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W06 Assignment: A Voice of Warning

Identify the “Cause” and the “Effect” for at least five scripture passages.
Express each in the corresponding columns for each passage.

The Scripture The Cause The Effect

1 Nephi 12:15–19 The temptations of the devil, vain Blinds our eyes, hardens our
imaginations, and pride. hearts, and divides us from God.
2 Nephi 1:9– 11, 18 – 20 If the saints do not keep the Then judgment will come to them.
commandments and reject the The Lord will take their lands and
Savior… possessions, and they will be hurt.
2 Nephi 26:8–11, 18–22 Pride, madness, secret Destruction and hell.
combinations, strife, oppression,
and choosing darkness.
2 Nephi 28:4–17 They deny the spirit, do not keep Death, hell, judgment, fire away,
the commandments, believe in and endless torment.
false prophets, pride, and
Mosiah 29:27 If the people choose Iniquity… Then the judgments of God will fall
on them, destruction over the
whole earth.
Alma 9:12–25 If we keep the commandments or Then we will prosper or not
if we don't keep the prosper in the land.
Helaman 4:11–13, 20–26 Pride, oppression of the poor, The Lord will not protect
mook, denying the Spirit, murder, them. They became weak
theft, stealing, adultery, strife, and and evil.
Helaman 7:16–29 If they don't repent and listen to The Lord will disperse and they
the Lords’ voice… will become food for the dogs and
wild beasts.
Helaman 12:1–6 If we forget the Lord, we On judgment day, we will receive
persevere in our hearts and eternal
trample on Him… Condemnation.
Helaman 13 If the people don't repent They will receive terrible
destruction among them.
Helaman 15:14–17 If they don't repent and fulfill the Then He will completely destroy
will of the Lord them
Mormon 5:21–24 If we repent and humble ourselves Then the Lord will not lift justice
before God before us.
Mormon 8:26–41 Secret combinations, works of The Lord will come with the sword
darkness, corrupted churches, of vengeance for those who
fires, earthquakes, evil storms, practice these abominations.
wars, and rumors of war Murders,
robberies, lies, debauchery

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