Christopher Weston Chandler Bibliography

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Christine Weston Chandler, formerly Christian Weston Chandler (born: Christopher

Weston Chandler; 24 February 1982) is a 40-year-old autistic, mentally ill[8]

misandrist, misogynist, former virgin with rage, self-proclaimed deity, and accused
sex offender. He is commonly referred to by his nickname Chris-Chan, by his
initials CWC, or simply the gender-neutral Chris. He looks kind of like a cartoon
version of Benjamin Franklin come to life, and is considered to be one of the most
well-known and well-documented lolcows in internet culture – if not one of the most
well-documented people in history.

Some would consider Chris to be a celebrity, but he hasn't sold a multiplatinum

album, nor has he been awarded with an Oscar. Instead, he is the creator of the
infamous webcomic Sonichu, which ostensibly tells the story of an Electric
Hedgehog Pokémon Sonichu and his sweetheart Rosechu and their adventures
with the Chaotic Combo. In practice, the webcomic really serves as wish fulfillment
for Chris himself, allowing him to express his dissatisfaction with how the faculty at
school and college didn't acknowledge what he saw as an exemplary academic
performance when he graduated, along with his frustration over being unable to
find a romantic partner; as such, the book let him redirect his anger toward the
people who would impede him on his journey, casting them as villains and himself
as a true Campbellian hero in his narrative. After completing his education, Chris
was unemployed for most of his adult life, making a living off of welfare and
donations from his webcomic's True and Loyal Fanbase.

In late 2007, he became Internet-famous when images of him at a tabletop gaming

store leaked out to the Something Awful message boards. Upon discovery, Chris
was mocked for his odd fashion sense and oafish appearance, and images of
Chris at the store soon spread to places like 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica,
and in the process, many trolls became exposed to his webcomic for the first time,
propelling Chris to stardom. Initial fascination was spurred on by his childlike
artwork, his signature homemade Sonichu medallion that he wore in public, and his
history of loitering in public places while literally holding up a sign asking women to
talk to him. His reaction to the ensuing mockery led to a cycle of Chris revealing
more disturbing facts about himself and trolls going to greater and greater lengths
to uncover more knowledge about this strange individual. Thus, Chris's life began
to spiral out of control with the advent of organized trolling, armchair psychological
analysis from bewildered onlookers, and some truly bizarre antics from Chandler
that continue to this day, which would influence the development of the webcomic
whenever Chris got around to updating it.

Chris's most notable period of activity on the internet occurred between 2007 and
2010 – a period now dubbed the "Classic Era" by modern Christorians – in which
he was repeatedly catfished by trolls pretending to be romantic interests, and he
lashed out against arch-enemy Clyde Cash, the leader of the most notable group
of trolls in his life: The Miscreants. In this time, he was duped by a sadistic 13-year-
old into stuffing his medallion up his ass, had his identity stolen by a far more
talented individual, and had Sonichu mercilessly spoofed by a webcomic team that
specifically designed a story that would piss him off, among other misadventures.
However, he eventually decided to sign off from the internet at the end of this
period, seemingly wising up to his dang dirty trolls. When he inevitably returned to
the limelight a few months later in 2011, he was not the same. Chris began to
experiment with crossdressing, calling himself a "Tomgirl", before eventually
coming out as transgender in late 2014.

From here, Chris's internet life stayed relatively normal (by his standards), despite
his shift in gender identity, his father's death, a hit-and-run case, the accident that
caused his house to burn down, and an incident where he maced an employee at a
GameStop store over the color of Sonic's arms. Things changed when two new
sets of trolls – known as the Idea Guys and the Teen Troon Squad – brainwashed
him with increasingly-insane beliefs (such as the idea that he and both of his
parents are half-Sonichu or half-Rosechu), culminating in Chris's revelation that he
is a goddess meant to bring about a convergence of dimensions that will merge the
world shown in his webcomic with our world, effectively starting a doomsday cult
around what started as a silly, self-indulgent Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokémon
crossover. Since then, Chris has used this delusion as an elaborate coping
mechanism while he continues his self-destructive habits.

In spite of the trolls in question being driven out by the effort of the Guard Dogs
trying to keep Chris from going further down a self-destructive path, or at least to
keep him from embarrassing himself any more, Chris chose to keep clinging to
these unhealthy and downright absurd beliefs. All the while, Chris's physical and
mental health are withering away, and money is becoming a serious issue for the
Chandler household, and Chris's mother isn't long for this world, all of which has
led Chris to retreat even further into his fantasies. It's gotten to the point where he
now pretends to be possessed by various fictional characters on a regular basis,
with one nearly year-long period of "possession" by Sonichu serving as a way for
Chris to cope with the fact that he wasn't able to attend two My Little Pony
conventions that had been cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic. The point of
no return was finally reached in 2021, after a recording between Chris and a troll
posing as a fan revealed that he had several incestuous encounters with his
mother, which has forcibly evicted him from his own home and sent him to jail,
which became his most publicized incident in years. Chris is now looking at prison
time, and while Chris awaits a trial, letters from jail illustrate that he's gone even
deeper into his own fantasies by believing himself to be Jesus Christ reincarnated.
Chris was later transferred to the Western State Hospital mental institution for three
months before returning to jail.

There has never been an internet personality quite like Chris-Chan, thanks to the
unique circumstances shaping his peculiar behavior and subsequently leading to
his prominence online, and there may never be another quite like him – he is truly
one of a kind. It is the dedicated mission of this very wiki to chronicle his life in
ridiculous detail, and if you want to go down the seemingly bottomless rabbit hole
with us, then you should probably start by reading this page. Buckle up, because
this is going to be a long ride, and the end is nowhere in sight.

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