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Name: ______________________________________
2nd ADULTS I.D: _________________________________________
OCTOBER TEST Teacher: _____________________________________
2021 Date: ________________________________________

a) 1. Read and complete the text about “Brooke Ellison” Use the words below. (1X5=5)


In June 2000, Brooke Ellison graduated from Harvard University. And

now she is continuing her studies as a full-time graduate student. She
is a quadriplegic because of a terrible car accident at the age of 11.
She can´t ____________ her arms or legs. She spends all her time
in a wheelchair, and she can´t breathe without a special machine.
However, she stays active. On a typical morning, her mother, Jean,
wakes her up and exercises her arms and legs. Then she gives her a bath, combs her hair, brushes her
teeth and dresses her. In the afternoon, Brooke goes to her classes and listens carefully. Her mother
goes to classes with her and takes notes. For a lot of activities, such as using a calculator Brooke uses her
mouth, instead of her hands and legs. She can move her ____________ by blowing into a tube. At night,
she does her homework. To use her computer, she uses her voice – she tells the ____________ what to
do. When she can, Brooke gives ____________ to young people. She tells them about her life and teaches
them to always be ____________.

a) 2. Read the text again and complete the interview by writing questions and answers about it. (2x7=14)

INTERVIEWER: When _________________________________________________________?

BROOKE: I graduated from Harvard University in 2000.
INTERVIEWER: How old were you when the accident happened?
BROOKE: _____________________________________________________________________
INTERVIEWER: Where ____________________________________________________?
BROOKE: I spend all my time in a wheelchair.
INTERVIEWER: How can you move your wheelchair?
BROOKE: ________________________________________________________________
INTERVIEWER: How ______________________________________________________?
BROOKE: To use my computer, I use my voice.
INTERVIEWER: Who _______________________________________________________?
BROOKE: My mother helps me.
INTERVIEWER: Why are you considered an active girl?
BROOKE: _________________________________________________________________
b) Complete the statements and questions using the “Present Simple – Present Continuous - Past
Simple”. Use not less than 3 (three) words. (2x10=20)

1. I am ___________________________________________________________________.

2. My parents always _______________________________________________________.

3. Where ________________________________________________________ last week?

4. Yesterday the musicians ___________________________________________________.

5. What ___________________________________________________________ right now?

6. _______________________________________________________________? Yes, I was.

7. My sisters ________________________________________________________ this week.

8. Look! ____________________________________________________________________.

9. Some students _____________________________________________________ every day.

10. ___________________________________________________________? No, she doesn’t.

c) Choose the best option: (1X15=15)

1. My mother (don’t have – doesn’t have – hasn’t) to cook every day.

2. We want to buy socks. Where’s the (underwear – lingerie – hosiery)?

3. My brothers are crazy about sweets. They (are couch potatoes – have a sweet tooth – prefer salty food).

4. I feel like swimming today. I hope (the pool – the track – the court) is open this afternoon.

5. A: Do you need any help with your luggage? B: (No, not too bad. – Well, that’s good! – No, thanks.)

6. (Can – Did – Do) you have to do something tonight?

7. A (gym – track – course) is a building with weights, other exercise equipment and rooms for aerobics

8. My little sister doesn’t like sports. She (always – usually – never) goes to the athletic field.

9. They (are lifting – lift – lifted) weights right now.

10. We really loved our trip. It was so (scenic – bumpy – scary).

11. Where (are – were – was) you last weekend?

12. I am really happy because someone (lost – stole – found) my wallet.

13. A turtleneck is a kind of (shoe – sweater – underwear).

14. I love my loafers. They’re my favorite (accessories – shoes – bags).

15. When (did – were – was) Mike and Ronald visit their relatives?
d) Complete the following sentences using the words below. (1x10=10)



1. My older brother is a total _______________. He is always watching TV and eating junk food.

2. My friend Sarah has a _______________. She eats too much ice cream, cake, chocolate and candy.

3. Mrs. Harrison usually wears her _______________ in the office. But when she goes back home, she wears
her _______________.

4. I should wear a _______________ when it is cool and windy, and _______________ when my hands are too

5. The flight was really _______________. The passengers were jumping and moving a lot.

6. We play tennis on a tennis _______________ next to my office.

7. Would you be nice enough to _______________ this jacket for me?

8. Running on a treadmill is a good way to _______________ calories.

e) Complete the blog post with the Past Simple form of the verbs. (1X16=16)

Last month, my best friend Helen and I ____________ (visit) New Orleans. We ____________ (not
go) there before. They call it “The Big Easy”, like New York is “The Big Apple”. It’s amazing!

We ____________ (stay) at the Roosevelt Hotel. Unfortunately, we ____________ (not arrive) early
that Saturday but the hotel ____________ (look) pretty nice. We ____________ (have) lunch there
and it __________ (be) awesome! Then, on Sunday afternoon, we ____________ (go) on a bus tour of
the city. The tour guide ____________ (tell) us that New Orleans is the home of jazz. He
____________ (take) us to listen to some jazz musicians – they ____________ (not be) boring. They
___________ (be) terrific and really cool!

On Sunday night, we ____________ (see) the French part of the city to see some incredible buildings.
Then, we ____________ (walk) along the scenic river Mississippi, and finally, we ____________ (eat)
a delicious picnic. I ____________ (enjoy) every minute of the trip!
f) Writing. Choose only one topic: (20 pts)

1. What do you do to stay in shape? Include your eating habits and the activities you do every day. (Present

2. Imagine you are on vacation. Where are you? Who are you with? What is the weather like? What are you
doing? What are your plans for this weekend? (Present Continuous)

3. Write about your last vacation. Include location, weather, food, entertainment, activities, means of transport,
and any idea you may have. (Past Simple)














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