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Lesson 1


 Read aloud this conversation:

Tony: Would you like to do something with me this Saturday?

Susan: Like what?
Tony: Oh, I don’t know. I like lots of different things. We could go
Susan: Oh, I used to dance a lot. But I don’t know any of the new
steps. What else would you like to do?
Tony: How about dinner and a movie?
Susan: Oh, I’m on a diet. And I don’t see many movies. But I like to
listen to music.
Tony: I know a little club where they play live jazz music. They even
let people in the audience jam with them sometimes.
Susan: Great! What time will you pick me up on Saturday?
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 New words:
on a diet : đang ăn kiêng
audience (n) : khán giả
jam (v) : tham gia
pick up (v) : đón

 Note: Useful expressions of starting an opinion:

I would say that… Well, I think that…

In my viewpoint… In my opinion…
As you all know… In my point of view…

 Read aloud this passage:

People have different attitudes toward living. Some seek

self-oriented happiness, without any consideration for others. To
them, happiness means wielding political or economic power over

Other people believe that the first step to attaining

happiness is to restrict personal desire. Priests, monks and nuns are
the most common representatives of this group.

A third group consists of very ordinary people. They have no

great wealth or political authority. They treasure their families; they
value the little things of everyday life.

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 New words:
attitude (n) : thái độ
self-oriented (adj) : xem trọng bản thân
wield (v) : thi hành
attain (v) : đạt được
restrict (v) : hạn chế
desire (n) : ước muốn
priest (n) : linh mục
monk (n) : thầy tăng
nun (n) : nữ tu sĩ
representative (n) : đại diện
wealth (n) : của cải
authority (n) : uy quyền
treasure (v) : quý trọng

 Discussion:
1. What type of social activities do you engage in?
2. What would you think about becoming a priest, monk or
3. How do you spend your free time? Do you prefer spending it
alone or with friends?
4. Have you ever done any volunteer work?
5. Do you think the quality of your life is improving or getting
6. How do you relieve your stress?
7. Do you think you are happy? Why or why not?

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