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My daily routine

Hello, my name is Mateo and I am here to tell you about my

daily routine, that is, what I do every day. I just want to say
that sometimes I don't follow my schedule to the letter, but
I try to, it's that I usually start doing other things that are
very important, well at least that explains it. Now let's start,
what I do is wake up and take a five-minute bath, then I
have my breakfast and go to school, then at two forty-five I
leave school and go home and proceed to have lunch, then I
read a book, normally when I'm free I read about twenty
pages a day, but when I have something to do I only read
about ten at least. After that I play my guitar, it's one of the
things I like to do most in the afternoon, it relaxes my
fingers because of the school pencils. Well when I have
nothing to do I play games or talk with my friends online,
but when I am very busy I proceed to do my homework like
washing the dishes, sweeping the house, cleaning the table
and doing my homework. Well that would be normal for a
boy my age, don't you think so. Well, as I was saying, finally,
at seven at night I proceed to do an hour of exercises while
listening to music, because you may be wondering, because
music encourages me to continue doing my exercises and
makes me happy, after that I go to the table to have dinner
and then I go to sleep in calm and happy because I know
that tomorrow will be another day of my live.

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