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ACCT3031 Summative Assignment 2020/21 Guidance Notes

A gentle reminder: this is an essay assignment not a report so:-

 Structure into sections (part of your grade will be based on structure organisation and
 Avoid using bullet points
 References should be formatted according to DU referencing guide
 Drawing on a broad range of sources will be to your advantage providing they are relevant
 Better to avoid using ‘wiki’s’ though
 Keep within word limit (1,500 words)
 Word limit excludes references and any tables and/or diagrams, if used
 Part of your grade will be based on the ‘conclusions’ section so ensure that this is apt and
well-reasoned in light of the preceding critical discussion.
 This is not intended to be a case study of one particular company. However you may
optionally wish to refer to real world examples of companies e.g. to illustrate types of
business models.


The assignment brief is clear but you may wish to bear in mind some of the following (not

 Define and conceptually contextualise the approach you are required to critically analyse i.e.
stakeholder-based; triple bottom-line (TBL) etc.
 Briefly, define, contextualise and explain how accounting for tech companies may differ from
traditional companies
 Appraise the adequacy of the approach in question (and you may wish to consider any
relevant performance measurement techniques/guides which may be predicated on the
above approach as examples) in terms of achieving the TBL results addressing environmental
and ethical concerns, particularly relating to tech companies.

N.B. If there are any individual queries regarding the assignment which may be helpful to other
students, I shall publish Q and A details on the ‘Announcements’ section on duo.

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