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Page 1

Experiment # 1 Title: Diffusion of Substances MARKSCHEME – ORR

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Organisation and Conciseness 4

a. Appropriate aim stated clearly

b. Apparatus fully listed
c. Logical sequence to procedure and correct format
d. Correct tense of procedure

2 Observations 3

a. colour of the starch solution in tubing

b. colour of the iodine solution in the beaker
c. change in colour in tubing after ten minutes

3 Reporting 2

a. Clear diagram with correct labels

b. explanation of the changes made

4 Logical and concise conclusion 1


Experiment # 2 Title: Storage Organs Mark Scheme: DRAWING

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 a. Large and clear drawing 4

b. Clean smooth continuous lines
Clarity c. No shading
d. Two dimensional

2 a. Proportional 2
Appearance b. Faithfulness of representation

3 a. Parallel label lines 4

b. Justified line
Labelling c. Labels in script
d. Accurate labelling

4 a. View correctly stated 5

b. Title of drawing below the drawing
Key details c. Title listed
d. Calculation of Magnification
e. Magnification stated correctly

Page 2

Experiment # 3 Title: Sexual Reproduction of Plants-Flower Mark Scheme: DRAWING

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 a. Large and clear drawing 4

b. Clean smooth continuous lines
Clarity c. No shading
d. Two dimensional

2 a. Proportional 2
Appearance b. Faithfulness of representation

3 a. Parallel label lines 4

b. Justified line
Labelling c. Labels in script
d. Accurate labelling

4 a. View correctly stated 5

b. Title of drawing below the drawing
Key details c. Title listed
d. Calculation of Magnification
e. Magnification stated correctly


Experiment # 4 Title: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Skills: ORR and A/I MARKSCHEME – ORR

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Organization and Conciseness 4

a. Appropriate aim stated clearly

b. Apparatus fully listed
c. Logical sequence to procedure and correct format
d. Correct tense of procedure

2 Observations 3

a. Colourless before addition of methyl orange[1]

b. # to pink[1]
c. # to orange[1]

3 Recording (In a Table) 3

a. Title[1]
b. Enclosed to represent findings[1]
c. Headings [1]

4 Conclusion 2

a. Logical and concise

b. Relates to aim

12 marks
Page 3

Experiment # 4 Title: Sexually Transmitted Diseases MARKSCHEME – AI

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Background Information 2

1. Definition of key related terms

2. Statement of relevant theory

2 Trends [2]: 2

Observations /atypical results, any patterns observed

3 Explanation/ Interpretation [2]: 2

1. Explain what has happened

2. Discuss at least three(3) points

4 Limitations/Precautions/ Sources of Error [2]: 2

At least two (2) points addressed

5 Conclusion[2] 2

Relevant, concise, distinct, valid, stated clearly and related to aim.


Experiment # 5

Title: Testing for Reducing/Non – Reducing Sugars Skill: ORR MARKSCHEME – ORR

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Organization and Conciseness 4

a. Appropriate aim stated

b. Apparatus fully listed
c. Logical sequence to procedure
d. Correct tense of procedure

2 Observations 3

a. Observation stated for the presence of reducing sugars

b. Observation stated for the presence of non- reducing sugars
c. Sections in table correctly named for each food tested

3 Report 3

a. Explanation of observations for reducing sugars with correct terminology

b. Explanation of observations for non- reducing sugars with correct terminology
c. Logical and concise conclusion

TOTAL 10 marks
Page 4

Experiment # 6- November 26th, 2021 Title: Surface Area of Leaves Skills: MM /AI MARKSCHEME – MM/AI

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Use of Basic laboratory equipment with competence and skill 3

a. Set up apparatus correctly [1]

b. Drawing of dicot leaf [1]
c. Drawing of monocot leaf [1]

2 Preparation of materials 6

a. Appropriate dicot leaf [1]

b. Appropriate monocot leaf [1]
c. Accurate count for [4]:
○ No. of dicot leaves on branch
○ No. of monocot leaves on branch
○ No. of whole, ¾ and ½ squares present for dicot
○ No. of whole, ¾ and ½ squares present for monocot

3 Accurate results and Conclusion 3

a. Surface area of dicot leaf

b. Surface area of monocot leaf
c. Logical conclusion


Experiment # 6- November 26th, 2021

Title: Surface Area of Leaves



Criteria # Criteria Marks


1 Results 8

Must mention

a. No. of dicot leaves on branch[1]

b. No. of monocot leaves on branch[1]
c. No. of whole, ¾ and ½ squares present for dicot [1]
d. No. of whole, ¾ and ½ squares present for monocot[1]

e. Calculation of Surface Area for dicot leaf [2 ]:

Surface Area of Branch= No. of Leaves ✕ Surface area of leaf

f. Calculation of Surface Area for monocot leaf [2 ]:

Surface Area of Branch= No. of Leaves ✕ Surface area of leaf

2 Analysis 4

a. Background information[1]
b. Trends or patterns observed[1]
c. At least two comparisons of the types of leaves[2]

3 Sources of Error/ Precautions/ Limitations 3


Logical and concise conclusion

Page 5

Experiment 7- December 9th , 2021

Title: Comparing Temperature and Moisture Content of Inhaled and Exhaled Air


Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Use of Basic laboratory equipment 5

a. care and caution when using the thermometer

b. read thermometer at eye level
c. accurate reading of the thermometer
d. care and caution when using the cobalt chloride paper
e. care when experimenting with the cobalt chloride

2 Accurate results 3

a. Exhaled air temperature higher than inhaled air

b. Colour change for cobalt chloride paper ( exhaled)
c. Colour change for cobalt chloride paper ( inhaled)

3 Suitable conclusion 2

a. Comparison of temperature
b. Comparison of moisture


Experiment # 8- January 13th, 2022 Title: Lighting MARKSCHEME – MM

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Use of Basic laboratory equipment - Use of metre rule accurately. 1

2 a. Accurate measurements of: 7

Accurate ● Height of Classroom walls
results- ● Width of Classroom walls
● Total Area of Classroom walls

b. Accurate measurements of:

● Height of Classroom windows
● Width of Classroom windows
● Total Area of Classroom windows

c. Percentage of the classroom walls that are windows

3- : Measurements of: 3
Bedroom ● Total Area of Bedroom walls
● Total Area of Bedroom windows
● Percentage of the bedroom walls that are windows

4 a. Identification of the room with the bigger percentage of window area. 9

Analysis and b. Conclusions of the amount of natural light entering the classroom
Conclusion c. Conclusions of the amount of natural light entering the bedroom.
d. The number of lights in the classroom
e. The types of light in the classroom
f. The number of lights in the bedroom
g. The types of light in the bedroom
h. Determine which room has the better lighting for studying.
i. Why is the room mentioned above considered better for studying?

Page 6

Experiment # 9- February 3rd, , 2022 Title: The Activity of Salivary Amylase Mark Scheme: PD

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Hypothesis -2

a. Clearly stated 3
b. Testable

Aim related to hypothesis -1

2 Appropriate Materials and Apparatus -1

Procedure -2
a. Suitable method/procedure
b. At least one manipulated and/or corresponding variable
Controlled variable stated -1

3 Results-2

a. Reasonable expected results

b. Expected results linked with method

Any logical assumptions/precautions and/or sources of error -1 3

TOTAL 10 marks

Experiment #10 - March 3rd, 2022 Title: Conduction in Metals Mark Scheme: M/M

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 a. Correct Manipulation of the Bunsen burner 8

b. Correct Manipulation of gas tap
c. Light Bunsen burner correctly
d. Caution when using the Bunsen burner
e. Use of a non luminous flame
f. Holding apparatus by the wooden handle
g. Precautions used when cooling the ball
h. Use of glove

2 Results 2

Accurate results/ observations[2]

Page 7

Experiment # 10: March 3rd, 2022 Title: Conduction in Metals Mark Scheme: ORR

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Organisation and Conciseness 4

a. Appropriate aim stated

b. Apparatus fully listed
c. Logical sequence to procedure
d. Correct tense of procedure

2 Observations 3

a. Ball before it was heated

b. Ball after it was heated
c. Ball after it cooled again

3 Results 2

a. Explanation of results
- Thoroughly(2)
- Partially (1)

4 Diagrams 2

b. Showing Bunsen burner, flame, ball and ring, handle

c. Shows expansion of the ring and inability to fit.

5 Conclusion [2] 5

a. Logical/ concise
b. Relates to aim


a. Relevance to society [1]

b. The impact of knowledge gained[1]
c. Communication of information [1]
Use of appropriate scientific language, grammar and clarity
of expression all of the time-1

Page 8

Experiment #11 - March 10th, , 2022 Title: Good and Bad Conductors Skills: ORR

Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Organisation and Conciseness 6

a. Appropriate aim stated clearly

b. Apparatus fully listed
c. Logical sequence to procedure/correct format
d. All sections named
e. Correct tense of procedure
f. Few or no grammatical errors

2 Recording: Observations (IN A TABLE) 4

a. Identification of all good conductors

b. Identification of all bad conductors
c. Table title
d. Headings correct

3 Reporting 5

a. Clear circuit diagrams

b. Diagram with correct labels
c. Explanations of changes made.
d. Logical conclusion
e. Concise conclusion

15 marks


Criteria # Criteria Marks allotted

1 Organization and Conciseness 5

a. Appropriate aim stated clearly

b. Apparatus fully listed
c. Logical sequence to procedure
d. Correct format of report
e. Correct tense of procedure

2 Observations (IN A TABLE) 7

a. Observation of each metal with dilute hydrochloric acid

b. Appropriate title for the table
c. Appropriate headings for table

3 Reporting 4

a. Clear diagrams with correct labels and title

b. Explanations of observations recorded.
c. Logical and concise conclusion

16 marks
Page 9

Title: Reaction of Metals with acids Skills: ORR/AI MARKSCHEME – AI

Criteria # Criteria Marks


1 Background Information 2

1. Definition of key related terms

2. Statement of relevant theory

2 Trends: 3

Observations /atypical results

Any patterns observed

Appropriate Diagram with title and labels

3 Explanation/ Interpretation [2]: 16

1. Correct word equations for each reaction of the metal with the dilute
2. Explanation for each reaction[5]
3. The final arrangement of metals based on their reactivity.[1]

4 Limitations/Precautions/ Sources of Error [3]: 3

At least three(3) points addressed

5 Conclusion[2] 2

Relevant and related to aim.

6 4


a. Relevance to society [1]

b. The impact of knowledge gained[1]
c. Communication of information [2]
Use of appropriate scientific language, grammar and clarity of
expression all of the time-2

Some of the time - 1

Page 10

Title: Chromatography Skills: MM

Criteria # Criteria Marks


1 Setup of Apparatus 4

a. Set up apparatus as described

b. Carry out all of the steps outlined in the procedure
c. Correct placement of dye solution on paper
d. Ensure paper does not touch the wall of the tube

2 Use of Basic Laboratory Equipment with competence and skill 2

a. Use of ruler
b. Use of measuring cylinder

3 Results and Observations 8

a. Accurate readings of the measuring cylinder (1mk)

b. Accurate readings of the ruler (1mk)
c. Accurate calculations (3 correct 3mks, 2 correct 2mks, 1 correct 1mk)
d. Accurate Rf values (3 correct 3mks, 2 correct 2mks, 1 correct 1mk)

Total 14 marks

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