Bahasa Inggris Kelompok 6

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INDRA KUSBIANTO (12120513001)
MURNIATI (12120522998)



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Praise be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for the blessings of health and the
opportunity so that we can complete the preparation of a paper with the title
"Developing Good Paragraph". Sholawat and may always be poured out to the
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, his family of friends.
This paper was created to fulfill one of the assignments for the Economics
Paragraph course. In writing this we feel there are still many shortcomings, both
in writing and material. For this reason, criticism and suggestions from all parties
are expected to improve the writing of this paper.
We would like to thank Mrs. Asmarika, M.Pd as a lecturer in the English
Languange course who has given this assignment so that it can increase
knowledge and insight. Thanks also to friends who have participated in the
creation and completion of this paper.
Hopefully this paper can be useful and become a source of knowledge for
readers. And if in the making of this paper there are shortcomings, the reader may
be able to understand it. Finally, with humility, criticism and suggestions are very
much appreciated. That is all and thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Pekanbaru, 14



FOREWORD .................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................2
CHAPTER I....................................................................................................3
A. Background.....................................................................................3
B. Formulation of Problem..................................................................4
C. Purpose...........................................................................................4
CHAPTER II...................................................................................................5
A. Topic Sentence................................................................................5
B. Supporting Sentence.......................................................................6
C. Concluding Sentence......................................................................6
D. Unity...............................................................................................7
E. Coherence.......................................................................................8
F. Cohesion.........................................................................................9
CHAPTER III.................................................................................................10
A. Conclusion......................................................................................10
B. Suggestion.......................................................................................10


A. Background
It is often forgotten the difference between a paragraph and a sentence. A
sentence in writing does not stand alone, but links in other sentences that form a
paragraph, a paragraph is a small piece of an essay that builds a unit of thought as
the message conveyed by the author in the essay. Paragraph or paragraph is a form
of language which is usually the result of combining several sentences.
In an effort to collect several sentences into paragraphs, what needs to be
considered is unity and coherence. Unity means that all sentences in a paragraph
talk about one idea (single idea). Cohesion means that all sentences in the
paragraph are compact, interrelated to support the single idea of the paragraph. In
reality, sometimes we find paragraphs consisting of only one sentence, and it is
indeed possible. However, in this discussion the form of such a paragraph is
considered an exception because in addition to its less ideal form from a
compositional perspective, such paragraphs are rarely used in scientific writings.
Paragraphs are needed to express broader ideas from the point of view of
composition, discussion of paragraphs has actually entered the area of discourse
or a simple formal essay because it may only consist of one paragraph. So,
without the ability to compose paragraphs, it is impossible for someone to realize
an essay.
(Perbedaan antara paragraf dan kalimat sering dilupakan. Sebuah kalimat dalam
tulisan tidak berdiri sendiri, melainkan menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat lain
yang membentuk sebuah paragraf, paragraf adalah bagian kecil dari sebuah
karangan yang membangun suatu kesatuan pemikiran sebagai pesan yang
disampaikan oleh penulis dalam karangan tersebut. Paragraf atau paragraf
adalah suatu bentuk bahasa yang biasanya merupakan hasil penggabungan
beberapa kalimat.
Dalam upaya menyusun beberapa kalimat menjadi paragraf, yang perlu
diperhatikan adalah kesatuan dan koherensi. Kesatuan artinya semua kalimat
dalam suatu paragraf berbicara tentang satu gagasan (single idea). Kohesi
artinya semua kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut kompak, saling terkait untuk
mendukung satu gagasan paragraf. Pada kenyataannya, terkadang kita
menemukan paragraf yang hanya terdiri dari satu kalimat, dan itu memang
mungkin. Namun, dalam pembahasan ini bentuk paragraf semacam itu dianggap
pengecualian karena selain bentuknya yang kurang ideal dari segi komposisi,
paragraf semacam itu jarang digunakan dalam karya tulis ilmiah.

Paragraf diperlukan untuk mengungkapkan gagasan yang lebih luas dari segi
komposisi, pembahasan paragraf sebenarnya sudah masuk wilayah wacana atau
karangan formal sederhana karena mungkin hanya terdiri dari satu paragraf.
Jadi, tanpa kemampuan menyusun paragraf, mustahil seseorang dapat
mewujudkan sebuah karangan.)

B. Formulation of the problem

Based on this background, the formulation of the problem in making this paper
is :
1. What is topic sentence?
2. What is supporting sentence?
3. What is concluding sentence?
4. What is unity?
5. What is coherence?
6. What is cohesion?

C. Purpose
Based on the background and formulation of the problem, the objectives of this
paper are:
1. To find out about paragraphs or paragraphs in general that are often used
in writing activities.
2. To find out things related to the paragraph or paragraph itself, ranging
from the requirements of a paragraph or to various forms of paragraphs or
paragraphs based on the type or technique of exposure.


A. Topic Sentence
Beginning a paragraph with a topic sentence is one of the best ways to
achieve clarity and unity in one's writing. The function of a topic sentence is to
describe what the paragraph will be about, such that the reader has clear
expectations about what will follow. An effective topic sentence typically contains
only one main idea. The remainder of the paragraph then develops that idea more
fully, offering supporting points and examples. After reading a topic sentence, one
should be able to anticipate the type of information contained in the rest of the
paragraph. If the remainder of the paragraph does not fulfill the "promise" of the
topic sentence, the paragraph will lack unity, coherence and adequate
Example :
"The cockroaches that inhabit many city apartments and homes are parasites that
are almost impossible to exterminate completely."
Notice that this sentence clearly identifies that the key topic of the paragraph is
cockroaches. It also indicates what the remainder of the paragraph will discuss:
the difficulty of exterminating cockroaches. The reader can then expect the rest of
the paragraph to explain how and why cockroaches are difficult to eliminate1.
(Memulai paragraf dengan kalimat topik adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk
mencapai kejelasan dan kesatuan dalam tulisan seseorang. Fungsi kalimat topik
adalah untuk menggambarkan tentang apa paragraf itu, sehingga pembaca
memiliki harapan yang jelas tentang apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya. Kalimat
topik yang efektif biasanya hanya berisi satu gagasan utama. Sisa paragraf
kemudian mengembangkan gagasan itu lebih lengkap, menawarkan poin dan
contoh pendukung. Setelah membaca kalimat topik, seseorang harus dapat
mengantisipasi jenis informasi yang terkandung dalam sisa paragraf. Jika sisa
paragraf tidak memenuhi "janji" kalimat topik, paragraf tersebut akan
kekurangan kesatuan, koherensi, dan pengembangan yang memadai.
Contoh :
"Kecoak yang menghuni banyak apartemen dan rumah kota adalah parasit yang
hampir mustahil untuk dibasmi sepenuhnya."
Perhatikan bahwa kalimat ini dengan jelas mengidentifikasi bahwa topik utama
paragraf tersebut adalah kecoak. Ini juga menunjukkan apa yang akan dibahas di
sisa paragraf: kesulitan membasmi kecoak. Pembaca kemudian dapat

mengharapkan sisa paragraf untuk menjelaskan bagaimana dan mengapa kecoak
sulit dibasmi)

B. Supporting Sentence
Supporting sentence is a sentence with information that supports a main
idea or claim. You will find supporting sentences in the middle of a paragraph –
after the topic sentence, and before a concluding sentence or transition.2
Example :
Oatmeal has become a healthy food option for many people. This is because
oatmeal has many positive benefits for our health. Some studies show by
eating oatmeal regularly, it will help to reduce the risk of heart disease, high
blood sugar level and can help us to lose weight.
The part in bold is the supporting sentence in this paragraph. While those that are
not in bold are the topic sentence
(Kalimat pendukung adalah kalimat dengan informasi yang mendukung gagasan
utama atau klaim. Anda akan menemukan kalimat pendukung di tengah paragraf
– setelah kalimat topik, dan sebelum kalimat penutup atau transisi.
Contoh :
Oatmeal telah menjadi pilihan makanan sehat bagi banyak orang. Hal ini karena
oatmeal memiliki banyak manfaat positif bagi kesehatan kita. Beberapa penelitian
menunjukkan dengan makan oatmeal secara teratur, akan membantu mengurangi
risiko penyakit jantung, kadar gula darah tinggi dan dapat membantu kita
menurunkan berat badan.
Bagian yang dicetak tebal adalah kalimat pendukung dalam paragraf ini.
Sedangkan yang tidak dicetak tebal adalah kalimat topik)
C. Concluding Sentence
A concluding sentence is the last sentence in a stand-alone paragraph or in
a paragraph that is part of an essay. The significance of a concluding sentence is
that it is the last sentence in the paragraph that the reader will read3
Example :
Global trade can also reduce international conflict and war. It may not make
intuitive sense at first glance, but think about it for a moment. Global trade creates
long-term mutually beneficial relationships or a symbiosis. If you start a war with


someone who provides you needed goods, such as wheat or oil, you may have just
shot yourself in the foot. In other words, global trade cultivates cooperation
rather than conflict.
The last sentence in bold is the concluding sentence.
(Kalimat penutup adalah kalimat terakhir dalam paragraf yang berdiri sendiri
atau paragraf yang merupakan bagian dari esai. Arti dari kalimat penutup adalah
kalimat terakhir dalam paragraf yang akan dibaca oleh pembaca
Contoh :
Perdagangan global juga dapat mengurangi konflik dan perang internasional. Ini
mungkin tidak masuk akal secara intuitif pada pandangan pertama, tetapi
pikirkan sejenak. Perdagangan global menciptakan hubungan jangka panjang
yang saling menguntungkan atau simbiosis. Jika Anda memulai perang dengan
seseorang yang menyediakan barang-barang yang Anda butuhkan, seperti
gandum atau minyak, Anda mungkin baru saja menembak kaki Anda sendiri.
Dengan kata lain, perdagangan global memupuk kerja sama daripada konflik.
Kalimat terakhir yang dicetak tebal adalah kalimat penutup).

D. Unity

Unity refers to the extent to which all of the ideas contained within a given
paragraph "hang together" in a way that is easy for the reader to understand. When
the writer changes to a new idea -- one which is not consistent with the topic
sentence of the paragraph -- the writer should begin a new paragraph. Unity is
important because it aids the reader in following along with the writer's ideas. The
reader can expect that a given paragraph will deal only with one main topic; when
a new paragraph begins, this signals that the writer is moving on to a new topic.
Consider the following example. Note that there are two main ideas presented in
this paragraph. The topic sentence indicates that the paragraph will deal with the
subject of "employees' attitudes," but the paragraph shifts unexpectedly to the
topic of "management's attitudes." 4To achieve unity in this paragraph, the writer
should begin a new paragraph when the switch is made from employees to

Example :
“Employees’ attitudes at Jonstone Electric Company should be improved. The
workers do not feel that they are a working team instead of just individuals. If
people felt they were a part of a team, they would not misuse the tools, or
deliberately undermine the work of others. Management’s attitude toward its

employees should also be improved. Managers at Jonstone Electric act as though
their employees are incapable of making decisions or doing their own work.
Managers treat workers like objects, not human beings.”
(Kesatuan mengacu pada sejauh mana semua ide yang terkandung dalam
paragraf tertentu "bersatu" dengan cara yang mudah dipahami pembaca. Ketika
penulis mengubah ide baru - ide yang tidak sesuai dengan kalimat topik paragraf
- penulis harus memulai paragraf baru. Kesatuan itu penting karena membantu
pembaca mengikuti ide-ide penulis. Pembaca dapat berharap bahwa paragraf
yang diberikan hanya akan membahas satu topik utama; ketika paragraf baru
dimulai, ini menandakan bahwa penulis pindah ke topik baru. Perhatikan contoh
berikut. Perhatikan bahwa ada dua gagasan utama yang disajikan dalam
paragraf ini. Kalimat topik menunjukkan bahwa paragraf tersebut akan
membahas topik "sikap karyawan", tetapi paragraf tersebut tiba-tiba bergeser ke
topik "sikap manajemen". Untuk mencapai kesatuan dalam paragraf ini, penulis
harus memulai paragraf baru ketika peralihan dilakukan dari karyawan ke
Contoh :
“Sikap karyawan di Jonstone Electric Company harus ditingkatkan. Para pekerja
tidak merasa bahwa mereka adalah tim kerja, bukan hanya individu. Jika orang
merasa mereka adalah bagian dari tim, mereka tidak akan menyalahgunakan
alat, atau dengan sengaja merusak pekerjaan orang lain. Sikap manajemen
terhadap karyawannya juga harus ditingkatkan. Manajer di Jonstone Electric
bertindak seolah-olah karyawan mereka tidak mampu membuat keputusan atau
melakukan pekerjaan mereka sendiri. Manajer memperlakukan pekerja seperti
objek, bukan manusia.”)
E. Coherence
Coherence refers to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph is
easily understood by the reader. For this reason, coherence is closely related to
unity. When a writer changes main ideas or topics within a paragraph, confusion
often results. To achieve coherence, then, a writer should show how all of the
ideas contained in a paragraph are relevant to the main topic5.
Example :
"Schools should offer courses to help students with the problems of
unemployment. Such a course might begin with a discussion of where to find
employment, then cover resume writing and interviewing. Algebra and history
don't help students with real-world needs. They are required courses that students
aren't interested in, and this is frustrating for students who would rather learn


about other subjects. If schools offered job-skills courses, students would be well
prepared for the difficult task of finding a job once they finish school."

(Koherensi mengacu pada sejauh mana aliran ide dalam paragraf mudah
dipahami oleh pembaca. Oleh karena itu, koherensi erat kaitannya dengan
persatuan. Ketika seorang penulis mengubah ide atau topik utama dalam sebuah
paragraf, kebingungan sering terjadi. Untuk mencapai koherensi, maka, seorang
penulis harus menunjukkan bagaimana semua ide yang terkandung dalam sebuah
paragraf relevan dengan topik utama.

Contoh :
"Sekolah harus menawarkan kursus untuk membantu siswa dengan masalah
pengangguran. Kursus semacam itu mungkin dimulai dengan diskusi tentang di
mana mencari pekerjaan, kemudian mencakup penulisan resume dan wawancara.
Aljabar dan sejarah tidak membantu siswa dengan kebutuhan dunia nyata.
Mereka adalah kursus wajib yang tidak diminati siswa, dan ini membuat frustrasi
siswa yang lebih suka belajar tentang mata pelajaran lain. Jika sekolah
menawarkan kursus keterampilan kerja, siswa akan sangat siap untuk tugas sulit
mencari pekerjaan setelah mereka menyelesaikan sekolah .")

F. Cohesion
Cohesion concerns the flow of sentences and paragraphs from one to
another. It involves the tying together of old information and new. When we write
academic essays, particularly in the humanities, we work hard to foster cohesion
structurally, which enhances a reader's understanding of our ideas.
(Kohesi menyangkut aliran kalimat dan paragraf dari satu ke yang lain. Ini
melibatkan pengikatan informasi lama dan baru. Ketika kami menulis esai
akademik, khususnya dalam humaniora, kami bekerja keras untuk mendorong
kohesi secara struktural, yang meningkatkan pemahaman pembaca tentang ide-
ide kami).

A. Conclusion
Paragraph is a set of sentences that talk about an idea or topic. The sentences
in a paragraph show unity of mind or have a relationship in forming the idea or
topic. And in a paragraph there are topic sentences/main sentences, and
explanatory/supporting sentences.
(Paragraf adalah kumpulan kalimat yang membicarakan suatu gagasan atau
topik. Kalimat-kalimat dalam sebuah paragraf menunjukkan kesatuan pikiran
atau memiliki hubungan dalam membentuk ide atau topik. Dan dalam sebuah
paragraf terdapat kalimat topik/kalimat utama, dan kalimat penjelas/pendukung).
B. Suggestion
Preferably in the preparation of paragraphs must use the rules that have been
agreed upon, because there are still many people who write a paragraph that the
discourse does not follow the rules in writing a good and correct paragraph

(Sebaiknya dalam penyusunan paragraf harus menggunakan kaidah-kaidah yang

telah disepakati bersama, karena masih banyak orang yang menulis paragraf
yang wacananya tidak mengikuti kaidah dalam penulisan paragraf yang baik dan



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