My Child, Today Is Not Your Death (“Turned Him Into Partridge”)
Narrator; After He Taught He Killed Perdix Someone Saw Him And Was Brought To The Areiopagus And Was
Banished From His Home City Athens’s Along With His Son Icarus
Icarus; Father Where Are We Going Now?
Daedalus; We Going To The Island Of Crete In The Palace Of Knossos
Icarus; Why?
Daedalus; Icarus Where To Going To Be Working For King And Queen Pasiphae From Now On
Narrator; After They Arrived At Island Of Crete They Directly Go To The Palace Of Knossos Where King Minos And
Queen Pasiphae Was
King Minos; Who Is It That Want To Want To See Me!!!
Queen Pasiphae; It Might An Important Guess
Daedalus; “Walk...Walk... Hello! Your Majesty Allowed Me To Introduce Myself I Am Daedalus A Great Architect,
Inventor, And Master Craftsman And This Is My Son Icarus
King Minos; Welcome Daedalus To Our Palace, What Is Your Purpose Coming In Here
Daedalus; I Daedalus Will Ask Your Majesty’s If I Could Work For You
Queen Pasiphae; It Will Be Our Pleasure For Us To Have You As Our Craftsman Welcome
Narrator; After Daedalus Was Accepted , He Begin To Work On His New Project, That Is Improving The Crete
Navy, It Said That Daedalus Was The First To Conceive Masts And Sails For Ships For The Navy Of King Minos,
And Also Carved A Realistic Statues Which Greatly Boosted There Naval Powered.
Daedalus; Icarus Come Help Me Build A New Ship That Run By Air
Icarus; Father How Are We Gonna Build That
Daedalus; I’m Going To Build A Masts Along With A Fabric For Air Run The Ship
Icarus; That’s A Great Idea Father Come on Let’s Build It
Narrator; After Few Day’s Past Queen Pasiphae Ask Daedalus To Help Him With His Problem And Build A
Wooden Cow To Hide In Satisfy Her Amorous Longings For A White Bull Sent By Poseidon.
Queen Pasiphae; Daedalus.. Daedalus Can You Help Me... To Get Closer To The White Bull
Daedalus; Yes Your Majesty’s, I’ll Bring It To You Tomorrow
Narrator; After Daedalus Done With Working With The Wooden Cow, He Give It To Pasiphae, Soon After A
Dreadful Minotaur Was Born, And King Minos Ask Daedalus To Build A Labyrinth To Contain The Monstrous Half-
Man, Half-Bull
King Minos; Daedalus Go Build A Labyrinth To Contain This Ugly Creature Half-Man, Half Bull
Daedalus; As You Wish Your Majesty’s
Narrator; After Daedalus Finish Building The Labyrinth, Minos Go To The Athens And Demanded A Tribute Of
Youths To Feed The Creature For Accidentally Killing His Son While He Was On Athens
King Minos; Athenian I’m Here Today To Demand A Tribute Of Youths For Accidentally Killing My Son While He
Was Visiting Athens
Narrator; The Athenian Planned To Send Theseus The Hero Of Athens As The Sacrifice And Given A Mission To Kill
The Minotaur, As Theseus Was Going To The Labyrinth Princess Ariadne Saw Him And Fell In LOVE, He Directly Ask
Daedalus To Help Him
Princess Ariadne; Daedalus! Daedalus! Please Help Me
Daedalus; Princess What’s The Problem?
Princess Ariadne; Theseus Was Summoned To Feed To The Creature In The Labyrinth (“Sobbing”)
Daedalus; POOR Theseus, Don’t Worry Princess, Give This Thread To Theseus When He Go To The Labyrinth So He
Know’s The Which Way Is The Exit
Princess Ariadne; Oh Thank you Thank You Daedalus I Know I Could Count On You
Narrator; As Theseus Entered The Labyrinth By Which He Find His Way Out After Killing The Monsters, Theseus
Succeeded, And Escape Crete With Ariadne,
Theseus, (“Fighting!... Fighting”)
Minotour; ( “Roaring”) Be Honour To Be My Food (“Fighthing...Fighting”)
Theseus; Finally Kill The Minotaur, I Couldn’t Done It Without Inside Help
Theseus; Come on Princess Ariadne, Let’s Get Out Of Here
Narrator; After They Escape And Succeed Killing The Minotaur, King Minos Was So Enraged At The Loss Of Hid
Daughter, Not To Mention Hid Pet Minotaur, He Imprisoned Daedalus And Icarus On A Tower, The He Knew That
Daedalus Could Easily Escape In The Labyrinth Which He Built
King Minos; Daedalus And Icarus You Are Now Imprison On A High Tower For Helping Theseus And The Loss Of
My Daughter, Guard’s Take Them Away
Narrator; After Daedalus And Icarus Got Imprisoned On The Tower, There Planning On Escaping The Tower ,He
That Minos Controlled The Sea And Land Of Crete Which The Only Way Of Escaping Is By Air
Daedalus; Son Let’s Escape From This Hellish Tower
Icarus; How Father?

Daedalus; By Going On Air Like A Bird 🐦 I’m Gonna Go Make Ourselves A Pair Of Wings, This Is The Only Way
Out Of Here
Narrator; Daedalus Ask His Son To Gather Enough Feather 🪶 While He Finish The Model for The Wings, Many
Day’s Past And Daedalus Finish The Wing’s By Using Feather And Bee’s Wax
Daedalus; Icarus Give Me All The Feather That You Collected
Icarus; Here Father This All That I Collected
Daedalus; Thanks Icarus This Should Be Enough To Finish The Way And Get Out Of Here
Narrator; As Daedalus Finish Making The Wings And Ready To Set Off, Daedalus Warned His Son Icarus Before
Daedalus; Icarus Don’t Fly To Low Or The Water Or It Will Dampen Your Wings And Don’t Fly To High The Heat
From The Sun Will Melt The Wax
Icarus; I Understand Father
Narrator; They Successfully Flew From Crete, But Icarus Grew Exhilarated By The Thrill Of Flying And Become
Getting Reckless, The Father And Son Passed The Island Of Samos,Delos And Lebynthos, And Further Away From
Crete They Flew,

Icarus; Father This Is Awesome

Daedalus; Icarus Don’t Fly To High

Narrator; Icarus Didn’t Hear His Father And Forgot His Advance, And Soo He Fly Higher And Higher, To The Point
That The Wax On Icarus Wing’s Melt And Icarus Fell Into His Death, Drowning in The Sea

Daedalus; Nooo! Icarus............

Narrator; His Father Cried Bitterly Lamenting His Own Art, And Called Land Near The Place Where Icarus Fell Into
The Ocean Icaria In Memory Of His Child, The Icarian Sea Where He Fell Was Forever Name After Him

Daedalus; “Crying ”

Narrator; It Said That Hercules Was Passing By, Give Him A Proper Burial
Hercules; Rest In peace

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