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Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

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Exporting sunshine: Planning South America’s electricity transition with

green hydrogen
Antonio Galván a, Jannik Haas a, b, *, Simón Moreno-Leiva a, Juan Carlos Osorio-Aravena c, d,
Wolfgang Nowak a, Rodrigo Palma-Benke e, Christian Breyer f
Department of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems (IWS/SC SimTech), University of Stuttgart, Germany
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Innovative Energy Technologies Center, Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Patagonia s/n, Coyhaique 5950000, Chile
University of Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas s/n, Jaén 23071, Spain
Department of Electrical Engineering, Energy Center, FCFM, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
School of Energy Systems, LUT University, Yliopistonkatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland


• To date the most complete model for planning South America’s power sector.
• South America’s transition relies on solar, wind, and gas as bridging technology.
• Lithium batteries and pumped hydro are the main storage technologies.
• Modeling 30 nodes is a good trade-off between complexity and quality of results.
• Hydrogen exports aid the integration of renewable generation.


Keywords: Europe and North America have numerous studies on 100% renewable power systems. South America, however,
Climate change lacks research on zero-carbon energy systems, especially understanding South America as an interconnected
System analysis region, despite its great renewable energy sources, increasing population, and economic productivity.
Expansion planning
This work extends the cost-optimization energy planning model LEELO and applies it to South America. This
Clean technologies
Green hydrogen
results in the to-date most complete model for planning South America’s power sector, with a high temporal
South America’s electricity transition (8760 time steps per year) and spatial (over 40 nodes) resolution, and 30 technologies involved. Besides the base
case, we study how varying spatial resolution for South America impacted investment results (43, 30, 16, 1
node). Finally, we also evaluate green hydrogen export scenarios, from 0% to 20% on top of the electricity
Our study reveals that South America’s energy transition will rely, in decreasing order, on solar photovoltaic,
wind, gas as bridging technology, and also on some concentrated solar power. Storage technologies equal to
about 10% of the total installed power capacity would be required, aided by the existing hydropower fleet. Not
only is the transition to renewables technically possible, but it is also the most cost-efficient solution: electricity
costs are expected to reach 32 €/MWh from the year 2035 onwards without the need for further fossil fuels.
Varying the spatial resolution, the most-resolved model (43 nodes) reveals 11% and 6% more costs than the
one-node and one-node-per-country (16) models, respectively, with large differences in investment recommen­
dations, especially in concentrated solar and wind power. The difference between 43 and 30 nodes is negligible
in terms of total costs, energy storage, and technology mix, indicating that 30 nodes are an adequate resolution
for this region. We then use the 30-node model to analyze hydrogen export scenarios. The electricity costs drop,
as hydrogen is not only a load but also a flexibility provider. Most green hydrogen is produced in Chile,

* Corresponding author at: Department of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems (IWS/SC SimTech), University of Stuttgart, Germany.
E-mail address: (J. Haas).
Received 7 February 2022; Received in revised form 3 May 2022; Accepted 26 June 2022
Available online 24 August 2022
0306-2619/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

Argentina, and northeast Brazil. For future work, we propose to do an integrated energy plan, including transport
and heat, for the region, as well as modeling local hydrogen demands. This work aims to inform policymakers of
sustainable transitions, and the energy community.

1. Introduction The specific case of South America is the target of our study. A few
studies –from a continental (North, Central, and South America com­
Defossilization of our economy must be accelerated to mitigate bined) [4–5] [and global studies perspective [12] – have included this
global warming [1]. As over 70% of greenhouse gas emissions come region as an interconnected energy system based on fully renewable
from the energy sector [2], strategies for transitioning to renewable sources in the analysis. However, only one was identified with a specific
energy (RE) are urgent. Hansen, et al. [3] compiles 180 studies about the focus on this region. This single study by Barbosa et al. [5] simulated a
status and perspectives on fully RE systems around the globe. They power system for South America as an interconnected region, consid­
conclude that developed regions, such as Australia (40 publications), ering 100% RE sources and utilizing 15 nodes with hourly resolution
Europe (more than 100), and North America (40) have a good scientific until the year 2030. Their model [13] was developed at the LUT. It
basis to provide decision-makers with knowledge for planning RE sys­ included information from conversion technologies, transmission lines,
tems. However, developing regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and energy storage, and sector bridging technologies. It also covered the
South America have not been deeply studied. Only two studies have electricity demand, non-energetic industrial gas demand, and power
assessed a regional interconnection of South America based on 100% RE demand for water desalination, with the main goal of minimizing the
systems [4–5]. Developing regions have special importance in the RE total costs of the system. The LUT model uses solar, wind, and hydro­
transition due to their high potential for renewable power sources, power generators complemented by thermal, waste, and biomass elec­
growing economies, and increasing population during the next decades tricity sources. Even though this model can simulate the power system of
[6–8]. South America already has a high share of renewable energy in its South America America with hourly resolution, the lack of finer dis­
grids. In fact, they currently have the highest share reached by any major aggregated data has limited the spatial resolution to one node per
region in the world [9] mainly due to hydropower production [10]. country or subregion and the time horizon goes just until 2030. Barbosa
While it might seem direct to use the vast RE potential [11] to defossilize et al. [14] concluded that solar energy domains over the other tech­
the system, to supply the increasing electricity demand, and eventually nologies with a share up to 70%. They also found out that based on this
to export energy to the rest of the world, a clear strategy has yet to be model, the levelized cost of the electricity decrease from 61.9 €/MWh to
developed. 46.6 €/MWh when considering that transmission lines interconnect the
nodes beyond political borders. A global perspective includes the basis
1.1. Literature review from these results and introduces the energy required for heating and
transport in the multisector approach for South America, as well as an
Hansen et al. [3] analyze the existing studies on 100% RE systems analysis on job generation from the implementation of the system [12].
around the world (Fig. 1) and it is the article with the most compiled A second study with a specific focus on South America, but only
studies on that subject up to date. The study identifies the main gaps planning a renewable share of 80%, was conducted on behalf of the
when researching on fully renewable systems: (1) not including multi­ Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) [15], executed by Energy
sector approaches, (2) vague analysis about the future energy grids Exemplar, Quantum America Corporation, University of Chile’s Energy
configurations, (3) leaving out demand management as a strategy to Center, and AWS Truepower. While the space is highly resolved (44
better implement renewable sources, (4) lack of clarity about the tran­ nodes in South America), the temporal resolution is limited to only six
sition process from fossil- to renewable-based power, (5) simulations time-slices per month, and it also goes just until 2030. The model is
without high temporal and spatial resolution at once, (6) and the low based on PLEXOS [6], minimizes the system costs, and features elec­
number of research considering interconnected power systems beyond tricity from coal, gas, oil, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass
international borders, especially in major regions like South America sources. The study concludes that higher shares of RE in the grids lead to
and sub-Saharan Africa. additional costs due to new capacities installments mainly dominated by

Fig. 1. Studies on planning fully renewable energy systems around the world. Based on Hansen k. et al., 2019.

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

solar capacities. It also shows that the costs decrease when deploying ▪ Quantify the potential for green hydrogen export. For this,
interconnections. Electricity costs seem to increase in the results, going different scenarios based on green hydrogen production of
from 42 USD/MWh in 2020 to 64 USD/MWh in 2030, mainly explained 10%, 15%, and 20% over the total electricity demand will be
by high prices of fossil fuels. analyzed.
While there are other planning efforts from the South American re­
gion, these refer to planning individual countries only and fail to un­ 1.3. Relevance
derstand South America as one integrated power system. Some examples
of these country planning exercises include Brazil [7], Chile [8,16–18] The gained insights aim to understand South America’s power
Colombia [14], and Bolivia [19]. In short, energy scenarios for South transition as an interconnected region, building on the fragmented
America are scarce, especially to an interconnected level. research efforts available to date. Additionally, this paper investigates
Modeling such energy transitions requires intensive computing ca­ for the first time in South America, the production of green hydrogen.
pacities. For a given computing capacity, the spatial and temporal res­ Finally, this work stimulates further investigation by providing open
olution needs to be adjusted, even though it could affect the quality of access to the used inputs and models and produced outputs.
the outputs. The above mentioned LUT study on South America, for After the current section, the methodology is presented in Section 2
example, used a high temporal (8760 sequential time steps per year) but with a focus on the developed optimization model and datasets. Section
lower spatial resolution (15 nodes) while the IDB used a high spatial (63 3 presents the results with their respective discussions. Section 4 con­
nodes including Central America and Mexico, but forty-four for South cludes and provides recommendations for future work.
America) and a low temporal time resolution (72 time-slices per year).
Different publications on understanding these tradeoffs in modeling 2. Methods
resolution have been published on energy systems [20–23] again
focusing mainly on the U.S. and Europe. For South America, under­ The current work relies on traditional methods from energy system
standing the impact of varying spatial resolution is missing. analysis, further developing an optimization model for expansion
Within the power sector transition, hydrogen as a mean for long-term planning. Here, we extended LEELO (Long-term Energy Expansion
storage is fundamental and has been identified as a non-regret option by Linear Optimization) to apply it for the first time to South America.
diverse studies [24–30]. But hydrogen can also play a role beyond the Fig. 2 shows an overview of the implemented methodology.
pure power sector. When it comes to fully renewable energy systems, LEELO was initially programmed for the electrical system in Chile
green hydrogen, and the corresponding e-fuels [31] serve as a link be­ with a four-node resolution and described in detail in [8] and for this
tween the sectors of transport, industry, and cities [32–34]. Under­ work, it has been extended to a maximum spatial resolution of 43 nodes
standing a hydrogen-based economy has been recently resurged around and 8760 time steps (fully resolved year) to model the electricity system
the world [35–38]. For instance, countries in South America have for South America. The model was developed at the University of
already started to work on national hydrogen strategies and roadmaps Stuttgart based on the optimization software General Algebraic
based on the high potential for green and blue hydrogen export Modeling System (GAMS) and solved with CPLEX from IBM.
[29–30,39] Here again, the literature exhibits country-specific studies, LEELO is an optimization model, and as such is composed of an
with a South American strategy missing until now. objective function and constraints. The objective function minimizes the
investment and operational costs of the electricity system. Investments
are treated as annuities, taking into account the lifetime of technologies
1.2. Research goals and a constant interest rate. Operational costs included fixed and vari­
able costs, with the latter mainly being fuel costs of fossil power plants.
More scientific evidence on fully renewable energy systems in South The main constraint for the model is the electricity demand: The pro­
America is necessary to provide decision-makers with a sound basis. A duced electricity should equal the power demand in each node, aided by
combination of high temporal and spatial resolution dataset inputs for energy storage and energy imports/exports over power lines, for every
this region is needed for the simulations so that reliable results can be hour. LEELO decides on six primary generators (solar photovoltaic,
obtained. The integration of the South American region as a whole, wind, run-off-river, geothermal, biomass, and biogas), 16 converters
unifying international efforts to achieve an optimal power system is (water turbine and pumping, Li-ion charger and discharger, electrolyzer,
required to line up the global interests against climate change. fuel cell, methanizer, regasification of liquified natural gas, gas turbine
Furthermore, hydrogen serves as a link not just to develop the South open cycle, charger and discharger for Vanadium Redox battery, elec­
American defossilization process across the different energy sectors, but trical rod, solar array heliostat for concentrated solar power (CSP), CSP
also to support a hydrogen-based economy across the world for demand steam turbine, CO2 direct air capture, and gas turbine combined cycle),
types that cannot be directly electrified. seven storage devices (PHES water reservoir, Li-ion battery storage,
This work contributes to the scientific literature by planning an hydrogen storage tank, methane storage tank, vanadium Redox flow
interconnected, 100% renewable power system with the highest tem­ battery electrolyte, molten salts with CSP, and CO2 capture system), and
poral and spatial resolution considered up to date for South America as a 15 hydropower cascades. Depending on the spatial resolution can
whole, and by analyzing South America’s potential to export green choose to build out up to 75 interconnecting lines. A more detailed
hydrogen. Concretely this work aims to: description of the model formulation is available in [8]. For more details
on the inputs, we refer to Section 2.1.
▪ Plan the power transition of South America until 2050. This LEELO uses a milestone-year approach (also called myopic optimi­
requires modeling and setting up the corresponding database zation). In other words, the decisions of one target year are the inputs to
(costs, wind, solar, hydropower, and demand profiles), target­ the next. We calculated one milestone-year every 5 years. For example,
ing a resolution of 43 nodes across South America, with a fully the results from the year 2025 are inputs to the year 2030.
resolved year at hourly resolution (8760 sequential time steps). This section is divided into three subsections in direct correspon­
▪ Understand the optimal spatial resolution needed to plan the dence with the three research goals of this work. In Section 2.1, the
region’s electricity transition. For this, the spatial resolution of model development and database setup for simulating the base case
the system will be varied systematically, considering 43, 30, 16, scenario are described, also including the inputs. In Section 2.2, the
and 1 node to quantify the induced error when simulating an dataset and the model are adapted to vary the spatial resolution from 43
interconnected energy system in South America with a lower to 30, 16, and 1 node, systematically simulating the aggregated energy
number of regions. expansion planning for South America. And, in Section 2.3 several green

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

Fig. 2. Implemented methodology.

hydrogen export scenarios are defined. Before diving in, we will briefly equal to 80 m. Solar photovoltaic (PV) generation profiles were based on
summarize LEELO-South America. a single-axis tracking system. In both cases, the simulator produces the
outputs at any given location with hourly resolution. For this study,
2.1. Base case and model three different profiles for wind and solar were assigned to each node, all
of them produced in locations near the node. CSP generation profiles
A dataset compilation process was carried out over continental South were produced by the System Advisor Model (SAM) provided by NREL
America. We gathered data from wind and solar energy production [45].
profiles with hourly resolution, hydropower cascades, potential trans­ POTENTIAL TRANSMISSION LINES are proposed connections be­
mission lines, existing installed capacities of hydro, solar, wind, gas, oil, tween nodes at a national and international level. LEELO models them as
and carbon power generators, and the electricity demand with an hourly a transport system (i.e., with a maximum transmission capacity but
resolution for a maximum spatial distribution of 43 nodes and 75 po­ without considering voltage levels and phase angles). Their maximum
tential transmission lines over the studied area. The compiled data was allowed capacities go from 5 to 10 GW (all equals in each stretch for the
taken from [20,35–38]. The dataset is framed initially in the maximum same scenario). These values depend on the scenario since for finer
number of nodes being 43, with an hourly resolution. spatial resolution the number of transmission lines is higher. Therefore,
ELECTRICITY DEMAND data for the year 2020 is taken from [15] less installed capacity compared to a lower spatial resolution to transmit
for the initial 43 nodes across South America. The projected electricity a comparable amount of electricity over the same region. Energy losses
demand until 2050 was calculated assuming a constant growth rate for are modeled as linear: 1.5% of the transmitted electricity per 1000 km of
each country also according to [15]. Concretely, the continent shows an length. New transmission lines, and their installed capacity, are imple­
electricity demand of 1768 TWh/year in 2020 projected to 4212 TWh/ mented based on the proposed potential transmission lines (see Fig. 2)
year in 2050. In other regions, such as Europe, the electricity demand for each scenario.
goes from 3595 TWh/year in 2020 to 5112 TWh/year in 2050 [40], STORAGE AND CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES The model in­
while in North America it goes from 5000 TWh/year in 2020 [41] to cludes different storage technologies such as Li-ion battery energy sys­
6250 TWh/year in 2050 [42]. Small electricity shares stemming from tems (BESS), pumped-hydro energy storage (PHES), hydrogen-based
dispatchable technologies, such as nuclear power, have been subtracted storage (H2), molten salts, CO2 storage, and methane storage tanks. The
from these demand profiles (this is a model simplification aiming to keep technical potential for BESS is unlimited, however, the energy-to-power
reasonable solving times). ratio is constrained between 1 and 6 h, reflecting current market trends.
HYDROPOWER CASCADES were obtained from [15]. Information Hydrogen storage has no constraints and includes 2 possible chain
regarding installed capacities, reservoir volumes, dams’ height, and processes with electrolyzer - H2 - fuel cells, and electrolyzer – H2 –
inflow profiles for 461 hydro generators over South America was gath­ methanizer – gas turbine (later in our green hydrogen export scenarios,
ered. Our work considered one equivalent hydrogenerator per country Section 2.3, we will extract H2 from tanks). PHES is limited due to its
but four in Brazil. The inflow profiles were calculated based on the ones current low application in South America [43] (around 1 GW of installed
found in [15] and were also aggregated based on the installed capacity capacity in the complete region) and despite its high potential [46], and
of their respective dams. All the installed capacity of hydropower by its energy-to-power ratio between 1 and 20 h. Further technical de­
country is considered in the model, and the inflow profiles of the scriptions of the storage and conversion systems can be found in [8].
equivalent hydro generators were calculated based on the 461 genera­ COST ASSUMPTIONS regarding fixed and operation costs for each
tors previously identified. The power outputs of the resulting equivalent technology were used in the same way as in Haas et al. [8], which in turn
generators were calibrated based on the hydropower generation in the uses the data from LUT’s team [12]. In general, these cost projections
region according to reference [43], using the year 2020. The model can have been validated in numerous peer-reviewed publications
decide to increase the installed capacity up to 50% and not more, trying [4–5,7,13,17,33,47]. The assumed costs for the considered technologies
to reflect the strong social opposition and cost-overruns that hydro­ have fixed and variable components. Projections for both components
power is facing in the region. were made for every milestone year from 2025 until 2050 (every
SOLAR AND WIND generators require power output profiles based 5 years). Carbon tax prices were also projected in the model going from
on the climatological conditions in the surrounding area. The online 8,6 €/ton CO2 in 2025 to 29,1 €/ton CO2 in 2050 as implemented in [8].
simulator was used [44]. This tool allows generating the Transmission line costs were conservatively taken from the IDB report
wind energy output simulating a turbine Vesta V90-200, with a height [15].

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

The database is available online [48]. The most important assump­ electricity generation, system costs, and electricity prices between the
tions are also included as supplementary material. systems.
Our model has 29 investment decisions per node, plus 75 candidate The exports are set to start in 2020 until the end of the horizon time
transmission lines, and 15 hydrogenerators, resulting in more than 1330 in 2050. This implies that the hydrogen will only be fully “green” when
investment decisions in the case of the highest resolution. This equates the whole electricity supply has been defossilized, which does not fully
to about 120 GB of RAM to simulate one milestone year. hold in the early years.
The used model setup for the simulation uses 30 nodes and the
2.2. Spatial resolution (grid topology) hydrogen can be produced with no prescribed restrictions in each of
those nodes (see Fig. 3 for 30 nodes). The produced hydrogen remains in
The input data was systematically aggregated and adapted to smaller those points and the process is simulated until it gets out of the
spatial resolutions of 30, 16, and 1 node starting from the maximum electrolyzer.
possible distribution of 43 nodes. These scenarios aim to understand
how different spatial resolution impacts power system planning, which 3. Results and discussion
is highly relevant for example when computing capacity is limited
(either by hardware or by solvers), or when input data is scarce. Fig. 3 This section is divided into 3 parts, each directly related to our
shows the different spatial configurations and the proposed transmission research questions. First, the results of the base case (Section 2.1) for the
lines for each of the simulated scenarios. fully renewable system in South America are presented. Second, the
For the 30-nodes scenario, neighboring buses were grouped, by impact of varying the spatial resolution (from Section 2.2) is discussed.
assigning buses with the least electricity demand to their neighbors with And final, we present the outputs of the hydrogen export scenarios
higher power demand. Energy output profiles from solar and wind related to Section 2.3.
sources were allocated in the proximities of the remaining nodes. A total
number of 70 potential interconnecting lines were proposed to provide 3.1. Pathway for South America in the base case scenario
electricity exchange between the 30 nodes. The 16-nodes scenario ap­
plies the same approach, but only considers 1 node by country, except This subsection discusses the installed capacities of generation
for Brazil which was divided into 4 regions due to its large size. 27 technologies followed by storage technologies, the regional overview of
potential transmission lines were proposed in this scenario. The last these investments, and financial results.
scenario considers only 1 node for the whole South American region, Generation technologies. Fig. 4 (left) shows the cumulative
aggregating the total electricity demand in one node. The energy output installed capacities for the different electricity generators from 2025 to
profiles for wind and solar were taken as an average of all the gathered 2050 (starting with existing installed capacities by 2020). The results
information across the 13 countries. show that solar energy becomes the most installed technology in 2025,
All the scenarios were simulated using 15 aggregated hydropower exceeding the current dominance of hydropower. The installed capac­
generators, calculating one by country - except Brazil which has 4, and ities progressively increase becoming the second most important tech­
Paraguay was assigned to Brazil. Wind and solar energy output profiles nology after 2040. Gas generators have at the beginning of 2020 the
in South America, aggregated inflows for hydropower, potential trans­ second most installed capacity (27%) after hydropower (48%). How­
mission lines, existing installed capacities, and projected electricity de­ ever, as shown below, the model continues recommending new gas in­
mand with hour resolution are available in [48]. vestment and after 2045, gas generators represent the third most
installed capacity. Note that after 2040, we allowed only synthetic
2.3. Hydrogen export scenarios methane (based on green hydrogen). The model does not recommend
building out hydropower (it remains with the original installed capacity
Four scenarios of hydrogen export are defined, going from 0% (no during the whole planning horizon as the fourth-largest capacity). This
extra electricity for hydrogen), to 10%, 15%, and 20% of electricity results from hydropower competing against low-cost solar and wind
investment over the additional electricity demand to produce hydrogen. technologies. Coal generation decreases over time, being negligible after
Note that these amounts of hydrogen are on top of those being needed the year 2030, and completely removed from the system in 2040. At the
for keeping the South American system functioning (power to hydrogen end of the design period, 58% of the installed capacities account for
to power). The scenarios analyze the differences in installed capacities, solar (51% PV and 7% CSP), 19% for wind, 13% gas (working as part of

Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of the simulated scenarios for South America.

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

Fig. 4. Cumulative installed capacity (left) and electricity generation (right) by power generator per year.

the storage system after 2040), and 10% hydro generators. the cumulative energy capacity by storage technology in MWheq. Note
Differences between the plant factors or uses among the different that the model decides to deploy the maximum prescribed potential of
generation technologies when generating power lead to a difference in PHES (150 GWheq). This threshold was established due to its low
shares if it is compared to their respective installed capacities. This implementation popularity as stated in Section 2.1. Gas storage becomes
observation is more visible with solar PV for which the installed capacity more important in the energy storage capacity system as seasonal stor­
share accounts for 51% but their power generation share is 36%. In age requires very often huge (but very low-cost) energy storage capacity.
terms of electricity generation, as shown in Fig. 4 (right), wind and solar CO2 storage, while not an energy-storage technology, requires signifi­
sources increase dramatically from 2025 to 2050. While hydropower is cant amounts of energy for methanizing the produced hydrogen; the
dominant in the year 2025, solar and wind generation quickly exceed it total methane tank capacity on the other hand is rather small. The total
five years later. By the year 2050, solar PV is the dominant technology deployed storage capacity by the year 2050 of 210 GW has the same
(over 35%), followed by wind power (24%), gas (20%) - with all the fuel order of magnitude as hydropower (177 GW), showing that hydropower
being synthetic methane produced based on green hydrogen and the is a strong but not sufficient source of flexibility.
captured CO2 involving electrolyzer, direct air carbon capture, and Electricity output from the storage technologies is mainly coming
methanizer but working within the storage system after 2040 -, hydro­ from lithium batteries and hydropower sources as it is shown in Fig. 5
power (16%), and CSP (2%). Note that the use of gas grows by a factor of (right). In the year 2050, the ratio between the stored energy delivered
4, showing that for South America it is a bridging technology. Coal- to the grid and the annual total demand is equal to 3%.
based power (only 5% of the total energy share in the region) shows Sub-regional analysis. The installed capacities in the year 2050 by
some generation until the year 2040 (when the phase-out is forced), but region are presented in Fig. 6 (left). Regions like the south, southeast,
its generation already becomes negligible by the year 2030, with plant and northeast of Brazil, as well as Argentina, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, and
factors that seem uneconomic. This could indicate a market-driven coal Colombia install the greatest amount of primary electricity generators
phase-out, with the risk of stranded assets. for solar, wind, and gas, complementing the existing installed capacities
Storage technologies. Fig. 5 (left) shows the required installed ca­ for hydropower. Installed capacities of solar generators have a clear
pacities for the charging devices associated with each storage technol­ dominance in the north, south, and southeast of Brazil, Peru, Ecuador,
ogy. Strong investments in storage reflect the need for flexibility in and Chile; Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay tend to install more wind
highly renewable systems. The most installed storage interface is generators. Produced solar power follows the same pattern of domi­
lithium-ion batteries with the highest share of 78% at the end of the nance in the same sectors where its installed capacity also domains,
design period in 2050. The second most installed capacity interface however, the share is less since the yield of this technology is lower
corresponds to PHES with a relative share of 17%. Fig. 5 (center) shows compared to the other generators. Wind power is produced almost to the

Fig. 5. Installed capacity by charger technology (left), cumulative energy capacity (center), and energy output by discharger (right).

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

Fig. 6. Installed capacities technology-wise in 2050 (left), main cumulative electricity balances until 2050 (center) and installed capacities for transmission lines
(right) in South America in 2050.

same relative share as it is installed in Argentina, Uruguay, and Atlantic corridor spreading from the northeast of Brazil to Buenos Aires,
Paraguay. Hydropower production share becomes important in the that then connects latitudinally to Santiago de Chile. While there also is
northeast, north, and south of Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Colombia a Pacific corridor, it is smaller: 1 GW.
despite smaller installed capacity. System costs. Our model projects total costs (investment and oper­
Fig. 6 (center) shows that the region with the most electricity surplus ation) of 601.7 billion euros, starting in 2020 until the year 2050, for an
is the northeast of Brazil due to its high electricity generation compared interconnected and fully renewable electricity system for South Amer­
to the relatively low power demand. Argentina and Chile, where high ica. This system accounts for the increasing power demand, which we
energy potential for wind and solar sources are available, have both high assumed to grow by 3-fold as mentioned in Section 2.1. Fig. 7 (left)
cumulative electricity surplus during the time horizon. Regions with shows that the greatest contribution to the annualized costs is produced
electricity deficits are the southeast and north of Brazil. (For the rest of by the installments and operation of the power generators (including
the regions, the difference between produced and consumed electricity renewables and gas), followed by the costs related to storing energy.
is rather small, below 30 TWh.) To balance these deficits, strong trans­ Fig. 7 (right) presents the annual electricity costs for the RE system.
mission lines need to be deployed as shown in the right panel of Fig. 6, Electricity costs start at 43.6 €/MWh, reaching their minimum level in
for the year 2050. Recall, that the maximum capacity for interconnec­ 2045 with 30.9 €/MWh and finalizing in 2050 with 31.5 €/MWh. Given
tion lines is equal to 5 GW. These 5 GW lines are deployed forming an that solar and wind technologies predominate in the grid and the costs of

Fig. 7. Annualized electricity costs for the main contributors (left) and levelized electricity costs for existing studies (right, starting in 2020 for comparison porpoises)
in the RE system for South America.

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

these technologies decrease over time, the cost of the generated elec­ by the year 2035. The transition relies mainly on solar PV and wind with
tricity also decreases until 2050 when older technologies are phased out. gas as bridging technology. Brazil, Peru, Chile, and southeast Brazil are
Note that while we forced the phase-out of fossil gas by 2040, the system strong solar producers. Hydropower as a flexibility source is of the same
costs still decreased in 2045, indicating that this assumption will not order as all other storage combined. Li-ion is the most-deployed storage
significantly impact the continent’s electricity costs; however, it in­ technology, supported by pumped hydro in the early years. In terms of
creases by 2% again due to the substantial need for power for producing interconnections, the model recommends a strong Atlantic corridor, a
synthetic methane as a reaction to the still increasing power demand. horizontal Brazil-Argentina-Chile axis, and a smaller Pacific corridor.
Discussion. Solar energy very often constitutes the most important
installed capacity and power generator in fully RE systems around the 3.2. Relevance of higher spatial resolution in energy planning
world. Studies in Europe [47], North America [49], West Asia and
Australia [50], and South America itself [4–5,15] have proved the This section analyses the differences in modeling South America’s
dominance of solar power in future defossilized energy systems. Our electricity system with 1, 16, 30, and 43 nodes. We will discuss the
findings are in line with these results. Regarding storage technologies, differences in terms of installed capacities, generated electricity, total
the same studies reveal the significance of lithium-ion batteries and costs, and electricity costs.
PHES as storage for high shares of renewable energy. Again, our findings Installed capacities. The total installed capacities by the year 2050
are in line with these. for all generators are presented in Fig. 8 (left). All scenarios show
Our results show that a fully renewable energy system will need a comparable installed capacities around 1800 ± 25 GW. The differences,
total of 1743 GW of installed capacity for power generators, producing however, arise in the mix. While the 43-node model recommends 133
4440 TWh/year in 2050, consistent with an average capacity factor of GW of CSP, this capacity decrease to only 15 GW in the 1-node model.
30%. Bogdanov et al. [51] published a global perspective on multi- Wind energy shows the opposite trend, and gas shows variations without
sector RE systems through different regions in which South America a discernible trend. The results between the 30 and 43-nodes models are
would install 2661 GW to produce 5529 TWh/year also in 2050. These very similar. In terms of transmission lines (Fig. 8, right), they range
results are similar despite the low primary power demand in that study between 170 and 230 GW for the models 16 and 43-nodes (with the 1-
because of the assumed increase in efficiency (high level of electrifica­ node model inherently having no transmission lines).
tion associated to LUT’s multisector approach). Quantum et. al [15] Electricity generation. Power generation for each scenario is shown
presented a total installed capacity equal to 499 GW to produce 1800 in Fig. 9 (left). Generation from solar and wind slightly increases when
TWh/year of electricity for South America in 2030; the study of De comparing 43-nodes with 1-node, while decreases by a third. CSP is
Moura et. al [52] needs 770 GW of installed capacities generating 3250 absent in the 1-node model. Power from hydro and coal remains con­
TWh/year of primary energy in 2058 for South America. These last two stant as they have the same installed capacities independent of the
studies however are not fully renewable energy systems and operate spatial resolution. In terms of stored energy over a year, Fig. 9 (right)
with fossil fuels, which impact the total required capacities when they shows that all models except for the 16-node, indicate use of 540 to 690
are compared to our results. TWh per year. Again, the 43-nodes and 30-nodes models show very
Results from [51] suggest a total investment of around 890b€ in 2050 similar results.
related exclusively to the infrastructure for the highly electrified sce­ These results show that the higher spatial resolutions, the better the
nario in South America and it is comparable to our results of 601.7b€, model captures the opportunities for transmission in trade-off with less
considering the mentioned efficiency of the cited study due to its mul­ storage. In other words, a higher-resolved model tilts the balance from
tisector approach. Electricity costs from in the same study also suggest storing local production to exporting it.
an electricity price decrease from 75 €/MWh in 2020 to 38 €/MWh in System costs. Total costs for the different simulated power systems
2050 which are slightly higher than ours (37,3 and 31,5 €/MWh in 2025 based on the spatial resolution are presented in Fig. 10 (left). Modeling
and 2050, respectively). This 20% of difference might well be due to the South America with only one node underestimates the total costs in the
different spatial resolutions and cost assumptions. Ours can capture the system by about 10%. As the spatial resolution increases, more costs in
excellent solar conditions in the deserts of South America (as well as the the system start to be revealed. The scenario with 43 nodes shows a more
required transmission systems). Indeed, our cost results are more similar detailed distribution of the costs within the system with the highest level
to recent studies for Bolivia [19] and Chile [18], both based on renew­ equal to 601.7b€.
able energy sources and with a multisector approach, full sector Similarly, average electricity costs per scenario, Fig. 10 (right), are
coupling, and the latest cost assumptions. The system LCOE in [19] higher when the spatial resolution is higher. Also here, there is very little
decreases from about 41 €/MWh in 2025 to about 33 €/MWh and in [18] difference, less than 1%, between the 43-nodes, and 30-nodes models.
from about 51 €/MWh in 2025 to about 26 €/MWh. Discussion. Different studies have been published, in which the ef­
The simulations for the scenario with high penetration of RE equal to fects of the spatial resolution and number of transmission lines over fully
80% in the grids with a time horizon until 2030 presented in [15] shows renewable energy grids have been assessed. Martínez-Gordón, et al. [20]
a total cost for the system and electricity costs increasing from 42,8 provide a comprehensive literature review on the spatial resolutions of
USD/MWh in 2020 until 64,3 USD/MWh in 2030. This increase in costs energy models. Ref. [21] for instance points out the two main conse­
over time is explained by an increase in fuel prices for the still high quences of reducing the spatial resolution when modeling RE systems:
production of fossil-based energy; it is very clear, however, that these an increase in solar and wind expansion capacity, and a decrease of
prices are the lowest within the modeled scenarios since they come from installed transmission, which indeed is mirrored in our results (Fig. 8).
a setup with the highest share of renewable sources. Previous studies analyzing the spatial resolution [21–22] have also
In terms of storage requirements, diverse studies on fully renewable concluded that energy systems with coarser resolution overestimate the
systems, as synthesized by the review [53] indicate 150 to 400 GW for total costs by up to 10% [22], explained mainly by the oversized ca­
systems with a strong solar share for Europe and 300 to 450 GW for the pacities for solar and wind technologies. In contrast, Fig. 10 shows that
U.S. Our study recommended 200 GW of storage in addition to the 180 the total system costs decrease with lower spatial resolution. This can be
GW of hydropower, totaling a comparable size, 370 GW, for a system explained by differences in clustering; as mentioned in [23], systematic
with a to-expected similar demand by 2050. spatial resolution reductions may differ in their results depending on the
Summary. South America’s electricity transition based on fully equivalent transmission lines and generation capacities in RE systems.
renewable sources is not only technically feasible but also the most cost- Our results might lead us to believe that the model prefers to use more
efficient solution, being aligned with the evidence for other continents. costly, local resources as the spatial resolution increases. Besides, a
Electricity costs should quickly fall to and stabilized around 32 €/MWh higher number of nodes reflects a more realistic electricity exchange

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

Fig. 8. Total installed capacity for power generators (left) and total installed capacity for transmission (right) during the time horizon for the 4 scenarios.

Fig. 9. Total generated electricity (left) and total stored energy (right) for the complete design horizon for all scenarios.

Fig. 10. Total costs for the simulated systems (left) and levelized electricity costs based on the domestic power demand (right), per scenario.

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

across the region, which increases the costs mainly due to the installed hydrogen production in South America when the highest electricity in­
capacities of transmission lines. Saturation points might exist where vestment of 20% is considered; That is mainly explained by the intensive
increasing the interconnectivity between regions, will no longer affect potential for producing solar energy in regions like the Atacama Desert.
the costs in the system to a relevant level [54]. Argentina and the northeast of Brazil also produce considerable amounts
Summary. Modeling the South American system with 30 and 43 of hydrogen explained by high resources of wind and hydropower.
nodes represents no considerable discrepancies. The amount of gener­ Taking a closer look at the time development, Chile starts with a modest
ated power and total costs are almost identical, with differences below production in 2025, if compared to Argentina and Brazil, and only in the
1%. The main individual technologies between the models are also year, 2035 cheaper PV energy allows Chile to become the main exporter.
within 5% of error. The saved computing time when modeling the sys­ It has to be recalled that the hydrogen export chain finalizes after its
tem with 30 nodes would be reduced by 30%, and the memory needs by production, and it remains on-site without considering its final use or
14% (although these values depend on how the clustering of the nodes is destination.
done). On the other hand, modeling the South American power system Costs. Total electricity costs, Fig. 12 (left), clearly increase when
with only 1 or 16 nodes produces errors of as much as 10% in terms of more hydrogen is produced as a consequence of installing more capac­
costs and up to 8% more installed power generator capacities. In some ities. Total costs go up by 6, 9, and 13% respectively. From an average
cases, the recommended sizes can diverge significantly, for example, 16- electricity cost perspective, the costs decrease as more hydrogen is
nodes doubles the installed storage capacity, (versus 43-nodes). 1-node produced, Fig. 12 (right). This reduction becomes more noticeable over
virtually has no CSP capacity and about 30% less gas capacity (versus time. Average electricity costs are reduced by 4%, 5%, and 5% for the
43-nodes). hydrogen scenarios 10, 15, 20%, respectively. This cost decrease can be
explained by hydrogen technologies being a service to the system. The
produced hydrogen allows the system to become more flexible since it
3.3. Hydrogen export implications
serves as a bridging technology.
Discussion. This is the first study applied to South America that
This section will discuss the hydrogen export scenarios, in terms of
evaluates scenarios of H2 production for exporting purposes. Never­
installed capacities, generated electricity, country of hydrogen produc­
theless, Ram et al. [55] have estimated H2 production (and its derivates)
tion, and costs. Besides the results for the simulation of the base case in
from a global perspective; in which South America emerge as one of the
South America with no hydrogen export consideration (Section 3.1), we
key exporters, and, in line with our results, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil
defined three scenarios with increasing hydrogen production ranging
are the main H2 producer countries of this region. According to Bog­
from 10%, 15%, and 20% of (new or on-top) electricity demand destined
danov et al [51], South America H2 production reaches 870 TWh in a
to hydrogen.
fully defossilized energy system by 2050. This means that our result for
Installed capacities and generated electricity. The differences
the 20% hydrogen scenario (800 TWh) would supply about 43% of that
arising in installed capacities between our hydrogen export scenarios
H2 production.
(10, 15, 20%) relative to no hydrogen exports (0%) are shown in Fig. 10
In terms of electricity costs, Fasihi et al. [56] found that in South
(left), with the differences in electricity generation on Fig. 10 (right). For
America H2 based on hybrid PV-wind power plants can be produced
the 10%, 15%, and 20% hydrogen scenarios, the total installed gener­
within a range of 46–33 €/MWh in 2030 and 34–28 €/MWh in 2050. Our
ation capacity increases by 9, 12, and 17% respectively. In terms of
results (36–34 €/MWh and 33–29 €/MWh in 2030 and 2050, respec­
electricity generation, these increments are 9%, 14%, and 19%
tively) are in line with those findings. However, optimized H2 produc­
tion sites based on large-scale solar PV, recent results show that in
As what refers to the technology mix, solar PV is the technology that
Atacama H2 can be produced to 20 €/MWh in 2030 and 10 €/MWh in
takes care of most energy provision for green hydrogen, followed by
2050 [57].
wind, and CSP (although in terms of installed capacities CSP goes before
Reduction in gas technologies within the energy storage when
wind). Installed capacities of hydropower and coal remain constant by
increasing the flexibility of the system has been previously observed.
assumption. Gas installed capacities decreases as more hydrogen is
Bogdanov et al. [58] observed that gas turbines would provide 2% of the
exported. For the scenario with no extra hydrogen production, the
total electricity demand in 2050 as part of the seasonal storage but in an
power-to-gas technology is used to balance the variable renewable en­
energy system with no flexibilities (covering only the power sector).
ergy sources and the inelastic power demand. However, producing more
Afterward, when adding the heating sector to the previously mentioned
hydrogen in the system decreases the need for flexible storage which, for
study [58], it was observed that the gas turbine would reduce its
instance, reduces the of gas technologies.
covering global demand to 0,49% [51].
Fig. 11 (right) reveals that Chile is the most cost-effective region for

Fig. 11. Results related to hydrogen export scenarios.

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

Fig. 12. Differences in costs for the hydrogen scenarios.

Summary. All green hydrogen scenarios can easily be accommo­ are part of the found electricity transition of South America, which we
dated by the electricity system, with most production stemming from see as an excellent basis for system stability. Anecdotic evidence from
solar PV. The electricity production costs drop (on a €/MWh basis) Australia’s system shows how an old conventional system was pushed to
because hydrogen is a load and a flexibility provider. Hence, producing a sound frequency within a couple of months by installing one battery
green hydrogen does not only open a new industry but also allows for a system (which in the year of installation 2018, was the largest battery
cheaper electricity system. Until the year 2030, Chile, Argentina, and system worldwide, but is rather small by current metrics) [68].
the northeast of Brazil are all competing for hydrogen production. But in We leave the model and data open to the energy community to
the years to follow, Chile will have a competitive edge given the ever improve on these and other aspects.
becoming cheaper solar PV systems installed in the Atacama Desert; as
Fasihi et al. [56] and Vartiainen et al. [57] have found. 4. Conclusions and future work

This work aims to fill the gap on (virtually absent) energy transition
3.4. Limitations and outlook strategies for South America. For this purpose, we enhanced and applied
our existing optimization model (LEELO) to South America, and offer
While our work sets a milestone in modeling South America’s elec­ three contributions. First, with the new model (8760 time steps, over 40
tricity transition, models for deriving future strategies permanently nodes, over 30 technologies), we calculated the transition for the elec­
show room for improvement. We envision three lines for future research. tricity sector. In our understanding this is the most complete study to
The first line refers to extending the model to the sectors beyond date on South America. Second, we assessed how varying the spatial
electricity [3,18–19,51]. Concretely, this involves transportation, heat, resolution (from 43 to 30, 16, and 1 nodes) impacts the investment re­
and cold, as well as desalination plants in the water-stressed regions. sults. And third, we evaluated three hydrogen export scenarios, ranging
The second stream we propose is to refine the modeling of the from 10, 15, and 20% of the continent’s electricity demand (besides the
hydrogen production and the hydrogen demand chain [56,59–60]. In base case, 0% hydrogen exports).
the present work, we assumed a hydrogen production with a generic We found that South America’s electricity transition, based on fully
electrolyzer, to be either exported as such or to be re-electrified via a fuel renewable technologies, is not only technically possible (this finding is
cell or gas turbine prior to methanization. In practice, the alternatives aligned with the many studies available for Europe and the U.S.), but
for production and demand are much more complex: think centralized also the most cost-efficient solution: electricity cost should quickly fall
or distributed hydrogen production via a diversity of processes, or de­ below 33 €/MWh, by the year 2035, without the need for further fossil
mand for hydrogen in different forms of e-fuels (liquefied, methane, fuels. The transition relies, in decreasing order, on solar PV, wind, gas
Fischer-Tropsch liquids, or methanol), industries (green steel, e-fertil­ bridging technology, and also some concentrated solar power. Brazil,
izers), and power applications (co-generation, or hydrogen gas Peru, and Chile are strong solar producers. Storage technologies equal
turbines). about 10% of the installed capacity. Li-ion is the most-deployed tech­
The third aspect refers to uncertainties related to large and inter­ nology, supported by pumped hydro in the early years, and the existing
national project infrastructures. Not only face large projects a significant hydropower park. In terms of interconnections, the model recommends
risk of delays and cost overruns [61], but also a strong political risk with a strong Atlantic corridor, a longitudinal Brazil-Argentina-Chile axis,
“not in my term of office” behaviors [62]. Planning for such deep un­ and a smaller Pacific corridor.
certainties strategies that are adaptive (designs that are flexible to be In terms of the different spatial resolutions, the most-resolved model
changed or adapted in the future) or robust (plans that perform well in (43 nodes) revealed 11% and 6% more costs than the one-node and one-
many futures) might be the corresponding next step [63]. node-per-country (16) models, respectively. Also, large differences in
Towards fully renewable systems, one aspect that is often pointed out investments arise: the more-resolved model recommends more concen­
is system stability. While renewable systems are not automatically sta­ trated solar in trade-off with wind power. In contrast, the differences
ble, the so-long feared instability in inertialess systems is unjustified frbetweenhe 43-nodes and 30-nodes models are neglectable in terms of
based on the current scientific evidence. References [64] and [65] show most indicators: total costs, energy storage, and technology mix. Thus,
how virtual or synthetic inertia from batteries is superior in all di­ 30 nodes seem to be an adequate resolution for South America.
mensions to the conventional or mechanic inertia of rotating generators. With the 30-nodes model, we then analyzed the hydrogen export
Further synthetic inertia can be provided by operating wind and solar scenarios. All green hydrogen scenarios (up to 20% of additional
systems in deload [66] and by electrolyzers [67]. All these technologies

A. Galván et al. Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119569

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Further reading
[50] Gulagi A, Bogdanov D, Fasihi M, Breyer C. Can Australia power the energy-hungry
asia with renewable energy? Sustain 2017;9. [69] Satymov R, Bogdanov D, Breyer C. The value of fast transitioning to a fully
[51] Bogdanov D, Ram M, Aghahosseini A, Gulagi A, Oyewo AS, Child M, et al. Low-cost sustainable energy system: the case of Turkmenistan. IEEE Access 2021;9:
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sustainability. Energy 2021;227:120467.


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