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Calix E-Series (E7 OS R3.1/3.

GPON ONT Upgrade Guide

September 2017

#220-01055, Rev 10

About This Guide...................................................................... 5

Chapter 1: Upgrade Overview ................................................ 9

Summary of the ONT Upgrade Process................................................................. 12

About the Windows FTP Service Application ....................................................... 13

Chapter 2: Downloading and Installing the Release Package

File on a PC ......................................................................... 15
Downloading a Release Package ZIP File ............................................................. 17

Automatically Installing the Release Package File ............................................... 18

Manually Installing the Release File ...................................................................... 19

Uninstalling the Release Package File Contents .................................................. 20

Chapter 3: Accessing the System ........................................ 21

Accessing the System Remotely Through the CMS Desktop.............................. 22
Logging in to the CMS Desktop ...................................................................... 22
Adding an E-Series Node in CMS ................................................................... 23
Using the CMS Desktop Cut-Through Telnet CLI or EWI ............................... 25
Accessing the System Locally Through a PC ....................................................... 26
Logging in to the Embedded Web Interface .................................................... 26
Logging in to the Command-Line Interface ..................................................... 27

Chapter 4: Upgrading GPON ONTs ...................................... 31

Scheduling an ONT-Only Firmware Upgrade in CMS ........................................... 33

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

ONT Upgrade Guidelines and Recommendations ................................................ 35

Preloading ONT Firmware for a GPON System Upgrade ..................................... 36

Performing an ONT-Only Upgrade ......................................................................... 39

ONT upgrade process..................................................................................... 40
Downloading and activating new firmware on a subset of ONTs .................... 42
Downloading and activating new firmware for different types of ONTs
simultaneously ................................................................................................ 44
ONT upgrade procedure ................................................................................. 44
Deleting ONT Images from the System.................................................................. 52

Performing a Release Revert .................................................................................. 55

Chapter 5: Troubleshooting a Failed Upgrade .................... 57

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

About This Guide

For E-Series GPON systems (E7, E3-8G), this document describes how to perform
upgrades for compatible P-Series, T-Series, and GigaFamily GPON ONTs.

Note: This document contains a subset of the information in the Calix E-Series (E7 OS)
Software Upgrade Guide. For more information about E-Series system upgrades, refer to this

Related documentation
You can access Calix product documentation by logging into My Calix (
calix) and browsing the My Calix Documentation Library.

The Calix E-Series documentation set includes:

Engineering and Planning

 Calix Ethernet Access Networks Engineering & Planning Guide
This document provides high-level engineering and planning information for
building secure, reliable, resilient, and scalable Layer 2 switched Ethernet
access networks using Calix products to deliver data, voice, and video services.
It describes all aspects of Ethernet access network design—from physical
topologies to network bandwidth requirements in the context of Calix
products, describing an access network where the traffic terminates at the edge
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) Engineering and Planning Guide
This document provides engineering and planning information for the Calix
E7 Ethernet Service Access Platform (ESAP) and Calix E3-48C/E5-48/E5-
48C/E3-8G Ethernet Service Access Nodes (ESAN). It describes the features
and capabilities of each system, and provides engineering guidelines to assist
engineers and network planners effectively deploy the E-Series.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

 Calix E7-2 Installation Guide
 Calix E7-20 Installation Guide
 Calix E3-48C Installation Guide
 Calix E3-48 r2/E3-48C r2 Installation Guide
 Calix E5-48/E5-48C Installation Guide
 Calix E3-8G Installation Guide
These documents provide a general installation practice for the Calix Ethernet
service access platform, including guidance for planning, power installation,
cabling, and maintenance.
Initial Turn-up and Transport Configuration
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) Turn-up and Transport Guide
These guides are intended for initial turnup and also show you how to set up
management access, system attributes, administrative tasks, and configure
transport and aggregation applications.
Software Upgrade
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) System Upgrade Guide
This document describes how to perform software/firmware upgrades as well
as database backup and restore operations.
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) GPON ONT Upgrade Guide
For E-Series GPON systems, this document describes how to perform
upgrades for compatible P-Series, GigaCenter, and T-Series GPON ONTs.
Application Provisioning
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) GPON Applications Guide
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) xDSL Applications Guide
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) Active Ethernet Applications Guide
These application guides show you how to provision subscriber services using
specific technologies, assuming that the system is already installed and turned
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide
This guide includes procedures for monitoring E-Series network operation,
general troubleshooting, and replacing or installing equipment.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Command Line Interface

 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) CLI Reference
This document provides a comprehensive command reference for the E-series
Command-Line Interface (CLI) and describes how to perform key system
management and operational functions from the CLI. The embedded
command-line interface (CLI) for system management access can be used over
local or remote TCP/IP connections and local console connections.
Related Documentation
 P-Series/T-Series ONT Software Matrix for E-Series (E7 OS) GPON
 Calix P-Series ONT Model/Feature Matrix
 Calix 800 GigaFamily Service Provider's Guide
 Calix 844G/854G GigaCenter User's Guide
 Calix T1 Pseudowire Applications Guide
 Calix C7 VoIP Services Guide
 Calix Application Note: Using the VoIP Configuration File
 Calix Application Note: Using the RG Configuration File
 Completing Residential Gateway and SIP Configuration File Intake Forms
 Calix P-Series VoIP Configuration File - Template
 Calix Residential Gateway Wi-Fi Best Practices Guide
 Calix GPON RF Overlay Deployment Guidelines
 Calix Application Note: GPON Interface Adaptor
 Calix xDSL Best Practices
 Calix Application Note: Designing an E3-48/E3-48C r2 Line-Powered Network.
 Calix E7 Pluggable Transceiver Module Support
 CAB-12-023 - Pairing Bidirectional SFPs (to Support Single-Fiber Ethernet Links)

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.
Chapter 1

Upgrade Overview
The Calix E-Series GPON platform (E7, E3-8G) supports independent ONT firmware
management, allowing for E-Series GPON ONTs to be upgraded independently from the
system OLT software*. The benefit of this feature is that you can apply minor or major
software upgrades to one or many ONTs without impacting services on the entire GPON or
ESeries node. This option allows for E-Series GPON ONT firmware to be released more
frequently to integrate new features and technologies and resolve software issues.

Topics covered
This chapter covers the following topics:
 Summary of the Upgrade Process
 Description of the Windows FTP service applications
Note: This document only covers the ONT-only upgrade which is a subset of the
information in the Calix E-Series (E7 OS R2.5) Software Upgrade Guide. For more information
about E-Series system upgrades, refer to this guide.

Upgrade options

For E3-8G OLT, there is only one upgrade process for a system upgrade.

E7 GPON System Upgrade Options

There are system upgrade options depending on the deployed ONTs and whether the system
upgrade package bundles (includes) the ONT images:
 bundled = 700/836 P-Series ONTs (earlier than R3.1 only)
 unbundled = 844G/854G GigaFamily and T-Series ONTs (also P-Series R3.1 and later)

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

For ONT images that are "bundled" with system software, they are also available as a
separate package to allow for ONT-only firmware upgrades.
For ONT images that are only available "unbundled" with system software, —such as the
844G and 854G GigaCenters— you must use the ONT-only upgrade to load the ONT
images onto the E7 GPON OLT so that when you deploy the ONTs and attach them to
the GPONs, the appropriate firmware for operation will be pushed down from the E7 to
the ONTs.
 For R2.3.50 and later versions of E7 GPON systems, Calix supports the following
upgrade options:
 Merge firmware (Retains ONT images and then upgrades OLT and P-Series):
Merges the previous “include-bundled” and “retain-existing” actions for handling
stored ONT firmware images. This option upgrades the E7 system and P-series with
ONT images included in the E7 package. All other ONT images (for example, T-
Series, GigaFamily, and GPON interface adapter module) that are not part of the
system upgrade package and are currently on the system OLT are retained. Then,
perform an ONT-only upgrade to install the newest unbundled ONT images. For an
OLT and ONT combination upgrade process, you can preload system software and
ONT firmware, and then reset the system.
Note: This is the recommended option for upgrading systems with GigaFamily or T-
Series ONTs. However, when a system upgrade is from a version prior to the version
that includes the "merge" option (R2.3.60), you must re-load any GigaCenter and T-
Series ONT images after the system upgrade.
 Retain existing ONT firmware (Only upgrades OLT):
Upgrades the E7 system only, retaining GPON ONT image(s) that are currently on
the system. You can then independently upgrade P-Series, T-Series, and GigaFamily
ONTs, using the ONT-only upgrade process.
 Include bundled ONT firmware (Removes ONT images and then upgrades
OLT and P-Series):
Upgrades the E7 system software, removes all existing ONT images (regardless of
how they were installed onto the system), and then installs the ONT images (P-Series
only) in the E7 package.
 For R3.1 and later E7 GPON systems, Calix supports the above upgrade options and the
additional following option:
 No packages of ONT firmware (Removes ONT images and then upgrades
Removes all existing ONT images (regardless of how they were installed onto the
system) and upgrades the E7 system software. When you preload new ONT images
to the system before using this option, upon system reset the OLT and ONTs restart
using the new software and firmware.
Note: Although R3.1 does not bundle ONT images with system software, the
upgrade options above can still be used.
Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

ONT Mode Below R3.1.0 R3.1.0 and Above

P-Series Other ONTs All ONTs

Merge-bundled Upgrade Retain Retain

Include-bundled Upgrade Remove Remove

Retain-existing Retain Retain Retain

No-packages --- --- Remove

Unbundled ONT Firmware

 ONT-only Upgrade
Upgrades all compatible P-Series, T-Series, or GigaCenter ONTs configured in the E7
system, or a subset of those ONTs, without upgrading the E7; allows a single instance of
an ONT image type to be upgraded on a PON at a time.
Calix recommends using a CMS scheduled task to automate the ONT-only upgrade
 Preloading ONT Firmware
For R2.5 and later versions of E7 GPON systems, Calix supports the process of
downloading unbundled ONT images prior to resetting and activating the new E7 system
software. Then you can invoke a single system reset at a convenient time to start the
system running new software and the ONTs running new firmware.
See Preloading ONT Firmware for a GPON System Upgrade (on page 36).

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Summary of the ONT Upgrade Process

The typical ONT upgrade process consists of the following high-level steps:
1. Verify the minimum E-Series and CMS software versions that support the new GPON
ONT firmware version, to ensure compatibility. Consult the Release Notes for each
platform, or contact the Calix Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for guidance.
 See the following matrices for information on the available models of Calix ONTs:
 GigaFamily Firmware Matrix
 P-Series/T-Series ONT Software Matrix for E-Series GPON
 Calix P-Series ONTs: Minimum Platform Software
2. Download the release package ZIP file from the Calix Resource Center and save to your
3. Extract the contents of the ZIP file and move the extracted folder to the designated
directory used by the FTP server application. The E-Series retrieves the ONT image
from this location.
Note: The next step requires accessing the E-Series system where the GPON ONTs are

***Before attaching new or replacement ONTs to the system, first load the latest ONT
firmware image(s) on the E-Series OLT, and then attach associated ONTs to the PON.
4. Ensure the free flash space on the OLT is adequate to accommodate additional files, or
delete obsolete or unwanted ONT images to clear memory for additional images. See
Deleting ONT Images from the System (on page 52).
5. Perform an upgrade:
a. From the E-Series, retrieve the ONT firmware image files from the FTP server for
placement on the OLT.
b. Download the new release files to the GPON ONTs.
c. Activate the new firmware on the GPON ONTs.
d. Commit the release as the default version.
Note: Calix recommends using a CMS scheduled task to automate the ONT-only
upgrade process.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

About the Windows FTP Service Application

Note: If you are using the manual method to install the release package ZIP file on your PC,
skip this topic.

The E-Series release package ZIP file includes an FTP service application. You can use the
provided FTP service application to simplify an E-Series system or ONT upgrade, database
backup, or database restore operations from your PC. Or, you can use a previously-installed
FTP service application on your PC for these operations.

Directory locations
After installing the release package file using the automatic method, the root of the FTP
server directory hierarchy is relative to a location selected by the server, rather than the actual
root directory defined by the operating system. The directory presented to the client is rooted
at the home directory associated with the login used to access the server. FTP user accounts
and associated home directories are defined in the configuration file for the server
(c:\CalixESeries\slimftpd.conf). By default, the two directories are:
 backup user—c:\CalixESeries\backup
 upgrade user—c:\CalixESeries\software
The backup or upgrade user log in at their respective directory, and therefore CalixESeries is
not accessible.

Note: The home directory can only be changed by editing the slimftpd.conf file. For all other
configuration changes, Calix does not recommend directly editing the slimftpd.conf
configuration file; instead, Calix recommends using the srvconf.exe program to edit the
configuration file indirectly.

File and path names

File and path name components are delimited by a forward slash (/). The E-Series system
upgrade and backup/restore subsystems convert back slashes to forward slashes to ensure
interoperability with all servers, regardless of the operating system.

File and path names prefixed with a slash represent the root directory available to the logged
in user, rather than the root directory defined by the operating system.

A dot character (.) represents the directory currently configured to receive transferred backup
files. You must enter the dot character after the directory-path command or action when
indicating the current directory.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Interaction with firewalls

An FTP server must accept connections, and may (when in active mode) create data
connections back to the client. A firewall may hamper these operations. Recent versions of
Windows include increasingly restrictive firewall settings. These settings prevent the system
from performing operations that are common to a machine used for system administration.
You may configure the firewall to allow incoming (or outgoing) connections, or disabled the
firewall to prevent it from interfering with FTP server operations.

Conflicts with FTP servers already running

FTP listens on a designated port (20) for its control traffic and may (when in passive mode)
listen on additional ports for data traffic. Only one process on a system may use a given port
number at a time. If the FTP server fails to start, or fails to accept data connections in
passive mode, another FTP server may already be running on the system.

Usernames, passwords, and FTP server port

The following usernames, passwords, and FTP server port are associated with the
automatically installed Windows FTP service application:
 upgrade is the Upgrade username
 upgrade is the Upgrade password
 backup is the Backup and Restore username
 backup is the Backup and Restore password
 21 is the FTP server port
The FTP usernames are only known to the FTP service application; they are not users
managed by Windows.

You can change the usernames, passwords, and server port by double-clicking
C:\CalixESeries\srvconf.exe in a Windows Explorer application, which opens the Calix E-
Series system File Server control panel.

Note: When using Windows XP Home Edition on a PC to open an E-Series system release
package file and automatically install the Windows FTP service application, the FTP
application does not function properly. Download the following DLL files required for the
proper operation of the FTP service application.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.
Chapter 2

Downloading and Installing the Release

Package File on a PC
Before performing an upgrade, you must complete the following tasks:
1. Download the E-Series system or GPON ONT release package ZIP file to your PC from
the Calix Software Center.
2. Install the release package file contents on your PC using either the automatic or manual
method (described below).

Downloading release package files

E-Series system and GPON ONT release package ZIP files are available online at The GPON ONT release package ZIP file is located on the Software Center
under the E-Series release version. To obtain access to releases, submit a request online from
the Calix Software Center.

Note: An active Calix Advantage subscription is required for access to software. Contact
your Calix sales representative with any questions.

Installation methods
After downloading a release package ZIP file, you can use one of the following options to
install the file on your PC:
 With the Automatic method, you accept the default settings that allow the installer
application to create directories for backup and release files, load the extracted release
package file contents in the appropriate directory, and install the Windows FTP service
application to manage upgrade and backup processes.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

 With the Manual method, you install only the contents of the single release ZIP file
( on your PC, and specify the location. You then set the corresponding directory
path on an FTP service application previously installed on your PC. You do not install
the remaining release package ZIP file contents.

Topics covered
This chapter covers the following topics:
 How to download a release package ZIP file from the Calix Resource Center.
 How to install the release package file contents on your PC using the automatic method.
 How to install the release file contents on your PC using the manual method.
 How to uninstall the release package file contents from your PC

Related topics
 About Package Release Files
 About the Windows FTP Service Application (on page 13)

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Downloading a Release Package ZIP File

You must download the E-Series system or GPON ONT release package ZIP file from the
Calix website before installing the file on your PC.

Availability of software releases are typically announced via Calix Service Bulletins.

Note: This procedure assumes that your PC is running Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, or

To download the release package ZIP file

1. Launch a web browser and log in to the Calix web site at
2. Click Communities > Software Center.
3. Click Browse by Access Node > E-Series > E7.
A table of available listings for the selected release packages display. GPON ONT release
packages are located under the E7 software release versions.
 If you do not yet have access to the latest software, click Request Software. Fill out
and submit the online request form.
Note: An active Calix Advantage subscription is required for access to software. Contact
your Calix sales representative with any questions.
4. On the software page, click an E-Series system release version to load the listings.
5. Download the release package as follows:
a. Click a specific platform release.
b. Review the software right-to-use license agreement, and then click Accept and
c. In the File Download window, click Save.
Depending on your internet connection speed, the release package ZIP file download to
a folder on your local drive may take some time.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Automatically Installing the Release Package File

This procedure describes the automatic method for installing the system (E-Series) or
GPON ONT release package ZIP file on your PC. Using this method, the installer
application creates the following directories on your PC:
 C:\CalixESeries\software contains the release files
 C:\CalixESeries\backup receives the extracted system database
 C:\CalixESeries\srvconf.exe opens the Calix E-Series system File Server control panel
(for the Windows FTP service application)
The installer application then loads the extracted release package file contents in the
appropriate directory, and installs the Windows FTP application on your PC.

Before starting
This procedure assumes:
 The release package ZIP file is downloaded on your PC, and
 You want to install the Windows FTP service application that is included with the release
package ZIP file.
This procedure assumes the following conditions on your PC:
 Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, or 2000
 Compatible zip utility (WinZip, 7-Zip, or built-in Windows Explorer unzip capability)

To automatically install the release package files

Note: Do NOT manually open the SlimFTPd.exe application when installing the release
package files.
1. Use a zip utility to extract (with folder structure intact) the contents of the release
package ZIP file.
2. Among the extracted files, double-click “install.exe” to run the installer.
Note: Although zip utilities allow you to browse the contents of the release package ZIP
file, running "install.exe" from within the zip browser may not result in a
complete/successful installation. (For example, this may not be successful with Windows
Explorer or 7-Zip on Windows 7.) If this occurs, start over with following steps 1 and 2,
first extracting the contents of the release package ZIP file.
3. In the Calix E-Series Software Installer window, click Install to install the release and the
FTP application.
4. When the new directories, software, and installed FTP server display in the window, click

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Manually Installing the Release File

This procedure describes the manual method for installing the system (E-Series) or GPON
ONT release ZIP file on your PC, which is largely controlled by the user. With the manual
method, you install only the contents of the single release ZIP file ( on your PC, and
specify the folder location. You do not install the remaining release package ZIP file

Before starting
This procedure assumes the following:
 The release package ZIP file is downloaded on your PC
 You do not want to install the Windows FTP application that is included in the release
ZIP file
 You have a previously-installed FTP server application on your PC to perform upgrade
and backup processes
This procedure assumes the following conditions on your PC:
 Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, or 2000
 Compatible zip utility (for example, WinZip, 7-Zip, or built-in Windows Explorer unzip

To manually install the release file

1. Use a zip utility to browse to “” within the release package ZIP file.
2. Extract “” (with folder structure intact) to a folder that you specify; for example, to
the folder used by the existing FTP application.
3. If the folder specified in step 2 is different than the one used by the existing FTP
application, then do one of the following:
 Move the extracted files (with folder structure intact) to same folder used by the
existing FTP application.
 Update the FTP application to use the folder specified in step 2. For instructions, see
About the Windows FTP Service Application (on page 13).

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Uninstalling the Release Package File Contents

Use the procedure below to remove the system or GPON ONT release package ZIP file
contents from your PC, if needed.

Note: This procedure assumes that you are using the Windows FTP service application that
is included with the release package ZIP file.

To remove the release package file contents from your PC

1. In an Explorer window, double-click the directory C:\CalixESeries.

2. Double-click srvconf.exe to access the control panel for the Calix E-Series system File
3. In the FTP Server Control area, click Stop Server, and then click OK.
4. In the Explorer window, navigate up one directory and then right click C:\CalixESeries
and select Delete > Yes.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.
Chapter 3

Accessing the System

This chapter describes the interface options for E-Series system management access via local
or remote TCP/IP connections and local console connections.

To perform upgrades, you must have access to the node where the GPON ONTs are
configured. GPON systems and GPON ONTs support upgrades via File Transfer Protocol
(FTP), and allow for the local storage of two software or firmware images. You can perform
upgrades from the Calix Management System (CMS), or from the following interfaces:
 Command-line interface (CLI) - Embedded CLI that supports local or remote access.
 Embedded web interface (EWI) - Embedded graphical user interface that operates on
a standard web browser for local or remote access.
Note: This chapter assumes that you have configured the E-Series system management
interface. For instructions refer to the E-Series system user guide or turn-up and transport

Topics covered
This chapter covers the following topics:
 Accessing the System Remotely Through the CMS Desktop
 Accessing the System Locally Through a PC

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Accessing the System Remotely Through the

CMS Desktop
This section describes how to log in to the CMS Desktop and how to start a Telnet CLI or
EWI session via the CMS cut-through feature. After logging in to the CMS, you must add an
E-Series node to the Calix Management System (CMS). You can then schedule node
upgrades remotely through the CMS Desktop or use the CMS cut-through feature to
perform a software upgrade on an individual node using either a Telnet CLI or EWI session.

Note: This section assumes that you have configured the E-Series system management
interface and installed the CMS Desktop. For instructions refer to the E-Series user guide or
Calix Management System Guide.

Topics covered
This section covers the following topics:
 Logging in to the CMS Desktop (on page 22)
 Adding an E-Series Node in CMS (on page 23)
 Using the CMS Desktop Cut-Through Telnet CLI or EWI (on page 25)

Logging in to the CMS Desktop

To log in to CMS Desktop, you need the following:
 CMS user name and password, provided by your CMS system administrator.
Note: The initial default user name is rootgod and the initial default password is root.
 The IP address or DNS name of your server, provided by your CMS or UNIX system
 The port number on the CMS server (typically 8196), provided by your UNIX system
 If you are remotely accessing a network protected by a firewall, you may need to connect
via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in order to access the host server. Contact your IT
or CMS system administrator for your company requirements.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

To start CMS Desktop

1. From the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Calix > Start CMS.
2. At the Login screen, do the following:

a. In the User box, type the user name.

b. In the Password box, type the password.
c. In the Server box, type the IP address or DNS name of your CMS server, followed
by the port number (by default, 8196). Use the format [server_ID]:[port number], where
[server_ID] is the IP address or DNS name of your CMS server.
d. (Optional) Select the Secure check box for a secure (SSH) connection to the CMS
e. Click OK.
If the CMS Desktop version is different than the version on the CMS server, a popup
message prompts you to synchronize to the software version on the CMS server. To do
so, click Yes, and then log in again to open CMS Desktop.

Adding an E-Series Node in CMS

Before scheduling node upgrades through the CMS or performing upgrades via the CMS
Desktop cut-through feature, you must add the E-Series node to a CMS network group.

Adding an E-Series node to the CMS requires Full CMS Administration privileges.

Note: E-Series R2.3 requires CMS version 13.0 or higher.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

To add an E-Series node to a CMS network group

1. From the CMS Navigation Tree, select a network group.

2. Click Create and then click an E-Series platform type.
Note: You must be in the Topology, Map View, or Network Details work area to create
a node.
3. In the new platform dialog box, do the following:
a. In the Name text box, type a node name.
Note: Alphanumeric characters and dashes (-) are valid. Spaces are not allowed. In
addition, you cannot use the name of an existing node.
b. In the Location list, select the parent network group for the node.
c. In the IP Address 1 field, type the IP address configured for the management VLAN
for the node, or type the IP address for the node as required.
d. In the NetConf Port (Netconference Port) field, type a port number to use. By
default, port 830 is used.
e. In the SNMP Version list, select the SNMP version to use for the node, and then do
one of the following:
 v2c: In the SNMP Community box, use the default community string defined in
CMS, or type the community string specific to the device.
 v3: Leave the SNMPv3 Username and Password fields blank to accept the default
E-Series system settings defined in CMS, or type the SNMP username and
password specific to the device. In the SNMPv3 Access Control list, select the
encryption setting to use.
f. In the SNMP Inform list, select Y (Yes) for outgoing message type inform, or select N
(No) for message type trap.
g. In the HTTP and HTTPS Port fields, accept the default ports to use for nonsecure
and secure connections between the CMS server and the web interface.
h. In the Network Login Username and Password fields, use the default settings defined
in CMS, or type the username and password specific to the node.
i. In the Auto Connect list, accept the default Y (Yes) to automatically connect to CMS,
or select N (No) to create the node without connecting to it.
j. In the Enable Global Profile list, accept the default Y (Yes) to automatically
synchronize global profiles with CMS, or select N (No) to create the device without
synchronizing global profiles.
k. (Optional) Specify an address or a latitude and longitude for viewing the new node
icon in Map View. Click the ellipsis button to the right of the Address Location Info
box to open the entry dialog box, and do one of the following:

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

 Type the address location in the box provided, and then click OK to save the
 Click the Enter Lat/Lng radio button and type the latitude and longitude in the
respective boxes, and then click OK to save the information.
l. At the bottom of the dialog box, click OK to create the node.
4. (Optional) In the network group Topology work area, move the new node icon by
clicking and dragging it.
5. (Optional) Create a graphical link to view the device in a network topology. See "Creating
a Graphical Link Between Calix Devices" in the Calix Management System Guide.

Using the CMS Desktop Cut-Through Telnet CLI or EWI

With the CMS Desktop cut-through feature, you can start a Telnet CLI or EWI session to
perform a software upgrade on an individual node.

The CMS supports a maximum of 15 EWI cut-through sessions and 5 Telnet cut-through
CLI sessions for each E-Series node.

Cut-through sessions require Full CMS Administration privileges and Full Provisioning
privileges on the node.

To open to a EWI or Telnet CLI session via CMS

1. On the Navigation Tree, click a region or network group.

2. In the Work Area, click Network Details > {E-Series system}.
3. In the Display Name column, right-click the node.
4. From the pop-up menu, select one of the following:
 Cut-Through Web to open a CMS Cut-Through EWI window.
 Cut-Through Telnet to open a CMS Telnet Cut-Through CLI window.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Accessing the System Locally Through a PC

This section describes how to log in to the E-Series system embedded web interface (EWI)
and command-line interface (CLI) to perform a software upgrade on an individual node.

Note: This section assumes that you have configured the E-Series system management
interface. For instructions refer to the E-Series system user guide.

Topics covered
This section includes the following topics:
 Logging in to the Embedded Web Interface (on page 26)
 Logging in to the Command-Line Interface (on page 27)

Logging in to the Embedded Web Interface

Launch an E-Series system embedded web interface (EWI) session by entering the node IP
address into your browser. The nodes support 15 simultaneous EWI sessions.

To establish a EWI session

1. Verify that your PC is connected to the E-Series node.

2. Open a web browser window (Internet Explorer or Firefox).
3. In the browser's URL Address box, type the node's management IP address, and then
press Enter. For example, type (default IP address of the E-Series system
front Ethernet management port).
Note: The EWI operates in secure HTTP mode (HTTPS) by default. Therefore, you
must type https:// before typing the management IP address, if the default value is set.
Otherwise, type http:// before typing the management IP address.
4. In the Login dialog box, do the following:
a. In the User Name box, enter your user name. For example:
 Type e7 (default) for E7.
 Type e5 (default) for E5-48 or E5-48C.
 Type e3 (default) for E3-48C or E3-8G.
b. In the Password box, type your password. For example, type admin (default).
5. Click OK to log in to the EWI.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Note: Click Log Out at the top-right corner of the browser window when you want to close
an E-Series system session. If you use other methods to close the browser, the session
remains open for 30 minutes.

Logging in to the Command-Line Interface

The E-Series nodes support both TCP/IP and RS-232 serial connections to the command-
line interface (CLI). This section assumes that you have established one of the following
connections to access the CLI:
 TCP/IP connection: To use a local or remote TCP/IP connection, you must be
connected to one of the E-Series system Ethernet management ports or the in-band
management port. You can access the CLI via telnet or SSH (port 22).
 RS-232 serial connection: To use an RS-232 serial connection, you must be connected
to the E-Series system serial port. You can access the CLI via a terminal emulation
program, such as HyperTerminal or ProComm Plus.
Note: As an "unsecure" connection type, telnet and HTTP access to the E-Series node is not
enabled by default. Therefore, for initial system turn-up over a TCP/IP connection, use a
terminal emulation program configured for SSH Authentication or a web browser using the
Secure HTTP protocol (HTTPS) to access the E-Series node. After initially connecting via
SSH (port 22), you can enable telnet access by issuing the following command: set system
telnet-server enabled.

Establishing a Telnet Connection

You can connect to the CLI locally or remotely via telnet. To perform an upgrade, connect
to the E-Series system front Ethernet management port.

To establish a telnet connection to the CLI

1. Verify that your PC is connected to the E-Series node.

2. Launch a telnet session as follows:
a. On your PC Start menu, click Run.
b. In the Open box, type cmd and click OK open the DOS command prompt window.
c. At the command prompt, type telnet to start the telnet client.
Note: Windows 7 users may need to activate telnet before it can be used.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

3. Log into the CLI as follows:

a. At the telnet command prompt, type o (open host) followed by a space and the host
IP address, and then press Enter.
For example, type o (default IP address of the E-Series system front
Ethernet port).
b. At the Username prompt, enter your user name. For example:
 Type e7 (default) for E7.
 Type e5 (default) for E5-48 or E5-48C.
 Type e3 (default) for E3-48C or E3-8G.
c. At the Password prompt, enter your password. For example, type admin (default).
Note: The logon ID and password are case sensitive.

The Calix> command prompt displays upon successful login to the CLI.

Establishing a Local Console Connection

You can connect locally to the CLI from the E-Series system serial port.

To establish a local console connection to the CLI

1. Verify that your PC is connected to the E-Series system serial port on the front panel.
2. On your PC, use a VT100 terminal emulation program to start a console session.
For example, launch a HyperTerminal session as follows:
a. On the Start menu, click Programs > Accessories > Communications >
b. In the Connection Description dialog box's Name field, type a name for the session,
and then click OK. For example, type E7.
c. In the Connect To dialog box, in the Connect Using list, select the PC serial port to
which the console cable is connected. For example, click COM1.
d. In the COM# Properties dialog box, on the Port Settings tab, do the following:
 In the Bits per Second list, click 38400.
 In the Data Bits list, click 8.
 In the Parity list, click None.
 In the Stop Bits list, click 1.
 In the Flow Control list, click None.
e. Click OK to connect.
3. In the console window, press the Enter key to initiate the console CLI session.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

4. Log into the E-Series system CLI as follows:

a. At the Username prompt, enter your user name. For example:
 Type e7 (default) for E7.
 Type e5 (default) for E5-48 or E5-48C.
 Type e3 (default) for E3-48C or E3-8G.
b. At the Password prompt, enter your password. For example, type admin (default).
Note: The logon ID and password are case sensitive.

The Calix> command prompt displays upon successful login to the CLI.

Related documents
 Calix E7 User Guide
 Calix E3-48C, E5-48/E5-48C User Guide
 Calix E-Series (E7 OS) Turn-up and Transport Guide

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.
Chapter 4

Upgrading GPON ONTs

This chapter describes how to download an ONT upgrade package, extract the contents for
placement on an FTP server, and then schedule or perform an ONT-only* firmware
upgrade. There is also information on how to revert to the previous release version if you
have difficulties with the upgrade process.

ONT firmware releases are made available from Calix as new features are added and issues
resolved. Releases at general availability (GA) status are typically announced with a Calix
Service Bulletin and are widely available on the Calix Software Center. Controlled availability
(CA) releases require submitting a request to Calix Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to
access the release file. Once granted, you can download the file from the Software Center.

Note: The system will reject an ONT-only upgrade if any ONT software in the to-be-
installed package is incompatible with any of the system software in the committed base.

* Note: Firmware images for some Calix P-Series ONT families (700 Series, 836GE) are
"bundled" with the E_Series platform software, where upgrading the system software release
optionally also upgrades the ONT images stored on the E-Series OLT. These "bundled"
firmware images are also available as a separate package to allow for ONT-only firmware
upgrades. For other Calix ONT models, such as the P-Series, 800G GigaFamily, and T-Series
ONTs, the firmware images are only available as "unbundled" packages (i.e., not included in
the E-Series system upgrade package), requiring ONT-only upgrades.

For systems that are running software version R2.5 or higher, you can preload software on
the system and unbundled ONT firmware on the configured ONTs as part of the system
upgrade process, and then perform a single system reset at a convenient time. This sequence
results in the system running new software and the ONTs running the new images that have
been downloaded to them. See Calix E-Series (E7 OS R2.5) System Upgrade Guide.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

ONT Installation Consideration

Before attaching new or replacement ONTs to the system, first load the latest ONT firmware
image(s) on the E-Series OLT, and then attach associated ONTs to the PON.

Topics covered
This chapter covers the following topics:
 Downloading an ONT release upgrade package
 Extracting and then moving the release contents to an FTP server
 Scheduling an ONT-only upgrade in CMS
 Preloading ONT firmware for a GPON system upgrade
 Performing an ONT-only upgrade
 Performing a Release revert

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Scheduling an ONT-Only Firmware Upgrade in

This procedure describes how to schedule an ONT-only upgrade for an E_Series GPON
system via the CMS. You may schedule an upgrade for a single or multiple nodes.

To schedule an ONT-only upgrade

1. On the Navigation Tree, click CMS.

2. In the Work Area, click System > Scheduled Tasks > ONT Upgrade.
3. In the toolbar, click Create.
The New ONT Firmware Upgrade Task dialog box opens.
4. In the Schedule Options area, do the following:
a. Select Schedule for later and then click the calendar icon to open the Select Date
dialog box. Use the scroll buttons to view the next (or previous) month or year, click
the date to start the upgrade, and then click OK. In the hour (hr) and minute (min)
lists, select the time for the download to start.
b. To configure the task to recur on a daily or monthly basis, click Recurring, and then
select the task frequency by clicking the Daily or Monthly radio button. For daily
backups, click the check box next to each day of the week to schedule a backup, or
click All.
c. To specify a date and time to end a recurring backup, click Stop after and select the
date, hour, and minutes.
5. In the Upgrade Info area, do the following:
a. In the Release Name box, enter the ONT release version that you will be
transferring. For example, CALIX_P-SERIES_10.6.0.40.
b. Leave the System Version field blank, unless you want to stage ONT firmware as
part of a system upgrade process. See Preloading ONT Firmware for a System Upgrade
series/sysop/e7-ud/r2-6/26-sysupgr/83657.htm in the Calix E-Series System Upgrade Guide.
c. In the FTP Server box, type the IP address of the FTP server to use.
d. In the Username box, type the username credentials for accessing the FTP server.
e. In the Password box, type the password credentials for accessing the FTP server.
f. In the Path box, type the path and file name for the release files. Alternatively, click
the ellipsis button to the right of the box and browse to the folder location.
g. (Recommended) Leave the FTP Server Validation check box selected to validate
the FTP IP address, user name, and password, as well as write permission to the FTP
Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

h. In the Retrieve box, select Y to transfer the ONT firmware to the OLT system.
i. In the Download box, select Y to download the files from the OLT to the ONT(s).
j. In the Activate box, select Y to activate the new ONT firmware.
The ONTs reboot and begin using the firmware.
k. Leave the Operation box blank, or select Commit to commit the system to the new
ONT firmware version.
6. In the Network Selection area, select the network groups and E-Series system to upgrade.
To select a root region, network group, or a single node, right-click over it, and then click
Select. The square to the left of the network group or node changes to green to indicate
that it is included.
a. Select the root region to include all nodes (depending on the selected upgrade task
b. Expand or double-click the root region to view the network groups. Expand or
double-click a network group to view the nodes under it. Selecting a network group
selects all nodes under it. Selecting a node only selects a single node.
c. Repeat Step 6b for each additional network group or node to include in the upgrade.
To remove a selected network group or node from the upgrade, right-click it and
click Un-Select.
7. At the bottom of the New ONT Firmware Upgrade Task dialog box, click OK to save
the settings.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

ONT Upgrade Guidelines and Recommendations

This section contains guidelines and recommendations when performing ONT-only

 Upgrade CMS software to the version that supports the E-Series system release version
to which you are about to upgrade.
 Before attaching new or replacement ONTs to the system, first load the latest ONT
firmware image(s) on the OLT, and then attach associated ONTs to the PON.
 For E7 GPON applications with Calix GigaFamily ONUs (800G or 844GE), the E7
OLT must be running either R2.4.100 or R2.5.31 as a minimum software release before
upgrading the GigaFamily ONU firmware to the latest release, R11.2.6. (P-Series SB-16-
021) Attempting to load R11.2.6 on an E7 GPON system running an unsupported lower
software release will result in a failure to retrieve the R11.2.6 image, where the following
message is displayed:
“"Retrieve ONT: Failed -- Reason: Incompatibility between E7 software and ONT

 Ensure the free flash space on the GPON card is adequate to accommodate additional
files, or delete obsolete or unwanted ONT images to clear memory for additional images.
See Deleting ONT Images from the System (on page 52).
 Downgrades across releases are not supported; downgrading from one major release (for
example R2.1 to R2.0) erases the database.
 You can upgrade the ONTs by issuing the appropriate CLI commands, accessing the
upgrade interface via the EWI, or through the CMS.
 Regardless of the interface used to perform an upgrade, transferring the release files to
the E-Series node or GPON ONT and restarting the equipment with the new release
may be initiated separately. This allows transfer of the release files at any time, followed
by a system reset or ONT activation during a maintenance window.
 The "merge" option is the recommended option for upgrading systems with GigaFamily
or T-Series ONTs. However, when a system upgrade is from a version prior to the version
that includes the "merge" option (R2.3.60), you must re-load any GigaFamily and T-
Series ONT images after the system upgrade.
 Perform the release Commit operation directly after the equipment is reset or the ONTs
are activated, if the new release version appears to be operating correctly.
 Perform upgrades during a maintenance window to minimize service interruptions.
 Each user interface provides an option to consolidate the release transfer to the E-Series
node and the system reset into a single operation.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Preloading ONT Firmware for a GPON System

For systems that are running software version R2.5 or higher, you can preload software on
the system and unbundled ONT firmware on the configured ONTs as part of the system
upgrade process, and then perform a single system reset at a convenient time. This sequence
results in the system running new software and the ONTs running the new images that have
been downloaded to them.

This topic outlines the process of preloading new ONT firmware on the configured ONTs
after you have loaded new software on the system, but have not yet performed a system
reset. By loading the software on the system and then using the System Version parameter,
you can associate subsequent ONT firmware retrieve/download actions with the newly
loaded system software stored in "Alternate" partition, minimizing maintenance downtime.
 See Performing an ONT-Only Upgrade (on page 39) for complete details on the ONT
upgrade process.
 See Performing a System Software Upgrade for complete details on the system upgrade

Configuration guidelines
 Ensure the free flash space on the GPON card is adequate to accommodate additional
files, or delete obsolete or unwanted ONT images to clear memory for additional images.
See Deleting ONT Images from the System (on page 52). The maximum number of ONT file
entries is 30.
 The optional System Version parameter for retrieve, download, and cancel ONT release
management associates the actions with the system software version in the "Alternate"
partition. If the parameter is left blank, the ONT release management actions are
associated with the currently "Running" system software version.
 The System Version parameter for the download ONT release action is mutually
exclusive to the Vendor, or other more specific unit filters (Model, Product, Serial
 You can retrieve only one image file per ONT type. If necessary, cancel the ONT release
and then retrieve a replacement image file.
 When retrieving ONT image files for different types of ONTs, the action must be
associated with either the software version running (committed) on the system, or the
software version in the alternate partition.
 An ONT upgrade is not allowed when a pre-loaded ONT release exists.
 A pre-load of ONT release is not allowed while an ONT upgrade is in progress.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

To preload ONT firmware on configured ONTs

1. Perform a system software upgrade, but do NOT perform a system reset. Therefore, the
following condition exists:
 The system continues to run the committed version of software.
 The system contains the new software in the "Alternate" partition.
2. On the Navigation Tree, click the node to expand it, and then click ONTs.
3. Retrieve the ONT firmware from the configured FTP server, click Release
Management > Action > Retrieve.
a. Check the Download box if you want the system to immediately push the ONT
firmware to the ONT(s).
b. Check the Force box if you want to transfer the file to the system, even if that
version is already present on the system.
c. In the System Version field, specify the version of the system software that is in the
"Alternate" partition.
d. Click Retrieve.
4. Alternatively, you can download the image(s) to a specified subset of configured ONTs,
click Release Management > Action > Download.
a. If you are preloading more that one ONT image (e.g. P-Series and T-Series or
GigaFamily ONTs), enter the desired ONT release in the Release Name box.
b. In the System Version field, specify the version of the system software that is in the
"Alternate" partition.
5. Repeat Step 3 (and possibly Step 4) for additional ONT images.
6. When the maintenance window is scheduled, perform a system reset to upgrade the
system and ONTs in one action:
a. Click System > Provisioning > Action > Upgrade > Reset System.
In the Reset System Action dialog box, do the following:
 In the Version list, select Alternate to start the release version that you just
b. Click Reset System.
The system restarts and then begins operating with the newly upgraded software
version and the ONTs begin operating with the new ONT images. This process takes
a few minutes.
Note: The connection to the E-Series node is temporarily lost during the system reset;
you must log in again.
7. First commit the system software and then commit the ONT firmware images.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Note: Prior to performing the Commit operation, you can cancel an ONT upgrade by
clicking Release Management > Action > Cancel. Then enter the release name of the
ONT image file and the system version of the OLT system software.

For CLI:
retrieve ont-release <name-of-ONT-package> server <ip-address> user <ftp-
username> directory-path <path-to-image-file> system-version <alternate-

 Example for an FTP service application (previously configured on your PC):

retrieve ont-release CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.40.1 server user
ftpuser directory-path LOCAL/ontrel/CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.40.1 system-

Alternatively, you can transfer the ONT firmware to the E-Series system and
immediately download the files from the E-Series to the ONT(s).
retrieve ont-release <name-of-ONT-package> server <IP-address-of-ftp-server>
user <ftp-username> directory-path <path-to-image-file> system-version
<alternate-system-release> download
download ont-release system-version
show ont-release system-version
cancel ont-release system-version

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Performing an ONT-Only Upgrade

This section describes how to perform an ONT-only firmware upgrade for E-Series GPON
ONTs (with instructions for each management interface: CMS, E-Series EWI and CLI, and

Since the E-Series platform supports ONT firmware upgrades independent of OLT software
upgrades, do the following before performing the ONT upgrade:
 Refer to the specific ONT platform release notes to determine the latest ONT firmware
image supported by the E-Series OLT software currently running in the network.
Upgrade the system software first, if necessary.
 Ensure the free flash space on the GPON card is adequate to accommodate additional
files, or delete obsolete or unwanted ONT images to clear memory for additional images.

CMS Visibility to Software Images

CMS allows you to identify the following status conditions for ONT software images:
 Downloaded to the system and running in the network
 Downloaded to the system, but not running in the network
 Not present (deleted) on the system, but running in the network (software marooned
ONT image release inventory indications

The following example shows the release management page where ONT images are
identified in CMS.

 Running indicates the OLT image is affiliated with the currently “running” E-Series
 Downloaded indicates the E-Series OLT was instructed to download the ONT image to
the corresponding ONTs. For ONT images that are bundled with the E-Series software,
this happens automatically. When performing an ONT-only upgrade, you must initiate
this action.
 Activated indicates the E-Series OLT was instructed to activate the ONT image that was
previously downloaded on the corresponding ONTs. When this is “Y”, then the
corresponding ONTs shown are running that version of the image.
Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

 Committed indicates the E-Series OLT was instructed to commit the ONT image that
was previously activated on the corresponding ONTs. When this is “Y”, the
corresponding ONTs have this image as the default version.
Note: When an image is “Activated” but not “Committed”, and the ONT reboots, the
ONT initially falls back to its previous image. Committing the release for a single ONT
upgrade is not valid, as this is a temporary state.
 Flash Available indicates the E-Series OLT flash memory that is still available for
storing additional ONT images. You can delete obsolete or unwanted ONT images to
clear memory for additional images. See Deleting and ONT Image from the System (on page
52) for details.
The CLI supports filtering the ONT releases per card via the “show ont-release”

ONTs without a corresponding image indication

The following example shows the software marooned ONTs page where a list of currently
connected ONTs are identified for which there is no corresponding image present in E-
Series flash.

To ensure that all ONTs currently connected to the E-Series can be upgraded to run the
desired version of ONT software, it is necessary that all ONT images are present in the E-
Series flash. If there are a mix of different ONT models connected to the E-Series, you must
perform “retrieve ont-release” to retrieve each of the needed ONT images.

The CLI supports filtering the missing ONT image releases per system via the “show sw-
marooned-onts” command.

ONT upgrade process

The main steps in the upgrade process differ slightly for the following:
 Mass-ONT upgrades
 Single-ONT upgrades
 Mass-ONT upgrades following a single-ONT upgrade
Refer to the applicable process below to see the overall steps required for your upgrade.

Mass-ONT upgrade process

To upgrade all ONTs in the network, follow the steps below:
Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

1. Transfer the new ONT firmware release files from the FTP server to the E-Series.
2. With no filtering parameters*, download the files from the E-Series to the ONT(s).
3. With no filtering parameters*, activate the new firmware, causing the ONT(s) to reboot.
The ONT(s) start operating with the new firmware.
*Note: No filtering by Vendor, Model, Product, or Serial number.
4. Commit the new ONT firmware as the default that loads when the system is reset.
Note: An ONT image must be committed prior to initiating an ONT upgrade to a
different image.
5. Delete unnecessary ONT images from the E-Series OLT.

Single-ONT upgrade process

Note: For details on this feature, see “Downloading and activating new firmware on a subset
of ONTs.”

To temporarily upgrade single ONTs, follow the steps below:

1. Transfer the new ONT firmware release files from the FTP server to the E-Series.
2. Filtering to a single ONT (for example, by serial number), download the files from the E-
Series to a single ONT.
3. Filtering to a single ONT (for example, by serial number), activate the new firmware,
causing the ONT to reboot.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed for additional ONTs (for the same new release under
Note: Committing the release for a single ONT upgrade is not valid, as this is a
temporary state.
5. Delete unnecessary ONT images from the E-Series OLT.

Post single-ONT, mass-ONT upgrade process

Following a successful single ONT upgrade and test, follow the steps below to upgrade all
ONTs in the network to the same release:

Note: Transferring the new ONT firmware release files from the FTP server to the E-Series
is not necessary.
1. With no filtering parameters*, download the files from the E-Series to all ONTs.
2. With no filtering parameters*, activate the new firmware, causing the ONTs to reboot.
3. Commit the new ONT firmware as the default that loads when the system is reset.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

*Caution: No filtering by Vendor, Model, Product, or Serial number. If any such filtering is
used, the upgrade will not succeed and ONT releases may be left in an uncertain state. To
recover from this issue, you may try the following CLI command, or else reset the E7 system:
cancel ont-release release-name CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1

Downloading and activating new firmware on a subset of ONTs

Note: The purpose of this functionality is to temporarily test a new ONT image on a small
subset of ONTs. To properly complete the upgrade, all ONTs of the same type (all P-Series, all T-
Series, or all GigaFamily) must be upgraded to the same release.

You can download and activate new firmware on a subset of ONTs by entering the following
parameters in the user interface:
 Serial number: For a single ONT
 Product code: For specific groups of ONT models
 Model mask: For one or more ONT models
Note: For ease of use, Calix recommends using the product code rather than the model
mask to specify ONT model types. As such, there is no model number search criteria for
GigaFamily products. Perform look-up by product code only.

The table below lists the ONT models for each product code:
Product Code ONT Models
S8 711GE, 712GE, 716GE, 717GE
721GE, 722GE, 725GE, 726GE, 727GE
836GE, 716GE-I, 726GE-I
1 741GE, 742GE, 743GE, 744GE

SF 710, 711, 712, 714, 720, 721, 722, 724, 725

710G, 711G, 712G, 714G, 720G, 721G, 722G, 724G, 725G
710GX, 711GX, 712GX, 714GX, 720GX, 721GX, 722GX, 724GX, 725GX
MD 760G, 762G
760GX, 762GX, 763GX, 766GX
763GX-R, 766GX-R, 767GX-R
P0 844G-1, 844G-2, 854G-1, 854G-2, 844E-1, 844E-2, 844GE
P2 812G-1, 812G-2, 813G-1, 813G-2
P1 801G (RG file is not supported), 803G
T0 T071G, T072G, T073G, T076G, T077G
A0 T710G, T720G
If you have a mix of 700GE and 74xGE ONTs, perform one download/activation for the 74xGE ONTs specifying product
code B8, and a separate download/activation for 700GE ONTs specifying S8.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

The table below lists the ONT models for each model mask:
1 2
Model Mask ONT Models
7. All ONT models beginning with "7"
7..GE. 711GE, 712GE, 716GE, 717GE

721GE, 722GE, 725GE, 726GE, 727GE

741GE, 742GE, 743GE, 744GE
8..GE. 836GE
8..G. 844G-1, 844G-2, 854G-1, 854G-2, 812G-1, 812G-2, 813G-1, 813G-2, 801G
74.GE. 741GE, 742GE, 743GE, 744GE
76. 760G, 762G
760GX, 762GX, 763GX, 766GX

763-GX-R, 766GX-R, 767-GX-R


7..G 710G, 711G, 712G, 714G, 720G, 721G, 722G, 724G, 725G

7..GX. 710GX, 711GX, 712GX, 714GX, 720GX, 721GX, 722GX, 724GX, 725GX
760GX, 762GX, 763GX, 763GX-R, 766GX, 766GX-R, 766GX-R-24, 767GX-R

. T071G, T072G, T073G, T076G, T077G, T710G, T720G

The model mask punctuation mark, or dot, is a special character that matches any character or string of characters.
The bold alpha-numeric characters in each ONT model name represent the dot character in the corresponding model
Note: The use of Model number is being deprecated on GigaCenter products. Perform look-up by product code only (see
above table).

 You can enter both a product code and model mask to specify an ONT model.
For example:
 Enter product code "S8" and model mask "8..GE." to match 836GE ONTs.
The following guidelines apply to model masks:
 A dot character is required at the end of each model mask.
 Any given ONT model is matched to the most specific available model mask.
For example:
 If only model mask "7." is present, 766GX ONTs will match to "7." However, if
"76." and "7." masks are both present, 766GX ONTs will match to "76."
 If only model mask"7..GE." is present, 741GE ONTs will match to "7..GE."
However, if "7..GE." and "74.GE." masks are both present, 741GE ONTs will
match to "74.GE."

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

 Enter more than one model mask to create a match for ONT GX models only.
For example:
 If only model mask "7." is present, both GE and GX ONTs will match to "7."
However, if "7." and "7..GE." masks are present, only GX ONTs will match to "7."

Downloading and activating new firmware for different types of

ONTs simultaneously
When firmware releases for different types of ONTs (for example, for P-Series and T-Series
or GigaCenter ONTs) are present in the system simultaneously, the following steps in the
firmware upgrade process require the identification of release name:
 Download
 Activate
 Commit

ONT upgrade procedure

The main steps in the following upgrade process differ slightly:
 Mass-ONT upgrades
 Single-ONT upgrades
 Mass-ONT upgrades following a single-ONT upgrade
For the overall upgrade steps to follow, see “ONT upgrade process.” Differences between
these processes are also noted in the procedures below.

To perform an ONT-only firmware upgrade via the CMS or E-Series EWI

Note: During the upgrade, the system reports events to indicate the current process and will
raise an alarm. The alarm will clear when the upgrade has been committed. You can also click
Refresh to view the Downloaded, Activated, and Committed columns in the Release
Management table as you progress through the upgrade.

Note: Prior to performing the Commit operation, you can cancel an upgrade by clicking
Release Management > Action > Cancel.
1. On the Navigation Tree, click the node to expand it, and then click ONTs.
2. Click Release Management > Action > Retrieve.
3. If you are using the Windows FTP application included in the ONT firmware release
package, do the following in the Retrieve ONT Release dialog box:
Note: An exclamation point (!) indicates that the given field contains an invalid entry.
Correct the entry, and then click or type outside of the field to validate the entry.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

a. In the Release Name box, enter the ONT release version that you will be
Note: You must enter the release name exactly as it appears in the manifestONT.xml
file within the release folder.
For example:
* For a stand-alone P-Series ONT release package, "CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1."
* For a P-Series ONT release within a bundled E-Series/ONT release package, you
must use the E-Series release number.
* For a stand-alone T-Series ONT release package, "R4.1.38.020."
* For a stand-alone GigaCenter ONT release package, "CALIX_P-
b. In the FTP Server box, enter the IP address of your PC.
c. In the FTP Username box, enter the username for the FTP application (upgrade by
d. In the FTP Password box, enter the password for the FTP application (upgrade by
e. In the FTP Directory Path box, enter the name of the ONT release folder in the
firmware home directory. For example, CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1.
Note: The firmware home directory is C:\CalixESeries\software.
f. Check the Download box if you want the system to immediately push the ONT
firmware to the ONT(s).
g. Check the Force box if you want to transfer the file to the system, even if that
version is already present on the system.
h. Leave the System Version field blank, unless you want to stage ONT firmware as part
of a system upgrade process. See Preloading ONT Firmware for a System Upgrade (on
page 36).
4. If you are using an FTP application previously configured on your PC, do the following
in the Retrieve ONT Release dialog box:
a. In the Release Name box, enter the ONT release version that you will be
transferring. For example, CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1.
b. In the FTP Server box, enter the IP address of the file server where the upgrade files
are located.
c. In the FTP Username box, enter your user name for the file server.
d. In the FTP Password box, enter your password for the file server.
e. In the FTP Directory Path box, enter the name of the directory that contains the
ONT firmware files. For example, CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1.
f. Check the Download box if you want the system to immediately push the ONT
firmware to the ONT(s).

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

g. Check the Force box if you want to transfer the file to the OLT, even if that version
is already present on the system.
h. Leave the System Version field blank, unless you want to stage ONT firmware as part
of a system upgrade process. See Staging ONT Firmware for a System Upgrade (on page
5. Click Retrieve to transfer the ONT firmware to the OLT. If required, repeat Step 3 (or
4) and Step 5 to retrieve another ONT release.
If you selected the Download check box during Step 3 or 4, the system downloads the
firmware to the ONT(s) automatically; skip to Step 8.
You can verify the transfer as follows:
 The ONT Upgrade Status window displays "succ-ont-trans" in the status column for
all cards.
 If the "ont-file-trans-fail" status appears, indicating that flash space is needed, see the
Deleting ONT Images from the System (on page 52) procedure.
6. Close the ONT Upgrade Status window and click Release Management > Action >
Download, or
Provisioned ONTs > Provisioning > Action > Download Release.
7. In the Download dialog box, do one of the following:
a. (For mass-ONT upgrades) Critical—leave all fields blank except for Release
Name, if required.
 If more than one ONT-only upgrade is in progress on the system (e.g. P-Series
and T-Series or GigaFamily ONTs), enter the desired ONT release in the Release
Name box.
 Click Download to download the image to all applicable ONTs.
b. (For single/subset-ONT upgrades) Download the image(s) to a subset of ONTs by
entering CXNK in the Vendor box, and then specifying one or more of the following
 Model: See "Downloading and activating new firmware on a subset of ONTs"
above for valid model mask options.
 Product: See "Downloading and activating new firmware on a subset of ONTs"
above for valid product code options.
 Serial Number: Enter the serial number for an ONT.
 Release Name: If releases for P-Series and T-Series or GigaFamily ONTs are
present in the system simultaneously, enter the desired ONT release name.
Then click Download to download the image(s) to the specified subset of ONTs.
Note: If you selected the Serial Number parameter, repeat Step 7b to download the
image for each additional ONT.
The download takes several minutes to complete.
Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Note: If you perform the next step too soon, an "Operation Fail" message will display
because another command is in progress. Close the message window, wait longer, and try
8. Close the ONT Upgrade Status window (if necessary) and click Release Management
> Action > Activate, or
Provisioned ONTs > Provisioning > Action > Activate Release.
9. In the Activate dialog box, do one of the following:
a. (For mass-ONT upgrades) Critical—leave all fields blank except for Release
Name, if required.
 If releases for P-Series and T-Series or GigaFamily ONTs are present in the
system simultaneously, enter the desired ONT release in the Release Name box.
 Click Activate and Yes to confirm and activate the image for all ONTs.
b. (For single/subset-ONT upgrades) Activate the image(s) on a subset of ONTs by
entering CXNK in the Vendor box, and then specifying one of the following
 Model: See "Downloading and activating new firmware on a subset of ONTs"
above for valid model mask options.
 Product: See "Downloading and activating new firmware on a subset of ONTs"
above for valid product code options.
 Serial Number: Enter the serial number for an ONT.
 Release Name: If releases for P-Series and T-Series or GigaFamily ONTs are
present in the system simultaneously, enter the desired ONT release name.
Note: If you completed step 7b, complete step 9b using the same parameters.
Then click Activate and Yes to confirm and activate the image(s) to the specified subset
of ONTs.
The activation takes several minutes to complete.
Note: If you perform the next step too soon, an "Operation Fail" message will display
because another command is in progress. Close the message window, wait longer, and try
10. (For mass-ONT upgrades) To commit the ONT release as the default firmware that
loads when the system is reset, do the following:
a. Click Release Management > Action > Commit.
b. If releases for P-Series and T-Series or GigaFamily ONTs are present in the system
simultaneously, enter the desired ONT release in the Release Name box.
c. Click Commit.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Note: This operation commits all ONTs which can be upgraded with the current release.
If you downloaded or activated a subset of ONTs, you must first download and activate
all ONTs before committing the firmware version.
11. (For mass-ONT upgrades) Click Refresh to display the Active Committed Version in the
Release Management table.
Note: If it appears that the upgrade process failed, reference the Event Log and Alarm Log
to verify and identify the upgrade failure. On the Navigation Tree, click {E-Series system},
and then click System > Logs > Event Log. Check the sequence of Events, and then click
Alarm Log to check the sequence of Alarms.

To perform an ONT-only firmware upgrade via the CLI

1. Transfer the ONT firmware to the E7 system by specifying the release package, FTP
server and username, and the top-level directory where the release package files are
located on the ftp server.
retrieve ont-release <name of ONT package> server <IP address of ftp server>
user <ftp-username> directory-path <path to image directory on server>

(where the parameters in brackets [] are optional)

 Example for the Windows FTP Service application (included in the E7 system release
package file):
retrieve ont-release CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1 server user
upgrade directory-path /CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1

Note: For the directory path value, enter the name of the release package directory in the
location C:\CalixESeries\software\.
 Example for an FTP service application (previously configured on your PC):
retrieve ont-release CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1 server user
ftpuser directory-path LOCAL/ontrel/CALIX_P-SERIES_10.8.20.1

Alternatively, you can transfer the ONT firmware to the E7 system and immediately
download the files from the E7 to the ONT(s).
retrieve ont-release <name of ONT package> server <IP address of ftp server>
user <ftp-username> directory-path <path to image directory on server>

2. Download the files from the E7 to the ONT(s).

download ont-release [vendor|model|product|serial-number|release-name]

Note: Parameters in brackets are optional.

 (For mass-ONT upgrades) Critical—Vendor, model, product, or serial number
should not be used
 (For single/subset-ONT upgrades) Vendor is combined with model, product, or
serial number

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.
ONT Family ONT Model Command CLI Command Examples

Model Mask Product Code

700GE SFU 711GE download download ont-release vendor download ont-release vendor
CXNK model 7..GE. CXNK product S8
712GE activate activate ont-release vendor activate ont-release vendor
CXNK model 7..GE. CXNK product S8
Note: Product code S8 also applies to 836GE
721GE RSGs for downloads and activation.

740GE SBU 741GE download download ont-release vendor download ont-release vendor
CXNK model 74.GE. CXNK product B8
742GE activate activate ont-release vendor activate ont-release vendor
743GE CXNK model 74.GE. CXNK product B8

700GX SFU 710GX download download ont-release vendor N/A

CXNK model 76.
download ont-release vendor
CXNK model 7..GX.

Note: When using both masks, only GX

SFUs will match to "7..GX"
711GX activate activate ont-release vendor N/A
712GX CXNK model 76.
714GX activate ont-release vendor
CXNK model 7..GX.
Note: When using both masks, only GX
722GX SFUs will match to "7..GX"

760GX MDU 760GX download download ont-release vendor download ont-release vendor
CXNK model 76. CXNK product MD
762GX activate activate ont-release vendor activate ont-release vendor
763GX CXNK model 76. CXNK product MD

 (For all ONT upgrades) Release-name is required if releases for P-Series and T-
Series ONTs are present in the system simultaneously.
See the table below for CLI command examples.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

3. Activate the new firmware; the ONTs will reboot and begin operating with the new
activate ont-release [vendor|model|product|serial-number|release-name]

Note: Parameters in brackets are optional.

 (For mass-ONT upgrades) Critical—Vendor, model, product, or serial number
should not be used
 (For single/subset-ONT upgrades) Vendor is combined with model, product, or
serial number
 (For all ONT upgrades) Release-name is required if releases for P-Series and T-Series
or GigaCenter ONTs are present in the system simultaneously.
See the table below for CLI command examples.
4. (For mass-ONT upgrades only) Once the ONTs reboot, commit the E7 system to a
specified ONT firmware version. This version becomes the default firmware that loads
when the system is reset or power-cycled.
commit ont-release [release-name]

(Where release-name is required if releases for P-Series and T-Series or GigaCenter

ONTs are present in the system simultaneously.)
If you want to verify the ONT upgrade status, use the show upgrade command.
ONT ONT Command CLI Command Examples
Family Model Model Mask Product Code
800 836GE download download ont-release vendor download ont-release vendor
CXNK model 8..GE. CXNK product S8
activate activate ont-release vendor activate ont-release vendor
CXNK model 8..GE. CXNK product S8
GigaCenter 844G-1 download N/A download ont-release vendor
844G-2 CXNK product P0
854G-2 activate N/A activate ont-release vendor
CXNK product P0
GigaHub 812G-1 download N/A download ont-release vendor
812G-2 CXNK product P2
813G-2 activate N/A activate ont-release vendor
CXNK product P2
GigaPoint 801G download N/A download ont-release vendor
CXNK product P1
activate N/A activate ont-release vendor
CXNK product P1

Note: If you suspect that the upgrade process failed, use the show upgrade command, the
show log alarm command, and the show log event command to verify and identify the
upgrade failure. Also, ensure the FTP software you are using is the only FTP software
activated and the Windows firewall configuration is allowing the FTP server program.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

The table below provides examples for download and activate commands for use by ONT

Note: For valid product code and model mask options, see "Downloading and activating
new firmware on a subset of ONTs" above.

ONT Family ONT Model Command CLI Command Examples

Model Mask Product Code

T-Series T071G, download download ont-release vendor download ont-release vendor
T072G, CXNK model . CXNK product T0
T077G activate activate ont-release vendor activate ont-release vendor
CXNK model . CXNK product T0

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Deleting ONT Images from the System

Before attempting to retrieve ONT image files, ensure the free flash space on the GPON
card is adequate to accommodate additional files, or delete obsolete or unwanted ONT
images to clear memory for additional images.

For example, this operation may be necessary if you began to deploy T-Series ONTs but
then decided to replace them with GigaFamily ONTs. You can delete the unwanted images
from the system, clearing memory space for the GigaFamily images.

ONT image release inventory and available memory

The following example shows the release management page where ONT images are
identified in CMS. The Flash Available column indicates the E7 OLT flash memory that is
still available for storing additional ONT images. The CLI supports filtering the ONT
releases per card via the “show ont-release” command.

ONT Releases you can delete

For ONTs that are currently connected to the system, you can delete ONT releases affiliated
with the following:
 running version
If you delete an ONT image that is affiliated with the running version, then the E7
system is unable to software manage that ONT. For any instance of a configured ONT
running the firmware version that has been deleted from the OLT, a "sw-marooned-
onts" status is shown. To upgrade ONTs that are currently connected to the E7, it is
necessary that the desired ONT images are already present in the E7 flash.
 alternate version
If you delete an ONT image affiliated with the alternate version, there are no negative
consequences unless you invoke a release revert. See Performing a Release Revert (on page
55) for details.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Configuration guidelines
 A delete operation cannot be aborted or canceled.
 When an ONT release affiliated with the standby system is version R2.3.20 or older, then
ONT images for non-800 P-series ONTs (for example, 740, 760, 836) cannot be deleted.
 If the system version parameter is used, then the target must be set to a version number
that matches either the active or standby system version. If the system version parameter
is absent, then the parameter target is implicitly set to the active system version.
 Calix recommends using the product code rather than the model mask to specify ONT
model types. As such, there is no model number search criteria for GigaFamily products.
Perform look-up by product code only.
 The software marooned ONTs page shows a list of currently connected ONTs for which
there is not a corresponding image present in E7 flash.
 The ONT image that you want to delete may have a single component or multiple
components where each must be deleted to delete the ONT image file from the system
flash memory. Use the "show ont-release command":

 Execute the delete ONT software data action or command and "show ont-release"

delete ont-sw-data vendor CXNK system-version model 7..GE.

product S8

show ont-release

delete ont-sw-data vendor CXNK system-version model 8..GE.

product S8

show ont-release

To delete an ONT firmware image

Note: The delete operation may cause the ONT to become marooned.
1. On the Navigation Tree, click the E7 to expand it, and then click ONTs.
2. Click Release Management > Action > Delete.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

3. In the dialog box, enter all of the following parameters exactly as shown in the table for
the ONT image that you want to delete:
 Vendor: For a set of ONTs
 System Version: For a specific release version
 Model mask: For one or more ONT models
 Product code: For specific groups of ONT models
4. In the Revert ONT Release dialog box, click OK.
5. To verify the image deletion, click Refresh.

For CLI:
show ont-release
delete ont-sw-data

delete ont-sw-data vendor CXNK system-version model . product

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Performing a Release Revert

This topic describes how to perform a GPON ONT firmware revert. A revert uses the
previous firmware version. New provisioning is not retained, and must be reprovisioned after
performing a revert.
 For ONTs running an activated firmware version, you can commit the firmware or
return to the previously committed ONT firmware.
 For ONTs running a committed firmware version, you must retrieve, download, and
activate the firmware from an earlier release.
Note: The revert operation does not allow you to move from a committed ONT firmware

Note: If you perform an ONT release revert subsequent to deleting an ONT release
affiliated with the alternate version, the system will NOT have any means to software manage
the connected ONTs. To return to and run the ONT release that was the alternate version,
you must re-install the relevant firmware image with an ONT-only upgrade.

To revert to the previous ONT firmware version via the CMS or EWI

Note: The revert operation may cause the ONT to reboot.

1. On the Navigation Tree, click the node to expand it, and then click ONTs.
2. Click Release Management > Action > Revert.
3. In the Revert ONT Release dialog box, enter the release name exactly as shown in the
table Release Name column.
Note: You can also delete the ONT firmware from the E-Series by selecting the Delete
check box in the Revert ONT Release window.
4. Click Revert.
5. To verify the revert, on the Navigation Tree click the node, and then click System >
Provisioning > Upgrade > Upgrade Status.

To revert to the previous ONT firmware version via the CLI

1. Revert the ONTs to a previously committed firmware version.

revert ont-release [delete]

2. If you suspect that the firmware revert process failed, use the show log alarm command
and the show log event command to verify and identify the failure.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.
Appendix A

Troubleshooting a Failed Upgrade

If you suspect that the upgrade process failed, do the following:
 Check the upgrade status: On the Navigation Tree, click the E-Series system, and then
click System > Provisioning > Action > Upgrade > Upgrade Status.
 Reference the Event Log and Alarm Log to verify and identify the upgrade failure: On
the Navigation Tree, click the E-Series system, and then click System > Logs > Event
Log. Check the sequence of Events, and then click Alarm Log to check the sequence of
 If any E-Series system or ONT alarms or error messages persist following the upgrade,
investigate and troubleshoot the issue(s) as required before concluding the upgrade
 Verify the file transfer protocol:
 To archive the database file to an external system, the database file is transferred
from the E-Series system to a file server through the FTP or SFTP protocol. (The
default is FTP.) Therefore, the receiving system must also be running an FTP or
SFTP server to receive it.
 To change the upgrade transfer protocol on the E-Series node, do the following: On
the Navigation Tree, click the E-Series node, and then click System > Provisioning.
In the Upgrade Transfer Protocol drop-down list, select from the available transfer
protocols, and then click Apply.
 Verify the Calix E-Series File Server application is running, if applicable. In the Windows
Explorer application, double-click C:\CalixESeries\srvconf.exe to launch the control
panel, and then click Start Server. If the button label is Stop Server, the application is
currently running.

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

 Verify that FTP port 21 is not blocked:

 From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
 Enter cmd, and then click OK.
 At the command prompt type Telnet a.b.c.d 21, where a.b.c.d is your PC IP
 If you cannot determine the cause of failure, contact Calix Technical Support. You may
be directed to retrieve the log from the failed upgrade and send it to Calix for
troubleshooting assistance.
For an ONT-only upgrade

If during the "Retrieve" process to transfer the ONT firmware to the OLT the "ont-file-
trans-fail" status appears indicating that flash space is needed, you must delete obsolete or
unwanted ONT images to clear memory for additional images. See Deleting ONT Images from
the System (on page 52).

Proprietary Information: Not for use or disclosure except by written agreement with Calix.

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