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Annual Performance Review (APR)

This is the preparatory sheet for the APR or semi-PR. Later on, the document also serves
as a protocol.

First Name, Surname: Michel Uriel

Date of the APR: 26/3/2020


Document Version: Step 1: Template for employees

This is how you complete the document:

Please fill in the orange marked boxes. There is space on the last page to add extra
notes/adjustments, should the given space not be sufficient.
Your supervisor will then add his/her notes in the grey boxes and take the file into the
The blue marked boxes are filled in together during the performance review.
Please send the PDF back to your supervisor no later than 1 week before the scheduled

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Review Evaluation Development Goals Salary Feedback

1. Review of the past year

What were your main tasks during the past year?

During the past year I was working as series analysis engineer, one of my main
tasks were find issues in the cars that were caused in the production line, for
example loss contacts, issues related with CAN comunication etc... Also i was
supporting in the FIT area, solving problems related with measurement

In your opinion, what went exceptionally well or particularly bad during the past

The most important during the past year was the good teamwork between both
areas, I am sure that we could do a best job together.

The bad was during the beginning I think the communication between german
people and mexican however that was improved during the year, now
everything is working well.

Additional notes by the supervisor

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Evaluation Criteria and Evaluation Scale

The following evaluation scale applies to the performance evaluation. A more detailed
explanation of the individual evaluation criteria can be found in Confluence.

The employee…

The expectations were only fulfilled to a

certain extent. * In some aspect the
did not fully
employee does not fulfil the expectations.
meet the 1 Point
expectations * Or the employee does not fulfil the
expectations continuously

fulfilled the The employee generally meets all

expectations 2 Points
relevant expectations (100%).

The employee exceeds the expectations

exceeded the
in some aspects, or regularly shows 3 Points
above-average performance.

continuously The employee exceeds all requirements

exceeded the at any given time or continuously shows 4 Points
expectations exceptional performance.

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2. Evaluation Reset form
Supervisor checks
relevant criteria

Assessment of your supervisor

The employee …

1. Customer orientation and view of the big picture

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I am a person that I consider myself

with high sense and customer
orientation and offer a good service.

2. Expertise & handling of knowledge

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I have extensive experience in vehicle

electrical and electronic systems, however
more work is needed to improve.

3. Work results & quality awareness

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

accustomed to working under results

and meeting company objectives

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Review Evaluation Development Goals Salary Feedback

Assessment of your supervisor
The employee …

4. Sense of Responsibility & independence

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I am quite responsible in my work

tasks, I try to meet expectations to
offer good customer service.

5. Ability to communicate, ability to present, expressiveness and appearance

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I usually communicate efficiently on

the topic that is being discussed is
one of my skills.

6. Motivation & dedication

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I usually motivate myself and make sense of my

work tasks, however there are times when I am
usually very susceptible to occasions that may
discourage me.

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Assessment of your supervisor
The employee …

7. Ability to work in a team & to integrate

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I like to work with people and

together achieve the goals set by the

8. Ability to work under pressure

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I have met all my goals set in time.

9. Flexibility & willingness to change

Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully Continously Exceeded the Fulfilled the Did not fully
exceeded the expectations expectations meet the exceeded the expectations expectations meet the
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I like changes to improve as a person

and give better direction to the

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3. Your Development

Which of your qualifications, skills and qualities would you like to improve?

maybe I could improve my leadership because I feel that can do more for the

What ideas and wishes do you have for your professional development?

I would like to create plan for my professional development in a long therm.

develop a plan as cordinator.

Skills BCS

I have actualised my BCS skills.

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Review Evaluation Development Goals Salary Feedback

4. Goals

Goals set during the last interview Goals reached since the last interview

Support FIT area All the task were solved.

Solving problems analysis area

Your ideas for new goals

I would like to get some training about measurement equipment for example
how to make the necessary connections or how to diagnose. also i would like to
learn how to flas a car.

New goals (established together) Implementation till

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Review Evaluation Development Goals Salary Feedback

5. Salary Agreement Only for APRs, not for „conversation
at the end of probationary period”

Average rating from the assessment

0 Average rating of the employee

0 Average rating of the supervisor

Will the salary be changed?


Current yearly salary:

New yearly salary:

The changes are valid as of:

Next annual performance review:

Comments regarding the salary agreement

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Review Evaluation Development Goals Salary Feedback

6. Your Feedback

Do you have suggestions, ideas or feedback about the daily work in your project
or within your team?

No at the moment

Do you have specific suggestions or feedback to your executives?

(team leader, project leader)

No at the moment

Here is room for everything else you would like to mention. Do you have any
suggestions, criticisms, praise or suggestions for improvement?

I would like to suggets that the company should offer more benefits for the

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Review Evaluation Development Goals Salary Feedback

Additional notes by the supervisor

Additional notes

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