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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1

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Modelling and control of hydrogen and energy flows

in a network of green hydrogen refuelling stations powered
by mixed renewable energy systems

Hanane Dagdougui a,b, Ahmed Ouammi a,c,*, Roberto Sacile a

Department of Communication, Computer and System Sciences (DIST), Faculty of Engineering, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Unité des Technologies et Economie des Energies Renouvelables, CNRST B.P 8027 NU Rabat, Morocco

article info abstract

Article history: The planning of a hydrogen infrastructure with production facilities, distribution chains,
Received 7 June 2011 and refuelling stations is a hard task. Difficulties may rise essentially in the choice of the
Accepted 22 July 2011 optimal configurations. An innovative design of hydrogen network has been proposed in
Available online 10 September 2011 this paper. It consists of a network of green hydrogen refuelling stations (GHRSs) and
several production nodes. The proposed model has been formulated as a mathematical
Keywords: programming, where the main decisions are the selection of GHRSs that are powered by
Green hydrogen refuelling station the production nodes based on distance and population density criteria, as well the energy
Renewable energy sources and hydrogen flows exchanged among the system components from the production nodes
Sustainability to the demand points. The approaches and methodologies developed can be taken as
Mathematical programming a support to decision makers, stakeholders and local authorities in the implementation of
Optimization new hydrogen infrastructures. Optimal configurations have been reported taking into
account the presence of an additional hydrogen industrial market demand and a connec-
tion with the electrical network. The main challenge that has been treated within the paper
is the technical feasibility of the hydrogen supply chain, that is mainly driven by uncertain,
but clean solar and wind energy resources. Using a Northern Italian case study, the clean
hydrogen produced can be technically considered feasible to supply a network of hydrogen
refuelling stations. Results show that the demands are satisfied for each time period and
for the market penetration scenarios adopted.
Copyright ª 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction switched gradually to clean, affordable and reliable energy

systems, thus to reach the global drivers for a sustainable vision
The global awareness concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- of our future energy market. Among many alternative energy
sions, air pollution, fossil fuel depletion and others en- sources, hydrogen can be considered as an attractive solution to
ergy security issues [1,2] have led many governments and succeed the current carbon-based energy system.
researchers around the world to develop secure and environ- The main benefits of hydrogen are even substantially
mental friendly fuel. The current fossil fuel systems must be considered by the fact that hydrogen can be manufactured

* Corresponding author. Unité des Technologies et Economie des Energies Renouvelables, CNRST B.P 8027 NU Rabat, Morocco.
E-mail addresses: (H. Dagdougui), (A. Ouammi), (R. Sacile).
0360-3199/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1 5361

from a number of primary energy sources, such as natural gas, Many authors have detailed approaches and models for the
nuclear, coal, biomass, wind and solar energy. Such diversity development of the future hydrogen infrastructures. The
in production, obviously contributes significantly in diversi- approaches range from the examination of the supply chain
fying the energy supply system and in ensuring the security of as a whole [15e17] to the focus on a node of the infrastructure
fuel supply. For transport applications, there will be an such as, production, storage or transportation [7,21e24]. In
increasing requirement to use clean and low or zero emission [18], Kuby et al. have developed a model able to locate the
fuels such as hydrogen [3]. In addition, hydrogen is the most hydrogen stations that refuel maximum volume of vehicle
abundant element on the earth, it is clean and has the highest fuel, this latter is measured both using the number of trips and
specific energy content of all conventional fuels [4]. Hydrogen vehicle miles travelled. Bersani et al. [19] have investigated the
can contribute to a diversification of automotive fuel sources planning of a network of service stations of a given company
and supplies and can offer long-term solution being solely within a competitive framework. They proposed a decision
produced from renewable energies. The development of support system that can be considered to determine the
a hydrogen infrastructure for producing and delivering optimal placement of service stations within a hydrogen
hydrogen appears as a key factor to achieve the hydrogen economy. Nicholas et al. [20] have provided an analytical
economy transition and its development. In fact, the model- framework for locating hydrogen fuel stations assuming that
ling of hydrogen infrastructure is still a complex task, the the existing petrol infrastructure is strongly related to the
main complexities rise from the significant uncertainties in needed hydrogen infrastructure of the future. In another
demand, supply, economic and environmental impacts, and study, Parker et al. [21] have assessed the economic and
in the diversity of technologies available for production, infrastructure requirements of the production of hydrogen
storage and transportation. The key question is from which from agricultural wastes, they concluded that the delivery
sources hydrogen can be produced in a sustainable manner price of bio-hydrogen is similar to the hydrogen produced
[5]. The extent to which the hydrogen benefits will occur has from the natural gas. Joffe et al. [22] have developed a tech-
a great dependency on the technologies involved. Many nical modelling of a hydrogen infrastructure. They investi-
authors have agreed that renewable energy sources (RES), gated the operation of the system so to provide initial facility
such as wind and solar are central for better transition to for refuelling hydrogen fuel cell buses in London city. Greiner
a long-term hydrogen economy. et al. [9] have presented a simulation study of combined wind-
In order to reach that goal, it is advantageous to use H2 plant on a small Norwegian island. They include chrono-
renewable energy for hydrogen generation. In fact, the logical simulations and economic calculations enabling the
resources for the operation of renewable energy systems are optimization of the components size. Their simulations
inexhaustible and practically free making. In addition, include a grid-connected system and an isolated system with
sustainable hydrogen production from electrolysis yields backup power generator. Dagdougui et al. [23] have introduced
several advantages from a system point of view [6]. For a dynamic decision model for the real time control of hybrid
instance, wind-powered water electrolysis ranks high in renewable energy production systems, which can be particu-
terms of technical and economical feasibility, having a great larly suitable for autonomous systems.
potential to become the first competitive technology to General interest in a wind-hydrogen system has increased
produce large amounts of renewable hydrogen in the future partly because the price of wind power has become
[7e11]. competitive with traditional power generating sources in
From the end users perspective, the use of hydrogen in certain areas [24]. Wind-powered water electrolysis ranks
fuel cell applications offers a number of advantages over high in terms of technical and economical feasibility, having
existing fuels and other emerging competitors, especially in a great potential to become the first competitive technology
the transportation sector [12]. The fuel cell vehicles can be to produce large amounts of renewable hydrogen in the
a long-term solution to the persisted environmental prob- future [7]. Worldwide installations of wind turbine power
lems associated with transportation. The fuel cell vehicles have reached a value of 194.5 GW [25]. Studies carried out by
would be less complex, have better fuel economy, lower GHG Honnery and Moriarty [26] have evaluated the global poten-
emissions, greater oil import reductions and would lead to tial of a coupled wind/hydrogen system, thus in order to
a sustainable transportation system once renewable energy is estimate the future hydrogen production.
used to produce hydrogen [13]. According to Doll et al. [14], A challenging task that is worth to be deeply studied
the introduction of hydrogen coupled with the fuel cell regards the feasibility to feed hydrogen demand points by an
vehicles could reduce significantly the emissions of CO2, NOx uncertain renewable supply, such as the case of hydrogen
and SOx. production from intermittent RES. The key question that
The transition to a sustainable hydrogen economy faces needs to be addressed is the ability of the renewable energy
paramount economic and technological barriers that must system to meet the hydrogen fuel requirements (in amount
be overcome in order to ensure a successful transition. It is and time).
essential to study and analyse the interactions between In this paper, an attempt has been made to plan an inno-
different hydrogen infrastructure components in advance vative design of a hydrogen infrastructure. It consists of
in order to set and build variety of options for the incor- a network of GHRSs and several production nodes. The
poration of this new economy. This will facilitate the proposed model is formulated as a mathematical program-
management of hydrogen supply chain, and help decision ming, where the main decisions are the selection of GHRSs
makers to define adequate roadmaps for the hydrogen that will be powered by each point of production based on
developement. distance and population density criteria, as well the energy
5362 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1

and hydrogen flows exchanged among the system compo- nodes. Fig. 1 displays the proposed hydrogen infrastructure
nents from the production nodes to the demand points. The that forms the basis of the hydrogen global system.
approaches and methodologies developed can be taken as
a support to decision makers, stakeholders and local authori- 2.2. Planning horizon: plants and technologies
ties in the implementation of future hydrogen infrastructures.
The implementation of the planning phase is important for
the formulation of the optimization model. It will provide the
2. The methodological approach knowledge about the possibility of using the renewable
resources for hydrogen production. Furthermore, due to the
2.1. Model structure and components absence of a large hydrogen market, the development of the
hydrogen infrastructure will start by the introduction of small
Wind/solar energy production systems are designated to hydrogen decentralized systems. Hence, the operation of
supply electric and hydrogen needs to a network of GHRSs. these systems as a whole will depend in addition to the
From the demand viewpoint, the system to be modelled available renewable resources, to design the system that will
consists of a network of GHRSs each one having a local generate and fulfil specific requirements. In fact, the system
hydrogen storage tank, and distributing hydrogen to must be accurately adapted in order to fit the mass of
costumers (fuel cell vehicle users). From the supply viewpoint, hydrogen for the GHRSs. Nevertheless, economically
hydrogen production systems consist of many mixed energy speaking, the configuration of the best design will strongly
production plants. Each one includes a large scale hybrid depend on the scenario taken into account. In addition, it will
wind/solar system, electrolyser unit, fuel cell, and a main depend on the renewable resources condition as well as the
hydrogen storage tank. Moreover, each production plant is cost of the different components and the final selling prices of
connected to the electrical network, giving the system the the energy generated by each type of renewable source [27].
possibility to sell excess of energy generated by the production The main idea of using mixed renewable energy systems for

Fig. 1 e System description.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1 5363

hydrogen production is based on generating electrical energy hydrogen demand at the specific hydrogen refuelling station
by the wind turbines and the photovoltaic modules, and then in each time period (taking into consideration the delivery
using that energy for hydrogen generation using an electro- schedule). Because lack of data in particular those related to
lyser system. Owing to the low energy density by volume of large scale hydrogen storage. In this paper, the hydrogen
the hydrogen, the effective use of the logistics chain to storage systems have been sized by analysing the real amount
transport hydrogen to the refuelling stations requires the of gasoline delivered by several service stations which is
reduction of the hydrogen volume, thus by means of lique- transformed in equivalent amount of hydrogen.
faction or compression. In this paper, liquefaction or
compression of the hydrogen substance are not considered, 2.2.5. Hydrogen demand
neither the distributing chain of hydrogen to the refuelling Due to the absence to date of a widespread hydrogen market,
stations. the computation of the hydrogen demand cannot be esti-
mated by accuracy. The operation of these markets will
2.2.1. Mixed renewable energy system depend initially on the hydrogen demand infrastructure
The selection of the suitable renewable energy technologies available, in particular, the number of hydrogen fuel cell
has been made on the basis of several considerations: mete- vehicles and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure. Owing to
orological conditions, renewable energy potential, load factor many uncertainties, the planning of scenario can be consid-
and amount of hydrogen required by the refuelling stations. ered as the only systematic tool that helps designing the
The problem needs much more attention, especially because hydrogen supply chain. The configuration of the optimal
of the use of the intermittent RES, which is mainly the case of design will strongly depend on the scenario considered. In this
solar and wind. Due to these issues, the mixed renewable study, the estimation of hydrogen demand of the hydrogen
energy system must be well designed in order to better exploit refuelling stations is based on the current supply of the petrol
the potential of RES, hence fulfil specific requirements. products to the conventional petrol stations. The information
related to the petrol stations may be helpful in determining
2.2.2. Electrolyser unit the capacity and the consumption. Then, according to these
The hydrogen generation process becomes more beneficial estimations, multiple scenarios are explored including
if used in conjunction with electricity generated by the RES. varying hydrogen fuel cell penetrations.
Different kinds of water electrolysers exist, with various level
of technological advancements. Water electrolysers can be 2.3. Modelling the mixed renewable energy system
divided into two categories, alkaline and proton exchange
membrane (PEM) electrolysers. PEM electrolysis is a viable As previously presented, the electrolysis hydrogen production
alternative for generating hydrogen from RES. Despite its plant is mainly driven by power generated from the renewable
higher cost compared, the PEM benefits of high efficiency energy system. The overall hydrogen production plant is
factor, higher life cycle (approximately ten years) [28], adapt- linked to the network of GHRSs. It is composed by the
ability with renewable energy systems [29]. In addition, a PEM following subsystems: photovoltaic modules, wind turbines,
electrolyser can deliver hydrogen at high pressure, which will electrolyser unit, fuel cell unit, main hydrogen storage system.
in turn be attractive for the application where hydrogen needs Among these subsystems and from/to the external electrical
to be stored [30]. In this paper, a PEM electrolyser has been network, the power and hydrogen flows can be exchanged as
adopted, this choice is justified by two main reasons namely, shown in Fig. 2. The energy produced by the renewable energy
the exploitation of wind/solar potentials and the need of high system can be sent to the electrolyser to produce hydrogen
pressure hydrogen to refuelling stations. that will be stored in main tank, and/or used to feed electrical
energy of GHRSs. The quantity of hydrogen can be used for
2.2.3. Fuel cell system different purposes: to satisfy the hydrogen fuel demand by the
Among all kinds of fuel cell available, fuel cell Proton refuelling stations, or/and used by the fuel cell to ensure the
exchange membrane PEM will be the most suitable for the electricity demand of the refuelling stations in the case of
system configuration, this choice is dictated by the PEM elec- a deficit of energy production, or/and delivered to the indus-
trolysis. The operation of PEM fuel cell needs only hydrogen, trial markets.
oxygen from the air and water to operate and do not require
corrosive fluids like some fuel cells. The driven goal of using 2.3.1. The wind turbine subsystem model
a fuel cell system at the centralized plant is to ensure another The energy produced by a wind turbine in a point of produc-
option for the provision of electricity (in case of low power tion i is given by:
generation from mixed renewable energy system).
T rA  
Etw;i ¼ cp hgb hg f vti vt3
i dv t ¼ 1; .; T  1; i ¼ 1; .; I
2.2.4. Hydrogen storage system 1000 2
A hydrogen storage system is available in each hydrogen
production plant. Since the plant is supposed to provide
hydrogen for a network of hydrogen refuelling stations, there where f ðvti Þ
is the probability of occurrence of wind speed
is a need to assume the availability of a large scale hydrogen nti [m/s] in a point of production i, A [m2] is the blade sweep
storage system. The latter assumes the aggregation of both area, r is the air density [kg/m3], cp [-] the power coefficient,
a compressor and a storage system. The hydrogen storage hgb [-] the gearbox performance and hg [-] the generator
device has to be able to meet the requirements of the performance.
5364 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1

Fig. 2 e Energy and hydrogen flows exchanged among system components.

where vti corresponds to the wind speed at the wind

turbine hub height. It is assumed that the wind speed can be 3. Optimization problem
predicted by some reliable meteorological models. In general,
the wind speed measurements are given at a height different The decision variables of the optimization problem are the
than the hub height of the wind turbine. So, the following following.
equation is used to evaluate the wind speed at the desired Eeti , Enti and Esti [kWh] are the electrical energy components
height: in time period [t,t þ 1) respectively given by the mixed
renewable energy system i to electrolyser unit, electrical
lnðHhub =z0 Þ network and to feed the electrical demand of the GHRSs.
vti ¼ vtdata;i   t ¼ 1; .; T  1; i ¼ 1; .; I (2) Efcti ,Etti and Esf ti;j [kWh] are the electrical energy compo-
ln Hdata;i =z0
nents in time period [t,t þ 1) respectively given by the fuel cell,
where Hdata;i [m] is the height of the measurement, Hhub [m] is consumed by the main hydrogen storage tank in point
the hub height and z0 is the surface roughness length andvtdata;i of production i and consumed by the GHRS j and its local
is the wind speed at the height of the measurements. hydrogen tank.
Qhti , Qsf i;j , Qlti;j , Qmti [kg] represent in time interval [t,t þ 1)
2.3.2. The PV module subsystem model respectively the amount of hydrogen produced by the elec-
Hybrid energy systems are often taken into account as a viable trolyser unit at production node i, the amount of hydrogen
approach to face the RES intermittent character. The use of sent from the ith production node to the jth GHRS, the amount
different RES (such as wind and solar) can enhance the of hydrogen delivered by the jth GHRS and the amount of
effectiveness to face the load energy demands. The electrical hydrogen sent to the industrial market from the ith produc-
energy generated from a photovoltaic module can be calcu- tion node.
lated using the following formula: ri;j is a binary variable, equals to 1 if the ith production
point will be connected to the jth GHRS, 0 otherwise.
Etpv;i ¼ Spv hPV pf hpc Gti t ¼ 1; .; T  1; i ¼ 1; .; I (3) mj is a binary variable, equals to 1 if the jth refuelling station
is selected, 0 otherwise.
where Spv [m2] is the solar cell array area, hPV [-] is the The state variables of the optimization problem are:
module reference efficiency, pf [-] is the packing factor, hpc [-] Mti ,Msf ti;j are respectively the amount of hydrogen stored
is the power conditioning efficiency and Gti [kWh/m2] is the in time period [t,t þ 1) in the main tank of the ith
forecasted hourly irradiation, that is predicted by some reli- production point and the amount of hydrogen stored in the
able meteorological model. local tank of the jth GHRS at instant t.

Table 1 e Characteristics of a network of GHRSs.

GHRS Code Longitude Latitude Distance km Density of population Inha/km2

Refuelling station 1 PV 01363 44.4286 8.7587 52 7708

Refuelling station 2 PV 01398 44.2682 8.4344 22 1750
Refuelling station 3 PV 11348 44.3419 8.5438 33 1454
Refuelling station 4 PV 01334 44.1688 8.3413 27 2160
Refuelling station 5 PV 01377 44.0884 8.2072 45 1553
Refuelling station 6 PV 01371 44.3211 8.4654 21 6168
Refuelling station 7 PV 01351 44.1294 8.259 45 2277
Production point e 44.3984 8.2193 0 e
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1 5365

Fig. 3 e Wind speed and solar radiation data.

Fig. 5 e Hydrogen demand of the network of GHRSs.

The following parameters are used in the model

- Nj : population density around a circle of unit diameter of
- Nw: number of wind turbines; distance of jth GHRS [inhabitant/km2]
- Npv: number of photovoltaic modules; - di : binary variable that is implemented to take into account
- HHVH2 : hydrogen higher heating value [kWh/kg] the exchange in power between the hydrogen production
- LHVH2 : hydrogen lower heating value [kWh/kg]; plant and the electric network. It is equal to 1 when the
- LHVff : fossil fuel lower heating value [MJ/kg] market penetration of hydrogen is less enough to allow
- h1 ; h2 : parameters of the electrolyser plant: the first one power exchange with the electrical network.
represents the efficiency of the electrolysis system, while
the second one is an additional efficiency coefficient 3.1. Objective function
included to take into account the (energy) losses in the
electrolyser. The objective function to be minimized is the sum of seven
- hff : efficiency of the fossil fuelled engine terms: two first terms reflect the satisfaction of different
- hH2 : efficiency of the H2 engine/fuel cell [-] hydrogen demands, namely the hydrogen fuel demands of the
- hFC : fuel cell efficiency [-] GHRSs and the industrial market demand. Third term is
- Qff ti;j : demand of fossil fuel in time interval [t,t þ 1) at the jth related to ensure the electrical demands of GHRSs. The fourth
refuelling station [kg] tem is related to the energy sold to the electrical network to be
- ~ t : hydrogen market demand in time interval [t,t þ 1)
Qm maximized/minimized according to the market penetration, it
requested from the ith production point [kg] means, for low hydrogen demand, the energy sold to the
- ~ t : hydrogen demand in time interval [t,t þ 1) of the jth
Ql electrical network needs to be maximized, otherwise it will be
GHRS supplied by ith production point [kg] minimized, this assuming that the renewable energy systems
- ~ t : electrical demand in time interval [t,t þ 1) of the jth
Ee are well sized. Fifth term to be maximized is related to the
GHRS connected to the ith production point [kWh] amount of hydrogen stored in the main hydrogen tank. The
- Di;j : distance from the ith production point to the jth two last terms are added to select the suitable GHRSs to be
GHRS [m] powered by the appropriate point of production.

Fig. 4 e Manufacturer power curve of the considered wind

turbine. Fig. 6 e Electrical energy demand of the network of GHRSs.
5366 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1

refuelling stations (Esti ), and a part sent directly to the elec-

trical network (Enti ).

Ettot;i ¼ Eeti þ Enti þ Esti t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (6)

Esti þ Efci  Eesti  Etti ¼ 0 t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (7)

The electrical energy Eesti [kWh] consumed in the time

interval [t,t þ 1) by the network of GHRSs will be equal to the
sum of electrical energy consumed by each one, and it is given

Eesti ¼ Esf i;j t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J (8)
Fig. 7 e Energy produced by the mixed energy system.
t t
Esf i;j ¼ Ei;j þ fMsf i;j t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J (9)
where Esf i;j [kWh] is the electrical energy consumed in time
T1 X
X 2 XT1 X
I  2 interval by the jth GHRS that is composed by a constant term

t ~t
Qli;j  Ql þ ~ t
a Qmti  Qm t
Ei;j and a variable one fMsf i;j , with f the unitary demand of
i;j i
t¼1 j¼1 t¼1 i¼1
electric energy for a unit of hydrogen stocked reservoir, and
T1 X
X I 
J X 2 X
T1 X
I t
t ~ t þz
Ei;j þ fMsf i;j  Ee di Enti  l MTi Msf i;j the amount of hydrogen available in the jth local tank of
i;j (4)
t¼1 j¼1 i¼1 t¼1 i¼1 i¼1 the GHRS in time interval [t,t þ 1).
J The electrical energy Etti [kWh] consumed in time interval
þb ri;j D2i;j þ c mj N j [t,t þ 1) by the main hydrogen storage reservoir in the point of
j¼1 i¼1 j¼1
production i is given by:
a,g,z,l,b,c are weight factors.
Etti ¼ fMti t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (10)

where Mti is the amount of hydrogen available in the main

storage reservoir in time interval [t,t þ 1).
3.2. Constraints
The electrical energy Efcti [kWh] delivered by the fuel cell in
time interval [t,t þ 1) is calculated by:
3.2.1. Flow conservation
The overall energy produced Ettot;i [kWh] by each mixed t t
Efci ¼ LHVH2 $Qfci $hfc t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (11)
renewable energy system in time interval [t,t þ 1) is given by:
The amount of hydrogen [kg] delivered in time interval
Ettot;i ¼ Nw $Etw;i þ Npv $Etpv;i t ¼ 1; .; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (5)
[t,t þ 1) by the electrolyser plant is equal to:
The total energy Ettot;i [kWh] can be used for three different
purposes in the same time interval: direct for the hydrogen t h1 h2 Eeti
Qhi ¼ t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (12)
production (Eeti ), satisfy the electricity demand of the HHVH2

Fig. 8 e Electrical energy sent to the electrolyser plant.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1 5367

tþ1 t t t
Msf i;j ¼ Msf i;j þ Qsf i;j  Qli;j t ¼ 1; .:; T1; i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J

M1i ¼ Mi;1 i ¼ 1; .:; I (17)

Msf i;j ¼ Msf i;j;1 i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J (18)

where Mi;1 , Msf i;j;1 [kg] are respectively the storage system
level at the initial time for each main hydrogen storage tank
and each local one.

3.2.3. Other constraints Selection of the network of GHRSs

Constraint (19) is introduced in order to impose that if the link
Fig. 9 e Electrical energy sold to the network.
between the ith production point and the jth GHRS is estab-
lished. The jth GHRS must be selected following the safety
The amount of hydrogen Qsti consumed in time interval
[t,t þ 1) by the network of GHRSs is equal to the sum of If dri;j ¼ 1/gj ¼ 1
hydrogen that is consumed by each one, and it is given by:

J 1 if the linkði; jÞis established
Qsti ¼
Qsf i;j t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J ri;j ¼ (19)
(13) 0 otherwise

~ t [kg] of the jth GHRS in time Eq. (19) can be also written as:
The hydrogen demand Ql i;j
interval [t,t þ 1) is given by: ri;j  Rgj  0 (20)
Qff i;j $LHVff $hff where R is a big number
~t ¼
Ql t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J
LHVH2 $hH2
(14) Hydrogen storage systems
The main hydrogen storage tanks are limited in upper and
3.2.2. Storage system state equations lower bands:
The state equations of the main hydrogen storage tank of each
Mi;min  Mti  Mi;max t ¼ 1; .:; T  1;i ¼ 1;.:; I (21)
point of production and the local hydrogen storage tank of
each GHRS in time interval [t,t þ 1) are given by: The local hydrogen storage tanks are limited in upper and
lower bands:

t t t
i ¼ Mti þ Qhi  Qsti  Qmti  Qfci t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I Msf i;j;min  Msf i;j  Msf i;j;max t ¼ 1; .:; T1; i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J
(15) (22)

Fig. 10 e Electrical energy consumed by GHRSs.

5368 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1 Activation of transport

The hydrogen flows sent from a supply point i to the jth GHRS
are limited in upper and lower bands:

ri;j Qsf j;min  Qsf i;j  ri;j Qsf j;max t ¼ 1; .:; T1;i ¼ 1; .:; I; j ¼ 1; .:; J
(23) Electrolyser
The energy flows sent to the electrolyser unit at each
production point i are limited in upper and lower bands:

dte Eei;min  Eeti  dte Eei;max t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (24)

0 if Eeti < Eei;min
dte ¼ (25) Fig. 12 e Hydrogen storage level of GHRS1.
1 if Eeti  Eei;mim Fuel cell

The hydrogen flows sent to the fuel cell are limited in upper the model to one point of production and seven existing
and lower bands: refuelling stations where related data are available. In this
t section we assume that this network of GHRSs is the suitable
dtfc Qfci;min  Qfci  dtfc Qfci;max t ¼ 1; .:; T  1; i ¼ 1; .:; I (26)
one for the considered point of production. Table 1 reports the
( characteristics of the network of GHRSs.
0 if Qfci < Qfci;min The developed approach supposes that the energy gener-
dte ¼ t (27)
1 if Qfci  Qfci;mim ated from the mixed renewable energy systems is used to
ensure electrical energy and hydrogen fuel demands of the Electrical network GHRSs as well as a hydrogen market demand. The last is
The energy sold to the electrical network could be maximized assumed to be constant and equals to 10 kg in time period. The
or minimized according to the market penetration (MP). hydrogen market could reflect different users that may buy
 hydrogen from the production plant.
1 if MP < MPthreshold
di ¼ (28) The energy surplus is sold to the electrical network. It is
1 otherwise
assumed in this case study that the forecasted data from
which the optimization problem must be solved are exactly
equal to the historical data recorded in the Capo Vado site, and
4. Results and discussion which consist of the daily wind speed and solar radiation,
recorded at a height of 10 m. Fig. 3 shows the daily variation of
The problem is here solved using mathematical programming the wind speed and solar radiation of Capo Vado site, it can be
techniques through a commercial optimization package seen that the wind speeds range between 4.8 and 9.5 m/s.
(Lingo, In particular, the optimiza- Generally, the wind speed takes an average value equal
tion problem is solved for a case study in Capo Vado site approximately to 7.54 m/s at 10 m of height. Whereas, solar
(Savona district) for a time period of one month (April 2009), radiation ranges between 0.46 and 7.3 kWh/m2/day, with an
which consists of a network of seven real refuelling stations. average value of 4.8 kWh/m2/day.
Due to the lack of data regarding the fossil fuel and electrical In this paper, ten wind turbines (ENERCON E-53) (www.
energy consumptions as well as some territorial characteris-, with the following geometric and technical
tics (population density, ..,), in addition to the meteorological characteristics have been considered: vc ¼ 2 [m/s], vr ¼ 13 [m/
measurements of wind speed and solar radiation, we applied

Fig. 11 e Hydrogen storage level of the main tank. Fig. 13 e Hydrogen storage level of GHRS2.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1 5369

Fig. 14 e Hydrogen storage level of GHRS3. Fig. 16 e Hydrogen storage level of GHRS5.

s], vf ¼ 25 [m/s], Pr ¼ 800 [kW], Hhub ¼ 75 [m]. The power curve special services (such car washing machines) and the demand
of the considered wind turbine supplied by the manufacturer of hydrogen for vehicles at each time instant that is directly
is shown in Fig. 4. For the photovoltaic module, it is assumed linked to the pumps consumption. The electrical energy
that Spv ¼ 10000 [m2], hpv ¼ 0.11, hpc ¼ 0.86, and Pf ¼ 0.9. demands used in this case study are calculated according to
In this paper, the hydrogen demands are assumed to be the scenarios of the market penetration.
known, and they are estimated using the real existing Fig. 7 displays the daily energy produced by the mixed
demands of the petrol stations available in the province. renewable energy system, we should notate that we do not
These real data are recorded from petrol stations of an Italian distinct between the energy produced by wind turbines and
Petrol Company. The demand of hydrogen used in this paper photovoltaic modules, we assumed that is a clean energy
is calculated according to several scenarios of market pene- produced by a renewable energy system, since the economical
tration (5%, 15%, 25%). This hypothesis seems reasonable aspect is not taken into account in this study. The daily
since in a short term scenario, the demand of hydrogen produced energy ranges between 31 and 188 MWh. Fig. 8
cannot be equal to the one of petrol products. shows the daily energy sent to the electrolyser plant accord-
Fig. 5 displays the hydrogen demands of the network of the ing to the three scenarios. Fig. 9 reports the daily electrical
GHRSs considered. It can be seen that the consumption energy surplus sold to the electrical network according to each
behaviours of the considered stations in April month are scenario. It can be seen that the most part of electrical energy
different from each other, and it ranges between 54 and has been sold in scenarios where the market penetration
3500 kg. equals to 5% followed by 15%, while in the third scenario (25%)
Fig. 6 shows the daily electrical energy needs of the GHRSs, the system did not exchange energy with the electrical
they range between 1.7 and 318 kWh. These demands are network. This is due to the low demand of hydrogen with
related to the real consumption recorded at the petrol stations a high energy production in the two first scenarios and a high
available in the province of Savona. These demands are hydrogen demand in the third one. Fig. 10 displays the daily
almost coming from the electric network, but, since in this electrical energy supplied to the network of GHRSs to satisfy
study, the green aspect of the refuelling stations is considered, their electrical energy needs including the energy consumed
this means that electricity consumption needs to be satisfied by the local hydrogen storage tanks.
by the energy produced by the renewable energy system. Fig. 11 shows the trend of the energy stored along the
These demands are mainly coming from lighting, pumps, and month in the main hydrogen storage tank according to the
others. The difference in electricity consumption among scenarios of the market penetration. It appears that the higher
refuelling stations is mainly due to the availability or not of amount of hydrogen stored is reached for a market

Fig. 15 e Hydrogen storage level of GHRS4. Fig. 17 e Hydrogen storage level of GHRS6.
5370 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 5 3 6 0 e5 3 7 1

Italian petrol company ENI that have kindly collected and

made available the important historical dataset at the basis of
this work.


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