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‘TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs. PAPER: A (Introduction to IT and Computer Programming) _ MAX. MARKS: 70 ofthe remaining THREE questions in Part and PartIl, For objective te questions (Queston#Land Overon#), you donot need to writ he Suet ‘atoments Vou are only required fo write he part umber (e.g 1, 2,3, et) and your selected anges Inter (og, A oc B or Cor D) aguas it. Cfting andlor overwriting shold be avoided. You must provide answers to dhe question inthe sequence (rom 10 15) PAR’ troduction to Information Te jax. Marks. 35 41 Doall parts inthis question) ) 1. Which of te ftlowing memory type store insructon that ep the computes sap? (AyCache memory (B) Harddisk (C)RAM @yROM 2, Which ofthe fllowing is ot part of CPU? (alu (B) Control Unit (C)Mrin Memory (D) Registers 3, Ina computer, mos ofthe processing takes place in (a)Hard disk @RM (©)Motherbourd— ()CPU 4, Which ofthe fllowing isthe smallest unit of storage? (ANKilobye (B)Megsbyte — (C)Gigsbye———) Tenbyte 5A. an perform both input and output functions (yTnekball (B)Microphone (C)TouehSereen_(D) Scarer 6, Which ofthe fllowing i not an output device? (a)Seanner (©) Printer () Speaker @)Ploter 71. Light pen ad joystick are (ApAlgodthms (B) Input devices (C)Ouputdevices (D) Portas 8. __primter isthe cheapest in tems of price and operating cos. Adinkjt @) Laser (©) Teemal (©) Dot matix 9. {ste smallest element in an electronic display aye wit (OPixeL (©) Character 10,__consiats ofthe programs that contol or maintain the operations ofthe computer end its ‘devices. (a)System software (© Baterprise software (@)A eeaphical user imertace (GUD, (©) Application software 1, Which ofthe followings not an operting system? (Windows (B) Unix (© Anco’ @)Oncle 12, DSL stands for (ApDigitl Subserber Line (©) Dynamic Storage Link (©) Digial Storage Link (©) Digial Sum Loop 13,_____ isthe process of tensferrng documents, grapes, and other objet from your compute 0 ‘eever on he Intervet. (ayDownlonding —_—(B) Uploading (©) Blogging_—_(D) Sori networking 14 The components of «domain name are separted by (a)Commas (B)Pesods (©)Colons (0) Semicolons S.A. {san agreed-upon forma for transiting data between two devices. (AoProwpology ——()Pprowplasm — (C)Prewrype_—_() Frotecot (00.2; Whats computer bu? Explain diferent types of buses usd in compute ao ‘043: Ditferentiate between the following: @Seach) 3) Desitop computer and mobile computer 1) lempect and Non-impact piers 6) Static and dynamic web peue PTO. (8) Blog sod Portal 4+ Wat isthe value of an ntger vaisble x after the stement x= 44(649/) is exceed (ayia ns o27 ps 2. Let A~15,B~20, then the expression (A> 18) OR NOT(B=24) evaluates o AT (8) False 3+ Whats the value ofx after the following statement ae executed? Dim x As ateger= 10 x==20 wo 20 ©» ow 4 ‘sa tool used in form window for growpng th option buton. Fame (6) Group Olabe ©) Shape 5. Which of the following is not valid mame ofa vrabe in VB? Ayinwcount —(B)_year (Olaatia Dx 6. Aneventis a(n (A)Actvity perfomed by computer regulaly (© Block of code ina program (©) Function tht excoutes automatically @)None 7. The folowing methods remove an item from a ist box: (ApRemove —(B)Removeat —_() Delete ()Both A snd B keywords sedi a parameter declaration 1 specify that the argument is pase by vale, ByVal BV ©Value (@)AsValoe (a)size @) Leng (©Blements ——_(D) NumbeElements 10. combines the features of the ext box and list bax. (A)Pictue box Checkbox (C)Combo box (0) Mesage box ‘1A no itm is selected in ist box, then Slectedindex = ao @r ©4 nu 12 You assign an accesskey to bution through. property. (A)AccessKey (B) AccesButon (C) Mnemonic (DyText 13, The following type of lop evalustes its test expression afer each iteration. (Outer B) Pretest (©Postes @ptorest 14. __isacommand used to come out ofthe loop. (Ajeontinve (8) break ou ent Is, ‘method erases al tems from a ist box (EM Clear (Oem Remove (D) tems Removelten QEGE, Wit a VB 6 progam to design a simple ealulor. The application has two TextBox contol, nich you enter numbers. Thee are butions for addon, subtraction, mliplicaion end arvana Mi you cick oe ofthese buttons, the application performs a math operon tang te too whos

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