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Learning activity 1

Evidence Something I will always treasure:

1. Who gave it to you? My parents.

2. When was it given to you? When I graduate from school.
3. Why was it given to you? They gave it to me for Christmas
4. Where were you when you received it? At home with my family
5. Why is it so special? Because it was the last gift I received from my
father, months later he died.
6. What is it made of? It is an electric bass; the fingerboard is made of
rosewood and the body of poplar and its color is matte black.
7. Where do you keep it? I always keep it in my room in its case.
8. Have you ever lost it? I once thought of selling it because I didn't
play it anymore but I'm grateful I didn't sell it, it's a true treasure
for me.
9. Do you bring it with you when you travel? on very few occasions I have
taken it on a trip, for example if I played outside the city, but I
almost always keep it at home.
10. Have you ever been asked to sell it? Some time I was in need of
money but I thought about it and didn't sell it.


My greatest material possession that I have is a beautiful Ibanez electric

bass it was the graduation gift that my parents gave me since at that time
I only thought about playing in a rock band it was my dream and although
they didn't like heavy rock very much, they wanted to surprise me in that
special moment for us a new stage in life where we go from children to
adults, I have kept and cherished much my electric bass. It was given to me
at a surprise meeting organized by my family to celebrate this
achievement, with this party my family has always shown me How important
I've been in the family. This gift has been very important and special for
me, this bass has been a symbol of my parents’ love, sacrifice and a lot of
dedication. I have never lost it; I have always had it close because it
reminds me of the love and pride of my father who died shortly after and
left us with a great void. That bass and I have had many adventures in
presentations, small concerts, parties and of course in love conquests, he
has been a loyal companion in the good and bad moments throughout my life.
On one occasion, I was in a difficult situation and thought for a moment to
sell my ring to get out of this difficult situation but I thought a lot and
decided not to sell it because my bass is a treasure very appreciated that
my parents have given me and I still keep it although what I regret is that
I haven't played it for a long time and I have forgotten how to do it I hope
very soon to take classes and play it again like before when I dreamed of
being a great rock star.

Criterios de evaluación
  Describe situaciones o eventos en los cuales el énfasis de la oración
recae en el sujeto, dejando en segundo lugar al agente de la acción.
  Comunica una impresión de objetividad al usar la voz pasiva en los
contextos requeridos.
  Omite el agente de la acción en contextos en los cuales no se tiene
información clara o específica sobre el mismo haciendo uso de la estructura
gramatical requerida.

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