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TASK #9: Are you looking for a bed where you can have the best sleep in the world? I have the
solutions!! I bring this fabulous bed with vibrating pillows and a reclining mattress to have the best
position to sleep. It is not only that, but this amazing bed also has the option of adjusting to your body
to feel a hug and sleep feeling someone's company. “The bed of the hugs” is the best solution for this
night when you need company. There is not nothing better than sleeping and what better way to do it
than with a bed that hugs you? Think about it, if you want to have the best nights, the bed of hugs is the

TASK #10: I used to have a best friend and we were always together since we were children. We used to
go to a lot of parties and enjoy playing in the street with our friends.

I came to live in Bogotá, and I did not see to my friend for about 3 years, and once I invited him to my
house because I wanted to see him and spend time with who used to be my friend but when he came to
my house, I saw that something was different. We were not the same anymore. There was something I
didn’t like about him because He was all time speaking about other people and staying something nasty
comments about my clothes and appearance. I did not say anything to him, but in the next day when he
went back home and a said goodbye coldly. Since that day we didn’t speak again, with my attitude he
must have understood that is not the way to behave, at least not with me.

TASK #11:

Maybe you think that organizing a party is easy but, If you want to have the best party in your life, you
have to think of everything

First, I think the most important in a party is the place, then, the place has to be chosen. The places need
to have enough space to dance.

After that, People are invited, remember that people invited should be people with a lot of energy to
enjoy the party.

The next thing is to choose the food and drinks, when the food and drinks are bought, we can organize
the tables.

After that, we have to play a good music. The music is important, the music has to be played and people
will be able to dance and enjoy.

When the guest is at the party, the food has to be distributed to all the guests.

Finally, when the party finishes, the place should be cleaned and people have to be evacuated.

TASK #12:

I think the cyclists should be required to use the bike line, because they are all time encroaching on the
car lane and that can be dangerous. Normally, they don’t respect the traffic signals and cause accidents.
I think a law should be made to stop them and fine them if they don’t comply with the rules. I
understand some bike lanes are not the best, but they have to be careful with themselves because they
are putting their lives and the lives of others at risk.

Sometimes I have seen how some cyclists cross a red light, something has got to be done to stop that,
they shouldn’t be allowed to use a bike if someone does that. While, the bike line is fixed, the authority
should regularly the use of bicycles.

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