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Lymphocyte B

Science Final Synthesis Project IIP IQ

Jose Luis Costa Cabezas & Diego Alejandro Zappoli Arias 10 thA

Julio Rodriguez

The human body has tons of different cells with their own name, characteristics,
and functions. One of the cells in the human body are the white blood cells that
at the same time they have their own different kinds of cells such as the
Lymphocyte B. B cells have the function of developing antibodies to protect the
human body from bacteria and viruses.


-There are four types of B cells: native, memory, plasma, and transitional.

-They are made of polypeptide chains, two of them are identical light chains and
the other two are identical heavy chains.

-B cells are derived from the red bone marrow.


There are four types of organelles in the Lymphocyte B, they are mitochondria,
cell membrane, ribosomes, and lysosomes. The job of the mitochondria in the
cells is to create and transfer the energy. The cell membrane, or plasma
membrane, protects the cell with a barrier, it also regulates the cell. The
ribosome makes proteins by joining amino acids. Finally, the job of the
lysosomes is to destroy wastes. This cell is different from other cells because it
creates antibodies.

Role in the Human Body:

Its role in the human body to develop of antibodies to protect the human body
from bacteria and viruses. They can be found in the primary lymphoid tissues,
like the ileal Peyer’s patches and the bone marrow. Also in the secondary
lymphoid tissues, like the spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, and Peyer’s patches.
Life cycle:

On its life cycle the B cells begin as lymphoid progenitor cells, after they
become early pro-B cells, then late pro-B cells, later large pre-B cells, after that
small pre-B cells, and at last they become immature B cells.



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